California Taxpayers Fund Welfare Casino Visits

California is in financial trouble and that is an understatement. The state is near bankruptcy and has no viable plan for reducing debt and getting back on sound financial ground. Generous pension plans, unions and out of control spending as well as a welfare mentality has led this state to the precipice of insolvency.

Welfare should be for those who absolutely need a helping hand, or a hand up as opposed to a hand out. It should be sufficient to help people get on their feet and it should be short in duration. The longer people are on welfare the less likely they are to actually go out and make their own money. This leads to generational welfare where the entitlement mentality is passed from one generation the the next.

One would think that people who receive benefits because of the generosity of taxpayers (as if taxpayers actually have a say) would be responsible as to how the money is spent but that is just a pipe dream. Those who receive something for nothing usually care little about how they get “their checks” as long as they get them.

The aftermath of Katrina demonstrated the welfare entitlement mentality as the federal government issued $5000 ATM cards so that people could get necessities and make it during the turmoil. Instead of taking care of their families, many folks used the money to buy alcohol, tobacco products and other non necessities. Some folks spent the money are bars and strip clubs.

Why not? After all, it is free money…

California is experiencing the same issue with its welfare program. At least 1.8 million taxpayer welfare dollars were withdrawn from casino ATM machines. While one can argue that there is no evidence that the money was spent in the casinos a thinking person would have to ask why use the casino ATM when there are plenty of ATM machines around?

Welfare recipients used taxpayer money to gamble, that is the only conclusion that can be reached and while $1.8 million is a small amount of money when compared to California’s entire welfare expenditures, it is a substantial misuse of the money and puts a huge burden on an insolvent system.

The fraud is also not the only that is in the system. How many people use the welfare money to buy booze or cigarettes? Elaborate scams have been developed by welfare recipients and unscrupulous business people to circumvent the system and allow taxpayer provided money to be used for things that are not permitted by law.

Taxpayers in California should be outraged at the fraud in the system and should demand change. Governor Schwarzenegger has put a halt to use of welfare cards in casinos but this will not prevent people who can get cash for the cards from getting the cash and going to the casinos anyway (or from participating in the myriad of fraud schemes that run rampant in such a system).

The state needs to reevaluate the situation of every person on welfare and tighten up on those who should not be in the system or are abusing it. People should sign a contract when entering welfare so that they are clear on what is allowed and what the penalties will be if they defraud the system. Start by removing illegal aliens from the system and working to get them deported.

In addition, people who can work should be forced to get a job. If a job is advertised and they are able to do it (NO MATTER WHAT IT IS) they should be forced to take it. If they get fired or quit they are ineligible for welfare. People on welfare should be randomly tested for drug use and if they test positive they should be removed from the program. People who use welfare money for alcohol, tobacco, or gambling (and this is not an all inclusive list) should be removed and prosecuted. All fraud should be prosecuted in order to foster an environment of fear. People on welfare should fear being caught doing something wrong.

In addition, business people who assist in defrauding the system must be prosecuted. If workers in a business devise a scheme to defraud then they must serve mandatory jail time. If business owners are knowingly part of the scheme they should have their business licenses revoked and their businesses seized and sold to pay restitution. Obviously, they should serve jail time.

Continually rewarding people with “free” money makes them less willing to work and more willing to devise schemes to keep that money coming. They lose the desire to work for something and to contribute to society. Ignoring the illegal things that take place in the welfare system helps to foster this attitude and further degrades the system. It also makes it much tougher for people who actually need welfare assistance.

One more thing that should be considered. California should require people on welfare to work for the money. Obviously there are some people who will not be able (the truly disabled) but most will be able to participate. The state has plenty of roads and parks that need to be cleaned of litter. There are plenty of housing projects and parks that need the grass cut. There is a lot that can be done to earn the money from taxpayers and it is time we forced welfare recipients to do something to earn the money.

Sitting on the couch watching Jerry Springer or Oprah while waiting to squirt out another entitlement baby is not productive work.

And California is not the only state that should be doing these things.

