In Obama’s World He Might Actually Be Not Guilty

The young man the Lame Stream Media calls an “alleged” bomber has pleaded “not guilty” to the charges against him. How he can be “alleged” is beyond me when people saw him try to detonate the underwear bomb and he ended up with his chestnuts roasting on an open fire on Christmas Day.

He might actually be not guilty in the world of Obama. After all, when Obama was making one of his pathetic addresses aimed at deflecting blame away from him (the buck “ultimately” stops at him but not until it hits a lot of others along the way) he said:

“We know that he traveled to Yemen, a country grappling with crushing poverty and deadly insurgencies. It appears that he joined an affiliate of al Qaeda, and that this group, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, trained him, equipped him with those explosives and directed him to attack that plane headed for America.” ABC

This was said as if poverty had anything to do with this and to partially justify the behavior. The “alleged” bomber came from a wealthy family. Poverty had nothing to do with his motivation, a motivation we might never know because his act is being treated like a crime rather than an act of war.

In Obama’s world view through the community organizer lens this guy just needed to be taken care of and nurtured. It would do us well to remember that the terrorists who recruited the Fruit of the Boom bomber are organizing a community as well.

Keep in mind that the Obama minded people believe that Gitmo is the reason behind these kinds of attacks and that closing the facility will reduce terrorism recruitment. None of these intellectual midgets seems to be able to explain how all the terrorists were recruited before we ever held anyone at Gitmo.

Interestingly, the terrorists held at Gitmo would rather stay there because they are being held under the rules of the Geneva Convention. They know that if they are moved to a federal prison they will be under near lock down conditions. According to one of the attornys; “As far as our clients are concerned, it’s probably preferable for them to remain at Guantánamo,” he [Falkoff] says.

Mark Hemingway of the Washington Examiner also notes:

“The strident left-wing critiques of the Guantanamo facility have all centered around the fact that detainees there are horribly mistreated and conditions unbearable. But when push comes to shove, it would seem concerns about Guantanamo are overblown, and the prisoners there know that being held under the Geneva conventions outside the U.S. is much preferable to a maximum security prison in the U.S.”

So the kid from the wealthy family “allegedly” tried to set of a bomb aboard a US airliner because of poverty and Gitmo, the prison Obama said he would shut down in a year (won’t happen), is the place where the terrorists would rather stay if they can’t go home.

Interesting. I wonder if they can sue Obama for torture because he forced them to leave the warm, tropical place where they have some freedom to move about for a freezing cold prison where they will not have so much mobility…

All of this is coming at a time when Obama is overwhelmed by failures. The terrorist got on a plane, CIA agents get blown up by an “alleged” informant, his administration gives conflicting information, and the administration pushes the idea that intelligence people allowed the bomber to get on the plane because they do not like Obama.

Sounds bad. It is but not as bad as Obama having to put in place the things Bush already had in place and that were working. These are the things Obama weakened when he took office:

In a revealing admission, President Barack Obama said today he was directing U.S. intelligence agencies to begin to do something many had assumed they were already doing: “[A]ssigning specific responsibility for investigating all leads on high priority threats so that these leads are pursued and acted upon aggressively.”

“That is a shock because we had such a follow-up system when I was there,” said Richard Clarke, the White House counter-terrorism director in the Clinton and Bush administrations. Clarke, who worked on the Obama transition team, is now an ABC News consultant. Ace of Spades

I have been told by the liberals that it will take Obama a while to clean up the mess left by George Bush. That is all well and good because the mess is defined by one’s politics and, quite frankly, Bush left some messes. However, it is important to note that the office of the president is a continuous one and no person who holds that office ties everything up neatly before leaving. It is supposed to carry over with a smooth transition.

I also doubt Obama will clean up any messes by discarding policies simply because they were ones Bush instituted. Ace points out nicely how Obama pulled back from what we were doing only to see his actions nearly result in the death of hundreds of people, in the air and on the ground. Instead of keeping things that worked in place Obama removed them. He allowed his ego and liberal belief that open fists mean people play nice to get in the way.

In his zeal to show he is on top of things Obama released a declassified report showing how the Fruit of the Boom bomber was able to board the airplane. Basically, Obama told us he was on top of things and that we would stop this from happening again by publishing the instruction manual on doing it. [Big Dog Salute: Just One Minute]

Heck of a job Barry.

At least Barry told us this in a clear, concise manner. He didn’t go speaking negro on us.

