The New Obama Crisis

Rahm Emanuel said that they should never let a crisis go to waste. Since that time the Obama regime has been manufacturing one crisis after another in order to scare Americans into following the agenda put forward by the Dear Leader Obama. In other words, the fear mongering that Obama accused George Bush of is exactly what Obama and his regime are doing in order to get what they want. I don’t know why they bother because even when the majority of Americans do not buy their song and dance they still push forward and pass what they want.

The financial crisis was one that had to be addressed immediately or the world would end. We must act or now and pass the stimulus. While the administration claims that the stimulus did what it was expected to do (the goal is a moving target) the evidence is that we spent nearly a trillion dollars and got little. Unemployment remains above the number promised if we passed the stimulus and the economy, while slowing showing signs of improvement, is set to experience a second recession and inflation. The stock market is up based on the activity of a few stocks and projections for a year and a half away. Right now, we are still in trouble.

The health care takeover bill that was recently signed into law was one that had to be passed or we faced crisis. The major portions of the law do not take effect until well after the 2012 election but the taxes and other revenue generating gimmicks take place right now. If we had to act NOW then why do major portions not take effect for years to come? This crisis was manufactured to get Obama’s signature legislation passed and allow the government to sink its teeth even deeper into our necks.

Now we have a new crisis being manufactured. The regime has blamed the financial collapse on Wall Street and while that entity deserves some of the blame, it is not the only reason that we have this problem. The housing market, pumped up by government regulation requiring banks to lend to people who could not afford homes, is another key player in the mess. George Bush gets a lot of the blame from the Obama regime but it was he who said that we needed to reign in Fannie and Freddie. People like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd said there were no problems and that these entities were sound. They were only sound for the friends of Democrats who received millions in compensation for running them into the ground.

Obama told us recently, using the words he always uses in a crisis (if we don’t act now), that we must pass the financial reform bill. The financial system, like the health care system, needs some reform but it does not need massive government intervention and takeover. But this is what the government wants. It has control of two of the three major auto makers, the banks, student loans, and now the health care system. It wants to control every aspect of our lives.

But ask yourselves, do you trust the people who ran up a 12 TRILLION dollar deficit to run anything else? Do you trust that government can run the auto industry? GM is still taking big losses. Do you trust the people who run the Post Office to run your health care? Government spends OUR money. It has no concept of what a budget is or how to live within the constraints of one. Government has no business being in business even if it were actually capable of balancing a budget and living within its means.

This regime has usurped the Constitution and is moving us steadily along into a world of Socialism where playing fields are leveled, where income is redistributed and where government runs everything.

This November we have a chance to elect conservatives (notice I did not say Republicans). We have a chance to elect people who will follow the Constitution and who will make Obama a lame duck for his first (and God willing, only) term.

Get energized. There are 435 job openings in the House and about 33 job openings in the Senate.

Let’s fill them with people who have actually worked in the real world and who will follow the Constitution as it was written and as it was intended.

The only real crisis in this country is the crisis that exists as our elected government. Let’s not let this crisis go to waste.

Make Rahm Emanuel and the Obama regime eat those words this November.

My Way News
Was this a deliberate stunt to garner support for the reform bill? This is how dictatorships run…
The financial bill would reward Goldman Sachs and others by providing perpetual bail-outs. Once again Dodd’s name appears.
More on Dodd (or is it moron Dodd?)

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Plan For Incremental Takeover Of Our Lives

The health care bill recently signed into law is a staring point for the Democrats and their progressive allies who intend to continue hammering away until government is completely involved in our health care decisions. Their ultimate goal is to have a single payer program run by the government. They want to put insurance companies out of business.

And they will do it with a manufactured “crisis.”

There were warnings that the health care takeover would result in higher costs for companies. The alleged benefits from tax cuts for small business are narrow and limited in scope and actually punish those with more than 50 employees.

