Obama Is Not Hiding His Socialist Plans

Barack Hussein Obama is riding higher than John Sidney McCain in the national polls and the Electoral vote favors Obama at the present. This can change but the Democrats are so confident that Barry will win they are making plans to recall Congress after the election to put through legislation that would be politically dangerous if they did it prior to the November election. They are so confident that Obama will win that even the messiah himself is not hiding his desire to impose Socialism on this country.

Obama was in Ohio knocking on doors when he was confronted by an overtaxed man who asked if Obama’s plan was going to cost him more in taxes. Obama told the man that he [Obama] did not want to punish his hard work but that he believed in spreading the wealth around:

“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed “more and more for fulfilling the American dream.”

“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too,” Obama responded. “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” Fox

This is nothing more than Socialism. Take money from those who are earning it and give it to those who are earning less (or nothing). Obama is not even hiding the fact that his plan is nothing more than income redistribution and it is Socialism.

Obama is so confident that he is going to win that he is now embracing plans that he earlier criticized. He is so confident that he is in negotiations with Democratic leaders in the Congress to push through legislation that will cost us billions of dollars on top of the nearly one trillion dollars spent to bail out Wall Street. And Obama is not finished. He has proposed nearly one trillion more in new spending. He is on a roll and he now believes that nothing short of another terrorist attack in the US can keep him from winning.

Barack Obama is now changing positions with greater frequency and saying things that people want to hear. He thinks he has this election in the bag but he wants an electoral landslide because he believes this will be a mandate for his plans. We need to ensure that he does not win.

It won’t be easy. He paid ACORN nearly one million dollars to engage in voter fraud. Obama knows how ACORN works because he was once very closely associated with that organization though he denies it now. He knows they register dead people and then others vote in that person’s name. He knows that ACORN registers incapacitated and incarcerated people and then others vote for them. They have registered hundreds of thousands of people and many of those registrations were fraudulent. Obama paid them to do this.

During Obama’s door to door campaigning The One encouraged Democrats to vote now. Ohio offers early voting and the window to do so is now open and Obama is encouraging people to vote now. This would be to his advantage because if something bad comes up in the next few weeks then some people will not be able to use that information to vote. It is not smart to vote early.

October surprises can happen right before election day and Obama is aware of a few things that could cause him problems.

A Democrat might be the reason for the October surprise.

Big Dog

Obama Apple Stays Near The Tree

If Barack Obama is elected president he, with the assistance of a Democratic Congress, will impose huge tax increases upon us. His defenders claim he will roll taxes to what they were under Bill Clinton. Those were bad enough but with all the spending he has proposed, he will have to increase taxes much more in order to push through his agenda. However, Obama hedged on taxes a bit:

Democrat Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding President Bush’s tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.

Nevertheless, Obama has no plans to extend the Bush tax cuts beyond their expiration date, as Republican John McCain advocates. Instead, Obama wants to push for his promised tax cuts for the middle class, he said in a broadcast interview aired Sunday.

“Even if we’re still in a recession, I’m going to go through with my tax cuts,” Obama said. “That’s my priority.”

What about increasing taxes on the wealthy?

“I think we’ve got to take a look and see where the economy is. I mean, the economy is weak right now,” Obama said on “This Week” on ABC. “The news with Freddie Mac (FRE) and Fannie Mae (FNM), I think, along with the unemployment numbers, indicates that we’re fragile.” My Way News

Obama will delay rescinding the Bush tax cuts because the economy is in a recession (it is not). Therefore, he is admitting that taxes hurt the economy. If taxes helped then it would not matter when he rescinded them. The reality is, even under the best of times, taxes hurt the economy and when it is not in great shape the pain is even worse.

Obama men

He also admits that he would have to take a look at his tax increases on the wealthy because of the fragile economy. In other words, we have more people out of jobs and high prices so if he raises taxes those who create jobs will stop creating as many and more people will be unemployed. The increased taxes will cause prices to go higher (tax increases are passed on to consumers) and people will pay even more.

The way to solve the problems is to cut federal spending. Eliminate unnecessary and duplicate programs and cut budgets. This will decrease the need for our money and we can keep the taxes low or lower them even more. People who earn the money should keep it and decide how it is spent.

Taking money from those who have more of it and redistributing it to those who have less of it is Socialism. That is what Barry Obama is all about because it is in his blood:

“What is more important is to find means by which we can redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all. This is the government’s obligation.”
“Certainly there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay. It is a fallacy to say that there is this limit, and it is a fallacy to rely mainly on individual free enterprise to get the savings.” Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

The apple certainly does not fall far from the tree. Daddy Hussein was a Harvard educated economist. Amazing what a goat herder can do when he puts his mind to it.

