Michael Moore Shows His Ignorance, Again

Filmmaker Michael Moore is stirring up the ashes of racism and saying that this is the reason we have so many guns in our society. His claim is that most guns are bought by white people who fantasize about shooting an invader and that our image of those invaders is black folks.

Moore further states that the US has never been invaded so we really do not need 300 million guns in our homes. He further states:

“I get why the Russians might be a little spooked (over 20 million of them died in World War II). But what’s our excuse?” Moore said. “Worried that the Indians from the casino may go on the warpath? Concerned that the Canadians seem to be amassing too many Tim Horton’s donut shops on both sides of the border?” CNS News

As an aside, I could not help but laugh at the donut shop comment since it looks like Moore has been a victim of excessive donut consumption for some time…

First things first. If Moore contends that we have never been invaded so we don’t need guns in our homes I will counter with, the reason we have never been invaded is BECAUSE we have guns in our homes. I think the quote attributed to Japanese Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto puts it best; “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

So Michael, perhaps the reason we have never been invaded is because any potential enemy knows he would have to deal with millions of armed citizens.

But the meat of this issue is Moore’s misunderstanding of the reason we own guns and the reason we have a Second Amendment. While we are armed to protect our homeland the reason behind the Second Amendment is to ensure that the people have the means to fight our own government should it become tyrannical. We used our firearms to fight England when the King became oppressive and did things to us we did not like, one of which was the attempt to take our arms.

[note]This government has done far worse things to us than those enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and we fought a revolution over those grievances.[/note]

We are armed so as to keep our government in check. We are armed so we have the means to resist a government that ignores the Constitution and tries to impose its will on us contrary to the tenets of our founding.

Michael, we have a Second Amendment to protect all the other Amendments and to protect ourselves against our own government.

That is why we need to keep and bear arms. It guarantees the security of the free state.

Our Founders felt it was necessary to acknowledge the God given right to keep and bear arms for protection (a right that predated the Constitution as evidenced by the words, “the right”) against our government. Since they were much wiser than Michael Moore will ever be I think I will go with their plan.

This has nothing to do with racism. The mass murder in Newtown involved a white guy and white students. If Moore wants racism then perhaps he should look at the inner cities where blacks are killing blacks each and every day. The racist government has enslaved them in an inner city prison and then taken their ability to defend themselves. Therefore, the innocent become victims of the criminals who don’t obey the law.

Moore admits that laws banning guns will not stop the violence but he wants to take our guns nonetheless. To him it is the right thing to do. Only a liberal idiot would espouse doing something that will not work and say it is the right thing to do. Like Obama and his idea of taxing the rich. It won’t fix anything but it makes him feel good because that is the “right thing to do.”

Obama is protected by people with guns. Moore uses an armed guard (who was arrested for illegally carrying his firearm in New York) and people like Dianne Feinstein have or had carry permits all the while working to disarm the rest of us.

We put armed people at banks to guard our money but we make our schools gun free zones and do not allow people there to be armed for the protection of our kids.

Unless, of course, your child has the last name Obama.

The government in charge of us tried to take our firearms once before. We all know how that worked out. Does this government really want to ignore the Constitution and try to disarm us? Is it ready for a backlash that it cannot possibly control?

Time will tell but my money is on the people.

From our cold dead hands…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



The Abusive Police State

The police in Richmond VA have a new initiative to help citizens avoid being robbed. While it is nice that the police want to be proactive the initiative is nothing but harassment.

How’s that? How are the police going to harass taxpaying citizens in the land of the free? Well, the midnight shift will go around neighborhoods looking in cars and if the cars have items in them that might entice a criminal to break in, the cops will knock on the doors of the car owners and awaken them in the middle of the night to inform them they are at risk.

This is nothing more than harassment. If people want to leave things in their cars and those things get stolen then it is their problem. If the police feel compelled to look in cars and inform people (who have no obligation to correct what the police find) then they should leave a note or contact the owners during normal hours.

The police are contacting them in the middle of the night to harass them so they will not leave items again.

When contacted about this an officer in the department said he really did not care about the inconvenience that it causes for people.

Isn’t that nice. The moron who is paid with the money confiscated from taxpayers does not care that his actions are an inconvenience to those people. I have to believe that he also does not care that he is likely violating the people’s rights as well.

We are moving toward a police state where the law abiding are harassed by those who are supposed to protect them, not from themselves but from those who prey upon them.

Perhaps if the midnight shift spent more time looking for people out looking in cars in the middle of the night they could catch those who are breaking into them. Perhaps if the justice system did not keep letting the ones who get caught back on the streets with a slap on the wrist then people would not have to worry about what they leave in their cars.

