When Is It OK To Be A Rape Victim?

In 1990 Republican Clayton “Claytie” Williams of Texas made a joke involving rape by comparing it to the weather:

As long as it’s inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it.

It was distasteful when it was said and people expressed as much when he was defeated in his bid to become Governor of Texas. The words came back to life in 2008 when Williams hosted an event for John McCain. The left, well known for selective outrage, wondered if McCain would return campaign donations associated with Williams. The association game the left played had already forced McCain to cancel his attendance at a fundraiser held at Williams’ home.

Game? The left was so worried about associations that it jumped all over McCain for something that Williams said nearly two decades earlier while ignoring or defending the Obama associations with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and a long list of other anti American radicals. Associations only matter when they are the ones Republicans have. Williams told an awful and insensitive joke, Ayers blew up the Pentagon and murdered people. McCain’s association with Williams is the one that garnered opposition from the left.

The Democratic Underground commented on the issue at the time.

Even though the joke by Williams was distasteful he only expressed the feelings of liberals when it comes to people protecting themselves.

In Washington, DC the elected officials were discussing people exercising their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The politicians in DC feel that carrying a weapon to protect one’s self only escalates a situation and that the best thing people can do is give criminals what they want and though you might get injured you will heal and your stuff can be replaced.

In other words, they think that if it is inevitable you might as well enjoy it.

I am obviously not a woman but I think that any woman who is faced with being raped should do what every person faced with crime should do. FIGHT. I would rather die fighting for what is right and what belongs to me than to live as a coward who gave in to criminals but this is what liberal politicians want us to do. They are so entrenched in a victim mentality they want us all to be victims.

I am not wired that way and neither are the people I know.

Claytie Williams was wrong on several levels when he made his insensitive remark in 1990.

If the weather is inevitable you prepare for it. If it is going to be hot and sunny you get sunscreen, if it is going to be cold you get a coat and if it is going to rain you carry an umbrella. In other words, you make sure you are prepared for the challenge presented.

The same applies to rape or any other crime. If you are able to exercise your Constitutional right then you have the ability, or you are prepared, in case someone tries to make you a crime victim. You might hope it does not rain but you carry an umbrella just in case. You pray never to be a crime victim but you carry a gun just in case.

But to a liberal it somehow makes more sense for a woman to be found bound, gagged, throat slit, and raped than for her to be explaining to the police how the dead criminal got a bunch of bullet holes in him.

Maybe if we are not allowed to carry a gun and become a crime victim we should be allowed to exact revenge on the politician who felt it was better for us to be harmed than to defend ourselves.

Better yet. what say we forbid any politician who thinks this way from buying a gun or obtaining a permit to carry one and we remove that politician’s protective detail. We can include Obama and we can remove the police at the Capitol who screen people entering the building.

I mean, wouldn’t it be better if these politicians just surrendered to any criminal rather than drawing a weapon or having the police draw weapons?

That might escalate the situation.

This is one of the many reasons liberalism/progressivism is a mental disorder.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Occupy The STD Clinics

Looks like the Occupy Wall Street folks are getting their (in the words of the NYP) “freak on” in the style of their 1960s ancestors and their free love protests. The nasty OWS law breakers have been having a lot of sex and there has been a run on the STD clinic. The OWS love machines have been getting handouts of money so they can clog up the local clinic that is in place to help the poor (or underserved, as they are called).

Imagine that. A bunch of poor people have to stand outside and wait forever to be seen for their illnesses because the OWS mob is clogging up the clinic to be seen for the STDs they contracted through lifestyle choices.

The OWS crowd that has been complaining about the homeless and other poor people infiltrating them and eating their food should remember this the next time they want to complain. Their life choices are not only hurting them but others as well.

Wait a minute…

Can’t we apply this on a larger scale? These folks are protesting because there are wealthy people and they are not part of that group. They want to take what others have. They want free education and debt forgiven. They want others to be responsible for them. They want the property of other people and they want to live off the government (the people who pay taxes). They claim that they want those who allegedly broke the law leading to the economic collapse to be prosecuted and they will demonstrate their distaste for the lawbreakers by…wait for it…breaking the law themselves.

They basically are unhappy with their lives and want to be taken care of no matter who else it bothers.

Kind of like engaging in casual, unprotected sex with strangers and getting a disease and then inconveniencing others because of it. I wonder if taxpayer dollars support that clinic and if so, how much is wasted because of this.

Personally, I don’t care if consenting adults want to engage in sex. That is their business. So long as they are not out raping people (as has been reported quite a bit) and so long as they are not doing it in public then they can do what they want.

