Politicians, You Were Warned
Sep 25, 2013 Political
It looks like Democrats, with the help of some RINOs will be able to find a way to fund Obamacare against the will of the people and, in the case of Republicans, in opposition to the position they ran on. These Republicans vowed to do everything possible to defund of repeal Obamacare. They have the chance and they are not going to do it.
The Republicans who help the Democrats will then vote against the measure which will pass with a simple majority which the Democrats have. Those deceitful Republicans will then run for reelection telling people they voted to defund Obamacare and that will be a lie.
Americans were given over 21 hours of education by Senator Ted Cruz and he made it clear that a vote for cloture would be a vote for Obamacare.
The American public has been burning up the phone lines to the Capitol and expressing their desire that their Senators do what it takes to defund.
The people in the Senate, those who work for us, will ignore them at their own peril. When 2014 rolls around these same politicians will run around begging for money, swearing they kept their promise to defund and will ask that you vote for them so they can continue their work.
Many of them will lose their seats either in a primary or in the general election because the base is fed up. We know what they are doing and we know they are lying to us. For those who were unsure Ted Cruz spelled it out very clearly. You can play games but you do so at your own peril.
Mitch McConnell lost the Tea Party backing and he has a primary opponent. It is time for the people of Kentucky to throw this hack out of office. If John McCain does not retire then the people of Arizona need to retire his sorry ass.
We need to make them pay for failing to listen to us.
I do not care if the Democrats take control. That is not my concern because with this bunch of Republicans we might as well have Democrats.
[note]Democrats in red states might catch hell in 2014 if they vote to fund Obamacare. Good, make them pay.[/note]
The Republican Party will be making calls to get money for the election. Some of my money will go to specific candidates like Cruz and not to the parties. I recommend that people use their political donations to buy ammo instead…
There is a good chance the Republican Party will lose many people who will change their affiliation over this.
Good, let them ride the sinking ship to the bottom without the rest of us.
We are tired of being lied to and taken advantage of and soon they will know our anger and our resolve.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: general election, Harry Reid, lies, obamacare, primary, promise, Senate, sham, ted cruz
The Nobel Appease Prize
Oct 9, 2009 Opinion

Barack Obama was the “surprise” winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. As my co-writer Blake points out, he has not done anything to earn it. I have to agree, what has Obama done to earn the award? He has been in office for only nine months and nothing he has done has resulted in any kind of peace.
Even those except his most ardent supporters would have to ask what he has done to get this award.
As far as I am concerned the award means little. It has been given to people who have had little to do with peace including Al Gore (who received his for something that was supposed to be science) and Yasser Arafat (who was anything but peaceful). The award is basically a political award and is used to push an agenda, to give some credibility to the people who espouse the same views of the committee regardless of accomplishment.
The nomination of Obama was made just before the 1 February deadline and only 2 weeks after he took office. What was he nominated for? His acts up to that point certainly did not warrant the prize. If the nomination is for past deeds then he certainly did not qualify.
If it was for the deeds of the past nine months then one has to ask what he has done to earn it. What did he do that made him more deserving than the other nominees who actually have accomplishments in the area of peace? Obama has not brought peace to the Middle East. His relationship with Israel is strained and he has coddled terrorists as well as others who wish to do us harm. He has talked a good game but that is not worthy of the award.
This was purely a political move designed to bolster a man who was hurt by the IOCC and by his continual missteps on the world stage.
I am not saying that Obama would not have a term in office (or work after he is out of office) that eventually led to him actually deserving the award, that is something we cannot know. However, it is clear that he has done nothing, up to this point, to deserve it.
The award has always meant little as far as I am concerned because of some of the folks who received it and more importantly, those who did not. Reagan never received one and he certainly had more to do with peace than Carter, Gore or Obama. But the award has been made political and that tarnishes it, in my view.
If Obama has done anything to earn this award it was his appeasement of our enemies and the rogues around the world who would do us harm.
Perhaps the committee thought they were voting on an Appease Prize*…
*Thanks to my friend Doug Ross for this term.
Absurd Decision (Times UK)
Mixed Reviews, Embarrassing Joke (al-Reuters)
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Fighting For Health Care Coverage
Jul 18, 2009 Political
Obama and many of his left wing followers are looking to salvage their health care plan and ram it through before the Summer recess. They need to pass it now or people will have a lot of time to dig in and see how truly flawed it is. The more people know, the more they oppose and Obama cannot have this.
