Obamasnare; Getting Caught In The Increase

If you like your doctor you can keep him. This law will save each family $2500 a year.

We have to pass the bill to see what is in it.

Remember these lines of BS thrown at us during the time the Democrats rammed Obamacare through? There were plenty of other lines of BS thrown around (like tax dollars not paying for abortion) but these are the ones that are now affecting people.

As we get closer to full implementation of Obamacare people are finding out that the statements above were lies. Obamacare is becoming a huge nightmare as people are having their insurance coverage cancelled, their hours cut so employers are protected or they are receiving insurance bills with huge increases.

[note]It might seem as if the statement we had to pass it to see what was in it was true but we could have spent time reading it and learning prior to the votes. Therefore, it is a lie to say we HAD to.[/note]

One Kentucky family is finding out that the Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable. Their monthly insurance bill rose from $333 a month to $965. This is a threefold increase and is not an uncommon occurrence as families across the nation are getting the same kind of news.

But Democrats have decided that you do not matter. They (and only they) passed this monstrosity even when the majority of the public opposed it. Even those groups (unions, AARP etc.) who supported it now oppose it and are trying to get (or have gotten) waivers. Congress worked hard to exempt itself from this. They fought to force it on you and then fought to keep it from them.

Democrats and some Republicans are working to ensure this is fully funded and they do not care about you.

Senators McConnell and Cornyn, both Republicans, are helping Harry Reid defeat the House bill that defunds Obamacare. They will then vote against it because Democrats can pass it without their votes. They will go home and tell people they did all they could to get rid of it and that will be a lie.

We need to get rid of them so folks should work hard to do so. Regardless of the outcome of the current fight, these two need to go.

The Democrats are working hard to get this passed and to screw you over. Make them pay in the next election. Take the Senate away from them (and keep the House) so they do not have the ability to impose these bad laws on people. This is not an endorsement for Republican politicians because many of them are no better.

Those who impose their will on us should pay.

As it stands right now families like those in the article are the ones paying.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Modern American Gunfight

Time to Stand and Fight

The NRA has an ad pointing out that Barack Obama’s children attend a school with armed guards but he refuses to allow the same protection for our children. The White House was upset that Obama’s children were used in such fashion. Funny though, Obama did not mind exploiting the dead children from Connecticut and he certainly did not mind using other people’s kids to push his agenda yesterday when he used his Imperial position to impose gun restrictions.

Here is a new ad from the NRA. It is right on point and it shows many in the media attacking Wayne LaPierre for saying that schools should have armed guards (a position most Americans agree with). It is crazy, they say, to suggest putting more guns in schools (yeah, because right now the only ones that make it there are carried by crazy people).

Keep in mind that the media all attacked LaPierre for his suggestion. That same media fawned over Obama’s proposals. Here is one of those proposals (I agree in principle with the idea here though I doubt this is a federal responsibility):

The president will also push for federal funds for more school counselors and mental health aides and for schools and school districts that want to hire armed and trained security officers CBS News


Why is that same media not attacking Obama for providing money for MORE guns in schools? Where are all those who attacked LaPierre for his proposal now that Obama has included that very idea in his package?

This is about advancing gun control. Make no mistake, gun control is not about guns but control of the people. The camel’s nose will get under the tent and pretty soon there will be a push for an all out ban.

It works this way. There is gun violence, the government makes rules that infringe upon those of us who did not commit that violence (while ignoring the fact that criminals don’t obey the law) and then when that does not work they come back and say the only thing that will work is a complete ban.

The time to fight is now. We cannot allow them to violate the Constitution and the other laws that have been passed to protect gun owners and our rights.

As an aside, Obama said that nothing in Obamacare keeps doctors from asking about guns. Section 2716 on page 2308 of Obamacare specifically says otherwise.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



French Actor Greedy For Wanting To Keep More Of His Money

The French elected a Socialist to the presidency and that person, Francois Hollande, raised the tax rate on the wealthy to 75% for any income over 1 million Euros. The wealthy in France are not taking it lying down as many move out of the country. One such person is French actor Gerard Depardieu who bought a home and established legal residence in Belgium where the highest tax rate is 50%.

It is a shame that an area with a 50% tax rate is considered a haven from high taxes but this is what happens when governments continue to raise taxes. People become accustomed to the higher rates so that they eventually seem fair when the rates get really high.

This is an example of Overton’s Window.

In any event, the move is not sitting well with French politicians who are very upset that Depardieu moved out. They just can’t understand why this guy would want to keep the money he earned. This is a problem with liberal/progressive/socialists, they think the money one earns belongs to government and can’t quite get a handle on why people balk at surrendering it.

The United States is led by such people who tell us very candidly that they believe in redistribution and that they think wealthy people reach a point where they have earned enough.

Amazingly, these people never feel they have earned enough. People like Bill Clinton leave politics and earn millions of dollars speaking and then look for ways to shelter the money. People like Warren Buffett decry low tax rates and scream for high tax rates on income while never advocating a tax on wealth. That would hurt them and they just can’t have that. Hell, Buffett owes the government a lot of money in taxes he has not paid…

Back to France. Keep in mind that Depardieu left to avoid paying 75% of his income (over a million Euros) to a place where he will pay taxes at a 50% rate. He is, in effect, keeping 25% of his money but he is denying all of the taxes he pays to France and that is not sitting well. The Socialist mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, described Depardieu as “…a generous man but in this instance he is not showing that.”

