A One Woman Death Panel

I imagine HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius now wishes she had not said that someone lives and someone dies when discussing why she would not change or temporarily suspend the rules regarding transplants of adult lungs to children. The issue is about a child with weeks to live who needs a transplant. Her doctor says he thinks she can handle an adult lung but the rules do not allow it.

Children’s lungs are fairly rare with regard to transplant and the double edged sword is that children do not usually do well with adult lungs. The overarching issue is that her doctor (the one who should have the best idea) says she can handle it.

Sebelius has not budged from her position but will now have to allow it as a judge issued an order that she had to allow the child to be placed on the list for an adult lung.

There are pros and cons with this as some doctors think it is wrong to change the rules in court and others thinking the rule should be suspended.

I fall in the camp that believes the government should not be making rules regarding our direct health care (and few regarding ANY of our health care). I believe, and Obama professed to believe, that medical care decisions should be between the doctor and the patient. As he was ramming Obamacare down our throats he kept telling us that no bureaucrat would come between you and your doctor.

Well Sebelius is a bureaucrat and she is between the little girl and her doctor. Expect more of this as Obamacare is fully implemented. We will be hit with a double whammy. Obamacare will ration services (the death panels Palin talked about and Obama denies) as well as the IRS deciding if you get care based on your political beliefs.

Don’t say that can’t happen. A few months ago anyone who said that conservatives were being targeted by the IRS would have been called a conspiracy nut. What a difference a few months make.

Before some liberal tells me that the policy regarding transplants has been in place since before Obama took office, I already know that. I do not care when it was put in place or by whom. It is in the spotlight NOW because of Sarah Murnaghan and her need for a lung. It is big news now because the situation clearly demonstrates the Obamacare death panel argument as being true.

It is in the news because a government bureaucrat said that someone lives and someone dies when speaking about a child who is very ill.

I wonder if Sebelius would waive the rules if one of Obama’s daughters needed a lung…

I wish no harm on anyone’s child and the sentence using Obama’s daughters was illustrative only to provoke thought about the disparity in health care decisions by government bureaucrats.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Government Health Care Leads To Shortages

In April of this year the world was hit with a flu virus and it spread rapidly. The Swine flu (H1N1 variant) struck late in the year and was fairly mild. Concern over the virus reemerging during flu season and being even stronger led to rapid production of a swine flu vaccine. The private industry that developed the vaccine and got it to market quickly is to be commended. The efficacy and safety of the vaccine are a different issue (last time there was a rush the vaccine killed more people than the flu) and the decision to get it is one that should be made between a patient and a doctor. Suffice it to say that the private industry responded quickly.

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius told us that there was plenty of vaccine, the government is distributing it, and that everyone who wants it will be able to get it. Sounds good so far.

The problem is, government is involved in getting it out and ensuring that everyone who wants it, gets it. There are now regional shortages of the vaccine and there is concern that it will not be available in time to be effective. There is a possibility that by the time some are vaccinated (or have the opportunity to be vaccinated) they will have gotten the flu or the threat will have passed.

Remember, the government is in charge of this. The same people who want to take over the health care system and run every aspect of it are not able to distribute a flu vaccine.

Someone on TV (I can’t remember who) said that he believes that Sebelius has the safety of our children in mind but it is not at the top of her list. The person said it might be number two but her number one thought is “Please don’t let this be our Katrina.”

That is probably accurate. The government is showing that it is not very efficient at the small task of distributing vaccine (it is small compared to running health care) but it expects us to believe it will be able to run all of health care. The Obama administration wants this to go well so that it can crow like a rooster about how well it did and that the government is capable of handling our health care. The reality is that the administration is failing in the mission it took on.

It is true that there are shortages of the seasonal flu vaccine each year but then again no one tells us that there is enough for every man, woman, or child who wants it. In the case if H1N1, the government assured us there is enough for everyone

We have already seen plans for a state government to ration care in the event of a severe flu outbreak. Those plans call for those in certain categories (like those with terminal cancer) to be denied care. That is how government run health care works everywhere it is tried.

The vaccine distribution is strike two in government’s latest attempt to demonstrate it can handle health care (it struck out with Medicare a long time ago).

In baseball, three strikes and you are out. Let us hope that the third strike of government is not demonstrated by failure after it passes a complete health care overhaul. Because then we will be the ones who lose.

Oppose the government takeover of our health care. It will add to the deficit, it will not cover everyone (which they said they would do) and it will lead to poor service and rationing.

Then again, if their ineptitude leads to a huge number of deaths they will be able to save some money.

ObaMao wants complete control and the health care takeover is one big way in which he will do it.

Wake up America.

Related Articles:
Suozzi lashes out at Feds, state over flu vaccine shortages
Swine Flu Vaccine: Enough to Go Around?
Swine Flu Vaccine: Too Little, Too Late?
H1N1 Running Rampant Amid Shortage of Vaccine
U.S. Faces Swine Flu Vaccine Shortage

Remember, they said we have enough. So, how are there shortages?

UPDATE: Illinois is denying the vaccine to the elderly who are not in the government’s target group. Vaccines canceled in parts of Illinois. [Thanks to Mike Radigan]

Big Dog

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IRS Agent Not Too Bright

A 43-year-old IRS agent named Jim H. Liu from California has admitted that he filed a false tax return by claiming a loss on the sale of property on which he actually made a profit. This guy actually admitted that he did this deliberately after two months of expert instruction explaining how to avoid taxes. Nominee after nominee for the Obama administration has stepped up to explain that taxes were not paid and that the slight was merely an oversight. Tim Geithner deliberately failed to pay his taxes and he is now in charge of collecting them. He is even threatening those who have failed to pay their taxes. Now this is the way it is done.

Obama’s newest nominee for Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, has admitted that she made a mistake on her taxes and she paid around $7000 plus interest to clear the matter up. She follows Tom Daschle who failed to pay his taxes.

Liu faces three years in prison (though there is no indication he will get that) for cheating on his taxes.

If he had been a nominee for the Obama administration he would have gotten the job, kiss, kiss, all forgotten.

Big Dog

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