I Am A Right Wing Extremist

In honor of the TEA parties and since this is tax day in America, I thought I would bear my soul and let you know about my life as a right wing extremist.

I recently wrote about the Department of Homeland Security and its report on right wing extremism in the US and the threat it poses to our country. The definition it uses encompasses about anyone on the right and it throws in a smattering of hatred and a mention of Tim McVeigh for good measure. The report is unflattering to veterans and uses a lot of speculation to come to its twisted conclusions. The American Legion wants an apology and many others are upset that the government appears to be targeting the right in this country. The fact that it came out just prior to the TEA parties is no coincidence. They do not like the backlash and they are trying to make us enemies of the state.

I have given this a lot of thought and I reread the report and I have to say that yes, I am a right wing extremist.

  • I served this country faithfully for 24 years with long separations from my family, long hours and low pay always putting country ahead of self so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I spent major holidays in far away places guarding the freedoms we enjoy so that others could be with their families in comfort and safety so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I pay my taxes in full and on time every year so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I love my country and am not ashamed to admit that to anyone, anywhere, so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that evil must be confronted with overwhelming force and that any enemy whether foreign or domestic must be destroyed so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe the unborn are the most vulnerable people in the world and that they must be protected from harm so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe in God and pray to him but I don’t expect others to believe as I do so long as they worship peacefully so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that the Founders knew what they were doing when they wrote the Constitution and that it means what it says. I do not believe it is a document that is subject to change so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that we are a nation of laws and that people who enter this country ILLEGALLY should not be rewarded for their crimes so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that an unarmed nation is a nation of slaves who serve at the whim of government so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe the Second Amendment affirms a preexisting right for individual possession and carrying of firearms and that without the Second Amendment none of the others would matter so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe the Tenth Amendment is explicit and reaffirms the limited power of government so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that my rights were endowed by my creator and that government cannot take them away so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that American citizens have a duty to resist the government when it oversteps its bounds and that our Founders made it clear that it is our duty to get rid of an oppressive government so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that America is a great country and we never have to apologize for what we do so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that America has done more to advance humankind than any other country on this planet and that we are the most generous nation in existence so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that Janet Napolitano and the rest of the DHS who compiled the report can get in line behind all the other people in line to kiss my …so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that Barack Obama is a Socialist who will implement policies that are harmful to this country and that it is in America’s interests for his policies to fail. I also believe that his color is not an issue and that he is judged based solely on his merits and my values so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I would give my life defending this country even though it means saving it for people who have no interest in ever making such a sacrifice so I must be a right wing extremist.

There is no doubt about it, according to the DHS I am a right wing extremist. I would argue that I am a normal American who is proud of his country and that those who are trying to radically change it are the extremists but then that would go against the report some moron took ten minutes to compile.

Be that as it may, if having my beliefs makes me a right wing extremist then it is a title I carry with honor and dignity.

In any event, right wing extremist or not, there is not a damn thing they can do about it.

Hey Janet, while you are out scaring up boogie men why don’t you go after the real enemies of this country and leave the ones who have protected it alone?

Washington Times
World Net Daily

Big Dog

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Congress Should Worry About Its Own Punctuality

A terrorism drill will be conducted as Congress has required since 2000 and this drill is raising questions about our preparedness especially since the after action report (AAR) from the 2005 drill has not been made public. The lawmakers are concerned because the AAR has not been released and yet we are going forward with the next exercise. How on Earth can we tell if we have improved? Perhaps Congress should think about the ramifications of making an AAR from this kind of exercise public.

Suppose that during the last exercise it was discovered that a major portion of our infrastructure was extremely vulnerable and that it was particularly vulnerable in one area. Now suppose that an event targeting this area would cost a huge number of lives and cause untold millions in damage. Is it really wise to make that information public before corrections can be made to mitigate the deficiency? Having participated in a number of exercises I can state that there is always something wrong and it is not just one something. It is usually a number of things and they all need to be addressed. A drill of that size had to bring out a number of vulnerabilities, none of which should be made public. If we make them public we are basically telling our enemies where they should attack us and how they should go about doing it.

I would think that all the geniuses in Congress would have a grasp of this. They all tout their national security “creds” and yet in this one basic area of operational security (OPSEC) they are unable to see how dangerous releasing the information could be. Either they are dense or they know the ramifications and are trying to score political points. If this is the case they are unworthy of office and should be jailed. Actually, they are unworthy regardless.

Imagine another exercise where the Capitol was breached and the members inside were all killed as part of the extent of play. Imagine that this exercise showed a glaring security problem at the Capitol and one that will take time to correct. How willing do you think members of Congress would be to release that information to the world? That would be the tightest kept secret in America. The New York Times could not pry that one out. Congress would be silent because the consequences of their actions would directly affect them and maybe in a very dangerous fashion. The rest of the citizens in America deserve the same consideration. When it is time, the AAR will be released. Those who have a need to know are aware of its contents. Why don’t we let them do their jobs and Congress can get back to its job.

If Congress is truly worried about timeliness perhaps they should be working harder to pass the budget that is now overdue (as it has been every year for who knows how long). We run on continuing resolutions every year because they can never get the thing done on time so perhaps it is time to reevaluate all the time they take off. It is hard to get anything done when one is never at work. Maybe if they spent less time playing games with radio hosts and worrying about who broke wind down the hall, they could accomplish something.

There is an AAR on the job Congress does and it is called the election. Let us use that time to vote them all out of office and replace them with people who know what they are doing.

My Way News

Big Dog

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