Big Dog Salute to Don Surber

Big Dog


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Republicans Play Politics With Defense Spending Bill

Oh the left is up in arms! The Defense Appropriations Bill is before the Senate and it is usually a bill that passes quickly but Republicans are using legal procedural tactics to delay the vote on the bill. The reason for this is obvious, they want to take up time with this bill to delay getting to the health care bill. This is perfectly acceptable and in no way harms the troops.

The bill had a cloture vote at 0100 this morning and Democrats got enough votes for cloture. They then immediately asked for the bill to be voted on but at least one Republican objected. This means there will be 30 hours of debate on the bill and it will be voted on Saturday morning at 0730. The defense funding ends at midnight but the delay to Saturday morning will not affect anything in defense.

The Republicans are smart to require all procedures to be followed and to use up time. If they can keep prolonging the health care debate by using parliamentary procedures and as long as it does not hurt the troops, which it does NOT, then it is OK.

Democrats are indignant about all of this and want to know how Republicans can do this to the troops. These guys have short memories and seem to forget all the times they opposed troop funding and delayed defense bills. The White House site is scolding the Republicans and using quotes from Republicans that were used in the past to oppose delaying funding the troops:

“Playing politics with the critical funding that our troops need now is political theater of the worst kind.” – Sen. John Cornyn, [Press Release, 4/26/07]
“We have plenty of time and plenty of opportunity to have political debates… but it’s just unconscionable to me to tie the hands of the very troops that we all say we support.” – Sen. John Cornyn, [Transcript, Senate Republican News Briefing, 4/10/07]
“Every day we don’t fund our troops is a day their ability to fight this war is weakened.” – Sen. Mitch McConnell, [Press Release, 3/31/07]
“No way to treat the troops, and it is entirely inconsistent with [Senators’] expressions of support for the troops.” – Sen. Mitch McConnell, [Congressional Record, 10/4/07]
“I don’t understand this attitude of, ‘We can play with; we can risk the lives of these troops by waiting until the last possible minute to get the funding to them.” – Sen. Jon Kyl, [FOX News Transcript, 4/10/07]
“Our obligation to those troops must transcend politics.” – Sen. Jon Kyl, [Press Release, 11/8/07]

All of these quotes were in response to Democrat opposition or delay with regard to troop funding bills. This list of quotes proves that Democrats were guilty of the very thing they are now acting high and mighty about. If Democrats were not guilty of the same thing in the past then these quotes would not exist.

The truth is that when the time for debate is over the bill will pass and all the Republicans will vote for it. They are just using all the time allotted for the debate.

Democrats act as if this delay will be the end of the world. When Obama took 90 days to decide on the troop request for Afghanistan the Democrats said he was deliberative and could not rush into a decision. Republicans use the 30 hours allotted for debate and they are the ones delaying the troops and causing harm.

Another point of contention in this bill is that Democrats added a “doc fix” to it. This is a non defense item that will raise the reimbursement to doctors under Medicare. This does not belong in the Defense bill but it was put in so it would be assured of passage. Putting it here rather than in the appropriations for Medicare allows Congress to hide the true cost of Medicare. This will go against defense when it really pays for Medicare. This is one of the accounting tricks I discussed in the past. The cost of Medicare is much higher than reported because of things like this, which happen every year.

This is the bill that Democrats wanted to add a 1.9 trillion dollar provision to raise the debt ceiling. They could have put it in the appropriate appropriations bill but were afraid they would not get cloture so they were going to put it in the defense bill where they knew they would. It was not added because of other concerns including demands for a balanced budget. If it had been added then I would have expected all Republicans to vote against it.

They would still get a defense bill and fast but it would be without the debt ceiling provision.

In any event, it is the Democrats who are playing politics with the defense bill. They wanted to use it to slip the debt ceiling provision in and they have included the “doc fix” both of which are political issues. Let’s get it clear, the only reason this is in the defense bill is because it will pass that way and so they can hide the true cost of Medicare. The impact on our debt does not change but they can hide the true cost of the Medicare program.

This is what they will do every year if health care overhaul is passed. They will put anything that adds to the cost in other bills to hide the cost and the deficit will continue to increase while they lie about why.

The bottom line is, regardless of all the grandstanding being done by Democrats, the bill will pass and the Republicans will vote for it. It will not hurt the troops or defense.

The Republicans are within their right to use the procedures and they did so. If the Democrats wanted this voted on before the deadline then they should have introduced it earlier. The delay is all their fault and it is a failure of leadership.

