Back to work, Slave!

Ah, winter arrives throughout North America, and once again, citizens are turned into slaves. Slave: “One bound in servitude.”

You see, many governments in the winter, require work from people. No, you have no option. You either serve the government and do it’s bidding, including physical labor, or you are jailed. I’m not sure how anyone can say that it is not slavery.

Pretend I’m standing next to you, on a deserted island. I demand that you dig a hole. You either dig a hole, or I will take you and put you in a cage for some amount of time. Then, when I decide to release you from the cage, I again demand that you dig a hole. If you refuse, I might invite a few of my friends over, who beat you in an attempt to get you to dig the hole. If you continue to refuse, it’s back into the cage for you. If I cage you enough times, I’ll just take your property from you, too. And if you get too bothersome, I might have my friends shoot you so I can get someone else to come dig the hole I demand. If you dig the hole I demand, when and where I demand, I’ll leave you alone. And no, there are no “authorities” for you to call and save you. If you attempt to run, my friends will chase you down and capture you and place you in a cage. Is there any way you can say that you’re not a slave under those circumstances?

Sadly, that’s what various governments in the US do when they demand that you shovel snow. Oh sure, it’s for the “common good.” It’s to “help everyone.” But does my hole-digging situation make it all okay if I just say that I’m forcing you to dig a hole to “help people?”

Go ahead, claim government won’t do that because many (like Denver) claim it’s an “administrative citation.” Then watch what happens if you don’t dig their hole or pay their money. They will beat you, arrest you, and jail you. Oh, how I yearn for freedom.


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It Will Take Less Time To Make Us Slaves

Barack Obama is out trying to whip his base into a frenzy so they will come out in November and vote. He is trying everything because he knows that he and his party are in real trouble. Obama is out lying about the Republican party and telling us that they want to go back to the policies of the last eight years, the ones that got us in trouble. This trouble has been brewing for longer than eight years and Democrats were in charge for most of the time the trouble brewed though both parties share the blame.

Regardless, Obama has already shown he will say anything to get what he wants. He has been caught saying different things at different times depending on who he is trying to appeal to. He is a con man, we are the mark and the sting is on the way.

Unless we can stop him by taking away his majority.

The funny thing is, Obama has to pump up his base after they came out in huge numbers (most of them being legal voters) in 2008. They are so displeased with him and what he has done that they are apathetic. They just do not care so Obama is out trying to get them to stay the course. He is telling his base that things take time so they need to be patient. He told them that it took time to end slavery and that the slaves patiently waited for it to end.

I fail to see a valid comparison here. The end of slavery came as a result of the Civil War, a war that was waged over state’s rights and which cost over 600,000 lives. The Obama Agenda is a war being waged over the rights of individuals and it has cost over 7 million jobs.

In the past 18 months Barack Obama has enslaved us to government. He has taken over auto companies, taken over health care, taken over the financial sector and he is trying to take over the very air we breathe by taxing the air we exhale.

The Obama base might not be happy that he has not done as much as he said and Massa Obama might like to tell them that ending slavery took a long time but the reality is it only took 18 months to make us all slaves.

If we do not stop this Socialist from fulfilling his agenda we will have even more trouble in this country.

It took 600,000 lives to end slavery the first time. How many will it take this time?

WSJ: Noonan

Cave Canem?
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Supreme Court Decides What We Already Knew

The fact that the Second Amendment is an individual right is indisputable except to lefties who have trouble understanding what the words “The People” and “shall not be infringed” mean. These are the same folks who refuse to believe in individual rights even though the Founders clearly stated such in their writings.

The issue changed to one of applicability to the states once the left lost its battle against individual rights. Then the issue became, well sure it applied in DC but that is not a state. It does not apply to the states.

The SCOTUS cleared that all up today with a decision that overturned a lower court ruling and remanded the issue back. The SCOTUS, in a 5-4 decision, ruled that the Second Amendment applies to the states and that is because of the Fourteenth Amendment. For a long time the Fourteenth was not considered to apply to the states but that changed a half century or so ago and decisions have been reached that made the Bill of Rights (with exceptions to some portions) apply to the states. This idea is what allowed abortion to become legal and forced the states to comply. If the rights spelled out in the Constitution did not apply to the states then the Court could not have ruled that abortion was legal because it would be a federal, and only a federal, issue. This ignore the fact that abortion is not a right and is indicated only because it is “settled” law where the right was somehow found.

The Second was never considered though thinking people knew that it was included in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth; “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” Which, as an aside, means the Arizona cannot violate Due Process since illegals are NOT citizens of the United States. But that is an issue for another time.

