Classic Filibuster

Bernie Sanders, as I write this, has been talking for 6+ hours on the Senate floor to prevent voting on, well, anything. While he’s babbling on about how wonderful socialism is, and how bad it is that any people have something that others don’t, I love the classic filibuster. That’s how you’re supposed to filibuster — get up there and talk. The “new” filibuster, where a Senator just claims they’re doing it is crap. Keep babbling, Bernie!

I hope he goes for a week so they can’t get anything done. The less they do, the better off (in general) people are.


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Now It Is Our Turn To Speak

For the past two years we have listened to the politicians who have refused to listen to us. They ignored the will of the people and conducted a one way conversation by telling us what they were going to do, when they were going to do it, and how much we would like it. They also spelled out how great it would all be.

For the past half year or so we have been barraged with political ads and non stop campaigning as they once again spoke to us and told us why they deserved to be sent back to DC. Many of them ran from their records and many shunned new candidates as out of touch morons who did not understand how the process works. The establishment politicians from both sides have tried to disparage those who decided to, as Obama might say, get some skin in the game.

We have been forced to listen to them and they have refused to listen to us. In fact, they ignored us and now it is time for us, We the People, to have our say.

Today is election day across this nation and after months and months of listening, we get to speak. It is our turn and we will be heard.

Get out and vote. Vote your conscience and vote for candidates who espouse your points of view. Remember those politicians who refused to listen to you because today is the day they must listen to you.

Finally, you will be heard, loud and clear.

For those of you in Maryland, now is your chance to get rid of Martin O’Malley. He is a slick talking snake oil salesman who harps about his opponent raising taxes and fees while ignoring that he raised our sales tax 20%. Martin O’Malley is responsible for the largest tax increase in our history. If Robert Ehrlich’s increased fees are tantamount to rasing taxes (a position with which I, in part, agree) and mean he should not be governor then O’Malley’s largest tax increase in history disqualifies him as well.

O’Malley promised to fix the electric rate increase and it went up 75%. That was all on him. He raised taxes in many areas and he has taken a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit.

Barbara Mikulski has got to go. This Senator claims, in her ads, that they (you know, those other people in DC) like to spend your money bailing out the big guys and she thinks it should go to you. She is one of the “they” that votes to send your money to the big guys. She has voted for all the measures that spent your tax dollars on others, contrary to her claims. In one Mikulski ad she claims to be known as a cheapskate. Perhaps that is so but only when it involves her own money. When it is our money, she is quite generous with it.

Mikulski claims that “they” wanted to take away mammograms and other screenings for women but she changed the law. Insurance companies cover those things. It was the negotiations for Obamacare that removed many items and Barb claims she changed the law. No, she wrote the women’s care amendment for Obamacare so she did not change any law. She changed part of a bill. She also wrote portions dealing with birth control in vague terms to avoid objection and cloudy the issue.

Barbara Mikulski is a DC politician and she is a big tax and spend liberal. No matter how she tries to portray herself, that is what she is. The only time we ever see her is around election time. Like all other politicians, she does not listen to us but she expects us to listen to her.

The last race is in the 1st Congressional District. Frank Kratovil has not served the people of his district and he needs to be replaced by someone who holds the same values as the people living here. Andy Harris is a decent, honest conservative who will listen to the people of the District and govern with conservative values. He is a physician and a veteran and he will be a true representative of his constituents. I know Andy and he is a decent man who deserves and needs your vote.

There are plenty of local offices that have been held by Democrats for decades and they need to go as well. They have run this state into the ground. It is time to throw them out and start with a fresh group.

You folks have a chance to do right by the state and you can do so by voting the entrenched Democrats out. While we are at it, we have a chance to get rid of Steny Hoyer. Charles Lollar is a great conservative with lots of business and military experience. If you are in his district, give him a chance.

America, and particularly the people in my state of Maryland, today is the day you get to speak. Let them know that you do not appreciate them not listening to you. Let them know that you are their bosses and that they did not listen to you so you have no intention to listening to their pleas for reelection.

America, it is time to be heard.

Get out and vote.

UPDATE: Be sure to comment and tell us who you want to see elected, who you want to see defeated and why…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The 17th Amendment

So, which of you good readers know, without looking it up, the 17th amendment? No, don’t worry, I won’t expect everyone to know every amendment, I was just wondering. And so you won’t have to look it up, here it is:

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

Yes, that’s the first part of it, but it’s the part I’d like to comment on today. And my comment?