At least Republicans are doing things legally. The Democrats stopped the reading of an amendment this week and did so in complete violation of Senate rules. They just decided they were going to stop it and allow the sponsor to withdraw the amendment. This is a violation of Senate rules but that did not bother the Democrats.

Yet when Republicans use the rules the Democrats get upset.

The hypocrisy makes me sick.

I do love it though. This forces them to commute to the Senate chamber in the huge snowstorm that is heading toward DC.

How appropriate considering the snow job the Democrats are involved in.

Big Dog


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Obama To Republicans; Stop Trying To Frighten Americans

Members of both parties met with Barack Obama at the White House and he told the Republicans; “Stop trying to frighten the American people.”

President Barack Obama told House Republican leaders to “stop trying to frighten the American people” even as he and Democrats said they see a possibility for bipartisan cooperation on job creation legislation. The Hill

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said that Republicans are telling constituents the truth and that is far from trying to frighten them. Boehner made it clear that he and fellow Republicans are telling people what is happening and what will happen under the plans being pushed by Democrats.

Of course Obama does not like this because the truth stands in the way of his agenda to radically change America into a Socialist nation.

No, it is not Republicans who are trying to frighten people, it is in fact, the Democrats.

We must pass the stimulus NOW or we might not be able to recover. We must pass cap and trade NOW or the oceans will rise and drown us all. We must pass health care NOW or evil doctors and insurance companies will take advantage of people and we have to stop the thousands of people from dying in the streets. We must, we must, we must, it comes from Obama and his sock puppets and the intent is to frighten people into going along with what he wants. Everything is urgent because he does not want to let a crisis go to waste.

The latest fear mongering comes from the White House with regard to cap and trade. This week, the EPA stated that it will regulate CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This is widely seen as a bad thing because the EPA will make things costly with moronic rules regulating the gas every mammal exhales. Obama has warned that Congress had better get on cap and trade and pass it or the EPA will act. This is a threat and it is fear mongering.

The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a “command-and-control” role over the process in way that could hurt business. Fox News

I am certain that this whole episode was well orchestrated by the White House to prod Congress, particularly the Democrats, into doing something on the cap and trade issue. There was no incentive to actively pursue the issue because it is unpopular, will cost more, will lead to higher unemployment, and will have little effect and the upcoming year is an election year. Democrats do not want to mess with this because they have to run for reelection and this issue is one that could sink them. Couple it with the extremely unpopular health care bills and you have a recipe for disaster for Democrats next November.

Obama wants it and this EPA ruse is a way to get Congress to act. Of course, Congress is the law making body. It could make a law saying the EPA cannot regulate greenhouse gases. It could defund the agency or pass a law disbanding it. Obama would be powerless to stop any of it. If Congressional Democrats feel that they are being pressured they might just do one of these things and that would be fine with me.

Get rid of the EPA. It is an unconstitutional agency that has way too much power. If Congress is not going to get rid of it then it can take some of the power away. Either would be an appropriate response.

But the entire issue is all about frightening the American people and putting pressure (under threat of EPA action) on Congress.

So perhaps Obama should look in the mirror because the reflection is the person to whom the admonishment should go.

Big Dog


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Good Luck With That, ACORN

Seems like the community criminal organizing group known as ACORN has filed suit against the US Government for voting to cut off its funds after employees of the group were video taped encouraging people to commit criminal acts. The last video demonstrated that the powers that be in ACORN lied about the encounter in one of its offices.

The Community Organizer in Chief distanced himself from the people he used to work with and members of Congress voted to cut off TAXPAYER money that was being sent to the ACORN crime family.

ACORN is suing basing the claim that it is unconstitutional for Congress to cut its funding.

That qualifies the legislation as bills of attainder, according to the Center for Constitutional Rights, which filed the suit on behalf of ACORN. A bill of attainder punishes a person or group without the benefit of a trial, and is illegal under Article 1 of the Constitution.

Bills of attainder have traditionally been understood to have more serious legal consequences — including the seizure of private property and even capital punishment — than Congress’ decision to withhold funds that are at its discretion to disseminate. Though members of Congress have accused ACORN of corruption, it is not clear how the exercise of its own prerogative is outside the bounds of legislative power. Fox News

Maybe I have this wrong but I have never seen in the Constitution where TAXPAYER money is allowed to go to a group like this in the first place. Be that as it may, what makes the people of ACORN think that TAXPAYERS are supposed to fork over money to them when they are continually involved in crime?

