Sharpton Wants What’s In Your House

Al Sharpton is part of the social justice regime and he will not be satisfied until everyone is brought (down) to the same level. To Al, we will not have social justice until we all have the same thing.

We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’ Breitbart (Video)

This is the mentality that caused the financial meltdown. Sharpton and his ilk led by progressives in Congress enacted rules that forced banks to lend money to people who could not afford to pay it back. The purpose of the loans was to allow low income folks to buy homes. I have no problem with anyone owning a home but they should own a home they can afford and if they can’t afford one, they should rent an apartment.

Fannie Mae was established during the New Deal era to help low income folks afford homes. Over the years it has grown and during Carter’s disastrous presidency the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was established and this forced banks to lend money to people who could not afford the loans. Clinton went a step further and relaxed the rules to allow even more people to buy homes.

People bought homes they could not afford and many figured they could sell them for a profit and then the housing bubble burst and house prices fell leaving many people underwater. They were in homes they owed more on than they could get and they could not afford to keep paying for them. Thus, a high rate of foreclosure.

Thanks to the idea that we will not be equal until things are equal in everyone’s house, we have a financial meltdown. I guess they made sure we all suffered equally.

This does not stop morons like Sharpton from continuing to play the race card and working to make us all equal. We are all created equal but we do not have equal success in life and nothing a government does will change that. There will always be wealthy people and there will always be poor people and there will always be a lot of people in the middle. The reality is not everyone will be able to buy a home.

Unless we relax the rules and make sure that everyone can get a loan even if they cannot pay it back. That sounds like something Sharpton would like and would work.

Oh wait…

Freddie Mac wants more money.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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