A couple Of Stories About Race And Cowards

There are a few issues about race today and they involve a chimpanzee and an Attorney General who can best be described as an ass.

The first story is about a political cartoon that uses the horrible incident of the 200 pound chimp that attacked a woman. The police had to shoot the animal to put it out of the woman’s misery. The cartoon has a dead chimp with a few bullet holes in him and two cops stating that “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.” Of course this was immediately pounced on as racist. How dare this cartoonist call Obama a chimp. Why, that’s racist.

First of all Obama did not write the bill, Pelosi did. So if anyone was being called a chimp it was she. However, I don’t even think it was directed at any particular person. I think the chimp represented those who spent our money ridiculously. It was if the cartoonist said that the bill was so bad some non human primate must have written it.

Al Sharpton, the race baiter who was defanged when a black man became president, found a reason to protest. Honest to God this guy and his group of people are no different than the Muslims who protest over cartoons of their child molesting prophet. Sharpton stated that blacks had been equated to chimps and that this was a racist attack. Screw you Al.

At his first press conference, Obama stated:

And let me give you a prime example — when it comes to how we approach the issue of fiscal responsibility. Again, it’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks about this recovery package after they presided over a doubling of the national debt. I’m not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to fiscal responsibility. NPR [emphasis mine]

For the last eight years the left has called George Bush a chimp. There are websites dedicated to this very thing. He was chimpy McBush, chimpy, and a number of other combinations of Bush and Chimp. There were even pictures of his face on a chimp’s body. I never heard the left go nuts over this and Al Sharpton did not protest this attack on the president.

So, to paraphrase Obama, It’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks who called George Bush a chimp for the last eight years. I’m not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to the chimp issue.

Call Obama what you want. Chimp is as good as anything else and it does not matter what you say because if someone does not like it then it will be labeled racist. So have fun because they will say it anyway.

For the record, I think he looks like Curious George.

The second issue involves the half baked, liberal twit of a gun grabber and terrorist appeaser, Eric Holder. Holder gave a little speech and he was discussing race in America. Holder discussed race and said that while we were integrated at work, during our off time we segregated into our groups and that no one wants to talk about race in America. He called us a bunch of cowards. While I don’t accept the statement that we do not discuss race I certainly could not blame people for avoiding the subject. Each time someone breaks wind around a black person he is labeled a racist and protested by Al Sharpton. See above story for what over reaction and race baiting is all about.

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards,” Holder said in remarks to his staff in honor of Black History Month. His comments appear on a transcript provided by the Justice Department.

Even as we fight a war against terrorism; deal with the reality of electing an African-American, for the first time, as the president of the United States; and deal with other significant issues of the day, the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present, and to understand the history of African people in this country — that all endures,” the attorney general added. Commentary Magazine

Yes Eric, we tend to hang with people who are like us. We are tribal and it is human nature to hang in groups of people who are like us. However, if he wants to discuss the idea that we segregate then let us look at the culprits. The black community is the most segregated community and other ethnic groups are not far behind. And they do this on purpose by setting up segregated organizations. After all, what are the NAACP, the UNCF, and the Congressional Black Caucus? They are nothing more than groups of blacks who segregate themselves. The real difference is that they do it at work as well as during their down time.

We certainly talk enough about race. NRO has a list of discussions that have taken place. I am not sure where Holder gets his information but he is definitely looking at different sheet music than I am.

I take great issue with the assertion of being cowards. First of all, since we talk about race his argument is negated. Second of all, it is not cowardly to associate, on one’s own time, with people that are alike. I have plenty of black friends but my bigger social circle is white. Most of the blacks I know have a larger social circle that is mostly black people. This is human nature. We tend to have tribes that are filled with people who are like us. However, Holder seems to ignore the fact that we belong to outside organizations and they are generally diverse. The Gathering of Eagles has members of all colors and when we get together our tribe consist of veterans. That, not color, is the main focus. People hang with those like them. Color is not the only thing with which tribes identify.

The American Civil War was a war about state’s rights and one of the issues was slavery. I might be wrong here but it seems to me that about 600,000 people died during that war having a pretty heated discussion about many topics, one of which dealt with race.

I doubt any sane person would call them cowards.

I think Holder is way off base here. How dare this metrosexual puke call Americans cowards. For generations Americans have shown great bravery and have overcome tremendous odds. We have dealt with race and many other subjects with bravery and for this puke to suggest otherwise is a slap to greater men than he.

Yes, his subject was race but his assertions only alluded to race as being what we were cowards about. Even if he meant only wih regard to race, he is wrong.

This thumb sucking bed wetter needs to concern himself with the laws of the land and leave the talk of race to others.

This is the guy who is afraid of guns so perhaps this talk of cowardice is nothing more than projection about himself…


And will someone tell him the Grecian Formula is for his head and not just for his mustache?

Big Dog

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