The bill they are working on does allow you to keep the coverage you have (assuming that employers who provide will not cancel) but you cannot change. There is a provision that specifically forbids people from purchasing insurance on their own. The fewer choices people see the more they will oppose.
Obama and the Dems are meeting resistance from so called moderate or “Blue Dog” Democrats. These are the ones who pretend to be moderate because they come from moderate or conservative regions of the country and they do not want to be voted out of office. What they normally do is oppose something and then get a concession (some small bone) and then they claim to have fought and won so they can rally folks at home to vote for them. They want the same things other Democrats want but they have to pretend more than usual to be moderate. Remember, if Democrats actually campaigned on their true beliefs they would not win office. No one would have voted for Obama if he had lain out all these plans on the trail. He lied to get elected.
We are now bombarded with lies. Pelosi says that they have the backing of the American People. That is untrue. Most people agree we need reform but that government is not the answer, despite the few flawed polls that came out before this monstrosity was unveiled. There are tax increases, there is a denial of freedom of choice, and there is the government telling people how they will conduct the business of their OWN health care.
Only lemmings like to be led around but then again there are many lemmings on the left who need government to tell them when to go to the bathroom. They need to be provided for because they are not man or woman enough to provide for themselves. Any person who thinks it is government’s job to provide for people or who live off the government (which is really living off other taxpayers) is not a total person. They are the three fifths person that the Constitution discussed. They are NOT whole people. THis means people who have the means to work and to take care of themselves. Of course there are small minority populations in any society that need special care (though families should provide it). We already have programs to assist these kinds of people.
Yes, health care coverage needs to be looked at because over regulation and state mandates have allowed monopolies. We need an OPEN market where people can shop around. More companies providing more choices leads to lower prices and better competition. Government involvement leads to rules forcing compliance on your personal choices, rules forbidding you to choose, and eventual destruction of private insurance companies.
The eventual outcome is that states lose their control (which is monopolistic anyway and should include competition) and the feds take over. What happens when states start telling the feds that the government plan must meet state standards and that state taxes and fees need to be paid? What happens when state insurance commissioners claim they are in charge and order the feds around?
We are certain to see a violation of the Tenth Amendment (more so than we see everyday).
Government does not belong in private business and it does not belong providing health care insurance to people. Our Constitution does not provide for this so called “right” and we cannot allow the feds to take over more control of our lives.
People must fight now to stop this. Let your members of Congress know you will vote for their opponent in the next election if they vote yes on this (or cap and trade) and refuse to donate to anyone.
We need to be tough because Chicago thug Obama and hiz posse is working hard to screw you before you know it. They are sending out the thugs to break legs and hide bodies. Do not let them roll over you. They work for us, not the other way around.
Fire them!
CNS News
CQ Politics
Google News
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Tags: blue dogs, Democrats, health care, Obama, sham
Stop The Bail Out Now
Sep 23, 2008 Political
I have written that I understand the reason for the bailout but that I am not happy with it. The government should not be in the business of giving taxpayer money to businesses that are failing because they were mismanaged. It makes no difference if the market turned, it was greed, or they did not know what they were doing. The fact is, taxpayers do not share the wealth when these companies make money and we should not pay for the problems when they don’t.
The government is moving toward socialism where it will own, subsidize or underwrite everything. This is not the America I grew up in and it is not the America I want to leave to my grandchildren.
The reality is that the federal government is unable to do things effectively and they are irresponsible with our money. That’s right our money. In addition to the fiasco and huge expense that Treasury Secretary Paulson is working on to bailout his buddies in the financial world, the government is adding many items to the bailout showing once again that they cannot wait to spend our money. The Washington Times reports:
In the dark of night over the weekend when most people were snoozing, the Treasury dramatically expanded its bailout plan to include buying student loans, car loans, credit card debt and any other “troubled” assets held by banks.
The changes, which were included in draft language that also opened the bailout program to foreign banks with extensive loan operations in the United States, potentially added tens of billions of dollars to the cost of the program.
Although it was a major addition to what was already the nation’s largest-ever bailout, it did not become part of the debate between Democrats and the Treasury over details of the program. A Monday counterproposal by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher J. Dodd included such consumer loans as well as mortgages, just as the Treasury’s draft did Saturday night.
