Officer’s Tragic Death Leads To More Race Baiting
Jun 1, 2009 Political
An off duty police officer was tragically killed in Harlem by another officer while chasing a would be criminal who the officer caught trying to break into his car. The off duty officer (a black man) was not in uniform and was displaying his weapon while chasing the suspect. He was ordered by a uniformed officer (who did not know he was a cop) to drop the weapon. He failed to do that and he did not identify himself as a police officer. He was shot and killed by the uniformed officer who is white.
This is a tragedy and the family of the dead officer as well as the officer who shot him will be traumatized by it for a very long time. What they do not need is a bunch of claims about racist cops and how it is dangerous to be black in America.
The officer was not in uniform and was running while brandishing a weapon. To anyone observing he would look like a criminal regardless of his color. Failure to obey the orders of a uniformed officer only made him look more like a criminal. He should have known to stop and identify himself and I am certain he would have expected the same thing had he been on duty and observed the same behavior.
The race baiters though, see it differently. Al Sharpton is calling for a federal investigation and tax cheat Charlie Rangel quipped that Barack Obama, who is in New York on a date with his wife (that no doubt cost taxpayers a fortune), better not go to Harlem without ID. The unspoken message is that it will be dangerous because white cops won’t recognize him, as if to say they all look alike. Maybe we can get Sharpton to run around without ID.
It is impossible for a police officer to know every other cop on the force. People somehow expect that they will but it is impossible. I can remember when I was in the Army people would say, oh do you know my brother So and So, he’s in the Army as if you know everyone in it. The New York cops don’t have as many members but they certainly have enough that one could not know them all.
But the race baiting community will make a big deal out of this and play the race card as long as they can. This is how they keep tensions high. It was a tragedy that the cop was killed and it will only be a bigger tragedy if they make this an issue about race. Here is how Rangel helped fuel the fire:
“Whether it’s me, whether it’s the [U.S.] attorney general, or indeed, whether it’s the President of the United States, running for a bus can jeopardize you – just because of your color – in a community like ours,” Rangel said. New York Daily News
Running for a bus can put you in jeopardy just because of your skin color? Rangel left out the very important part and that is running while brandishing a weapon is not how one tries to catch a bus. Running while brandishing a weapon will put anyone in jeopardy regardless of color though I am willing to bet that most crime in Harlem, whether it involves gun play or not, is committed by blacks.
And what does he mean “in a community like ours?” I thought there was no racism in the diverse Utopia known as Liberalism. Harlem is in no way , shape, or form, a conservative community. Harlem is an African American dominated area and the politicians are Democrats. Rangel represents the place so why would the shooting be racial?
In reality, there was no race component to it. An off duty cop who happened to be black was chasing a person while brandishing a weapon. He failed to identify himself and he failed to put the weapon down as instructed by a uniformed cop who happened to be white. He was then shot.
Tell the race baiters to leave and tell Rangel to spend more time working on his tax returns and less on on ginning up phony racism complaints.
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Tags: cop killer, harlem, Obama, race baiting, rangel, sharpton
Al Sharpton Is Democrats’ House Negro
Nov 22, 2008 Political
The Reverend Al Sharpton, who does not appear to be a real reverend or a religious man, is the House Negro for the Democratic Party. I make this statement because it is evident, as I have reported many, many times, Sharpton is not interested in racial equality and he is not interested in ensuring that everyone is held to the same standards. He does not hold himself to the same standards depending upon the situation.
Sharpton will gladly protest anytime there is news or a report of a black person being wronged by a white person. Sharpton has been involved in a few of these protests even though the entire story was a lie. Sharpton has incited violence and people have been killed because of his big mouth. Sharpton hates Jews and he only tolerates the whites in the Democratic party who can help him with his race hustling business.
Now Sharpton has gotten his panties in a wad because al Qaeda referred to Barack Obama as a House Negro. Sharpton was on Bill O’Reilly’s show and he said that this was a derogatory, racist term and that he would say that NO MATTER who had made the comments. Al Sharpton is upset that our nation’s enemies would insult our president and call him a racist name. I never heard Sharpton defend Bush when the enemy called him names but that is a post for another time.
