Do the Race Baiters Want Obama to Win?
Feb 6, 2008 General
Al Sharpton, the anti Semite, race baiter has certainly endorsed Barack Obama (at least by his actions) and Obama was proud to stand with the man despite his history of racial divisiveness, riots leading to murder and lies. Additionally, Jesse Jackson is supporting Obama. Though Jackson waited, I saw a picture of him with an Obama sign and after Bill Clinton’s jab at him in South Carolina, support for Obama was inevitable.
The question is, do they really want him to win? Sure they are supporting him but that can’t hold much weight. Obama was already doing well with blacks and he is holding his own with some of the white demographics. The presence of Sharpton and Jackson, depending on how involved they get, could hurt him. Maybe that is the plan.
The whole existence of these two involves race baiting. They go around extorting money from companies with trumped up discrimination charges and they have made a fortune by portraying the blacks as victims of the white society. I am not suggesting that racism does not exist because it does and it comes in all colors. Jackson and Sharpton are two huge racists. However, the country is not anywhere near the way they like to portray it and blacks generally have many opportunities. The biggest limit to the success of blacks is their dependence on the Democratic Party, a group that treats them as if they are not capable of making it without government intervention. There are many successful blacks who owe nothing to government programs. Their biggest chance for success came from the two parents they had in their houses, something that is sadly missing from over 50% of black households.
I believe that an Obama presidency would negate many of the arguments that the race baiters make when they decry the racist whites who are oppressing. How can they possibly make a claim that a black person does not get the same chances as a white person if the president is a black man? An Obama presidency would lay to rest many of the bogus arguments they use to extort money and to fatten their personal bank accounts.
America is certainly ready for a black or a woman to be president. We are just not ready for this black or that woman to be president and it has nothing to do with race or sex. It might just be in the best interests of the race baiting poverty pimps to derail Obama before he screws up their scheme.
A loss might actually reinforce their claims and fit better into their agendas, especially if the convention is brokered and Obama is not selected. That would allow the race baiters to claim discrimination and say that America is a racist country where white people keep blacks down.
I would not be surprised if that is not their actual agenda.
Tags: discrimination, jackson, Obama, race baiters, racism, sharpton
Will Sharpton Require Clinton to Quit?
Jan 28, 2008 Political
The Reverend Al Sharpton, our aging antisemitic race baiting poverty pimp makes a name for himself by going after white folks who say things that he thinks are racist. He recently got himself involved in the business of the Golf Channel when one of their female reporters used the word “lynch” while discussing Tiger Woods. Woods took no offense and said it was a dead issue but Sharpton started in. The reporter got 14 days off.
Then of course, there was the Don Imus incident where he referred to a women’s basketball team as a bunch of “nappy headed hos”, a remark that brought Sharpton out in full force. Imus went on Sharpton’s radio show and applied his pursed labia to Sharpton’s ample gluteals but that was all for nothing because Sharpton raised a stink and CBS fired Imus rather than risk losing sponsors to a Sharpton protest and Jew killing spree.
This leads me to Bill Clinton. It is no secret that the Clintons know how to play dirty politics. For all their crying and whining about Republican dirty tricks, the Clintons sure know a few themselves. The Clinton campaign, and particularly Bill, has been engaged in covert racism with regard to Barack Obama. Now they can say that they meant something else and all that but their pattern is to put it out there and apologize after it has had a chance to fester. When Hillary got her head handed to her in South Carolina Bill compared Obama to Jesse Jackson and though it was reported to be an off-the-cuff remark, it appeared as if he was saying; “It was just a brother getting support from the other blacks.” It was seen as minimizing Obama. Before anyone takes me to task, I don’t care what they say and I am happy that Democrats are finally getting a taste of how it feels to be accused of being a racist for a minimal or harmless remark.
Having said that, I also know that perception is often reality and the black community found the comments offensive. Don Imus made a great point when he said that if he had made the Jackson comment he would be before Sharpton again. That is a true comment. If Imus, or any other white person (especially a Republican) had made the Jackson comment Sharpton would be out inciting riots and getting Jews killed. But since Bill Clinton said it, it is ignored by the race baiter.
If Sharpton were consistent (he is in it for the money and nothing else) he would be demanding that Bill Clinton be removed from the campaign and then demand that Hillary drop out. He would threaten her donors (sponsors, if you will) with all kinds of ugly things and he would be telling us that there would be blacks protesting in all states to keep Hillary from winning. In short, he would be giving them the same treatment he gave the reporter and Imus.
Instead, it is ignored or if Sharpton had an opinion he expressed it and moved on. He did not make the demands that he makes of others who dare to offend him and his black sensitivities.
On ABC’s “The View,” Sharpton said voters are hearing “race charges, race-tinged rhetoric” in the Democratic primary campaign, and called on the former president to cease.
Sharpton didn’t say which comments in particular bothered him. But many Democrats were particularly upset that the former president made an explicit comparison of Obama’s campaign to Jesse Jackson’s victories in South Carolina in 1984 and 1988, in an apparent attempt to explain why his wife didn’t win the South Carolina primary on Saturday. ABC Political Radar
As this item from ABC shows, he was bothered by the racial part of it but he just told Bill to shut up. He did not give Imus that rebuke. Instead he helped get him fired.
Maybe Sharpton has left Bill alone because Hillary is constantly on his case and riding his butt hard about every little thing. Maybe Bill gets a free ride because his wife is a nagger…
Tags: Clinton, Imus, race baiting, sharpton