Democrats Want To Flush Rush

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has an online petition where people can express their “outrage” at Limbaugh’s comments that he wanted Obama to fail. The petition features a clip that is taken out of context. It gives the impression that Limbaugh wants Obama to personally fail when in reality Limbaugh made it clear he wanted Obama to fail in policies that promote liberalism (or, dare I say, Socialism). Rush Limbaugh stated that he knows what Obama wants to do and that it goes against what conservatives such as Limbaugh (and this writer) believe in so he does not want Obama to be successful with his agenda.

Limbaugh specifically stated that he supported the president but not his policies.

One would be hard pressed to find that bit of information in the smear job being conducted by the Democrats. They are on a kick and they are after Limbaugh. It is their goal to make passing the misnamed “Fairness Doctrine” much easier as well as to discredit Limbaugh so fewer people will give weight to what he says.

[note]There is an old saying that you don’t pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel. Seems logical you would not pick a fight with someone who spends 15 hours a week talking to 20 million or so people.[/note]

The DCCC is hell bent on smearing Limbaugh by using his words out of context. This is not an unusual tactic for the left. Obama used Limbaugh’s words out of context in a campaign ad and Harry Reid used them out of context to gin up a story that Limbaugh dishonored our troops. Limbaugh turned the letter Reid wrote, one that was signed by a bunch of Democrats, into gold when he auctioned it off on Ebay. It netted millions of dollars, all of which went to The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.

One would think the Democrats learned not to mess with Limbaugh after that episode but they are not fast learners. For some reason they keep sticking their tongues on the cold flagpole.

I don’t understand why the Democrats are so upset. I understand the real reason for this and it is to discredit Limbaugh and weaken the opposition. But the premise is weak. Limbaugh clearly stated that he supported the president but not his policies.

How is that any different than “We support the troops but not the war?”

Big Dog

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Not A Good First Week For Obama

Barack Obama spent his first week in office undoing things to fit his liberal agenda and to give the appearance that he is fulfilling campaign promises. He has undone sanctions on world wide charities that perform abortions thus allowing US taxpayer dollars to fund abortions around the world. He has signed an Executive Order that closes Gitmo by February of next year but has no clue as to what to do with the inmates who are there. We might get to the point where the ones who can be released are set free in our country and those who cannot are jailed here. This would be disastrous and there would be very serious backlash if one of those released committed a crime here. I think they should be released to the White House. See if Obama is up for having these harmless people around his family.

It did not help that a report was released showing that 60 of the former inmates at Gitmo had rejoined the fight against us, that one had been put in a leadership position in a terror organization and that two recently appeared on a terrorist propaganda video. Yeah, shut down Gitmo and send these angels to live in America…

Then Obama had some setbacks with his nominations though Republicans basically rolled over and allowed the nomination of Hillary Clinton to go through. This very well could come back to bite Republicans and Obama in their sixes. Other nominees are getting grilled but in the end they will be confirmed.

Obama also discussed at length his idea of ethics and the restrictions on lobbyists serving in his administration. He then, not moments after discussing it, broke his own word by putting a lobbyist on board in his administration. The most ethical government is a meme we have heard through many administrations. When it comes down to it, they do what they want.

It is so bad that Muslims are saying bad things about him and al Qaeda has resorted to hurling insults at the man who was going to change the world. Everyone was going to love us if we elected him. Funny how that did not seem to work out, at least not right now.

The last thing Obama did was to take a swipe at Rush Limbaugh, America’s most listened to and highest paid talk radio host. Obama told Republican lawmakers that they could not listen to Limbaugh and expect to get things done. This is obviously a reference to the stimulus package that Rush and other TRUE conservatives oppose. What Obama is saying is, I can’t get this passed if you listen to what he says about it.

Limbaugh is not a politician so why should it matter what he says? Yes, he has a large following and he can get people worked up. When they get worked up they contact their members of Congress and discuss the prospects for future employment if they act in a way that people do not like. This means that politicians listen to their constituents rather than the president. Obama does not like that because he is fixated on the stimulus. To him it is an emergency that must be addressed RIGHT NOW even though most of the money will not be spent until 2011.