Yep, the race hustler in chief, Al Sharpton, is upset that a terrorist group called President Elect Hussein a racist name but Al seems to have forgotten that House Negro is exactly how he described Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell when asked how they (and other leaders like them) were viewed by the black community. This was back in 2007 and Al has had a lot on his plate in that time so he probably forgot.
He told O’Reilly that he would call it racist no matter who said it. Of course he was talking about who said it about Obama. Would he call himself racist for saying it about Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell?
Of course he won’t because they are Republicans (and Powell had not come back on the plantation yet). The race hustlers like Sharpton cover for the racists in their own party and they apply a double standard when it comes to Republicans. [begin sarcasm] God knows, no respectable black would ever be a hard working Republican when he can join the Democrats and be used for political gain [end sarcasm].
Guys like Sharpton are the House Negros for the Democratic party. “Yessur Massa Hussein. I’s be a good negro fo you and makes sho I’s only points out things dat heps ya.”
Sharpton has done as much to harm race relations in this country as the KKK (a Democratic organization).
The terrorists wanted Hussein because he is weak
And as a public service, here is a newsflash for the left. Al Qaeda is our enemy, and as such, we expect them to say bad things about our president. The reason this comes as a shock to morons like Sharpton is because al Qaeda and all the other terrorists supported Obama and wanted him to win. Idiots like Sharpton believed it was because Obama and the terrorists could sit down and engage in peaceful talks, hold hands, chant to Allah and end all world problems.
The reality is, they supported Obama because he was the weakest of the two nominees. The terrorists want to attack us and they want to destroy us. They are smart enough to know they cannot do it by confronting us head on so they are doing it from within. They also know that a weak president will be more tolerant of the process and be lulled into a false sense of security. By the time the terrorists spring the trap, it will be too late. With four million people expected in DC for the coronation of King Hussein, maybe that test Biden talked about will come earlier rather than later. Four million people is a tempting target…
Obama won’t have to worry about any of that as long as he has his House Negroes like Al Sharpton in place to display the double standard.
An interesting year this has been. We have Al Sharpton as the House Negro to Obama, Obama as the House Negro to al Qaeda, and Obama as the Magic Negro to half the country…
New definition of Racist
Racist—n.,adj. 1. Any person who performs any act, holds any belief or makes any statement that negatively reflects upon or adversely affects Barack Obama or his policies, positions, interests, conduct, associates, or holiness. 2. Any act, belief or statement that negatively reflects upon or adversely affects Barack Obama or his policies, positions, interests, conduct, associates, or holiness. Synonyms: conservative; Republican; red state; rural; churchgoer; gun owner. [NRO]
Gateway Pundit
Tags: al-qaeda, house negro, Obama, race hustler, sharpton, terrorists
Sharpton and Obama Have Double Standard for Racism
Jul 18, 2008 Political
The Reverend Al Sharpton is always quick to point out when some white guy does anything that the Rev thinks is the slightest bit racist. He and his coalition of race baiters got together last year and worked to get Don Imus fired after he called some females a bunch of nappy headed hos. Sharpton was indignant and he had Imus on his show groveling and then pushed to get him fired anyway. At the time Barack Obama said that Imus needed to be fired for what he said. Barry was very clear about how he felt with regard to racial remarks:
“I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus,” Obama told ABC News in a story dated April 11, 2007, “but I would also say that there’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude.” World Net Daily
Now this is all fine and dandy and Obama got his way because Don Imus was fired. The question I have is, how sincere was Obama when he made his statement about how he would handle racist comments “about anybody of any ethnic group.” The reason I asked is because he did not demand that Jesse Jackson be fired (if anyone can figure out what job Jackson actually holds). Obama did not hold Jackson up to the same standard that he held Imus. Is Obama a racist who will allow blacks to get away with anything they want while he goes after whites? How else can you explain the discrimination, you know treating people differently based on their color.