But I would expect that these folks who are so smart mind you, that they have all the answers to our problems, would have the sense to use a condom. I mean, if you want to be where the rubber meets the road….

Here is a capitalist idea for someone in the OWS crowd. I know you won’t want to do it because it involves working and making money (and capitalism), but I will throw it out there.

You can order a box of 1000 condoms for anywhere between $70 and $200. If you order a few boxes and sell the condoms for 50 cents each you will make a very good profit.

If you OWS folks intend to stay there until things go your way (and you really mean it) then you are going to be there a very long time. A lot of bored hippies taking drugs leads to a lot of hippies having sex.

An enterprising OWS person can make a fortune if he tries.

You will make money and the poor will not be forced out of their clinic so OWS folks can be seen for STDs.

The rest of us will benefit because you will be preventing these people from reproducing…

UPDATE: The Daily Caller has a slideshow of homes. The addresses of the homes were obtained from some of the records of OWS protesters who were arrested. Look at these very expensive and beautiful homes and decide if these people are really part of the 99%. Are they really poor people who have nothing or are they posers who actually have it pretty good. The only other thing we could ask is if they are people who bought homes they could not afford under the CRA and are unable to pay for them. If this is the case, then why are WE supposed to be concerned with their bad decisions? You signed the contract and if you can’t pay, too bad. Blame your Democrat supporters for their social justice schemes. In either case, these people are not really what they claim to be.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Kamp Alinsky Crowd Represents Democrats

The crowd of Occupy Wall Street (and its many offshoots across the nation) is a mob. They are followers of Saul Alinsky and they are causing social unrest in hope of changing the way the nation does business but not for the best. They falsely claim they represent 99% of the country because they are not the 1% of our nation that is really wealthy. They do not represent the 99%. In fact, they represent only a small part of the 99% in this nation who are not wealthy.

But they do represent the Democrats, the Socialists, the Communists and the Islamic radicals, all of whom have endorsed their activities.

The occupy crowd around the country has been involved or implicated in a number of crimes including drug distribution, rape, and their presence seems to increase the crime rates of their occupied territory. They are supported by the aforementioned groups and that includes Democrats like Barack Obama, Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi, all of whom have stated that support.

The Democrats support these people and dare not talk about the illegal activities, the public defecation, the violence, the vandalism and the assaults on police because they do not want to lose their support. This is their base.

Contrast the FLEA baggers with the TEA Party. There has never been an arrest of a TEA Party member at a TEA Party event. The TEA Party supporters leave places cleaner than when they arrived and there are no allegations of drug use or distribution, rape or any other crime. The only allegations ever made are that the TEA Party members are racist. These allegations are all false and have been proven so many times. The allegations of using the N word toward members of Congress have been shown false and yet, the left continues to harp this lie.

The members of the left who support the degenerates in the Occupy movement have called the TEA Party unpatriotic, racist and a number of names that allude to vulgar sexual activities.

Think about it for a moment. The Democrats openly deride the law abiding and peaceful TEA Party members as un-American and racist for following the law while openly praising and supporting the Occupy members who are breaking laws left and right. The left has yet to address the drug, rape and violence criminal acts by the Occupy crowd but jumps on a racist claim about the TEA Party the moment the word is uttered.

What does that tell you about the Democrats who support the Occupy crowd?

It tells me that they agree with the crimes, they agree with the goals (if anyone in the Occupy crowd could actually give a coherent statement about the goals) and that they agree with the tactics.

The Democrats agree because the tactics come right out of Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals.

This is how radicals try to affect social change. This is what they do to get what they want and what they want is a collapse of the system, the movement to Socialism, the forced redistribution of wealth and more government involvement.

The Democrats support these people because they want the unrest. They want it to escalate and evolve into widespread chaos so that people will clamor for government to do something, anything, to stop the insanity.

And Democrats are waiting for that moment to inject more government into our lives. They will be the saviors. They will stop the insanity by imposing more restrictive rules as they move us closer to Socialism.

They have created and supported a crisis because, as they openly told us, they do not let a crisis go to waste.

This is by design. This is what the Democrats want. This is how they have trained for decades and this is the closest they have come. They are following Alinsky’s script in order to affect change.

This is the Change part of the Hope and Change in Obama’s 2008 campaign.

They think they will succeed.

They are wrong. If this devolves into social unrest the overwhelming part of the 99% in this country who are not wealthy and are not part of this mob will stop them in their tracks. Alinsky said they had to work to get a reaction. Escalating violence will get a reaction they do not like.