The link to the story about his father is very enlightening. Particularly interesting is this gem:

Obama Sr. described his own economic plan, his counterproposal, as it were, as “scientific socialism — inter alia — communism.” Yes, Obama’s father was a communist who wanted to put socialist theory into action — by “force.” [emphasis mine]

Big Dog

Obama Panders to Elderly with Tax Scheme

Barack Obama is touting a new part to his tax plan and this new twist is designed to pander to the elderly voters, those more likely to vote for John McCain. Obama wants to make the first $50,000 of income tax free for the elderly. Tax experts indicate that this is a bad idea for a number of reasons. It has also been pointed out that many of the elderly do not pay taxes and that an arbitrary threshold might take away incentive for them to work if they will go over the limit.

Obama believes; “If you work hard and pay into the system, you’ve earned the right to a secure retirement.” [My Way News] This all sounds real good but it begs the question; if they are entitled to a secure retirement why is Obama opposed to privatizing at least a portion of Social Security? The Social Security system is broken and a lot of that is because politicians use the money taken in to pay other bills. They cannot be trusted with any money because all they now how to do is spend. In addition, the money that does survive their raids earns very little interest. Even with a turbulent economy, money placed in the market is earning more than the money held by the government.

Obama believes, as do most Democrats, that the government knows what to do with your money better than you do. John Edwards was partly correct when he said there were two Americas. Edwards believed there was one set of rules for the rich and one for the poor. In reality, there are two sets of rules but they are for the elected and the people who put them in office. While we have to worry about retirement, the elected have very nice systems all paid for by the taxpayer.

The problem with our country is that we spend too much money and the answer to our problems is always more taxes. In order for Obama to decrease or eliminate taxes on the elderly some other group will have to pay more. It is high time someone started talking about decreasing spending and lowering our taxes at the same time.

It is time for common sense plans instead of pandering. However, look for more pandering as the election draws near.

Also keep in mind that this money they discuss spending does not belong to them. They have no right to commit it to schemes that will ultimately end up costing all the producers even more money.

Big Dog

Obama’s Global Welfare

As if it were not bad enough that Barack Obama wants to tax the hell out of Americans so that he can pay for billions in new social welfare spending in our country he is now advocating that the US set up welfare for the entire world. Senator Obama sponsored Senate Bill 2433 which would, in essence, take money from Americans through increased taxes and send that money to the United Nations so that the UN can redistribute it all over the world to end global poverty. Obama believes that we can make nations be more friendly to us by giving them money. In his world that is how things work and considering all the friends he has because they paid him for something, it is easy to see why he would feel that way.

I am opposed to welfare (government provided) in general but I am vehemently opposed to global welfare paid for by American taxpayers. The left in America keeps telling us that we are not the world’s police but they seem to think we are the world’s nanny. It is not up to America to solve the problem of poverty in other nations. It is up to the often corrupt governments of those nations to solve their problems. Americans have their pockets picked every day by government and this bill would allow them to stuff their hands even deeper in order to extract more of our money. It is time for our government to stop wasting our money, not just on stupidity like this, but on all kinds of wasteful projects. It is OUR money and we need to demand that they be more fiscally responsible with it.

To top this off, Obama’s Bill would have the UN handling the money. The UN is second to none in corruption and mismanagement (though the US government might be a close second) and giving them all that money is an open invitation for more illegal activity. The oil for food scandal should cement this in everyone’s minds. The UN is comprised of people from all over the world, many of whom are corrupt and care only about achieving wealth by picking American’s pockets. Obama’s Bill would allow the UN to send our money to places like Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba and any other place where human rights are non existent and people are led by brutal people hell bent on maintaining rule by aggression.

This Bill is one more example of Obama’s overt Socialistic beliefs and should be a reminder to all Americans, regardless of party, that Obama will implement Socialistic policies that will ruin our country.

People achieve through hard work and that work provides satisfaction that cannot be replaced by a government program. America has been around for a much shorter time than many nations but has achieved more than they ever have because of hard work and self reliance. Those traits will disappear under a Socialist leader and soon everyone will be at the trough of government. Only the elite, ruling class will have wealth while the rest of us wallow in mediocrity. If other nations are not able to achieve then they need to try what worked for us and made us great.

One things is for certain, they should not be living on our hand outs any more than should our own citizens.

