Reid Pulls His Monster Bill
Dec 17, 2010 Political
The 1900 page Omnibus bill that would fund government for another year has been pulled by Senate Leader Harry Reid. The bill contained over 6000 earmarks (from members of both parties) and the total cost of the bill was 1.3 TRILLION DOLLARS. Reid pulled the bill after several Republicans (in name only) who had earlier supported it, withdrew their support. This is a blow to the Democrats who had hoped to go out with a bang.
This bill has been in the works for nearly half a year. The Congress is supposed to pass a budget and it did not so we are down to the last minute of the game and they are still playing around.
Reid put together a bill that included Republican earmarks requested before the election and added them to the bill. Some Republicans who did not get the message from the last election were working behind the scenes to get the things passed but were silent about them publicly. As the details unfolded some of the Republicans began to get uncomfortable in supporting the HUGE spending bill. Some Democrats in the Senate who will be up for reelection in two years are feeling the same heat.
Anyway, Harry Reid pulled the bill because he knows that he will have a hard time getting support. He is working on a short term extension of government funding to take us into the new year and then the new Congress will work on it. This does not mean that Democrats (and some Republicans) will not be working to lard up anything that makes its way through so they can take home the bacon this Christmas.
We need to be on the lookout and prepared to call them out.
This, so far, is a win. We cannot afford the 1.3 TRILLION DOLLARS the bill spends and we cannot afford to let the people who were voted out of office decide how things will be run when they are gone.
And liberals, if Reid and the Democrats had done this when they were supposed to we would not be discussing it now. This is part of that crisis management that the Dems are known for. Never let one go to waste you know. So they take it to the wire and figure they will hold the country hostage. Surely the Republicans will have to budge when backs are against the wall.
It did not work out like that this time.
And it can only get better in the new Congress…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Election’s Over: Back to The Usual
Nov 3, 2010 Political
Okay, so the “biggest election in your lifetime” is over (once again). I know, it was massive, it was huge, blah, blah, blah. Now it’s back to business as usual. No, really. Did you really think this was going to change anything?
Will this change health care? Nope. The Democrats still control the Senate. It is Obama’s signature legislation. He will veto any attempts to remove it, and that’s a done deal. Sure, Judges can still rule on it, but the election didn’t change that.
Do you think spending will change? Not likely. After all, we’re spending $200 million a day so the president can go on vacation. House Republicans, where spending is supposed to start, will have a choice: stand on principle, reduce spending massively, and have the Senate disagree. If the House Republicans stand firm, the government will shut down. I believe they won’t allow that to happen. Instead, the House Republicans will whine and complain, but in the end they will take their second option: pass a spending bill that increases spending across the board, “to keep government running.” Then they will claim they need you to vote for them in 2014 so they can do better. Net result? More spending. Lots more.
Do you think the economy will change? HA! Keep in mind, right now the government actually believes prices are too low. No, I’m serious. The fed is about to buy bonds. This is at the same time the treasury is borrowing more money. And the only reason you buy bonds is to increase inflation. I’m completely serious. The fed WANTS TO INCREASE PRICES. Only one guy in the Senate seems to get it. Prices are increasing massively. We are in a downward spiral, artificially supported by massive, record government spending. It will get worse before it gets better.
So, what signs would there be that I’m completely wrong?
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An Election Changes Everything
Jun 8, 2010 Political
The Democrats have been spending like there is no tomorrow and they, along with Barack Obama, are getting us close to the point where our debt will surpass our GDP. This did not bother them as they were forcing things down our throats because they mistakenly believed they had a mandate to do the things they wanted. When they saw the resistance from the American people they still went balls to the walls and forced their agenda on us anyway.
But now that November is approaching and the polls show they could lose a lot of seats (some say they will lose both chambers of Congress), they are curtailing their prolific spending. The Democrats, with tacit approval from Obama, have shelved agenda items that will add huge amounts to the debt. They are even neglecting their duty to have a budget because they are worried about how voting on a big budget will harm them in November.
They did not listen to us before but they are listening now because their jobs are on the line. If they get voted back into office they will go right back to their out of control spending. In fact, if they win they will spend even more because they will believe that they were given a mandate for their past spending.
We need to vote this scum out of office and replace them with people, Republican or Democrat, who will show some fiscal sanity. We need people who will put the brakes on the radical Obama agenda.