Imagine how much money could have been saved if welfare recipients were required to shovel all the snow from this past winter’s brutal storms…

If we make welfare an uncomfortable way of life fewer people will be willing to go on it.

Who knows, maybe they can get a job at one of the casinos…

LA Times
The Desert Sun

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Schwarzenegger Blows Chance At Presidency

Arnold Schwarzenegger gave an interview and he said that he would love to be president one day, “if it were possible.” Schwarzenegger is the governor of California but he is ineligible to be the president. Some might think that it is because of the Constitution as pointed out in the article:

At the moment, becoming president would be impossible. Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria and became a U.S. citizen in 1983, is not a “natural born citizen” of the United States, as required by the Constitution. LA Times

Not being natural born is not what keeps Schwarzenegger from being eligible to run. What keeps him ineligible is that he made it known that he is not natural born. If he had a way to have all his records sealed, both here and in his native country, he could have claimed to have been born here and people would have no choice but to let him be president, provided he won the election.

That is exactly what we are doing with regard to Obama. He has yet to prove he was born here. Despite what the left says there has been no proof that he was born here and no official has stated that he was. Additionally, his birth certificate was never reviewed for authenticity. This has been hashed out before so I will not go into it again but comprehension is important with this issue.

As for Schwarzenegger, he screwed himself out of the chance to be president by doing things legally. His paperwork is out there for people to see and he has never said that he was born here. Obama claims he was but his granny said otherwise and the history shows that it is likely the case that he was born elsewhere.

I am just as happy that Schwarzenegger cannot run for the presidency. He is no different than John McCain in that he is a RINO who is willing to buy into liberal pap and to compromise principle. McCain was a far better selection than Obama but McCain is no conservative. Schwarzenegger is not one either and I would not want to see him occupy the White House.

We need true conservatives in office. When they run, they win because the majority in this nation hold conservative values. Despite what the left said about the last election being a repudiation of conservatism, it was not. George Bush is not a conservative and no conservative was in the general election.

The American public picked a far left liberal candidate over a moderately liberal one.

Sorry Arnie, you screwed yourself. For the rest of you non natural born citizens who want to run, start hiding your records now.

Big Dog

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Californians Divorce Selves From Gay Marriage

Not too long ago the voters of California decided that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then some gay couples got their collective panties in a wad and decided that the will of the people meant nothing and that the will of the voters must be overturned. They sued and a moron judge decided that gays had the right to marry. It would appear that whatever the people voted on was not a vote to change the Constitution (though I am not sure how the convoluted California system works). In any event, the proposition (8) was placed on the ballot and it specifically called for changing the California constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman.

On November 4th, thanks to Barack Obama, Prop 8 passed and now gay marriage is illegal in California. Yes, blacks opposed the measure and since a record number of them turned out to vote for borther Barry, they also voted to squash gay marriage. The people who supported it are not happy and they are looking for ways to, once again, thwart the will of the people.

RINO Governor Schwarzenegger says he hopes it will be overturned in the courts. Ellen, Rosie and any number of other celebrities gay and straight alike are in a tizzy over the whole issue and they are looking for ways to negate the will of the people. Yes, those who supported it feel they have the right to overrule the HUGE majority of people who oppose gay marriage. But even if it passed by one vote, it is the will of the people.

The gays have been protesting in the streets and they have the support of some of the better known celebrities who support gay marriage. You see, the vote did not go the way they wanted so they are upset and looking to change it. This is how things work on their side of the world. When elections do not go their way they protest and raise hell. They look to the courts to change the will of the people by having them overturn what the voters decided. This time, the voters decided on an amendment to the Constitution in accordance with their law. They had a ballot initiative and one side lost. The courts should have NO say in this matter.

I imagine these celebrities (gay and straight) who are up in arms and want the results of the vote overturned would probably lose their liberal minds if Americans who voted for someone other than Obama started challenging the results in court and tried to get a Conservative judge to overturn the results. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lawsuit in place but it deals with a Constitutional issue and will likely go nowhere since the Supreme Court lacks testicular fortitude.