I am not talking about the Jesse Jackson fantasy about castrating Obama (a deed that was done to blacks during Jim Crow instead of, or in addition to, lynching). I am talking about when Jesse Jackson referred to black people as “niggers.” I know there are other sites that call it the N word but Jackson did not say the N word, he said niggers. If someone called him a bastard we would not call it the B word. Anyway, Jesse Jackson insulted the people to whom Obama was speaking about responsibility. Jesse said Obama was “talking down to black people; telling niggers how to behave.”
Jackson apologized about the earlier comment and it was readily accepted by Obama. This latest item was released yesterday and Jackson actually apologized before it was out. There is no word as to whether Obama will accept this apology as well. I can absolutely assure you that Obama will not call for Jackson to be fired and he will most certainly hold Jackson to a different standard than he held Imus to. Why shouldn’t he? To Jackson this is not a real issue:
“There really is no justification for my comments and I hope that the Obama family and the American public will forgive me. I also pray that we, as a nation, can move on to address the real issues that affect the American people.” CNN [emphasis mine]
See, he wants us to move on to the REAL issues. When Imus said what he did it became a real issue real fast. The black community was whipped into a frenzy by Sharpton. Jackson piled on when Imus was the one who dissed blacks but there is no such frenzy when Jackson, whose statement was much worse than Imus’, is involved. Hell, Sharpton even expressed how much respect he still had for Jackson.
Sharpton certainly did not feel this way when Imus was the center of attention even though Imus apologized over and over and was much more sincere about it than Jesse Jackson. That made no difference and the only outcome the race baiters, as well as Obama, would accept was for Imus to lose his job.
I have been listening to all this crap about racism in America and I am sick of hearing it. There is a small number of people of all colors and nationalities who are racist. The majority of people are pretty good folks who are not racists. The problems arise when decent people see this kind of double standard and they begin to wonder why it is that people who ostensibly want equality expect special treatment. Why is it Obama, Sharpton and Jackson have a different standard than a guy like Imus. Why did they discriminate against Imus and why do they ignore their own bad behavior?
Just keep this in mind for the next time that race baiting poverty pimp, Al Sharpton, complains about some white person. Just remember to tell Al I said to pound sand up his sewer hole. As for Obama, how about someone in the media ask him about his double standard. I know they are all busy packing to go to Europe and the Middle East with the messiah but that does not excuse them from doing their job. I will make it easy for them. Here is the question:
Senator, you said that you would bring people together and that there was no place for racism in the election process and in this country. A while ago you called for Don Imus to be fired for a racist remark and yet you basically ignored the racist remark by Jesse Jackson. Senator, did you ignore it because he is black? Why do you have different standards for black people than you do for whites?
None of them have the guts to ask it and Obama would dance around it.
Senator, Al, and Jesse, bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of the color of the person exhibiting it. You can’t expect to be taken seriously about racial equality when you can’t exercise that yourselves.
Tags: double standard, jackson, Obama, racism, sharpton
What if Jackson had said Lynch Obama?
Jul 14, 2008 Opinion, Political
Last week Jesse Jackson was caught on a hot microphone expressing his displeasure with Barack Obama and he stated that he would like to “cut his nuts off” while making a cutting motion. The sound bite was discovered later by a person who was transcribing the day’s tapes. It was disclosed by Fox (who caught it) but before they did they contacted Jackson about it. He declined to discuss it but made a preemptive apology which was dutifully accepted by Obama.
There are many reasons that Jackson is upset with Obama and the main one, in my opinion, is that an Obama presidency will make him the default leader of the black community and it will put to rest the idea of inequality in America. If a black man can be president then blacks can achieve anything. If Obama gets elected it will make Jackson irrelevant. That is a matter for discussion at another time.
What I want to know is why Jackson was let off so easily. Castration was often used against black men in addition to or instead of lynching them. If a golf commentator can be suspended for saying the other golfers should to take tiger Woods out back and lynch him in order to beat him (a statement Tiger was OK with but Al Sharpton was not) then Jackson certainly deserves greater punishment than his personal embarrassment. Don Imus lost his job over a statement that depicted young black women in an unfavorable light and stories of nooses being hung lead to investigations of a hate crime. Since castration is a symbol of what was done to blacks that “got out of line” why is Jackson let off so easily?