Obama wants this stimulus package to pass with a large majority because it is his first major undertaking. He does not want to be embarrassed by having it fail or pass by a slim margin. He needs a great deal of support in order to demonstrate he is in charge. But why pick a fight with Limbaugh?

Kevin Jackson (a talented writer) at The Black Sphere thinks it is so Obama will have a scapegoat if it fails. Obama needs a lot of Republicans on board so if this fails he will have them to blame. He also needs to demonize Limbaugh so that if it does not pass he can lay blame solely at Limbaugh’s feet. Obama is looking for an escape, a way out, a way to keep criticism off his back.

He is trying to make Republicans or Limbaugh his patsy depending on the outcome.

This is a feeble attempt because Obama and the Democrats have what they want. They have control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. They were very quick to assign blame to Republicans when they held that hand and now they will be the ones upon whose shoulders this rests. Obama does not like the idea of taking blame for failure because it might hurt his ultimate goal which is to be reelected. He does not want to serve just one term and if Democrats have their way he will serve more than two. It is hard to accomplish this if he is getting blamed for all the failures.

The Republicans are his way out if it passes but fails to stimulate the economy. He will blame something on them like Pelosi did with regard to the economic collapse. She told us that the Democrats had no blame and it was all the Republican’s fault which was a blatant lie. Obama would like to be able to do the same so he wants them on board.

Limbaugh is the perfect escape valve if the thing does not pass. He can blame it all on Limbaugh and the “disinformation” he put out. This will also allow him, with his cohorts in Congress, to fast track the inappropriately named “Fairness Doctrine.” The goal is to silence dissent, which was patriotic when Democrats engaged in it.

Obama is crafty but he has had a few missteps this week and he has ticked off his once fawning media wing. They were upset with his decision not to allow film crews in to record his do over on swearing in. They were not happy that he gave his first interview to a network that paid a lot of money to sponsor a ball and they were not happy he dismissed a reporter’s question about the ethics issue as “Not the right time.” Maybe it was not but he did invade their space and reporters ask questions.

Perhaps he was not accustomed to that since they ignored just about everything when he was running for office.

Tough questions, how dare they? I am The One…

All this in one week. Only about 207 more to go.

The only thing that could make his week worse would be if global warming were questioned further because snow and freezing temperatures hit a place where that rarely happens.


Telegraph UK

Big Dog

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Obama Is Da Man

Just ask him.

B. Hussein Obama had a meeting yesterday that clearly demonstrates that Republicans need to grow a pair of testicles very quickly and oppose the things this man wants. Obama’s answer to criticisms about his “stimulus” plan was to say “I won.” When asked about certain things contained in the plan (such as millions of dollars for contraception) he basically said he will trump anything because he won.

It is true that he won but he needs Republican support to get things passed, especially in the Senate. Obama is clearly demonstrating a cockiness in the way he will run government. He is saying that he gets what he wants because he won.

George Bush won and no Democrat felt he should get what he wanted. They opposed him every step of the way. Now, Obama wants the opposition to roll over and not provide obstacles?

Obama also told Republicans that they could not listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done [he means the things HE wants done]. The explanation that came later was that the statement was part of a broader picture and that in order to get along the partisan stuff had to go. This is what they want. Silence critics so that they can push things along.

What Obama means is that you cannot get along unless you buy into the partisan stuff the Democrats want. Remember, he won.

Just so Obama knows, you can’t listen to the MSM and get things done.

Well, I don’t think we should all get along. I don’t care if Democrats like it or not and Republicans need to have the testicular fortitude to stand up and not give this man anything that is harmful, like an 850 billion dollar credit card.

This Obamanation promised the bill would not contain pork. It would only contain what is needed to stimulate the economy.

How will contraceptives stimulate the economy?

The bill includes 600 million dollars to “to address shortages and prepare our country for universal healthcare.”

How does that stimulate the economy? It doesn’t. What they are doing is imposing Socialism in bits and pieces. If they brought this forward as a separate thing it would never pass. Sneaking it in is how they plan on getting things through without the opposition seeing it. One thing is certain, the bill contains a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with a stimulus.

It is designed to allow Obama to get stuff through unopposed. It is designed to allow Democrats to push their agenda.

This is the kind of transparency Obama is endorsing.