Look, gay people in California and those who are upset with the outcome, you lost, get over it. Your side will not be walking down the aisle in the near future because the sane people in your state decided that they needed a constitutional amendment to clarify what should be common sense in accordance with nature and normalcy.

For you moonbats who refuse to pay your taxes over this, you could be in trouble. Melissa Etheridge has stated that since she is denied the right to marriage she will not pay her CA taxes. I don’t agree with Obama being elected, does this mean I don’t have to pay my federal taxes? I don’t believe in taxpayer funded abortion so should I pay taxes if they are used for that?

The ruling of the people stands and it will be a part of the Constitution in California. If any judge overturns the will of the people this time they should drag him out of court and string him up.

As for the bleeding heart Governor Arnie, someone change his voter registration to Democrat. He is liberal and out of touch with what the Republican party stands for, like the rule of law, so throw him out and be done with it.

Must be what happens when you marry a Kennedy, half your brain is removed and you become a lib…

You guys should be careful what you ask for. You wanted Obama really bad and in getting him you got a large number of his followers who voted against you. I might not like it that Obama won but I take comfort in the knowledge that his victory caused your defeat…

Big Dog

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Gov. Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) on Global Warming Hoax

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) is criticizing the Bush Administration for failing to recognize global warming and for not acting on it because the Chinese and Indians did not act. Schwarzenegger’s remarks came after the EPA decided not to pursue further action against global warming during the Bush presidency. It would appear as if the Terminator has swallowed the global warming Kool-Aid by the barrel.

Hey Arnold, what science exists that proves global warming is a man made issue? How do you explain the warming and cooling cycles that the Earth has experienced for centuries, long before man was emitting huge amounts of carbon? How do you explain the fact that warming and cooling coincide with sunspot activity and finally, how do we explain the global warming that the planet Mars has experienced since no life has been discovered there and humans certainly do not live there?

What exactly would you and the global warming toadies have us do about a problem that man has very little to do with? There is very little evidence to suggest that mankind is responsible for the warming trend that is taking place just as there was no evidence that mankind was responsible for the cooling trend that took place. The Earth has heated and cooled for centuries and will continue to do so even if all life on it ceased to exist.

Global warming scientists make money from research on that very subject and it is unlikely they will dispute it since the subject gives them a paycheck. Global warming is a huge money making venture for Al Gore and others who sell carbon offsets to idiots who have more money than brains. The government has jumped on the global warming bandwagon to show people how green we can be and many companies are trying to out-green each other. It costs a lot of money and is a wasted effort. Al Gore and all the green celebrities use more electricity and fossil fuels than most people will in a lifetime. They can’t be taking it too seriously because they are laughing all the way to the bank.

Arnold finished by telling the reporter how far ahead of the country California was in the effort to combat global warming:

He also highlighted the strides taken by California to counter global warming.

“I’m very happy that California is in the forefront,” he said. “We are very aggressive. We have made a commitment to roll back our greenhouse gas emissions to the 1990 level … We didn’t wait for Washington. I just felt that the administration and the federal government have been terrific partners in a lot of things for us and we have worked together very well, but environmental issues was not one of them.” Political Radar [ABC]

California has all those movie studios and sets that blow things up and burn things down. They continue to produce TV shows and movies that emit tons of pollutants into the air. Has anyone shut them down yet? California also has a huge problem with wildfires right now. These were caused by lightning and have been burning for weeks. The amount of pollution [or greenhouse gases if you will] released into the atmosphere is more than some small countries will emit in decades. If one were to believe that man causes global warming where do we put the blame for this?

How exactly is California in the forefront when it blows up and burns stuff to make money and every time one turns around the place is on fire?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a RINO. He is a Republican by registration but he is not conservative by any means. He has bought into the global warming hoax and wants his state as well as the country to spend money on something that is, as yet, unproven and certainly not attributable to man. Of course, Arnold is not alone, just listen to John McCain and some of the others. It is amazing what kinds of scams people will fall for.

Arnold made a lot of films where things blew up or burned and he flies back and forth to work everyday (or did until recently). How exactly does that make him any different than the rest of the “do as I say and not as I do” elitists who run this country?

Big Dog