Interestingly but not surprising, gun grabbers are vowing to basically ignore the ruling issued today. Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago has vowed that his city will enact a new law soon that will prevent people from getting guns. This amounts to ignoring the law and is typical for Alinsky progressives. If the courts don’t rule your way then just ignore them. After all, this is what the Obama regime is doing with the drilling moratorium. They have vowed to ignore the court and issue a new moratorium.

How long will they do this before WE THE PEOPLE, decide to ignore the rules they come up with?

As for Daley, he is a first class slug and a hypocrite. While Daley does not believe that the people should be allowed to have guns, his aldermen are allowed to carry them. Richard Daley has about a dozen body guards on his detail and all of them are armed. Why is it that a person who works for the people of Chicago can have armed guards to protect him but will not allow the people to be armed to protect themselves.

No politician is any more important than the lowest in our society because even that person is the employer of the politician. I have little problem with presidents having armed security. Our enemies would love to attack a president and kill him. Other politicians are not that important and their demise would not cause turmoil in this country.

Think about it. If Richard Daley was killed by a would be criminal, would Chicago be in turmoil? No, they would replace him with another corrupt politician and keep on going. But Daley does not have to worry about that because he deems himself more important than the people who pay his salary. He is so against the people for whom he works that he will enact a law to keep people from getting guns because he knows better than our Founders, our Supreme Court and YOU.

Daley has no worries because his armed guards go with him even when he travels out of state. One of Daley’s armed guards caught an escaped criminal near the family vacation spot in Michigan while Hizzoner and the family were there. If you or I had been there we might well have been victims of the criminal.

I have a real problem with people like Daley, politicians who feel they are more important than the average folks and who deserve more protection. And the people are not even asking for taxpayer funded security. All we want is the ability to defend ourselves. This goes for people like Barack Obama who would love to ban guns and put more people in danger because average citizens are much more likely to be victims of crime than most politicians, particularly a president.

The Supreme Court put an end to the idea that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states today and it should be as sacrosanct to liberals as the issue of abortion. If it is settled law then let it be settled and let the people have their guns.

The opinion is a good read and in it Justice Scalia excoriates Justice Stevens as well he should. Stevens (and Breyer) ignore US history and the words of the Founders in their opinion and rely on the actions of other nations as well as their liberal views. Even though the facts are completely spelled out with historical references as to what keeping and bearing arms meant (and still means), these two ignored the facts and presented the progressive view. Justices should provide a legal view, not a political one.

How nice for the dress down of Stevens to be in the record for all time and to be issued on his last day on the Court. As Scalia put it (after destroying Stevens’ arguments):

In a vibrant democracy, usurpation should have to be accomplished in the dark. It is JUSTICE STEVENS’ approach, not the Court’s, that puts democracy in peril.

While today marks a victory for Americans and for freedom one thing is overshadowed. There are four Justices who voted against the Constitution and against the long history of this matter. They voted with the legacy of the Democrats in the south who made gun control laws that applied to blacks in order to control them.

These progressive liberals perpetuate that desire to enslave the citizenry in this nation. And this time they want to enslave all of us, regardless of color.

One last note. Any politician who is in favor of gun control and/or denies people the right to keep and bear arms should not be allowed to own or carry a gun and should NOT receive armed guards.

If you believe that there should be NO guns then there can be none for you. That goes for Obama, Daley and all the other hypocrites who think they are more important than we who employ them.

UPDATE: After the Heller decision Mayor Daley predicted all hell would break loose. That has not happened and gun crime in DC has dropped to pre gun ban levels.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Republicans Must Save Country From Slavery, Again

It looks like Harry Reid is cracking up under all the pressure being put on him to get a health care bill passed. Combine that pressure with his diminishing chance for reelection and it all adds up to a crack-up. Today, Reid compared Republicans’ resistance to the health care legislation to those who opposed the ending of slavery in this country.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday, comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago.

The Nevada Democrat, in a sweeping set of accusations on the Senate floor, also compared health care foes to those who opposed women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement — even though it was Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat, who unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and it was Republicans who led the charge against slavery. Fox News

It was indeed the Republican party that ended slavery in this country and the Democrats were the ones opposed to it. Republicans were the movers and shakers in the ending of the suffrage of women and in getting civil rights legislation passed. The Democrats were the ones who opposed all those things so at least Reid has his party’s history to look at when making the comparison.

The Democrats still espouse slavery in this country and they work hard to keep minorities, particularly blacks, on their plantation. Democrats do not work for equality and support plans that view minorities and women as second class citizens who need a helping hand because they are unable to make it on their own. The Democrats keep select groups enslaved in order to ensure votes. They are aware that as long as they keep promising to make things better they will keep people in chains, beholden to the Democrats who look down upon them.

The health care plan being pushed along will make every American, except the very wealthy and the political elite, slaves to the government. We will depend on government for one of the most important and personal items in our lives, our medical care. The Democrats know that if they can take over health care they will hold people hostage and will use this advantage to ensure wins in future elections.

