Syrian Refugees Can Help With The Terror

The Obama regime is looking to bring about 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States where they will undoubtedly receive lots of taxpayer money so they can have a place to live while they are taught English. They will probably get a place to live and money (all from the taxpayer) and will not become productive members of society.

These people are NOT our problem. It is not our job to take them in. There are plenty of Muslim nations that have lots of room and rich oil sheiks who can foot the bills. These people need to be relocated to other Middle Eastern countries, not into the US.

The pictures of the refugees all lined up is striking in that they are all male. I have yet to see a picture with women or children in it. One would suspect that a people escaping violence would include women and children. There are reports that members of ISIS are in those lines looking to come to the US. We are told not to worry because the regime will vet these folks.

Sure, like it vetted Hillary’s email set up?

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri is calling on all Muslims in Western countries, particularly the US, to conduct lone wolf attacks. Isn’t it convenient that Obama is helping out by importing Muslim men, many of whom are no doubt terrorists, into the nation so it will be that much easier.

In the view of big government statists nothing would be better than a crippling attack that frightens the population so that it will demand even more government control. Help us please! Please do what you want to us just keep us safe.

Not on my watch. We are Americans and we are forged from steel. If these lone wolf punks start trouble here then they will find out what it means to encounter a well armed citizenry.

Since Obama is hell bent on importing terror to this nation might I suggest (a suggestion I borrowed from my friend Kender) that they be placed in San Francisco, Chicago and Berkeley. I would add that they should be moved into DC and that all Obama voters should be required to take them in.

The defecation is soon going to hit the rotating cooling device and when it does the patriots of this nation will rise up to defend her once again.

I only have one piece of advice for the government.

Stay the hell out of our way.

Over a quarter of a million Muslims allowed in US annually

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Illegals Can’t Be Refugees In The US

The federal government tried to move a large number of illegals from the border states to a vacant Reserve Center in Western Maryland. Congressman Andy Harris (who represents some of the area but not the area of the Reserve Center) and local residents caught wind of the clandestine attempt and put an end to it. The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley is itching to show his progressive stripes by letting as many of these folks in Maryland as possible. His policies favoring these kinds of shenanigans have resulted in a budget explosion, dozens of tax increases and a downturn in the state economy but he presses on.

O’Malley said these folks should be granted asylum. The UN is working to declare these illegals refugees in an effort to force the US to take them in. They technically do not meet the definition of a refugee but when has the law ever stopped the UN or other progressives?

[note]An asylum seeker is someone who is seeking status as a refugee If asylum is granted by the host state then the person would become a refugee and be entitled to legal protections.[/note]

These word plays are nothing more than games designed to get tens of thousands of illegals in the US and give them some kind of legal status. However, the plan should never work (though in this world it might) because any court reviewing the petitions would see a glaring problem.

Mexico has granted the illegals free passage through their country so they can get to the US. In other words, Mexico gave them safe refuge.

The International Justice Resource Center states that the following people are not refugees (therefore cannot be granted asylum):

Individuals who voluntarily avail themselves of the protection of their country of nationality or habitual residence or individuals who have received protection in a third country are also not considered refugees. See 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 1(C). [emphasis mine]

All of these individuals have received protection in a third country because Mexico granted them protection to make their way to the US therefore they cannot be refugees. They can’t seek asylum in the US because they received protection (from their alleged persecution) in the country of Mexico and Mexico is a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Since Mexico granted them protection they need to be the ones to grant them asylum.

I certainly pray that the court system beats back any attempt by the UN or misguided politicians (like Martin O’Malley) to grant a status to these illegals that they are not legally entitled to in the US.

If they want asylum then send them back to Mexico and let the Mexican government take care of them.

I am not opposed to legal immigration. We welcome those who come here legally with open arms and are happy to call them friend. Those who come here illegally are making their first act in this nation an intentional violation of our law. We cannot trust nor should we support those who disregard our laws while at the same time attempting to use our legal system and generosity against us.

We do not need to send them home. If the UN and others want to make them refugees then send them to Mexico, the country that granted them safe entry.

Perhaps the easiest way to end all of this and to ensure they leave and that a wall is built to keep people out would be to convince Democrats that these people have all indicated they will vote Republican.

The wall would be up in a week and these folks would be someplace else very quickly…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
