We Definitely Need Campaign Reform

I know that all presidents have done it and I have never liked it so this is not a partisan position but will seem so because Obama happens to be the one abusing things right now. That thing that bothers me is where a president combines an allegedly official visit with a campaign visit so that the taxpayer gets stuck with a portion of the bill.

I am not the only one who thinks this is wrong as Democrats were all against it when George W. Bush did it and Republicans are against it now that Obama is doing it. The difference is, my position does not change based on who is in office.

It is absolutely criminal that taxpayers foot the bill for a portion of a trip designed to raise campaign cash simply because an “official” stop was included.

Since Barack Obama happens to be the current occupant of the White House and since he has campaigned more than the last six presidents combined, it seems fitting to point this rape of the taxpayer out.

Obama attended a swanky fundraiser in New York (and snarled traffic) where he raised millions of dollars. One would think that a campaign that can raise millions of dollars would be able to pay the bill for the trip but part of the bill will be paid for by taxpayers because Obama stopped at the World Trade Center site.

There is no doubt that if Obama did not have two fundraisers in New York he would not have made the trip to the WTC site.

I think that all politicians should be forced to separate fundraising trips and official trips so that they cannot be done at the same time. They need to pay the full cost of their campaign events.

This means all politicians, regardless of party.

It is sickening that taxpayers foot the bill for politicians who rub elbows with wealthy donors. How disingenuous is it for Barack Obama to go to New York and discuss how he is fighting for the middle class at an event that costs more to attend than most people in the middle class make in a year? How many of the middle class were greatly inconvenienced so Obama could attend this fundraiser?

Obama is out of touch. He thinks the private sector is doing fine because the private sector he knows is the one where his well heeled contributors live and where he parties.

The country is not better off now than it was when he took office and his policies have done nothing to get the ship on course. Instead, he points fingers, lies, and spends other people’s money.

This is why it should surprise no one that he is spending taxpayer dollars to campaign.

They all do it because they all like to spend someone else’s money.

Hell, he is so used to spending other people’s money he recently forgot to pay for his meal…

Enough is enough.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Parasites: Why Welfare Reform Is A Must

The young lady in this video is the poster child for why welfare must be reformed and by reform I mean nearly eliminated.

There is no doubt that some form of welfare as a temporary measure is needed but it should be a hand up and not a hand out.

The idea that the so called poor can get free cell phones (and sometimes as many as 20 or 30) and other assistance from multiple welfare departments which can be used to buy fast food and other luxury items is absolutely despicable.

Welfare needs to be uncomfortable. People on welfare should not be allowed to have cell phones and they should not wear all kinds of expensive jewelry. They should not be allowed to buy any food above basic items needed to live. This idea of steaks, lobster and fast food is one that MUST go away.

The young lady in this video is touting all the “free” stuff you can get by being on welfare and asks why anyone would work.

Well, we work to support OURSELVES. We do not work to support you and the other slugs who abuse our generosity.

When slugs like this are not embarrassed to take the money of hard working people and when she and people like her are happy to wave their abuses in our faces then it is absolutely time for reform.

She is a parasite. Anyone like her is a parasite. We need to stop these parasites by forcing them to get jobs. We can do that by making it very uncomfortable to be on welfare.

One more thing; this welfare slug discusses all the benefits people are able to get. THESE ARE NOT BENEFITS.

They are handouts and no one is entitled to them. They get the welfare because we started with a plan of compassion that politicians have used to enslave people.

So tell this chick and the rest of the welfare denizens to get off the plantation and get a job before we have to boot their butts to the street.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is Pelosi On Drugs Or Naturally Confused?

Or does she think we are stupid?

Nancy Pelosi is working hard to pass the health care takeover that Obama wants even though it looks like she is currently a few votes shy of the needed number of Democrats to pass it. The House and Senate have been working on this health care stuff for about a year and both chambers have a bill. They could have passed anything they wanted without Republican support because they had large enough majorities in both chambers.

The Democrats could not agree on the legislation and it is they who are at fault for this not passing. If it is so wonderful that they are going to ram it through now whether we like it or not then it was just as wonderful when they had enough votes to get it done on their own. They did not get it done because some of their own did not like it.

This is important because the Democrats keep blaming Republicans for obstructing. Republicans could not obstruct, they could only delay the inevitable, as long as all the Democrats were on the same sheet of music. They were not.

Plus, they know that if they are the only party to vote for it then they own it. If it turns out good then they will look like heroes and if it turns out bad it will be entirely their fault. They must know that it is not as wonderful as they say because they do not want sole ownership of it.

But what about Pelosi and her drug problem? She must be on drugs. Read this portion of a transcript from an interview she had this weekend with Candy Crowley of CNN:

CROWLEY: When we looked at our polling numbers just from yesterday, we had almost three-quarters of Americans who said they need to drop this bill, just stop talking about health care and move on to something else or they need to start new. So don’t the Republicans have a point?

PELOSI: The point is, is that we have a responsibility here, and the Republicans have had a field day going out there and misrepresenting what is in the bill, but that’s what they do. That’s what…

CROWLEY: So it has been messaging thing?

PELOSI: … they do. No…

CROWLEY: You think people don’t understand the bill?

PELOSI: No, I don’t think — there isn’t a bill. When we have a bill, which we will in a matter of days, then that is the bill that we can sell. Our bill, the House and the Senate bill, had some major differences which we’re hoping now to reconcile. [emphasis mine]

Nancy Pelosi starts off by saying that Republicans have had a field day misrepresenting what is in the bill. We could argue all day as to whether this is true and whether things were misrepresented but that is not important. Pelosi and her minions tell us this is wonderful and people just don’t understand it. They had enough votes (provided they all voted for it) to pass it. If things were misrepresented then they could have passed it and let America find out how wonderful it really is.

