Is That Smell Around Obama From The Illinois Sewer?

Governor Rod Blagojevich’s public exposure of the crime in Illinois politics has given us insight into the mind of the liberals who supported Barack Obama. When Patrick Fitzgerald was going strong in the Valerie Plame case the liberals were like sharks in bloody water. They could not wait to see what he had to say about George Bush and the people around him. They had orgasms thinking about Bush administration officials being frog marched out in chains. The heavy activity happened around Christmas and the liberals were calling it a “Merry Fitzmas.” Fitzgerald knew who disclosed Plame’s not so secret identity in the first three days but he ignored that and kept going. He finally got Scooter Libby on perjury though if the investigation had stopped when Fitzgerald had discovered the “leak”, Libby would never have been convicted.

Now, Fitzgerald is hot and heavy in Governor Blago’s crimes and though it is around Christmas there is little of the Merry Fitzmas feeling going around, at least on the left.

Blago is accused of trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder. Blago is upset that he was arrested because he figures he could have gotten top dollar for the seat since Obama hardly used it. The extent of the corruption is unknown at this time but speculation is that it reaches far into the Obama circle of advisers. The left refuses to believe that Obama or his people were aware of any of this and cite Fitzgerald’s statement as proof. Fitzgerald said:

“…there’s no reference in the complaint to any conversation involving the president-elect or indicating that the president-elect was aware of it.” Media Matters

The liberal media, that went absolutely nuts in convicting Bush officials in the Plame affair (in the court of public opinion), are quick to point out Fitzgerald’s words as proof that Obama is not involved. The truth is, Fitzgerald only said that there is no reference to any Obama involvement in the complaint. That does not mean Obama was or was not involved, it only means that any involvement he might or might not have is not mentioned in the complaint against Blago. This parsing of words has escaped the left just as Clinton’s parsed words did for eight long years. Obama came from the sewer that is Illinois politics and he certainly has a few turds stuck to him.

Despite the media’s interpretation of Fitzgerald’s words, there is evidence that at least some in Obama’s circle are involved. Whether Obama is or not remains to be seen but he will be as protected now as he was when he was campaigning. Michelle Obama is referred to on page 64 of the indictment. There is an indication that Blago spoke with someone representing Obama and the fact that Blago knew that Obama would not pay to play begs the question of how he knew it without speaking to someone.

There was speculation that Rahm Emanuel was the one who turned Blago in but this appears to be a ruse to cover actual involvement. The tough guy ballerina has tap danced around this issue because there is indication that he spoke with Blago on behalf of Obama. Obama said that he was shocked at what happened and that he would not comment on the issues until an internal investigation was completed to find out what his people knew but assured everyone that none of them were involved. How does he know this if the investigation has not been completed. It would have been much wiser for Obama to say he had confidence that no one was involved but that he did not know for sure and was looking into it. If it turns out that one of his people was involved, Obama will be seen as a liar.

Well, he might not by the media who will excuse it as someone doing something behind his back. Obama cannot be allowed to fail and he cannot be held to the same standards the left and its media wing demanded of George Bush. Chris Matthews has already told us that it was his job to ensure Obama succeeds. How objective does anyone think he will really be? Hell, the media have already called the Blago incident fodder for the right wing smear machine. The left would never do that. No, just ask DeLay, Foley, Bush, Rove, Libby, etc…

Jesse Jackson Jr, son of a race baiting poverty pimp and so called civil rights aficionado by the same name, was mentioned in the indictment as well. He was candidate #5 for the Senate seat and the one Blago felt was willing to play the game. Jr has stated that he was not involved in any pay to play scheme but he has retained a lawyer. Jackson Sr stated that he was not an emissary mentioned in the indictment and that he was not involved. Sr has been involved in countless shake down schemes throughout his career so it is not inconceivable that he was working to get his son a Senate seat. All this takes away from Obama and what he did or did not know, which is the key.

You see, the left loves to ask that question. What did [insert Republican name here] know and when did he know it? The same standard needs to be applied to Obama and we deserve straight answers. The public deserves a media that will go after this story with the same fervor it demonstrated in the Plame case.

It is interesting that these issues are rearing their ugly heads before the anointed one even takes office but certainly not unexpected from those who paid attention to more than the liberal media.

I think that Obama is tangentially involved in this issue and that he has other political misdeeds that might come to light. Rahm Emanuel is certainly involved in all this and when the full breadth of this investigation is known, he might be an embarrassment to The One.

In any event, this is not some rendition of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy as those on the left would have people believe. This is an issue that is the result of the corruption that permeates Illinois politics and that corruption, at this time, is full of Democrats who have connections to the illegitimate so to be president elect.

Is there any doubt that the next 4 years will be full of scandals?

The number might make the Clinton scandals pale in comparison…

Obama; Change we can believe in or no change from the corruption that raised him? Does anyone believe that as far and wide as corruption extends in Illinois, that some of the many Illinois insiders Obama has around him are not tainted? Does anyone believe Obama grew up in that atmosphere and left unscathed?

At least he has a reason to sneak a cigarette…

Chicago Sun Times
My Way News
My Way News (2)

Big Dog

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