It’s A Spending Problem

The liberals and their RINO buddies will tell you that they need more money. We have a deficit, they say, because there is not enough money and they concoct schemes to tax us now, spend less later and then eventually tax us and spend more.

The problem we face is a spending problem. It is as simple as that and the government demonstrates it when it releases revenue numbers. No matter how much money the government takes in it ends up spending more than that. There are a few times (mostly in April when tax returns come in) where they take in more than they spend but they spend the excess in a matter of days.

This April was only slightly different in that the amount that came in for the fiscal year was a record. Get that? The government received a record amount of money for the fiscal year so far at 1.735 TRILLION dollars. Even though the government had this record revenue it still ran a deficit of 306 BILLION dollars.

So let’s be clear. The government claims it needs more money so it should raise taxes. When it gets more money it still spends more than it takes in. So the problem is not that it gets too little the problem is that it spends too much.

There are many duplicated services that the government wastes money on and there are many programs that are not covered under the Constitution and belong at the state or with the people so government spends more than it should or is allowed to. These programs coupled with countless pork projects and costly give always results in a deficit and adds to our 17 TRILLION dollar debt.

They got more money and they spent more money. It is not theirs and it does not come out of their pockets so why should they care?

They view us as an ATM and keep taking from us.

The next time some politician tells you we need to pay more in taxes remind that person that they got more and they spent more. Tell that person to cut spending to get things under control.

Speaking of wasteful spending, the government has spent over 5 BILLION dollars on Obamacare websites. For 5 BILLION dollars the government could have hired all the tech wizards from Amazon, Facebook and Google to develop a top notch website.

Five BILLION dollars seems like a little bit in the overall scheme of things but 5 Billion here and 5 BILLION there and pretty soon we are talking about a lot of money.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Spending IS The Problem

The reality is not that the federal government does not get enough of our money to spend, the reality is they spend too much of it. No matter how many times the government has some kind of record revenue (read more taxes coming in) it always manages to spend more than that number.

The biggest problem is that the federal government is an ever expanding entity that keeps taking on things that it should not and that it has no Constitutional basis for getting involved in. Each time government decides to add more to its plate it has to add more plates, more people, and more money. Its insatiable appetite for spending is why there is no money in the Social Security Trust Fund. Government looked at the money we paid in for retirement as a slush fund and issued worthless bonds and took the money to spend. Now it cannot pay back the money without taxing us more which, in effect, means we pay into Social Security at least twice.

Despite the terrible Obama economy the federal government took in a record amount of tax revenue during the first five months of this fiscal year. One would think that would be a good thing but the government spent more than it took in. So even with more revenue the government overspent.

Government has had a spending problem all along. When Reagan and Bush cut taxes the revenue to the Treasury went up. The government decided this meant it had more to spend and did so. The government never gave a thought to paying down the debt or balancing the budget.

[note]There are claims that Clinton balanced the budget and had a surplus. This is untrue. The revenue and expenses looked good on paper but the government did not follow the plan. The Treasury shows that we had deficits each year the budget was allegedly balanced. You can claim anything if you change the parameters after making the claim.[/note]

We are well past the time when government should be reigned in. We are well past the time where unnecessary, duplicated, and unconstitutional spending must end.

We are over 17 TRILLION dollars in debt (well over 100 TRILLION when unfunded liabilities are included) and that will go way up over the next ten years. We are in a crisis and it has to do with out of control spending.

Our government views us as an endless ATM but we are unable to pay our debt even if most of the wealth in this nation were to be confiscated. Until we get spending under control we will continue to spiral downward and when we crash it will make Greece look like a playground fight.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will The GOP Cave Yet Again?

Let’s clear up a few things. Obama did not lower taxes, he raised them. He did extend the tax cuts that George Bush enacted but he did not lower taxes for anyone. In fact, the taxes he extended were the ones he opposed before he was president. The only thing he did was to raise taxes.

Also, the holiday from 2% of Social Security taxes was allowed to expire so about 77% of income earners will see a decrease in take home pay. To be fair, the cut was temporary and had to end eventually. The funny thing is that many Obama supporters do not understand this and are all upset that their taxes went up. They did not truly go up since they only went back to what they were before the TEMPORARY decrease.

Having written this, Obama is fresh off his claimed victory in the fiscal cliff negotiations. The table was set for this and the outcome was predetermined. The whole thing was theater for the uninformed and allowed each party to sling accusations at each other while getting to the desired outcome.

Republicans were worried about being blamed if everyone’s taxes went up and Democrats were only interested in raising taxes on the alleged wealthy in order to play class warfare. The reality is though, that the only people who lost in the deal are the taxpayers.

Obama left DC and returned to Hawaii to continue his vacation, one that cost taxpayers about 7 MILLION dollars. While he was busy playing golf he threw down the gauntlet and indicated that he would be pushing an extreme liberal agenda including more tax increases, more spending and unconstitutional gun control.

Obama told the GOP that he would not negotiate the debt ceiling and that he wanted it raised. He also said that any cuts would have to be offset with tax increases.

John Boehner gave in and took a lot of heat. He survived a coup attempt and retained the role of Speaker but he must be aware that he has a fractured caucus and that conservatives are not happy.

Mitch McConnell has indicated that there will be no further tax increases and Boehner has stated that he will address the real problem, spending. All of this sounds good but we have seen this movie before. They talk tough but as soon as they run into opposition from the left they cave.