I have heard those who support them claim these people are being peaceful and have a right to protest. They have every right to protest but their right ends when it infringes upon the rights of others and these people are doing just that. They are hurting businesses, they are committing acts of violence, and they are breaking the law.

If they want someone to listen to them then they need to obey the law.

And staying where you are not allowed, committing rape, using and distributing drugs, urinating and defecating in public, committing vandalism and being violent are not legal acts and do not constitute obeying the law.

Let me put it in simpler terms for the liberals. You have to obey the law when exercising your right to protest.

When you don’t, you lose your right.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We Know What It Feels Like Being Told To Submit

Joe Biden was out trying to trump up support for Stimulus II, Obama’s second attempt at doing the same thing that did not work the last time. The guy who spent nearly a trillion dollars on a stimulus for “shovel ready jobs” that turned out not to be shovel ready wants you to believe that a second stimulus will put people to work at shovel ready jobs.

So Biden is talking about crime statistics (which were all fabricated) and he discussed rape and gun crimes going up when there are fewer police officers. He said that these crimes would go up even more without Stimulus II and that he wished those who oppose knew what it was like:

I wish these guys who thought it was temporary, I wish they had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side of a gun, or [to have] a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit,” Biden told a crowd at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on Tuesday, adding, “Folks, it matter, it matters.” The Lonely Conservative

I don’t know how much Obama weighs so I can’t attest to the 200 pound man involved but I do know what it is like to have a big eared bean pole standing over me telling me to submit.

Obama wants Stimulus II to pay off his union buddies. He wants to use more taxpayer money to send to states so they can use it to fill gaps in their budgets (which is what happened in Stimulus I). He has been running around demanding that his bill be passed. Chants of pass the bill come from him and his adoring flocks as they demand that we submit to Obama’s wishes.

Obama has taken to ridiculing Republicans even though some of his Democrats are not on board with Stimulus II. He blames Republicans even though the Democrat controlled Senate can’t get the bill passed. Democrats will cry about filibuster threats (karma is a beyatch) but Republicans are doing nothing more than following the rules and the will of their constituents. That is what they are supposed to do. Democrats had no problems doing that when they were the minority party so they will just have to live with it.

So we have Obama demanding that we submit and he is doing it by using fear about fewer police officers and firefighters (at the point of the metaphorical gun) and he is insulting the intelligence of people who oppose by insisting they are not bright enough to understand it so they want to break it up into smaller pieces. We understand it and don’t like it but that won’t stop Obama from trying to force us to submit.

Obamacare is another example where a majority of the population opposed the legislation and it was rammed through against our wishes. We were FORCED to submit to the desires of the Socialist Democrats.

So yes Joe, we know what it is like. The difference is we are tough enough to stand up to the man standing over us and given the number of guns purchased in this country it is unlikely we will stare down a gun unless we live in an area controlled by liberals.

We need to kill the legislation because it will not do anything to create jobs (government does not create jobs). It will only allow states to keep government employees (union employees) employed by using our tax dollars to make up for the state’s inept management.

Joe, we know buddy. It does matter folks and it matters when we vote next November.

I am part of the Occupy crowd. Occupy the White House in 2012.

And send Barry Obama and Sheriff Joe packing…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Rapist Was Deported Four Times

UPDATE: Make that NINE times:

The KING 5 Investigators have learned that an illegal immigrant accused of raping a woman in Edmonds Sunday has been deported nine times. That’s much more than previously reported.

A man who raped a woman in Washington was deported four times in the last 15 years. A police officer heard a woman screaming for help and when he went to where she was he found Jose Madrigal on top of the woman and arrested him. She claims that he offered her money for sex and when she told him no he forced her into the bushes behind a store.

Madrigal is being held on a rape charge and is also being held for Immigration. If this puke is released to be deported before he is tried for the rape then the people who deport him should be put in jail in his place.

This would never have happened if we enforced our immigration laws. If the federal government was doing its job then this guy would not be here but since our government is lax in this area, a woman suffers the horrible fate of being raped by him.

People wonder why a huge majority of people in this country stand with Arizona in its fight to combat illegal immigration. We are tired of these criminals coming here and attacking our families. We need to put this punk in jail for the rest of his life and we need to secure our borders so people like him are kept out. If you live in a sanctuary city and are happy with that idea or you favor open borders then you are part of the problem. You, Barack Obama and all the other people who allow these people to come here unabated are just as responsible for this rape as the man who actually committed the act.

No one could blame this woman’s husband or father if either eliminated the vile piece of crap who did this.

Tell Calderon this is one of the reasons that Arizona is right and why he needs to get his country’s affairs in order.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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