Look at how the elderly are held hostage over Medicare and Social Security. The Democrats, at election time, always talk about Social Security and how it will be lost under Republicans. The Democrats use the threat of decreased SS or Medicare benefits as a weapon to keep the elderly in line. Fear of losing these benefits is what the Democrats want.

This will happen if we are all forced to be at the mercy of government. The government can justify anything it wants if it holds the keys to the health care mansion. They will regulate what you eat, how much exercise you get, what your kids do, and will increase taxes all under the threat of health care expense and in the name of the common good. It is a dangerous game and it is up to Republicans to stop it.

Republicans ended slavery in this country at the cost of a lot of lives all because Democrats wanted to keep blacks on a leash as servants.

After bondage ended the Democrats worked to enslave blacks and other minorities with social programs that keep the downtrodden at the bottom of the social ladder and always looking up for a hand.

“Please sir, I want some more.”

Republicans have traditionally believed that people who need a helping hand get one but that it is temporary and that the help one gets should be in helping him to improve his lot in life. We believe that you cannot make the poor wealth by making the wealthy poor and that making people dependent will not miraculously lead them to independence. Democrats don’t actually believe it either, they know that making the wealthy poor makes everyone poor and that the best way to control people is to make them dependent. This is their goal.

Once people are hooked they will always do what their masters say because they are afraid of losing what meager things they get.

One only needs to look at how people in New Orleans were unable to care for themselves after Hurricane Katrina to see the harm of dependence on government.

Republicans must rise up and defeat this health care legislation so that we maintain our independence.

I never want to have to tell my grandchildren that they are servants of the government because I stood silently and allowed it to take away our freedom.

Big Dog

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On Slavery, I’ll Do Like Obama

I wrote some time ago about the bill introduced to study reparations for the descendants of slaves. I am opposed to paying reparations for slavery for a number of reasons but mostly because no one alive today was a slave or owned a slave. Slavery is immoral and I could never own another human being but the descendants of slaves are better off today because their ancestors were slaves. If they had never been sold (by other blacks) into slavery then the descendants would have been born in Africa. No one can tell me that life in Africa today is better than life today in the United States.

For the sake of argument we will assume all blacks here are descendants of slaves. That means Barack Obama, a black man, holds the highest job in the land. His brother lives in poverty in Africa and his Aunt is an illegal immigrant from Africa. Would Obama have been better off if his lineage had stayed in Africa? The US would be better off but would Obama?

The same is true for ALL blacks living here. Even the poorest of the poor have it better than the people living in Africa. Those in Africa are in absolute poverty with kids dying of malnutrition, people dying of AIDS and malaria and on top of that they have to worry about fighting among tribes. Where in America does anyone, black or otherwise, have it that bad?

But, there is this call for reparations and I am sure they will work real hard to find a way to make the taxpayers of today pay for the immoral (though legal) actions of the ancestors of white Europeans. I have to voice my opposition and I want to use the Obama approach.

When Bill Ayers and his terrorist acts were discussed during the campaign and his relationship with Obama was brought out into the light, Obama said that he should not be held accountable for his ties to a person who did bad things when he was only 8 years old. When Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega went on a 50 minute tirade against the US (one Obama never defended) Obama said he was glad that Ortega did not blame him for things that happened when he was 3.

I see the rationale here. To Obama, he should not be blamed for things he had nothing to do with. Of course, no one blamed him for things he had nothing to do with. With regard to Ayers, it was his relationship with a man who had done bad things. No one blamed Obama for what Ayers did, only for being his friend which gives the impression (which is actually the truth) that Obama is just as radical.

Be that as it may, Obama said he should not be held accountable for the things that happened when he was a child. He said not to blame him for things that he had nothing to do with.


I had nothing to do with slavery. I did not own slaves and I never mistreated anyone based on his color. I am not responsible for what happened so my tax dollars should not go to pay for reparations. As a matter of fact, I had nothing to do with Jim Crow Laws (the Democrats gave us them) and I had nothing to do with segregated lunch counters, rides in the back of the bus or anything else.

Let me put it in Obama’s language:

For slavery, don’t hold me accountable for something that ended 96 years before I was born.

For discrimination, don’t hold me accountable for things that happened when I was a kid.

I am a Republican so don’t hold me accountable for the racism and discrimination that the Democrats caused.

Now you libs have two choices. You can agree with me and say that we are not accountable for what happened over a century ago or you can say that we are responsible and have to pay.

If you take the second course of action you are saying that Obama is accountable for what Ayers did and for the things Ortega ranted about.

The choice is yours. I already know what I believe and nothing will change that.

Big Dog

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