You got that? In order for Depardieu to show he is generous he needs to forfeit 75% of what he earns to the government. I would turn that around and say that the government is showing how greedy it is by confiscating three-fourths of what a person earns.

Once again, this is how these liberal/progressive/socialist leeches think. They think that if you work hard and earn money then you should have most of it confiscated by the government so it can be used to support others. You should earn that money for everyone else.

Or as Obama might say, you didn’t build that so you have no right to it…

The wealthy did not get that way by being foolish. Hell most got wealthy by Obama and his ilk designating 250k a year as being so but the truly wealthy got that way by taking risks and managing their money well. They will certainly be able to thwart government attempts to confiscate it.

The mob extorts money from people by threatening to send goons to harm them.

The government extorts money from people by threatening to send the IRS to harm them.

The only difference is that one of these entities has its extortion legalized but the outcome is the same. People are forced to comply until they can leave.

Depardieu did that in France and I suspect many Americans will do something similar. They might not leave the country but their money will go elsewhere.

Places where it can’t be fondled by the overly greedy government and its insatiable appetite for ever increasing and foolish spending.

But lest we forget folks, Obama owns all of this now. It is not on Bush or anyone else. It is on Obama. Anyone who follows him does so at his own risk (politically) but the onus is on Obama alone.

My only hope is that the pain that is sure to come affects those who voted for him in the most intense ways possible. You asked for it so you deserve what you get.

Au revoir….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Can’t Find A Doctor, Blame Obama

But I bet Obama blames Bush.

Obamacare, the terrible law opposed by most people, is set to fully implement in the later years of this decade and when it is fully in place there will be an even larger shortage of doctors. This comes as no surprise to those who noted that you can’t add 30 million people to the eligibility rolls and expect to have access to health care with the same number of doctors.

The New York Times discusses the future shortage under Obamacare as if this is some new revelation.

Amazingly, after supporting this terrible law the NYT finally comes to the game to discuss a major problem associated with it. If the NYT had been diligent in doing its job then perhaps it could have made these arguments during the debate over Obamacare.

Instead, it cheered Obama and the Democrats for their blatant act that enslaved people to government.

The situation will be even worse than this article reports because many doctors will stop practicing medicine when they see how Obamacare will affect their bottom line.

Of course, if the Communist in the White House gets a second term he might just use his Dear Leader powers to force doctors to keep working.

He could just impose a tax for not practicing medicine and call it a penalty.

John Roberts already told him it was OK to do that.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Martin O’Malley; Obama Lite

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is a tax and spend liberal in the same mold as Barack Obama. O’Moron (as I not so affectionately call him), believes that the rich don’t pay enough and that the money people make belongs to him. Yes, like Obama, O’Moron thinks of taxpayers as ATMs that have unlimited supplies of money to dispense for harebrained, and often unconstitutional, schemes.

O’Moron has aspirations of becoming president one day. He would like to continue Obama’s destructive policies (as he has in Maryland) in order to completely destroy this great nation.

Mark Levin recently called out O’Moron. I must say, Levin was spot on in his analysis of O’Moron:

While O’Moron thinks rich people don’t pay enough in taxes the rich have a different opinion. They are leaving Maryland in droves and it would appear as if they are moving to places like Florida where there are no state income taxes.

Yes, the article claims that the opposition says there is a net wash on inflow* (probably illegals or low wage earners looking for gubmint handouts) and outflow and that other things influence these kinds of decisions (like weather) but the reality is rich people are moving out. Surely those other factors affect people who are not rich so why are they not as mobile? [* it is possible that many of the inflow are from the people who moved here because of BRAC]

Perhaps because far too many pay no income taxes and live off the largess of those who actually pay taxes (through confiscation and redistribution by the government). O’Moron has certainly created an environment where those who do not pay taxes are comfortable living off those who do. He has further created an environment where people who have money do not want to stick around.

O’Moron has enacted tax after tax after tax so much so that the Welcome to Maryland signs are snidely referred to as having the tagline; “What’s in your wallet?”

This man is not a leader (and it is a stretch to call him a man) and he does not deserve to be in a position to take decisions that affect the lives of others. He could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so he should not be in charge of anything.

The people of Maryland have the government they deserve because far too many people in this state continue to vote for the same politicians each and every election. The state is a mini Communist regime with big brother dictating every aspect of our lives and taking money from the producers in order to pay for moronic programs.

It is probably too late for Maryland to address the situation because too many people here are on the liberal handout plantation and can’t leave their masters.

One can only hope that the country will be fed up enough after Obama that O’Moron NEVER gets the chance to lead the country.

One nanny state, liberal, Socialist, Commie, redistributionist, class warfare, sock puppet is bad enough.

We cannot afford to have another…

Interesting article:
Brad Pitt’s mother discovers liberal tolerance Ever notice the right never threatened her son for his liberal views?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