That stinks.

I’m sure most people today don’t understand the process that made the election of Senators direct — but look at how it effects government today. The US Senate, primarily, passes laws that spend money (other people’s money). And in a large number of those cases, they direct states to spend money — not caring if the states actually have any money. And this gives the governments in the states the ability to say, “Gee, sorry working people, we HAVE to raise taxes to pay for this program we’re required to have.”

That could change if the Senators then had to head home and answer to the legislators who elected them. No, it wouldn’t be a perfect system, but it would be better than what we have now. Currently, US Senators are rich bodies who fill seats for the national parties and large special interest groups (businesses, unions, etc.). No Senator really gives a damn about anything that happens to people in their own state. This can be seen, obviously, if one cares to look. Take a look at Alaska, where everyone assumed that the political royalty would just stay elected (Murkowski). Then, when something happened and she didn’t win, suddenly the National Democrat Party was interested in the Senate election in Alaska. Not one person in the National Democrat Party cares about a thing in Alaska — but now that they perceive that they have a chance to get a seat from Alaska, they’re interested. And the Republican Party, after seeing their anointed lose, refuse to do anything about it (see: Republican Party doesn’t remove now ex-Republican Murkowski from any leadership positions). Again, they’re more interested in the warm body that they can claim as their own.

I wonder if enough Tea Party candidates win, if this amendment would have a chance of being removed.


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The Democrats Need To Huddle

Looks like the Democrats need to get in a huddle and get the game plan set so they are all on the same sheet of music. While Joe Biden is out blaming George Bush and the Republicans for the country’s problems (they inherited a mess you know) Barack Obama is out blaming Congress. In this instance Obama is closer to the truth than Biden.

George Bush was president when things went bad but they did not go bad until the Democrats took over Congress. They have been in charge of both chambers since 2006 and the country rapidly deteriorated since that time.

I know there is an election coming and I know the Democrats are set to lose quite a few seats and possibly both chambers of Congress but they need to get their act together. Biden is predicting that his party will not lose control as he is expected to but it helps little when Obama is blaming the inaction of Congress for problems, a Congress controlled by his party.

My prediction, and it is at odds with Biden’s, is that the Democrats will lose the House and I am betting even odds that they will lose the Senate.

This might be best for Obama (and might explain why he blamed Congress) because a Republican Congress will make him look good as it did Clinton. Bill Clinton gets a lot of credit for things that were done as a reult of the actions of a Republican Congress and having a Republican Congress is probably why he got a second term.

Obama might be hoping to be so lucky and all indicators are that he will at least get the same opportunity Clinton had because despite Biden’s cheery outlook, the Democrats will lose control of the House.

I might be wrong though. After all, Biden was the one who called this the Summer of Recovery…

And we see how that is working out.

LA Times

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Sestak Obligated To Report The Details Of Crime

Joe Sestak won the Democrat primary in Pennsylvania beating Arlen Specter for a seat in the US Senate. This was a very sweet victory because Specter switched parties and the only reason he switched was so he could win reelection. When he discussed changing parties he had a promise from Obama that he would get his full support int he campaign.

Obama made one appearance and then was AWOL (though maybe Specter asked him not to come again) but one thing that Obama did do was try to buy off Sestak. According to Joe Sestak, someone in the regime offered him a position in the government (speculation is it was Secretary of the Navy) if he would drop out of the race. This would give Specter the primary win but he would have lost to his Republican challenger in November.

In any event, the offer to Sestak, a job to leave the race, appears to be a violation of federal election laws.

This subject was brought up again Meet the Press and Sesatk confirmed that the incident happened but refused to go any deeper. He said that he has said it happened and that if there is any further disclosure about it then it should come from others (those involved).

It seems to me that if someone made him an offer that was a possible violation of the law then he is obligated to report the violation and give the details. He does not have to do it in the press but he needs to report ALL that he knows to law enforcement (and perhaps he has).

If he thinks the others who are involved are obligated to report their potential misdeeds then he is misguided. People are not obligated to incriminate themselves. It is up to Sestak, in this case, to disclose who made the offer and any other details so that it can be investigated.

If he wants to gain the trust of the people this is a poor way to go about it.

Sestak will likely lose in November so maybe he is waiting until then to be sure before he talks…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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