Obama Is The Sexy Vulcan

Barack Obama told people that he watched the new Star Trek movie and stated that everyone was saying he was Spock. The comparison is based on Obama’s supposed attention to minute details, a trait of the well known Vulcan of the Star Trek series.

Newsweek exclaimed that Obama is “Spock with global sex appeal.”

Right. First of all Spock is logical and Obama is anything but. His Socialistic views are not logical and the way he has attacked the economic issues belies logic. As for being aware of minute details; he didn’t read the stimulus bill and he has missed some things that have come back to embarrass him. The AIG bonuses that the Democrats allowed and then became indignant about come to mind.

In addition, Spock has pointy ears; Obama has Dumbo ears.

And lastly, Obama is married to a Klingon and a Vulcan would not likely marry one of those.

No, if any movie had to be chosen to reflect Obama it would be Clueless.

Live long and prosper and remember:

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
A depression is when you lose yours.
A recovery is when Obama loses his.

Big Dog

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