Barack Obama Is Misleading America

Today marks the 100th day of the Obama Residency and he marked the occasion by holding a prime time press conference. I did not watch it but I have read about it. I did not watch because I have had enough of him and I knew what he was going to say. He basically told everyone how wonderful he is, what a great job he is doing, how much hard work is left to do, and that George Bush is to blame for any of the bad stuff.

I have written before that Obama does not really understand the Constitution and that he has stated that it has too many restrictions that he wanted (and wants?) the Supreme Court to remove. This guy is a lawyer and he was reported to be a Constitutional scholar but he knows very little about the Constitution except what Bill Ayers told him while they were passing a bong around. One thing is also clear from the speech tonight and that is; Barack Obama lies through his teeth or he does not understand the law, or both.


President Barack Obama said Wednesday night that waterboarding authorized by former President George W. Bush was torture, and the information gained from terror suspects through its use could have been obtained by other means. “In some cases it may be harder,” he conceded at a White House news conference marking a whirlwind first 100 days in office. Breitbart

I want you liberals to read this carefully and I want you to try to understand. Waterboarding is not torture under the definition of torture established by the Congress, an august body to which Barack Obama once belonged. It does not matter how you FEEL about waterboarding and it does not matter if you THINK it is torture, the fact is that Congress has decided that it is not.

The memos that Obama released are very lengthy and contain a great deal of legal opinion on the issue and they reference Congresses’ definition of torture and use it to come to their conclusions. Waterboarding is not torture which might explain why Nancy Pelosi voiced no objection to it when she was briefed on it at the time. Yes boys and girls, despite her objections and denials, Nancy Pelosi was at the meetings and she was told about waterboarding and the plans to use it. She told the CIA to do more (more work to get information).

The Bush administration allowed these enhanced interrogation techniques to take place because they were in accordance with the law. It does not matter that Obama says waterboarding is torture. What matters is the law and what real lawyers who actually practiced it had to say about it. I imagine if Obama insists on prosecuting the legal folks who rendered the opinions they might end up at the Supreme Court. It would be interesting to see what they have to say about the law Congress wrote.

In any event, Obama is continuing to blame Bush for things that are in the past. He was merely applying blame and mentioning torture to justify his stupid release of classified memos, and act that many have criticized. The release will have a chilling effect on how our intelligence gathering efforts move forward and function. Obama had to make it look like he did the right thing so he called waterboarding torture so he could claim to have brought it all to light.

He is, after all, all about transparency. He had to release those memos and it was all about transparency. Let me clear that up as well. Obama released those memos for political gain. He has not released any of the memos that show how successful enhanced interrogation was because it would not allow him to score points by claiming to be the one who stopped torture. If Obama were so interested in transparency he would release his original birth certificate. The REAL one that is hand or type written with ink signatures from a doctor. The REAL one that contains all the pertinent information. If he really believed in transparency he would do that.

He is not in favor of transparency. He only wants you to see what he decides you should see. It seems to me that if you claim to be transparent then it means you are transparent in everything.

Interestingly, the release of the memos might hurt him in the future. If he prosecutes those who rendered the opinions then those lawyers in his administration who will be asked to render opinions might be a bit gun shy if they think the next administration can come after them for doing their jobs. They might not give good opinions or ones that he wants because of fear, a fear he will have created through his stupidity.

Obama is still on this kick that he can blame everything on Bush and get away with it. That will work for a while with the moonbats who follow him but it is already wearing thin to those of us who believe he is full of excuses and an apologist for American greatness.

Barack Obama is only interested in remaking America. He wants to make it into a Socialist nation where government is huge and takes care of everyone by taking from those who produce and giving it to those who mooch off them. He does not understand the Constitution or he ignores it (either is bad) and he puts politics above what is good for this country.

He is a political hack and he is amounting to one huge failure.

Big Dog

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McCain Is Solid In Big Moment

John McCain accepted the nomination of the Republican Party and delivered a solid speech though one not nearly as rousing as those given by Barack Obama and Sarah Palin. McCain’s task, as I saw it, was to show Americans that he was not out of touch and that he understood their challenges. Since his selection of Palin to be Vice President has energized the base, I saw McCain’s task as appealing to the Independent voters and those moderate Democrats who might not be committed or sold on Obama.

McCain’s speech was solid but the truth is he is not as eloquent a speaker as Palin or Obama. In fact, though I felt Palin’s speech last night worried some Democrats, the thought I had first was that I felt sorry for McCain because he had to follow her.

Surprisingly, though not as gifted a speaker, McCain hit home with issues that affect families. He discussed the struggles of paying for a home, buying groceries and filling the gas tank. This hit home and showed that despite what Barack Obama says, John McCain does get it. When McCain went into his life story he really gave a heartfelt account.