Politicians from both parties support this Obamination. Contact your Senators (and Representatives for H. R. 1302 which passed on a voice vote) and tell them not to support this gross misuse of American taxpayer money.

American Thinker

Big Dog

Democrats Brazenly Move Toward Socialism

It is no secret among thinking people that the Democratic Party is a socialist group. Most of them mask their Socialistic or Communistic tendencies but they are moving closer and closer to everything being run by the government and redistribution of all wealth except for the wealth of the ruling class. They will remain rich and try to control our lives. Barack Hussein Obama is a Socialist. He believes in class warfare and he believes it is up to government to take money from the wealthy and give it to the poor. He is a regular liberal Robin Hood.

The Democrats have moved in this direction for quite some time and they are often aided by Republicans who have some strange desire to pander to the left rather than espousing good conservative principles. They give tax “rebates” to people who paid no taxes. They take money in the form of taxes and spread it out across the country in the form of earmarks. They push for universal health care which means the taxpayers will pay for everyone’s health care (and their own since they will not qualify for gubmint health care). They have Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security a program whose name tells you it is socialist. They do all these a little at a time and they will eventually take over our lives and we will still be wondering what hit us.

Stop the ACLU has a video up and it show how brazen the left in America is getting. The clip features Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee, stating that if there are more refineries built in this country then the government should own them. Think about that for a minute. How can the government own anything? The people of this country pay the taxes that the government spends so if they start building refineries the taxpayers will own them.

That is the first point but more importantly, what business does the government have owning a refinery or anything else? With private companies owning them there are stock holders and an expectation of making money, which by the way is not obscene or record. They are at 10% and that is reasonable for any business. If oil companies have problems then they must spend company money to correct them. Whose money will the government spend if their refineries have problems? You guessed it, yours. And since they are Congress they can keep taking as much of your money as they want. You can bet that they will not be selling stock and if they did it would all go to members of Congress.

The idea of the government taking over private industry is Socialist and it would put us more in line with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. In the same clip at STACLU there is a woman on Fox discussing how she thinks this is a great idea. She is an obvious idiot and should have one of those protective helmets on when she is out and about. The problem is, there are many more just like her out there and a whole lot of them are called Congressional Democrats. This is not some slip up either. Remember when they had the oil execs in for their regular grilling. One of the less than intelligent members said that she wanted to nationalize oil. In other worlds, she wanted the government to take it over.

The government is an entity that works for the people and it is designed to represent the people. We are supposed to be left alone to pursue what we want in life. That is what freedom is all about. If government starts taking over private industry, we have lost our freedom and we will be a Socialist nation. The government’s quest is not limited to oil. They want to take over health care. Remember all the fuss about Walter Reed and Army medical care? You know all the news reports about troops not getting the care they need? Their care is run by the government. The same Democrats who went on TV describing the horrors at Walter Reed want to give you that very same government run system.

What will happen next? Will they decide pills cost too much and take over the pharmaceutical industry? Will they then spend billions in taxpayer dollars to make drugs to give away? Remember, if government screws up it taxes you more to get the money it needs. If private industry screws up it must answer to stock holders and consumers.

This whole debate started because Republicans are pushing to resume drilling for oil on our own property. Democrats oppose that. They have opposed it for decades and that is why we are in this predicament. They always use the same excuse; we need to get off our dependence on oil and it will take 10 years to get any oil from the new drilling. They said that over 10 years ago and Bill Clinton vetoed drilling in ANWR. Guess what, it has been a little more than 10 years so we would be getting oil right now when we need it. As for alternative energy, sure that would be great but there are no new technologies that will be ready any sooner than the oil in ANWR. Alternate choices are decades away. Why don’t we use our oil while they start building new technologies?

It is a certainty that we need to drill our own oil. The Democrats are absolutely wrong when they say it will make no difference. It will have a huge impact and have little impact on the environment. What we absolutely do not need is the government taking over oil companies or building refineries. The government is inefficient and does not run anything well. This would be setting up a system that would be rife with corruption and it would make all the members of Congress richer than they are.

The government could not organize a birthday party. It could not lead a group of people out of a burning building and the government would lose money and have corruption, fraud and waste if they were selling air, a product guaranteed to have customers.

We need to demand that they allow drilling on our property (what happened to state’s rights?) and we need to make sure they are never allowed to take over any business.

The next revolution may well be on the way. I would prefer we overthrow the government by voting them all out and replacing them. However, it might be wise to stock up on ammo (as if any good conservative needed to be told that).

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Big Dog