They Should Lock These Skinhead Morons Up For Life

I am the first (maybe not the very first) to admit that I do not like Barack Obama and do not want to see him become president but the last thing I want to see is for some moron to kill him. If he wins the presidency then, as an American, he will be my president and I will pray he does a good job for the country. I will also be tough on him and his policies.

But right now I am praying for him to lose and I mean lose in a legitimate election, not lose his life. Today, the ATF announced that a couple of moron skinheads planned to kill Barack Obama as well as 102 other blacks at an unnamed predominantly black school. No candidate should be killed to prevent victory. That is not how this country works and it is one of the things that makes us different than the Socialist countries Obama wants us to mimic. We try to hold fair elections and we let the people decide. That decision is done with a ballot not a bullet.

There is no place in our country for this kind of stupidity. These morons are a small minority but they should be taken seriously and dealt with harshly. If they had been successful the country would have been driven into chaos.

I propose they be tried, and if found guilty, spend the rest of their lives in prison, preferably one with a large black population.

Fox News