I did not want John McCain to discuss his experience in Vietnam. The Democrats have been beating on him for expressing that part of his life too much. John McCain has a much more honorable record in that war than John Kerry but I felt he risked being painted with the same brush that Kerry was by leaning too heavily on that experience, as honorable as it was. Besides, every speaker this week recounted the story for John. But McCain did discuss it and he was artful in how he presented it. He started by telling people that his experience as a POW was a blessing and then he told the story of how, prior to his capture, he was a self centered person who believed the world revolved around him. He explained how his capture transformed him into a person who places his country first and the needs of others above one’s own needs. That transformation came after others cared for him and kept him alive. It was presented very well.

Certainly John McCain’s speech was not of the caliber of Obama’s or Palin’s but he did what he had to do. He showed people that he gets it and I think he appealed to voters who are not part of the base. He reached out to Obama supporters and then he skillfully contrasted what he wants to do with what Obama wants to do. I think that many on the fence who are moderate will find John McCain’s positions more appealing and that Barack Obama cannot compete with his life experiences.

All in all, a solid speech. Not spectacular, but solid. It would have been a bit smoother if the people in the hall had not interrupted him at inappropriate times but he was able to get through that. He handled the moonbat who tried to disrupt the speech with a bit of humor and quickly refocused the attention of those listening, back to him. Notice that the only people causing trouble at both conventions were liberals.

The next 2 months will be very interesting. Sarah Palin has energized the party and we now have a real contest on our hands. Today’s poll has them dead even. it will be interesting to see what tomorrow’s brings.

I will be interviewed by Dennis Edwards on WSBA (910 am) out of York* PA tomorrow a little after 6 am Eastern about my thoughts on John McCain’s speech.
*Changed to reflect correct location of the station.

Big Dog

Sarah Palin Cleans Their Clocks

Hockey Mom; She shoots, she scores!

Sarah Palin just finished her speech at the Republican National Convention and she was absolutely brilliant. She introduced herself and her family. She discussed her career and personal life and she made the case for John McCain. Then she went after the Democrats and she did to them what Jesse Jackson could only talk about doing.

I think she left no doubt that she will be no pushover and that she can hold her own. Obama made a mistake when he ignored the fact that she is a governor not one but twice. He recently said that he had more executive experience than she because he has a campaign staff of a couple thousand with a monthly budget three times the one she had as mayor. He ignored the fact that she is a governor for good reason. Her budget is 11 billion dollars annually and she has about 25,000 people she is in charge of. His experience cannot match up to hers and he knows it. If he were not worried about her he would not be trying to prove he has more leadership experience.

Obama’s camp came out with its statement immediately after her speech. They indicated that her speech was written by George Bush’s speech writer and demonstrated the same divisive politics that Bush did. The campaign also said that McCain agreed with Bush 90% of the time and the country should not go for a 10% change.

I wonder if Obama will tell us which speech writer wrote his speech. I also wonder if he realizes that his speech near his palatial stage was full of divisive politics. He was vicious to John McCain and Republicans. I guess that is not divisive because he is a Democrat.

Palin eviscerated and emasculated Barack Obama and she smiled the entire time. She demonstrated that she will not be taken lightly and that she has a bit of bulldog in her. I said before that the Democrats were afraid and I am even more convinced of that. Want more proof? Joe Biden said today that an Obama would pursue criminal charges against George Bush if elected in November. There is only one reason this was said. Biden said it to ensure he can pull those Democrats who are upset that impeachment is off the table that they need to elect Obama to get what they want. It was a statement made out of FEAR.

I think that Saracuda has them worried and shaking in their pants. They might say otherwise but I can smell the fear. As Ann Coulter put it:

The bien-pensant criticized Palin, saying it’s irresponsible for a woman with five children to run for vice president. Liberals’ new talking point: Sarah Palin: Only five abortions away from the presidency.

They claimed her newborn wasn’t her child, but the child of her 17-year-old daughter. That turned out to be a lie.

Then they attacked her daughter, who actually is pregnant now, for being unmarried. When liberals start acting like they’re opposed to pre-marital sex and mothers having careers, you know McCain’s vice presidential choice has knocked them back on their heels.

But at least liberal reporters had finally found someone their own size to pick on: a 17-year-old girl.[bold emphasis mine]

Big Dog

Obama’s Acceptance Speech; My Thoughts

Let me start off by saying I think Barack Obama gave a great speech tonight. I don’t mean that he told the truth or answered the nagging questions voters still have. What I mean is he had great delivery and he knows how to effectively communicate. I get the impression that, much like Bill Clinton, Obama could sound great reading the phone book.