Change? I think not.

Obama likes to compare himself to Lincoln. They might end up being the only two presidents to govern during a civil war they started.

New York Post
Glenn Beck

Big Dog

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Did Obama Bite Off More Than He Can Chew?

I have read all the rantings over John McCain’s ads last week and how some people say they are full of lies. People lost their minds when John McCain accurately stated that Barack Obama wanted to teach sex education to kindergarten children. Obama and his supporters claim that it only dealt with inappropriate touching so children would know when someone was doing something wrong. Turns out that the curriculum that Obama wanted followed is absolutely inappropriate for children of that age and goes way beyond protection of children.

But the yappers were out screaming and when Karl Rove said that both campaigns were taking one step too far and distorting the truth the liberals, who live with their heads stuck someplace that blocks their ears, only picked up the part about McCain. Then they actually agreed with Rove, something I never thought I would see. Obama vowed to fight back. He is going to hit hard. Actually, he is just putting out statements taken out of context and telling lies. That is all OK but it would be nice if the same liberals who cried about their perception of McCain lying would go after The One.

I guess they don’t really have to go after him. Barack Obama did something really stupid today. He put out an ad that targeted Hispanics and the ad is in Spanish. The ad criticizes McCain and says he lied to the illegals. One can debate McCain’s record of reaching out to the Hispanic community. His support for amnesty was a major reason people were not enthusiastic with his nomination. If not for Sarah Palin, McCain would be toast. No, Obama can lie, in fact he did, about McCain’s record because this is politics and that is what happens. When a man runs scared he abandons his principles. No, Obama attacked Rush Limbaugh and he used two quotes from Limbaugh completely out of context. The use is so inaccurate that there is no way to look at it except as a deliberate distortion of the record; a lie.

Just so people know, the ad indicates that Limbaugh said “…stupid and unskilled Mexicans” and “You shut your mouth or you get out!”

The problem with this is that they are completely out of context. Here is what was said:

Railing against NAFTA in 1993, Limbaugh said, “If you are unskilled and uneducated, your job is going south. Skilled workers, educated people are going to do fine ’cause those are the kinds of jobs NAFTA is going to create. If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people, I’m serious, let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

Not one of his most eloquent moments, to be sure, but his larger point was that NAFTA would mean that unskilled stupid Mexicans would be doing the jobs of unskilled stupid Americans.


[while describing Mexican immigration law]
“And another thing: You don’t have the right to protest. You’re allowed no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our President or his policies. You’re a foreigner: shut your mouth or get out! And if you come here illegally, you’re going to jail. ABC

Limbaugh said that if there are jobs for stupid and unskilled people then stupid and unskilled Mexicans can do them rather than stupid and unskilled Americans. The second part is when he is telling people the Mexican immigration law. He is telling people what the Mexican government’s position is. People do not have to agree with the point of view he expressed but Stevie Wonder can see that the Obama ad is a huge, deliberate lie.

Why is this a mistake for Obama? Barack Obama has to pay for airtime when he wants to run an ad. Every time he wants to put up an ad it costs him money. Rush Limbaugh has three hours of airtime each and every workday and he does not have to pay to get it. In fact they pay him to be on. Admittedly, Limbaugh has been on Obama’s case but truth be told, until McCain picked Palin Limbaugh was not on board with him. I don’t think McCain and Limbaugh like each other.

The point though, is that Limbaugh could unleash on Obama for three hours a day and he could have all those authors on for interviews. You know, the ones that Obama supporters try to shut down on orders from The One; the Constitutional lawyer who wants to deny others their right to express their views. Yes, Limbaugh could start taking all kinds of Obama quotes and using them out of context and he could keep playing that stuff for three hours a day, five days a week and it would not cost him a dime.

Obama would be forced to answer some of the allegations especially when they start going on the Internet and become viral. I just don’t think it was smart of Obama to pick a fight with a guy who talks for a living, reaches tens of millions of people a week, and has all the airtime and resources he wants to attack as much as he wants.

It was a boneheaded thing for Obama to do. Before anyone dismisses Limbaugh’s audience as a bunch of conservatives, he attracts a lot of Independents and that is the demographic that will decide the election. He might even convert some of the liberals who listen to him (we know they are there).