When exactly are people going to be held accountable for their own risks in life? The financial geniuses who make millions of dollars in salaries are still rich while the country pays for their sins. Now, the government is adding people who made bad decisions with their credit and students who finance their schooling to the program.
People who are in credit card debt or have car loans that they cannot afford have no one to blame but themselves. Students who take out loans for an education are making an investment in their future. I wonder how these students would act if their future earnings were given to taxpayers. It is, after all, only fair. If we pay for your car, house or credit cards then we deserve to have the things you bought. This idea that the world will end if people or businesses fail is ridiculous.
We need to end this whole bailout now. ALL OF IT. If AIG and other companies, including foreign banks, are going to fail than let them fail. This is a buyer’s opportunity to pick up cheap investments. Lehman Brothers is being purchased, Constellation Energy is being purchased (by a Warren Buffet company) and there are many (like Buffet) looking for bargains. If a company fails there are people who will buy them on the cheap and have a go at making them successful. If no one buys them then they can go out of business.
It is a shame that people lose their jobs as a result of mismanagement and the ineptitude of the corrupt government but that is not the fault of the taxpayer.
John McCain needs to oppose this bailout. He needs to provide real leadership and show that he truly is against government waste because surely, this bailout is just that. The money is designed to let Paulson help his buddies and it is designed to allow politicians claim they were there to help during a time of crisis. This is particularly important to them because it is an election year and they are the ones who helped cause it.
Look at the items added. Christopher Dodd added consumer loans. He is the criminal most responsible. He has his Countrywide VIP loan that saved him $75,000 and he failed, to act early on when President Bush, on 17 occasions, warned of trouble and tried to get something done. The last things we need are the people who caused this mess to be the ones overseeing its cleanup. Yes, greed on Wall Street is partly responsible but to be fair, many mortgage companies were following the inane law that allows people with no hope of affording a house to buy one. Did they [financial companies] abuse the process? You bet and they should be held accountable.
Everyone involved should be held accountable. We can do this by:
- Getting rid of the CEOs and ensuring they do not receive a severance.
- Take back some of the untold millions these people made through greed and shady practices
- Stop the bailout and let unsound companies fail (or be bought up)
- Vote for the non incumbent challenger in all 435 House seats (thereby replacing the entire House)
- Vote for the non incumbent challenger in all contested Senate seats (thereby replacing 1/3 of the Senate)
- Hold people accountable for their own loans. If they fail they will learn a valuable lesson. If we bail them out, they will not
It is time for a shake up in DC. We need to replace all of these criminals so that they are held accountable for their misdeeds.
It is also time we held our fellow citizens accountable for their actions. Ron Paul has an excellent piece on this. He states exactly what I believe:
Additionally, the government’s actions encourage moral hazard of the worst sort. Now that the precedent has been set, the likelihood of financial institutions to engage in riskier investment schemes is increased, because they now know that an investment position so overextended as to threaten the stability of the financial system will result in a government bailout and purchase of worthless, illiquid assets.
I would add that this extends to any individual who takes risky decisions and is bailed out by the government.
Big Dog Salute to Raven who, as usual, is on top of things.
Texas Pundit
Tags: bailout, corruption, dodd, mortgage companies, paulson, sham, taxpayer fraud
Don’t Take Flight 93 to Mecca 9-18-2008
Sep 18, 2008 Flight 93
“They had some forewarning and they chose to take action.” The defenders of the crescent also have forewarning, and are trying to cover it up.
Gordon Felt, president of the Flight 93 family group that supports the crescent shaped memorial, offered a nice summary statement of the heroism of Flight 93:
They had some forewarning and they chose to take action.
“It’s that citizen soldier, heroism message,” he said “that we want to get out and memorialize their actions.”
Mr. Felt also has forewarning of an enemy plot, but he and the other defenders of the crescent design are choosing not to act. They are displaying a perfect anti-spirit of Flight 93.
According to Flight 93 Advisory Commission member Tim Baird, they all know that all of our basic claims about the crescent design are accurate: the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent; the 44 translucent blocks that are to be placed along the flight path, etcetera. Yet they and their allies in the press are doing everything in their power to keep the public from knowing what they know.
Example 1: PA paper reports Mecca orientation controversy, omits its own verification of the Mecca orientation of the crescent.