This group is a partisan organization that works to get Democrats elected. Why should any Republican have to pay tax dollars to support something like this? Why would any self respecting Democrat (I know, if they were self respecting they would be Republicans but stick with me on this) want TAXPAYER money spent on this kind of stuff?

Suppose there was a group that said it was a community organizing group and it took tons of TAXPAYER money to do “good” things. Then suppose it registered people but threw out all the cards where people registered as Democrats. Suppose the group pushed the agendas of Republicans and suppose members were caught giving advice to people on how to engage in prostitution using illegal alien minors or how to evade taxes?

Don’t ya think people like those at ACORN would be up in arms about it?

I guess since ACORN happens to be a liberal organization that uses TAXPAYER money to advance liberal causes it figures it is OK to bilk the TAXPAYER.

Congress is well within its right to cut off the funding at any time and for any reason.

If ACORN does not like that then perhaps they should all go out and get real jobs.

I understand that the new government run health care system will need people experienced in committing fraud…

Big Dog


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The Democrat’s Straw Man

The Democrats want health care under their control and they are willing to lie and deceive to get that accomplished. Despite the huge numbers of constituents who expressed opposition they are pressing on with their plan to hijack health care and gain further control over our lives. One method they employ is to use a straw man argument. They present two options, one of which is not true, and then attack the “straw man” they have established. Here is an example in a quote from Obama:

We have never been this close. We’ve never had such broad agreement on what needs to be done. And because we’re so close to real reform, suddenly the special interests are doing what they always do, which is just try to scare the heck out of people.

But I’ve got — I’ve got a question for all these folks who say, you know, we’re going to pull the plug on Grandma and this is all about illegal immigrants — you’ve heard all the lies. I’ve got a question for all those folks: What are you going to do? What’s your answer? What’s your solution? And you know what? They don’t have one. Their answer is to do nothing. Their answer is to do nothing. And we know what that future looks like: insurance companies raking in the profits while discriminating against people because of preexisting conditions; denying or dropping coverage when you get sick. Barack Obama News Blog

In this instance we are led to believe that the two options are the reform Obama wants and doing nothing. He further illustrates this “do nothing” idea by claiming that those opposed have not offered any other options. It is reform the way he wants it or nothing.

Then he and his sock puppets go on to attack the do nothing approach as if it is a legitimate target. The truth is that there are many other options out there and they have been proposed. A handful of other options were proposed when Obama was a Senator and he VOTED AGAINST ALL OF THEM.

My Congressman, Frank Kratovil, took the same approach in a letter he wrote to me not long ago (in response to my call to his office). He said that we need reform and that we could not stick with the status quo. Here again, the options are the reform or nothing and this is just patently false. Once again, a number of bills were proposed in the past and Obama, as well as many other Democrats, voted against them. In voting against them it was they who wanted to do nothing.

I heard Harry Reid say that health care was sick and we needed to have reform and that doing nothing was not an option. Here is a different spin on the same straw man argument. Most folks universally agree that there needs to be changes to health care affordability in this country and many people have ideas. The problem is that the Democrats, the ones who wanted to work together, are not willing to listen to other ideas.

House Republican Leader John Boehner said that Republican leaders have not been invited to the White House to discuss health care since April. He indicated that the Republicans sent a letter to Obama in May stating that they would like to work with his administration to find common ground. The Republicans received what is described as a tersely worded letter indicating that they [Obama and the Democrats] had health care reform under control. [The Hill]

So when Obama says that his question of “what are you going to do?” is not answered because the Republicans do not have ideas and only want to keep things the way they are he is LYING. Barack Obama was presented many options when he was a Senator and he voted against them. He voted against giving things that would have been less costly a chance to succeed before he went all in with his complete take over of health care.

Obama does not want to hear differing opinions and he does not want to hear other ideas and he certainly does not want to let Republicans have a seat at the table because he has his own agenda that involves more control over our lives.

He is lying when he says that those opposed want to keep things as they are. He is lying when he says that there have been no other ideas offered. He is lying when he says that it is either his way or doing nothing.

He and his toadies are setting up straw men and beating them back down in order to deceive the public. Obama ignored reform when he was a Senator as did his Democratic colleagues.

Hold their feet to the fire and do not fall for the straw man argument. Recognize it and call them out on it because they are trying to deceive you in order to gain more control over your life.

Wake up America.

Big Dog

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