Senator Max Bacardi
Dec 27, 2009 Political
I have to give credit to a commenter at You Tube for the name.
This is a video of Senator Max Baucus of Montana. He is on the Senate floor telling a bunch of lies about Republicans not being involved in the health care debate and them not offering anything in the process. Nothing unusual about that, Democrats lie all the time. What is funny is that Baucus is slurring his words and stammering.
It is obvious that he has had a little too much to drink. It is obvious that he has continued the Ted Kennedy tradition..
Max Bacardi, should have stuck with the coffee.
He complains that the opposition to health care is so Republicans can use it in the 2010 elections. If the damn thing is so wonderful, what would there be to use? Democrats wanted Republicans for one reason only and that is to have cover in the next election. They could then say they all did it. As it stands, this baby belongs to the Democrats and they completely own it.
They had the votes to pass it without one Republican and that is what they eventually did after shutting Republicans out of the process. They want to do that fine but then don’t whine and cry about it.
But I don’t blame this Senator for getting drunk before defending his side’s rape of America. Alcohol provides courage to some people. Then again, maybe he was having a few drinks with his girlfriend while discussing what jobs he could recommend her for.
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Tags: drunk on senate floor, health care, max bacardi, max baucus, slurred words, stammering