I Saved 150,000 Jobs
Jun 9, 2009 Political
Today I saved 150,000 jobs. There are now 150,000 people who will continue to work because of me. It was not tough to do because all I did was say I saved them. No one can prove I did not because there is no way to measure a “saved” job.
That does not stop Obama from continuing to make the claim and it does not stop the media branch of the Democratic party from slobbering all over the phony claim.
Obama today stated that he was accelerating the stimulus money distribution. This is an admission that what he has done so far is not working. Remember, he told us that without the stimulus unemployment would be over 9% but with the stimulus it would be around 8%. Well, he passed the stimulus and unemployment is OVER 9%. So he made my argument that if we had done nothing things would eventually improve and it would cost less. It should not surprise anyone that the stimulus did not actually create jobs. Billions of dollars in the plan went to things that will never create a job. The stimulus was a way for government to spend huge sums of money under the cover of an economic “crisis.”
Obama also claimed that by Summer he would create or save 600,000 jobs. If they are created we can measure that but we cannot measure a saved job so this is an empty claim. Later he can say that he saved them and no one will be able to prove he did not.
Of course, he won’t be able to prove that he did either.
So, until the liberals call Obama on this fabrication I will continue to save jobs for America. I figure that I can save 24,900,000 jobs by the end of the year if I continue to save 150,000 each day.
And I will, trust me.
Its pretty easy so feel free to join me. If we all contribute we will have everyone working in no time.
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Tags: Obama, saved jobs, stimulus