North Korea Tests Obama

Joe Biden told us there would be a test within six months. I personally believe there will be many tests because Obama has a spine of jelly rather than steel. Every rogue nation will attempt something to see just how far they can go. Unfortunately, they will meet little resistance.

North Korea launched a rocket as part of a test. The country claims it was launching a satellite and they claimed success despite the fact that those tracking it said it fizzled out and made a splash in an ocean. North Korea, unaware of the modern world and its capabilities, expects people to believe its claim that the satellite is in space and broadcasting data and patriotic music.

Obama is upset (as is Japan because the missile went over that country). All the players are asking the UN for sanctions on North Korea. What exactly will that accomplish? North Korea is poor. They have nothing. At night they have no lights, they have little or no food and water and they live in absolute poverty. The country is already sanctioned and has been for quite some time. What more will sanctions do?

I have heard the opinions about shooting down the rocket. I was not opposed to that idea. I figured we could track it and if it looked like a threat we could shoot it down. As it stands right now, we know North Korea has a way to go because its rocket fizzled out. However, if the satellite had made it into orbit I would have been more inclined to shoot it down then. That would have really burst their bubble.

We should recover it and see what the payload actually was. As for sanctions, they will not work. The UN has no testicular fortitude and the people there will be lining up to find a way to get rich by ignoring the sanctions. Oil for food and all that. Besides, the UN is not interested in punishing bad countries. That organization is much happier when it goes after good countries and leaves the bad ones alone. How many times do we have to see them blame Israel for the attacks against her to realize that?

In any event, if this is the big test then I think it is not much of one. Iran will have nukes before long and then we will see how the sainted one responds. He will have to decide what to do with a nuclear Iran while he is removing nuclear weapons from our arsenal.

Big Dog

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