As soon as the bill was signed into law many companies filed information regarding the impact on their business. The businesses have cited impacts of up to 1 billion dollars. For many, this is because they will no longer be able to write off a subsidy they get from the federal government. The government provides a subsidy to these companies to keep their retirees on the company plan for prescription coverage. Private plans are much better at cost control than the government and this is why the government pays a subsidy for companies to keep retirees. Having them on Medicare would be more costly to the government.

Now these companies are reporting the impact of the bill and how the new law will affect them. Their claims drew the scorn of Henry Waxman who wants to know how their assessments can be off compared to the independent assessment (read CBO) that Congress relied on.

News flash, the companies base their numbers on reality and the CBO bases its numbers on the imaginary world of government make believe. If the CBO was not told to assume anything that is actually impacting these companies then it could not figure the cost.

Waxman is trying to intimidate these companies because their reports run contrary to what we were all told. This plan is supposed to save money but it will cost us all money. If people think that these companies will not pass the cost on to consumers then they are living with Alice in a place called Wonderland.

Better yet, suppose the companies decide not to keep their retirees on the company prescription plan? They will be moved to Medicare prescription which would add about $1000 for each person enrolled. If this happens, about 2 million people could end up in the government plan. This would take away the “savings” estimated by the CBO ($5 billion) and would increase the amount the government spends by around 2 billion dollars (a 7 billion dollar swing). The CBO estimate was no doubt one of the “assume the companies can’t write off the subsidies and still keep their retirees on their rolls.”

If retirees are forced into Medicare prescription it would end the debate on whether you could keep your plan if you liked it.

Waxman is making a show of this but this is by design. Obama and the Democrats want costs to rise because then they can declare another crisis that requires government intervention. As Rich Lowry points out in his latest piece:

Democrats clearly plan to blame the private sector for all the downsides of their health plan. Pres. Barack Obama told liberal lawmakers in a private lobbying session that the bill is only “a beginning.” Any increase in costs and premiums — both of which are inevitable — will be attributed to corporate malfeasance requiring yet more government intervention.

Increase in costs and premiums both of which are inevitable. We were sold this plan on its cost saving qualities. Pelosi, Reid, Obama and every other Democrat appeared before the cameras and told us this would lower our costs and save money. Any mention of the increases in premiums that have occurred since the bill became law has been met with scorn and ridicule from those who believe that it will drive costs down.

Obama told his Democrats that costs and premiums will go UP and that this was inevitable.

And that is good because the Democrats can blame it on the companies and generate the need for even more government intervention.

Henry Waxman is the tool who is making this happen. As companies demonstrate the rise in costs (something Obama said was inevitable) Waxman can call them out, claim they are to blame and then Democrats can get busy generating more legislation designed to take control of even more of our lives.

This is all by design. These Democrats now have a foot in the door and they will, as Pelosi suggested, be kicking more doors down.

In other words, we created this mess which will create more messes and then we can get involved even more.

Remember, America will never accept Socialism outright but we can be led to it in tiny increments. The progressives have been making small gains for nearly a century and now they are ready to take much bigger ones.

They are ready to declare another crisis and generate more new laws to control more of our lives.

The Democrats must be defeated in November. We need to destroy them.

UPDATE: Interesting article from the American Spectator.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Doubles Down On Bad Mortgages

The Obama administration extended a lot of government help to people who did not pay their mortgages. People who bought homes they could never afford (and probably looked to flip at a profit) were taken by surprise when the housing bubble burst. Aided by Democrats who forced these loans and denied the troubles of Fannie and Freddie, people got in over their heads.

Obama rode in on his red horse and helped them. Now, nine months later, half of those who received help have gone into default again.

So how do we fix this? In the old days people would have their homes foreclosed upon and sold to satisfy the debt. But in the age of Obama they need help.

So now Obama and his minions are working on reducing the amount of mortgage payments for people who can’t pay what they owe. The plan is to reduce mortgage payments to as low as 31% of their income for three to six months. This would be based on unemployment income and lenders could allow people to skip payments. How many people will take advantage of this only to lose their homes later?