The debt ceiling is rapidly approaching. By Mid February or early March they will, once again, have a credit problem. They will all meet to discuss raising the credit limit once again while ignoring the real problem, spending. There will be tough talk but in the end they will scream that the US can’t default and they will raise the limit. Spending will not be addressed and we will run against the ceiling in the future.

This is a never ending game they play and America is tired of it. We need to get spending under control and the Republicans have only one weapon with which to do that, the debt ceiling. Republicans need to specifically lay out what is to be cut and by how much and that needs to be agreed to before any increase in the debt limit can be allowed.

As far as I am concerned, the debt ceiling should not be raised. They should cut spending to get to where we need to be and they should continue to cut until they balance the budget and begin paying down the debt, period.

That is unlikely to happen with the spineless crowd in DC so spending cuts, immediate ones not the ten year ones, need to be enacted BEFORE the debt limit is increased.

The GOP has this one chance to get it right. If they capitulate and allow the Democrats to abuse them once again then it will be time to replace them with others or to start a new party.

It is time for the GOP to show it has testicular fortitude and stand fast on spending cuts with NO tax increases.

Maybe they can get a new backbone under Obamacare…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Pre-Holiday Round Up

Who Is Waging A War On Women?

The alleged Republican war on women is nothing more than a liberal ploy to take people’s minds off the terrible economy and the failure of Obama. However, the real war on women is being waged by Democrats. The Democrats are screaming for pay equality for women and they love to say Republicans oppose this equity.

Looks like a recent analysis tells a different story. The Obama White House pays women employees 13% less than male employees and a number of Congressional Democrats exceed that percentage in disparity of female to male staffer pay. These champions of the minority/woman/non Republican disadvantaged have huge gender pay gaps (this is not an all inclusive list, just a list of the largest gaps):

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.)—47.6 percent
  • Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D., N.M.)—40 percent
  • Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.)—34.2 percent
  • Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.)—31.5 percent
  • Sen. Tom Carper (D., Del.)—30.4 percent
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.)–29.7 percent
  • Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.)–29.2 percent
  • Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.)—26.5 percent
  • Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore)—26.4 percent
  • Sen. Tom Harkin (D., Iowa)—23.2 percent

Free Beacon

Have fun defending that Democrats. Those in Maryland take note that sleepy Ben Cardin is on the list.

Who is Slinging The BS?

Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, says that the those in the media who buy into the BS about Obama’s spending that is coming from the Republicans are slothful and lazy. He is furthering the myth that is now established by the media that Obama has not spent a lot of money and has been as thrifty as they come. This is based on an analysis done by some liberal that basically tacked all of Obama’s 2009 spending on Bush.

Obama spent the TARP money set in reserve and then pushed for and got passed the trillion dollar Stimulus but all that spending is attributed to Bush under the guise that Obama was forced to follow Bush’s budget his first year in office. This might normally be true (and if so did not Clinton cause the 2001 recession) but there are two problems. Bush’s budget was held up by Democrats and not passed and Obama ignored it and pushed for his own spending.

This is what Democrats do. They create all kinds of problems and then they rewrite history. They are basically asking you who you will believe; them or your “lying” eyes?

Obama has spent us into oblivion and now he and his minions are trying to make people believe that he did no such thing.

What he is really saying is that all this spending is not good for the economy so Bush did it, not the messiah Obama.

Those with brains know better. Those who don’t know better are Obama’s base.

Democrat Rule Equals Destruction And Poverty

When Democrats run things they never work well. This is particularly true when they run cities. look at the major cities run by Democrats and they are in bad economic times, are over budget and have lots of public sector union employees doing nothing more than wasting taxpayer money. New York, Chicago, and Baltimore are prime examples.

Detroit is the most glaring example and the city now has 60% fewer people than it did in 1950. People left because there were no jobs and the taxes were eating them up. The crime only made things worse.

There are a few poor souls who are forced to remain there and many of them will remain there in the dark. The city has a lot of broken street lights that it cannot afford to repair and even if they worked it could not afford to illuminate them. The city is broke and is not paying its electric bill.

The plan is to only illuminate lights in the areas where people are congregated. there is a hope that those who live in the dark areas will move to the lighted ones. Seems appropriate since liberals are always in the dark anyway.

This is one hell of a way to run a city.

I am willing to bet that a conservative could turn this city around even at its advanced stage of decomposition.

It would take some seed money but it could be done. I would partner with some wealthy conservatives and have them invest in the city. I would fix the things that are in disrepair and I would encourage business to relocate there by providing tax breaks that would encourage growth.

I would fire all the public employees and interview for the positions needed and I would establish a strong police and fire department that could not negotiate against the people they serve. Hell, I might make it all private. No matter what, there would be contracts that prevented them from taking advantage of the taxpayers.

Then I would see to it that the businesses hired locals and I would offer incentives for people to move there and take jobs.

I know that the once great city of Detroit could be great again.

But only if it can be delivered form the evil known as liberalism.

I think the folks in Detroit are probably asking “who is John Galt?”

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Guide To The Federal Debt Limit

This is a guide to the federal debt limit made easy. So easy, in fact, that even a liberal should be able to understand it.

That was pretty simple, was it not? We are heading toward a cliff and the politicians are pushing the cart. In fact, they are joined by the unions and the entitlement crowd who are pushing us ever faster into a chasm.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