They did not do that for a reason. It stinks and they know it. They do not want to own it so they blame Republicans. Let me be clear for the moonbats who have trouble with this, Republicans did not obstruct because they could not block passage.

Next, Pelosi goes on to say that there is no bill. She said there is no bill now but when they have a bill they will be able to sell it. If this is true then how did Republicans misrepresent what was in the bill? You cannot misrepresent what is in a bill if there is no bill (her words were technically there is not a bill).

Maybe Pelosi is defining bill as the reconciled product from the Senate and House. If that is her definition of “the bill” then Republicans could not have misrepresented what is in “the bill” because “the bill” does not yet exist.

This is all misdirection and deliberate confusion created to make it appear as if Republicans had anything to do with the Democrats being unable to pass their health care takeover. They do not want to own up to the fact that they had enough votes and could have rammed it through at any time and still could not get it done. Now that they do not have a filibuster proof majority they want to ram it through with reconciliation and claim they had to because Republicans obstructed the process.

This is a lie and they should be called on it every time.

I do not agree with the health care process going on and would not have been happy if they had passed it when they had the chance, especially since a lot of people oppose it and I know it will be bad for this country. But, they should have the integrity and honor to admit that they hold all the responsibility for that failure.

No matter what, Pelosi is out lying about the process (or should I say misrepresenting) and whether or not they have a bill and trying to paint Republicans as obstructionists.

Republicans showed at the summit that they had ideas and were willing to work but like I said before, Obama’s idea of bipartisan is when Republicans do what he wants. He said it before and he intimated it at the summit, he won.

Fine, but man up and admit your own failures and the failures of your party. You blew your chance to pass it when you were unobstructed and now you might not have the votes to ram it through even with little used and inappropriate procedures. You can’t admit to your base that you could not get it done when you were completely unobstructed so now you need to blame it on Republicans to try and salvage the November elections.

It is your fault Mr. Obama and the fault of your Democrats.

Keep this in mind America as they use “obstructionist Republicans” as their reason for ramming it through (or at least trying) with reconciliation.

It really is too bad the Democrat party lacks men and women of honor and integrity.

Big Dog


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Best Possible Health Care Is In The US

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams left Canada and came to the US for heart surgery after he was told by his Canadian doctors that the heart procedure he needed would require them to break some of the bones in his chest. He consulted with a doctor in the US and decided to have the surgery in Miami where the doctors cut through the side of his chest and did not have to break any of his bones.

Williams has had to answer questions as to why he came to the US when his country offers universal health care. Williams responded that it was his heart and his choice and lamented that if he had the surgery in Canada he would have to handle claims that he got bumped to the head of the line. He put it simply when he said:

I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.

I think this statement says it all. Despite the universal health care in Canada which has been touted as an example for America to follow, this politician decided that the US system, even with its flaws, provided the best health care possible.

We need reform but not the kind Washington DC and Obama are pushing. We need to keep this country the place where people want to come for the best care possible and not some second rate place where the elderly die because they are not deemed worthy of treatment and government employees make decisions that should be between patients and their doctors.

Big Dog


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How To Help A Messiah

Barack Obama is on the ropes with his health care takeover plan and his speech to a joint session of Congress was a Hail Mary pass to bring things back into his favor. His poll numbers have been dropping and his plan has been getting torn to shreds. His lies about the plan are not going to help the cause (yes, he lied but he was owed the apology by Wilson) even though the media wing of the Democratic party will try to portray him as a paragon of virtue and his speech as pure as the driven snow.

The media has to help out Obama because they have so much invested in him and most of them hold the same views as he. So how does one go about helping out a Messiah?

Cook the books!

CNN had an overnight poll to see how the Sainted Won faired and wouldn’t you know it, Obama’s approval on the issue has improved 14 percentage points. This guy is so magical and such a great speaker that he was able to turn the country around in an instant by standing in front of Congress and lying his posterior off.

The only problem is the poll oversampled Democrats and way under sampled Republicans. The sample was 45% Democrat and 18% Republican (with no Independents?) so the results are most definitely skewed.

Obama did not say anything new. Yes, he changed the number of uninsured but most of what he said was the same old story interspersed with tired clichés. And of course there was the obligatory bashing of Republicans and others who disagree with him.

The CNN poll is designed to deceive the public and make those who are opposed believe that the battle is over now that Barry has spoken and “clarified” things for us. CNN is trying to squash any further dissent so that the path to Socialism will be a smooth one.

Don’t let these morons fool you. Obama and his health care takeover plan are in trouble. There are quite a few Democrats in the House who claim that they cannot vote for this, and in the Senate Kennedy is dead and won’t be replaced until next year and Byrd is too sick to vote. The Democrats do not have the votes in the House and they surely do not have them in the Senate. If they pull procedural tricks to ram this through they will pay a heavy price in the 2010 election.

Obama and health care are on the ropes just as they were before he gave the speech. He lied and as those lies are exposed over the next few weeks more and more people will oppose this monstrosity.

People will see that while you are not required to give up your current situation there are elements that will cause you to lose it. Your employer might decide that it is cheaper to pay the government penalty and drop the coverage he provides. Those on Medicare will be provided fewer services because there will be huge cuts in that program to fund the new one. Illegals will most definitely be covered. There is nothing that says they will but there is nothing that says they will not and the Democrats have already voted against several amendments that would have expressly excluded them. That is because the Democrats want to provide them care but have to use the back door to keep from angering voters. Once they have what they want it will not matter.

Yes, Obama lied and with any luck the health care takeover will die.

But until we bury this monster once and for all, the propaganda wing will continue to provide good PR and skewed polls to make the Messiah look heavenly.

Big Dog

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