When the help was first introduced, people who were up to date were excluded from any rate reduction. If you did what was right, you were punished.

I refinanced for 15 years at 4%. I tried to get a much better rate but had to work to get this one. I was told up front that I would not do better because I pay my house payments on time (actually ahead of time). My mortgage person told me that they had a person refinance who was behind three months. He was able to refinance at 1% for the remaining life of the loan.

I, on the other hand, was not afforded this great rate because I pay my bills. There use to be a time when good credit was awarded with better rates.

The first helping hand did not do any good so now they will double down and try to help more people.

How many times do they have to keep flicking the switch before they realize the bulb is not going to come on?

Big Dog


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GM CEO Gets Lots Of Money For A Bad Job

So can anyone tell me how it is that Obama and his radical minions are able to tell banks and financial institutions that received bailout money what their executive compensation can be but can’t do that for GM? Government Motors (formerly General Motors) received lots of taxpayer money and failed to pay it back but now its executives are getting big money.

General Motors Co. CEO Ed Whitacre will receive a salary of $1.7 million this year, plus stock awards that will bring his total pay package to $9 million at a later date, the automaker said Friday.

In a surprise announcement, GM also said former CEO Fritz Henderson has been rehired as a consultant. Henderson, who was forced out of the job in December, will work 20 hours a month and will be paid $59,090 a month, the company said. Yahoo

Obama and his buddies at ACORN can rail against executive pay and Barney Frank, the Banking Queen, can scream about limiting pay for executives of ALL companies but they seem to be silent over the huge CEO compensation at GM.

How can it be that Obama will scold CEOs for how much they make and tell us that those who ran the company into the ground should not be paid well (as if it is his decision to make) but his car company can spend money on huge executive compensation? How can that be?

Private companies in America need to tell Obama and Frank and the rest of the radicals in DC to mind their own damn business and to stay out of the private sector. The easiest way to do that is to stop ALL donations to politicians. After that a simple letter telling Congress and Obama to shut the hell up and mind their own business should suffice.

Government does not belong in private industry and if the pols in DC don’t like it then that is just too bad.

They keep screwing around and there are plenty of countries that are much less expensive to do business in.

How would members of Congress like to explain why a bunch of jobs in their districts and states went away because of government meddling?

No matter what, these people at GM do not deserve any of this money until the taxpayer is completely repaid. We own that company and we should get paid first. Of course, the rules are a little different for Obama and his supporters (like the UAW).

So let us do ourselves a favor and ignore GM. Don’t buy any of their vehicles and let’s put them out of business. They should have failed some time ago and we propped them up as Obama took them over. Now his CEO is getting big money.

Bankrupt them once and for all so they can go under and something else can take over.

Big Dog


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Venezuela Shows Us How Great Socialism Is

Hugo Chavez rang in the New Year in Venezuela by rationing electricity. The government there owns damn near everything and the people are dirt poor. The country is a huge oil producer but is unable to generate much electricity because it depends on hydroelectric generators and there has been an ongoing drought.

So, Chavez celebrated the new Year by limiting the amount of electricity that businesses can use, what hours they can be open and what other items can use electricity and when (billboards, casinos, etc). There are penalties for businesses that do not comply with the order.

This is the Socialist nation that the liberals love so much. Penn, Obama, and a handful of others have all been down to kiss Chavez’s ring (or a lower and posterior part of his anatomy). He is held up as a great leader by the liberals who want our country to follow the path of Venezuela.

It is not hard to imagine being like Venezuela with Obama and his government taking over one private business after another. Obama took the lead of Bush and got government involved in the banking system (should have let them fail) and then moved on so that now we all own car companies. How long will it be before Obama is snapping up other private businesses? The government is already working on telling business how much executives may be paid. It is not a far stretch to get to the point where government is running everything (health care included). It happened in Venezuela and liberals love that place and its dictator.

If we have to ration anything then it should be food and water. Liberals get none until the crisis is over.

Never let a good crisis go to waste…

Big Dog


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