In last week’s anniversary coverage of the 9/11 attacks, the Johnstown Tribune Democrat noted the controversy over the orientation of the crescent. We say it points to Mecca. The Park Service denies it:
The project also has been dogged by complaints spearheaded by California author Alec Rawls that the memorial points to Mecca and is a veiled tribute to the Islamic terrorists – a claim family members and developers maintain has been investigated and refuted.
What reporter Kirk Swauger fails to mention is that he himself fact-checked the Mecca-orientation claim last year, and published his findings:
Rawls maintains that the midpoint between the tips of the crescent points almost precisely toward “qibla,” the direction to Mecca, which Muslims are supposed to face for prayer.
His claims seem to be backed up by coordinates for the direction of qibla from Somerset that can be found on Islam.com. When superimposed over the crescent in the memorial design, the midpoint points over the Arctic Circle, through Europe toward Mecca.
This is the only instance in three years now where any news organization has ever published any fact-checking of our easy to fact check claims about the memorial design. Alec has several times emailed Kirk’s published confirmation of the Mecca-orientation to every newsdesk in Pennsylvania and to every reporter covering the memorial story. They ALL know about it. Yet even Kirk continues to present the Mecca orientation claim as a “he said, she said” conflict, without letting his readers know that he has verified the Mecca-orientation for himself (and this isn’t the first time he has made this omission).
If Mr. Swauger really wanted everyone to forget his confirmation of the Mecca-orientation, he could just avoid any mention of the orientation of the crescent at all. Alec’s best guess is that Kirk is being held back by Tribune Democrat editor Chip Minemyer, who has tried to sweep the memorial controversy under the rug from day one, but the reporters are also neck deep. Several have suggested that to investigate and report on the accuracy of our claims would be taking sides. Of course that phony “scruple” would disappear in a second if the facts showed our criticisms to be bogus.
Example 2: Gordon Felt himself misled the public about the 44 blocks.
The Crescent of Embrace design, now called the (broken) Circle of Embrace, calls for a total of 44 inscribed translucent memorial blocks to be placed along the flight path. (There were forty passengers and crew on Flight 93 and four terrorists.)
In trying to get this information out to the public, we need to be brief, so “44 inscribed translucent memorial blocks” sometimes gets shortened to “44 glass blocks,” or “44 blocks.” Asked last spring about the 44 blocks, Gordon Felt declared it a lie:
Opponents also claim there is a plan to have 44 glass blocks — for the 40 victims and four hijackers — in the design.
“That’s an absolute, unequivocal fabrication that is being portrayed as fact,” said Edward Felt’s brother, Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93. “It’s misleading and helps drive the conspiracy theory.”
But he follows this denial with a footnote, indicating that he knows full well that there will be 44 memorial blocks:
Felt said the names of the passengers and crew will be placed on the memorial, but no final decision has been made on how they would be displayed or on what material.
In other words, he is nit-picking over our occasional description of the blocks as “glass blocks,” when they might not all be technically made of glass.
As Alec’s original report to the Memorial Project made clear, 43 of the blocks are described in the design drawings as “polished, translucent white marble”:
Click pic for larger image.
The lower section of wall, on the left, contains forty of the “translucent white marble” blocks or panels (backlit at night), inscribed with the names of the forty heroes. The upper section of wall, on the right, contains three more blocks, inscribed with the 9/11 date.
That upper section of wall, by the way, is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent, placing it in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag. Thus the date goes to the Islamic star. The date goes to the terrorists.
Here is the 44th block on the flight path. It marks the upper crescent tip, where according to the Park Service’s own website, the flight path symbolically breaks our (Christian) circle, turning it into the giant (Mecca oriented) crescent. A clearer depiction of al Qaeda victory is hard to imagine, and it all comes together right here:
At the end of the Entry Portal Walkway (after the walkway symbolically “breaks” the towering Entry Portal Walls) sits a large “glass memorial plaque” that dedicates the entire site.
This 44th translucent block on the flight path marks the spot where the terrorists symbolically broke our harmonious circle and turned it into a giant Islamic shaped crescent. To be inscribed: “A field of honor forever.”
Gordon Felt knows ALL of this, and is trying to keep the public from knowing. It’s as if someone on Flight 93, hearing from the ground that airplanes had crashed into the Trade Towers, insisted to the other passengers that NO airplanes had crashed into the Trade Towers.
Apparently grief has made these people crazy. They have forewarning, and are struggling with all their might to keep others from being forewarned as well.
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Tags: flight 93 memorial, lies, Mecca, sham