People in New York are falling asleep on the subway and then thieves are taking their things. Perhaps the police there can ride the subways and wake people up instead of nabbing the criminals who are robbing them.

Maybe this moron cop in Virginia can explain to people how his officers have nothing better to do than to look in cars. Is crime in Richmond so low that the police need to harass the taxpayers who are not breaking laws?

And maybe he can explain how it is that his officers can be in neighborhoods looking but when they are called it takes forever for them to respond…

We are moving toward a police state and something terrible is going to happen. Some elderly person will die of a heart attack because of the middle of the night intrusion or someone will get hurt because they thought the knock was coming from someone intending to do them harm.

What will the police do then?

Probably tell us that it is an inconvenience and they really don’t care much about it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Protect Your Cell Phone From The Police

A court has decided that the police have the right to look through your cell phone without a warrant if they have arrested you for something. This comes from a case where a man was arrested for making drug deals and the police officer who looked through his phone for numbers he contacted.

The court claimed that the officer could basically deny the person his rights because information on the phone could be remotely erased by someone else with access to a computer and the phone. The need to gather data before it is gone is more important that the need to uphold our rights, at least according to this court.

What will they do next? Will they be allowed to go through your computer because you might erase the hard drive before they get a warrant? Will they be allowed to bust into your home and look around because you might destroy evidence or burn your house down before they get a warrant?

The idea that police officers will only look at information pertinent to the case is laughable. They will look through contacts to see who a person communicates with and they will look through emails to see what a person is talking about. They will look at everything and then use the information for things that have nothing to do with the case at hand.

The Baltimore police already violate people’s rights. When they arrest someone with a cell phone they take the SIM cards from them. The only reason to do so would be to put them in a reader and see what is on them. A drug dealer would have lots if interesting information on those cards. That is no reason to ignore the rights of the phone’s owners.

Protect your phone and its data. Many of us think our information is safe but this court has determined that this is not the case. Protect your phones by putting a password in place. The court might allow the cop to look at the information on your phone but you cannot be compelled to tell them the password. You have the right to remain silent.

And if a cop EVER asks if he can search your phone, say NO!

It is also important to set the phone to wipe the data after so many failed attempts at the password. Most phones do not have elaborate password schemes so it would only be a matter of time before any password is cracked. By setting the phone to wipe after so many failed attempts you can force the police to wipe your phone for you.

We are at the crossroads of falling into a police state sanctioned by rogue courts.

Protect yourself from those who care not about you or your rights.

Too many patriots died to protect your rights. The least you can do is carry that practice on.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Armed Citizens Have Reduced Gun Crime Rate

A headline at the Daily Caller reads; “Gun crime continues to decrease, despite increase in gun sales” as if the expected outcome of more guns is more gun crime. What it should read is; “Gun crime continues to decrease, because of the increase in gun sales.”

It has been shown time and again that an increase in gun ownership results in a lower rate of gun (and most other) crime because criminals don’t know who is armed and who is not. People in Texas are less likely to be the victims of crime than are the people of Massachusetts or Maryland because people in Texas own (and carry) weapons. Their state does not infringe upon the people’s rights like other states.

People are victims of crime because their government enables criminals and places citizens at a disadvantage. After all, when seconds count the police are only minutes away.

Liberals will ignore the facts and discount the reality that more guns means less crime. That has been shown in many states where guns are readily available and where lots of people own them and liberals still don’t get it.

No, it will no doubt be attributed to Obama and his leadership.

Come to think of it, more people own guns because of Obama so maybe he is responsible for the decrease in crime.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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All That TSA “Security” For What?

The TSA has been X-Raying, metal detecting, searching, feeling, groping, and molesting for a long time now and has not caught one terrorist. Big Sis tells us we need this invasive security to ensure we are safe on the planes, we have to fly safely you know.

A man smuggled a knife onto a plane and threatened to slit the throat of the person in the next seat.

A Salt Lake airline passenger faces federal charges for allegedly carrying a knife onto an airplane and verbally threatening police and FBI agents.

Shortly after taking his seat on a Delta Air Lines flight from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas on Sunday, David Alan Anderson, 60, began elbowing the passenger next to him to “claim” the armrest, according to a federal complaint. He then put his foot on the passenger’s leg. Deseret News

Why do we have all this security if the TSA can’t find a knife? How can they claim that molesting us ensures safety when they can’t find a knife?

How is it they can screw with people who have medical devices, the elderly and wheelchair bound but they can’t find a knife?

The TSA is a waste of money and should be replaced by private companies who use profiling to find bad people.

Of course we will likely have some new screening method put in place because of this thus violating our rights even more. Pretty soon they will make us strip naked to go through security.

And TSA will still miss dangerous items.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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