Do you suppose the same media that just last week called McCain sleazy will have the same to say about Obama?


Washington Post | Rush Limbaugh | Politico

Big Dog

Obama’s Plan; Wishful Thinking

Throughout this never ending campaign season Barry Obama has trumpeted to the masses that he is different than the others. He has told us that he is a DC outsider and that he has the vision for America that is not clouded by politics as usual. This, of course, is a crock of excrement and one only needs to look at his career to see that politics as usual played a big part in how he was elected in Illinois and how he eventually got a seat in the elite club known as the US Senate.

After the primaries yesterday Obama put out a press release (I know it was his campaign but they speak for him) which stated that Rush Limbaugh had encouraged people to vote for Clinton because he wanted her to win and that Republicans were scared of Obama. The underlying theme is that she only won by 2% with all of Limbaugh’s “help.”

The first thing to address is this idea that Republicans want Hillary to win because she will be easier to beat and that Limbaugh leads that charge. The idea behind Operation Chaos is to keep Hillary close enough so that the Democratic primary continues to its convention. While Hillary might be easier to beat (polls differ on this on any given day) the sole intent is to keep this circus going. If Hillary loses and drops out it will give Obama more time to fight the Republican. By keeping this close we take that option away and allow Democrats to damage each other. Fear of one or the other has nothing to do with wanting Hillary to stay in the race.

In the overall scheme of things there is no need to fear any president because a president has limited power. The real damage to this country is done by the Congress. Congress does not have term limits so people get elected and they stay there a long time and they stagnate. They introduce and pass unconstitutional legislation and they spend our money recklessly. Congress is the reason this country is in bad shape. For those of you who oppose the war, Congress gave the authorization for it. Blame Congress for giving the President permission. A President Obama or Clinton would do little harm if there were a small Democratic majority or a Republican majority. Even as the minority, Republicans can block judicial and other nominations. We can obstruct any president as the Democrats have done to George Bush during the last seven plus years. Congress is the root of all evil but can place a president in check.

Ideally, we need to replace ALL the members of the House and every Senator who is up for reelection. Barring that, we need to have a divided government with gridlock. The less they are able to accomplish the less damage they can inflict. Now, back to the memo.

While the memo is long on Limbaugh it also contains other items of interest. There is a statement that the Obama camp expected Hillary to win Indiana “where she has the support of Senator Evan Bayh’s political operation and the demographics heavily favor her.” I can just imagine how the cries of racism would have sounded had Bill Clinton stated that they expected Obama to win North Carolina because the Demographics heavily favored him. There is no doubt in my mind that black voters and the race baiters who speak for them would claim that the statement was racist and did not belong in the campaign. I don’t see the statement as racist and feel that either is a statement of fact but I think it would be viewed differently by the black community had Bill said it. The question that the statement begs is, if the demographics heavily favored her how will Obama overcome them in the general election given that only 12% or so of the population is of a Demographic that has supported him at a 90% level. There is little support left given those numbers. Anyone who thinks this campaign is not about race has not paid attention to who is voting for Obama. Many blacks are voting for him because he is black. That means it is about his race.

The last part of the memo that I found interesting (it is full of distortions typical of a politician) is this:

But leaving that aside, this simply isn’t the kind of tactic that Democratic voters and superdelegates want to say. As President Clinton himself said a couple of years ago, “if one candidate’s appealing to your fears and the other one’s appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope.” Lynn Sweet

The first thing is that Obama has been repudiating Clinton and the politics of the past and has put some of the blame for where our country stands on the former president. I find it odd Obama would use Clinton’s words to make his case for a fresh start when he continues to link him with the past. I also know that hope is not proper mission planning. People can hope for many things and often it is an expression of wishful thinking as in I hope gas prices go down or that it does not rain. It is not prudent to hope for things, it is prudent to plan for them. Obama talks a lot about hope and he talks a lot about change but he does not talk about plans. He has no plans that extend beyond taxing people. He has nothing more than “I bring you hope [wishful thinking].” People don’t want hope, they want well defined leadership and Obama does not fit that bill.

People who live their lives based upon hope will fall for anything and follow anyone.

Enter Barack Obama…

Big Dog