What Does The B In EBT Mean?

It appears, from the recent news, that the B in the Electronic Benefits Card actually stands for Bar, Booze or Booty because quite a few EBT cards are being used at bars, strip clubs and liquor stores. But, but, these folks can’t use those cards for such things because the cards are for essentials like food, formula and diapers.

Well that would be the case if we only issued the cards to people who were in need. If we issued them to the truly needy to meet their essential needs and not to people who have it quite good and have learned to game the system then we might have something that works.

Instead, we issue these cards to people who have figured out how to get cash with them and then use the cash to buy items that are not allowed. We issue them to people who drive nice cars, have smart phones, wear the nicest clothing, have jewelry that is top notch and who have wads of cash probably from jobs that are paid under the table so as to keep those benefits coming.

I have been to the store and witnessed people using the EBT card for food (really nice and expensive food) and then pulling out a wad of cash to buy a carton of smokes. I am not talking a few twenty dollar bills I am talking a wad of cash that would put a drug dealer to shame. These folks (and I see them often, not rarely as some would suggest when claiming there is no problem) then go out and get into a very expensive car to take all their free goodies home.

I realize there are plenty of people who might have these nice things and an EBT because they are foster parents and the money is for the children under their care. I have no problem with that and am sure I could tell the difference. The folks I see are gaming the system as they have been taught to by generations of welfare and generations of liberal policies that take from one group and give to another thus enslaving those folks to their masters in government.

These folks become dependable voters because they will vote for the people who promise them more “free” stuff.

Barack Obama and his minions will scream about raising taxes on the rich and claim that spending is not the issue but the reality is that we have billions and billions of dollars in waste because government is inept and can’t keep track of these things. Government is not interested in finding this waste because it likes people being subservient to it. This is why the government wants to take our firearms, to enslave all of us and not just the welfare class of low information voters who feel they are “entitled” to what they get.

We need to go through each and every case and decide if the people on welfare should actually be. We need to check and if they have suspicious EBT use. We need to get a list of their assets and see if they have expensive stuff. If so then they do not need welfare.

People with actual needs would continue to get welfare as would those who care for foster children. They are the folks these programs were designed to help and we need to make sure they are the only ones that get the help.

Before you liberals scream that the elderly is the biggest class of people on welfare because of Social Security or Medicare keep in mind that while these programs need to be reformed to exclude those who should not be getting those benefits, those who paid in really are entitled. They paid for this on a promise the government would use the money to care for them. If government had not spent the money on other things there would be plenty of it to pay those who receive the benefits. Well, there would be if we got rid of those who scam the two systems with phony claims for disability and other such things the system was never designed to pay for.

In any event, we need reform of everything and we need it now. No debt ceiling increase, no tax increases and lots of spending cuts.


How long before those of us paying taxes stop sending you the money? We had excessive taxation and attempts at gun confiscation in the past. The result was the birth of the USA.

What will the next result be?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Redistribution Of Wealth, Obama Style

Barack Obama is all about redistribution of wealth. He told Joe the Plummer that he thought it was good to redistribute the wealth and he has told us that at some point HE feels that you have made enough money. This is his way of telling us that HE thinks the government has the right to decide where your money goes and that government can take it from you and give it to someone else.

A flash mob in Maryland is an example of the Obama redistribution scheme. The owner of the store has more than the people who are entering so they have decided that they will take the stuff from the rightful owner and keep it for themselves. This mob has just bypassed the political process that hampers Obama. And make no mistake, if Obama could find a way to bypass the political process and the law, he would.

Here is the Obama flash mob of wealth redistribution specialists:

The owner decided that he was not in danger and it is a good thing. In Maryland it is nearly impossible for the owner to have a gun to defend himself because the People’s Republik of Maryland violates the Second Amendment by infringing. It is also good the Obama redistributionists were not violent because the owner pushed his panic button to alert police and the police did not arrive until after the mob had finished their redistributive plans. The police do not seem to be taking this seriously and why should they, th ecriminals did not steal the coffee or donuts.

This kind or crime is happening more and more. People have been programmed by their messiah to believe that they are entitled to the fruits of another’s labor and they are tired of waiting for Obama to confiscate wealth and give it to them so they are taking matters into their own hands.

How long will it be before a riot is sparked as the result of someone actually using force to defend property?

When the riots going on around the world hit here things will be different. The only victims will be those who have chosen not to be armed…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Money; That’s What I Want

Movie Trailer for I Want Your Money. This contrasts Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama and different versions of America, one involving freedom and one involving being shackled to the government.

Here are other money related items for your enjoyment.

Money, That’s What I Want (Politician’s Theme Song)

Money (Wall Street Theme Song)

Money For Nothing (Welfare Theme Song with the Bill Clinton Verse ‘Chicks for free’)

Big Dog salute to DEG.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama And His Nanny State

There are groups of people who feel that government is responsible for their lives. Let us call these people liberals. These liberals think that it is the government’s job to feed them, clothe them, provide them with health care coverage (which is different than actually getting health care), and to provide just about any other of their needs. Peggy the Moocher was a great example and spoke for this liberal group when she exclaimed that Obama would put gas in her car and pay her mortgage. Obama is more than happy to oblige. In a recent speech he said:

“We need to restore the American people’s confidence in their government — that it is on their side, spending their money wisely, to meet their families’ needs.” –Barack Obama

Real people, those who are independent, free thinkers, do not need a middle man. Obama stated that government is on our side and will take our money and spend it wisely on us. I don’t need that middle man because I can spend my own money on my own family and ensure they are well taken care of. I can do it much better than any government official or agency and I know best what my family’s needs are.

But liberals are unable to do this. They cannot shower, shave, brush their teeth, or clean up after toileting without government helping them or doing it for them. They are absolutely unable to function unless their lives are run by government. This is just inherent in their design because liberalism is a mental illness that manifests itself in codependent behavior. Liberals depend on government to function and Democrats in government depend on liberals to keep them in office. Both depend on conservatives to pay the taxes to support the behavior.

I do not now, nor will I ever, need government to take my money and spend it on my behalf. I can do just fine without the “help.”

If you liberals try real hard you will see that you can too.

It takes small steps but before you know it you will be independent and self sufficient.

Big Dog

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