Progressives are also on the attack but they are upset because they want even more spending. They are mad that Obama and his Democrats have not spent even more money to give the base, the non producers in society, more of what the hard workers earn. Progressives want more seats in Congress so they can push for more and more redistribution of wealth.
These cretins are jealous of those who have achieved something in life and want to take it away. They want Obama and his jack boots to redistribute OUR money.
It is time to end this insanity and put an end to liberals, the progressive movement, and the radical Obama agenda.
We can do that by throwing all these bums out in November.
About 146 days left and I can see November from my home.
Never surrender, never submit.
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Obama Lectures On Fiscal Responsibility Then Spends Too Much
Feb 4, 2010 Political
Barack Obama ticked off the people of Las Vegas for a second time when he said that people could not just go to Vegas and blow a bunch of money. Of course, the money is yours (though he might see it differently) and what you do with it is your business. But, if you are blowing your money in Vegas or anywhere else you should not be looking for a government handout. Obama’s latest economic advice is:
“When times are tough, you tighten your belts.”
“You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage….”
“You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.” Charlie Foxtrot
I do not disagree with any of that but if you decide not to tighten your belt, to buy a boat or to blow your money in Vegas it is your business. Just don’t ask the taxpayer to pay for your lack of fiscal prudence.
The hilarity of all this is that Obama, while admonishing people and extolling the virtues of fiscal responsibility, submitted a budget that increases spending by 36% and runs a huge deficit.
Obama doubled the deficit in his first year (Dick Morris explains how it is not all Bush’s fault) and will increase the deficit by even more with his out of control spending.
In other words Mr. Obama, you can’t spend money you don’t have if you really want to decrease the deficit.
It is amazing that Obama had the nerve to dispense economic advice while doing the opposite of what he preached.
My wife and I have a balanced household budget. We spend less than we make and put the rest into savings and retirement. This was not always the case as I can remember the days when I made $600 a month as a private in the Army while trying to support my family. There were plenty of months where we had three days of food and five days until payday.
We did without and were prudent with our money and now we are in positions where we earn enough to pay our bills and save. We did this by doing without. We lived (and continue to live) within our means.
Barack Obama should try running his budget the way we run ours and the government would be better off. Do without the things that are not necessary. Cut programs (particularly redundant ones) and spend less.
But then again it is always easier to spend when it is someone else’s money.
As long as we taxpayers allow those in government to extort money from us they will continue to spend like there is no tomorrow.
And if they keep it up there will be no tomorrow.
Did We Just Get Lectured on Fiscal Responsibility By the Guy With the $1.6 Trillion Budget Deficit? [Hot Air]
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Wasn’t The Stimulus Supposed To Create Jobs?
Dec 18, 2009 Political
The nearly 1 trillion dollar stimulus package that had to be passed immediately back when Obama took office was supposed to fix the economy and create jobs. Obama told us that unemployment would go way up without the stimulus but would top out at under 9% with it. We have an unemployment rate of 10% and this is an indication that either the stimulus did not work, they lied to us, or they did not know what they were talking about. I think it is a little of each.
Only about 20% of the stimulus money has been spent. It was supposed to be spent on “shovel ready” projects that would create jobs but no jobs are being created and it is obvious that the stimulus did not work. So what do you think Democrats do when their massive spending does not work? Why, they spend more. The Democrats in the House passed a 155 billion dollar jobs bill designed to go toward “shovel ready” projects and create jobs.
Forgive me, but wasn’t the first stimulus supposed to create jobs and be for “shovel ready” projects? If it did not work, why spend more money for the same thing? Since only 20% of the original stimulus has been spent, why commit more money? Shouldn’t they spend all the original stimulus before committing more money?
This is a sign that the first stimulus was a failure. It is an admission from Democrats that the massive spending did not help. Instead of being smart and realizing that more of the same was bad, they spent anyway.
The bill was touted as a job creator but it is political ploy. The Democrats are trying to show that they are on top of things by throwing more money at the problem. They are foolishly demonstrating that they have no concept of fiscal responsibility (which is their pattern) and they are doing so at their own peril.
Do they actually think Americans are so stupid we will not be able to see they are throwing good money after bad and that they are doing more of what has proven to be ineffective? Can’t they see the stupidity of committing more money to this when 80% of the original money has NOT been spent?
This is absolute stupidity and will end up costing them in the long run.
It will end up costing all of us in the long run…
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Tags: Democrats, foolishness, jobs bill, spending