His speech content though, lacked a few items. He tried to address what his change was by giving us a laundry list of things he would do. He will end oil dependence in 10 years. If he gets elected twice he will only be in office for 8 so how will he do this. The list was nothing more than the basic Democratic talking points that we hear at every convention. He told us what he would do but failed to say how, considering that we have been told this before, he would do it. I would not expect details in an acceptance speech but if he says that he will tell me how he will effect change I expect the how, not the what.

I noticed that he addressed the attacks from John McCain. He did a good job of striking back but by doing so he presented himself as a typical politician and not an agent of change. He explained that Republicans used fear to sway voters and then told us all the horrors we face and how we would get more of them if we elected McCain. Sounded like fear mongering.

He tried to smooth over the debacle of his abortion answers by saying that we can disagree on abortion but all agree that we should reduce unwanted pregnancies. Obama is not qualified to discuss abortion or to disagree with anything. He made it clear that the determination of when life begins is above his pay grade. If he cannot determine when life begins he cannot argue abortion. How will he know when you can and when you cannot if he does not know when life begins. At least abortion supporters will say life begins at birth. They have a foundation upon which to base their position. Obama lacks that because it is above his pay grade.

Obama also said we could disagree on guns but that we could uphold the Second Amendment by allowing guns in rural areas while keeping AK 47s off the violent streets of Chicago. First of all, it is illegal to own an AK 47 without a special license because it is an automatic weapon. Criminals who are killing with AK 47s are breaking the law and the Second Amendment is a moot point. They are not allowed to possess that weapon (or any weapon because they are criminals). The second thing I want to know is why Chicago has so much gun violence. The city has one of the toughest gun laws in the country so, if gun control works, there should be little to no gun violence. How about we uphold the Second Amendment for law abiding citizens, the ones who do not use guns to murder?

Obama also said that the average annual income in the US has gone down over $2000 under Bush’s administration. The fact is it did go down after 9/11 but it has been up and this year it was a little over $700 above the 2000 level. This is not great but it is not a $2000 loss.

The speech was well delivered but it lacked a lot of truth (like Obama was raised by his mother or that he came from a meager background. Granny was able to put him in private school). It lacked substance and was designed to allow him to hit back at McCain and try to revive his image as an agent of change.

At one point he said that politicians had been promising something (I think oil independence) for 30 years, and by the way McCain was there for 26 of them. He did fail to mention that Joe Biden was there for all 30 and then some. I imagine that might have taken away from the attack and negated the entire agent of change thing he had going on.

John McCain, Obama said, wants to privatize Social Security. He wants to gamble with your money. Obama plans to raise SS taxes (though he failed to mention that he would raise taxes, he just said he would fix it) in order to rescue it. My question is, if government is not a gamble why does SS need to be rescued.

I will say this. John McCain has his work cut out for him next week. There are a lot of people in this country who pick style over substance and one thing is for sure; McCain is no match for Obama on style. McCain lacks the communication skills that Obama exhibits so effortlessly. McCain had better have writers working overtime to produce something dynamic or he might add more to the expected Obama bounce. The one thing McCain has going is that debates are not scripted and there are no teleprompters. Speaking f debates, Barry said that if McCain wanted to debate who had the temperament to be Commander in Chief, that is one debate he was willing to have. McCain invited Obama to 10 Town Hall debates over the Summer and Obama declined and has ducked the issue (no teleprompter). Part of McCain’s speech should be a challenge to that debate within 10 days and in a Town Hall format. Then we will see how willing the Sainted One really is.

Nice speech Barry. Next time try adding a little truth and some detail.

I wonder if the Broncos will be able to play football there anymore? The One was in the middle of the field and 85,000 smelly liberals infested the place. Denver will probably go 6-10 this year because of this curse…

Big Dog

Is Obama Bi or Not?

Bilingual, that is.

On July 11th of this year Barack Obama told people at a Town Hall meeting in Dayton Ohio that he did not speak a foreign language and that he was embarrassed by that.

I don’t speak a foreign language. It’s embarrassing!” Barack Obama exclaimed today at town hall meeting here. Obama, who often touts his time growing up overseas, made the confession while speaking about the importance of teaching foreign languages in schools. [emphasis added] CBS News

As Barack Obama prepares to give his campaign speech in Germany he has been taking questions from reporters. One asked him if his speech would be in German and this was the response:

“My German is not real good,” he said. “I can speak Bahasi Indonesian but I don’t think…there would be a lot of appeal to that.” [emphasis added] ABC Political Punch

So now the question is, which time was he lying. Was he lying at the Town Hall meeting in order to defuse the tense environment surrounding his statement that parents should be ensuring their children learn Spanish (not any foreign language but Spanish) or was he lying when he answered the question in Germany.

The over arching question is, why would he lie about it in the first place? What is the motivation behind his very different answers?

Obama definitely has a problem with the truth. I wonder if any of the fawning media accompanying him will ask him about the contradiction…

Get real, they are too busy having tingles up their legs.

Big Dog