I am not suggesting that Jackson lose his job because to be honest, the man has never worked a day in his life. He extorts money from corporations by threatening boycotts and he uses the tax laws to shelter money from government scrutiny. He has no job to lose so firing him is out of the question.
Why though, has he not been taken to task for his obviously racist remark? Why is he allowed to apologize and all is forgiven when an Imus apology did not stop him from receiving the scorn of the black community and eventually losing his job?
Jackson thrives on face time. That needs to be denied to him and the MSM needs to point out his racist remarks for what they are and not let him off with a weak apology. People like Al Sharpton need to have as much enthusiasm in pursuing this racism as they do when Duke lacrosse players are falsely accused of raping a black woman, when the criminal acts of teens in Jena Louisiana are defended based on their skin color, when a cab driver in New York accidentally hits and kills a black kid, when landlords raise rent on black tenants, when golf announcers mention lynching, and when Don Imus makes a boneheaded statement.
All Al Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters need to do is pursue Jackson just as they would if a white guy had made the statement. In reality, Jackson’s statement was no different than if he had said “I just want to lynch him.”
If you want racial equality, stop having two sets of standards and actually treat everyone equally.
To do anything else castrates your cause…
Tags: castration, Imus, jackson, jim crowe, lynching, nuts, Obama, racism, sharpton
The Imus and Sharpton Story, Take Two
Jun 24, 2008 General
Well, here we go again with Don Imus. Yesterday on the Imus show they were discussing NFL player Adam Jones and the fact that he had been arrested six times. Imus asked what color he was and when informed that Jones was African American Imus stated; “There you go. Now we know.” Needless to say, this has set off round 2 of the firestorm with Al Sharpton declaring that this would be looked into to see if action needs to be taken. First of all, who made Sharpton the radio police? Second of all, why not wait for the rest of the story which happens to be that Imus was indicating that Jones was being picked on because he is black.
Does anyone remember Al Sharpton declaring that he would look into the comments made by Barack Obama when Obama said that his grandmother was a typical white person? No one can remember such a thing because it did not happen. None of the race baiting poverty pimps decried Obama’s comments and when a stink was made about the issue Obama and his people gave an explanation and it was bought by everyone who has fallen under his spell. No protests from Sharpton, no demands that Barry step down and I think that Sharpton even accused Obambi of schmoozing up to the whites too much.
Whether Imus meant it as he says or not is only known to Imus but the fact is he stated that is what he meant and that is how it should be taken. Sharpton has no right to look into anything to begin with but now this should stop him in his tracks. Sharpton has no moral authority in race relations. He is a race baiter who overlooks acts of racism by black people and exploits any possibility of racism from whites. Al has incited violent riots where people have been killed (if it had been my family member there would be no Al Sharpton) and he has continually made racial issues out of nothing. Duke rape case, Jena six, and countless other issues were incited and inflamed by him and he moved on leaving the embers to burn. When the issues were settled and no racism existed, he did not apologize, he made excuses and still linked it to racism.
I understand that there are those who will say that Imus has a history so his acts need to be looked at. Well, Barack Obama has a racist history and his associations with people like Pastor Wright (who was also ignored by Sharpton) as well as Father Pfleger leave him open to the same scrutiny. I would think that Obambi’s associations with Al Sharpton would be considered a racist history.
Of course Al and his lemmings cannot go after Barry O. He is a brother and he might be president some day. We all know black people cannot be racists and Al cannot take them to task because of slavery oh so long ago. As an aside, Al and Barry seem to be doing pretty well for people who are still oppressed by the scars of slavery.
I know Al will never go after a black guy and will concentrate on any white who he thinks has offended in even the most remote way. But Al, Barry Obama is half white and given your hatred for white people I would think you’d at least pick on Barry half the time.
Regardless of how Imus meant it, the bar has been set and he should be left alone.
Tags: Imus, Obama, race baiter, racist remark, sharpton