A Paying For Problem Is A Spending Problem

Congressman Steny Hoyer, a moron from Maryland, said that the country does not have a spending problem; it has a “paying for problem.” Yes, this moron actually said this. He might be right depending on the definition of spending because it seems there is no problem when it comes to that task. The problem is spending too much.

We have a paying for problem because we spend more than we have. In Hoyer’s limited ability to comprehend, we only have a problem because government has not confiscated more of our money to pay for the spending. You see, if only they could steal more from us, then there would be no problem.

If you had little or no money and went out and bought something on credit and then coul not pay for it what would be the root of your problem? Would it be a paying for problem (yes, you definitely have that if you can’t pay your bill0 or would the root cause be that you spent money you knew you did not have?

[note]When you have a paying for problem it is because you have a spending problem. If you don’t spend too much you won’t have a problem paying the bills.[/note]

Hoyer also took his obligatory shot at George Bush and Republicans:

Well, we spent a lot of money when George Bush was president of the United States in the House and Senate were controlled by Republicans. We spent a lot of money. Real Clear Politics

George Bush was responsible for four trillion dollars in increased debt in eight years. Obama is responsible for a six trillion dollar increase in four years. It is time to stop blaming Bush for the past and focus on the failures of the present guy and his band of merry morons.

Steny put on your big boy pants and start accepting responsibility. Perhaps you can talk to the members of your party in the Senate and find out why they have failed to pass a budget for the last four years. There is a little thing called a law that mandates them to do so.

I am sure I am wasting my time because Hoyer is not a very smart guy. I am surprised they let him out in public without one of those safety helmets on.

Steny, I will type this slowly for you. The US takes in lots and lots of money each year. You guys keep spending more than that. Perhaps you all can focus on things that will get the economy going again and millions of people can get jobs. Then they can pay taxes and solve your alleged paying for problem.

Keep in mind that no matter how good the economy is we always (absent accounting gimmicks) run deficits. Even the alleged Clinton surplus actually ran a deficit.

You can make anything look good on paper.

The only thing Clinton balanced was his marriage and his affair and that, like his math, failed.

I am glad that Hoyer is not my representative. I would not want to have to communicate with him as it would lower my IQ.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Hoyer Wants It All On The Table?

Steny Hoyer, useless Congressman from Maryland, said that cuts to Social Security and Medicare should be on the table as part of the budget negotiation process. Apparently, a number of other Democrats believe that they should be looked at for spending reductions but should be addressed at a later date. Plink…

That was the sound of the can being kicked down the road.

Hoyer is saying that taking these items off the table is a bad place to start negotiations. He is correct in that and if he is actually serious about having them on the table then the negotiations can begin. However, he is a Democrat and that means he can’t be trusted.

Here is how I see it. Hoyer says these should be on the table and the other Democrats oppose. Republicans jump in and say; “now we’re talking” and then as the negotiations progress the affected constituents are bombarded with negative information from the Democrats who oppose and their lobbying arm at AARP.

The Republicans get blamed for trying to reduce granny’s check and the furor gets louder. Republicans cave, give Democrats tax increases with no real spending cuts because, well you know, they will come later (psst, they never do).

Then Hoyer and the Republican leadership step in front of cameras claiming they tried to do something about these runaway programs but could not so they struck the best deal they possibly could. They will complement each other, slap backs and say they did a great job.

Then they will adjourn for the holidays and Americans will be left with their shorts around their ankles.

Beware of Democrats bearing gifts. How many times do Republicans have to play Charlie Brown to the football holding Lucy before they wake up?

We do not have an income problem. We have a spending problem.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrat’s Strategy; LIE!

The Democrats are in full court press mode as the budget battle heads toward the next round of attempting to get a budget in order. Chuck Schumer, the whiny liberal Senator, was caught on a conference call instructing fellow Democrats to use the word extreme while describing the Republican’s cuts and to tell the press that was supposed to join the call that Republicans were refusing to negotiate. The problem is that the reporters were already on the line and heard Schumer instructing his colleagues to lie about what is going on.

Evidently, the Democrats had a liberal focus group and when they said Republican’s budget cuts are extreme the wimpy liberals wet their pink panties so Democrats are now using that term. Harry Reid used it as well during the day because that is the new plan.

The Democrat who takes the cake is the moron from Maryland, Steny Hoyer. Hoyer, who calls the Tea Party Caucus the perfectionist caucus, said that Democrats will not be to blame if the government shuts down (which it never really does) and he made the amazing claim that this would not be a problem if Democrats were in charge:

“It’s self-evident we don’t control Washington, or we wouldn’t be having this problem,” Hoyer said, arguing that Democrats would not be to blame if the government shuts down. FOX News

This is amazing because the reason we have the problem is that Democrats WERE in charge. Yes Mr. Hoyer, the problem we are now facing over not having a budget is because you and your fellow Democrats failed to exercise your Constitutional duties and pass a budget last year. You were too cowardly to pass a budget prior to the election and this is why we have a problem.

If you had done your job then we would have a budget in place and would not be wasting time trying to get one passed nearly a half year after it was due.

In other words Steny, you are full of crap. We certainly would have this problem if you were in charge because that is why we have the problem.

It is amazing to me that this moron would make such an obviously stupid (and false) statement but then again Democrats are full of people who make stupid and false statements.

You did not do you job Mr. Hoyer and that is one of the reasons you and your party took a first class beating in the last election.

As for calling the Tea Party Caucus the perfectionist caucus, perhaps if we had more people trying to achieve perfection and fewer trying to rape the taxpaying public we would not be in such bad shape.

I would rather be part of the perfectionist party than be part of the dumb ass party and that sir, is where you reside.

Time is running out and if the government shuts down it will be the sole responsibility of the Democrats for failing to pass a budget when they were suposed to.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender,never submit.
Big Dog


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Hoyer Laments The Hole He Helped Dig

House Minority Whip (and moron from Maryland) Steny Hoyer said that we might not get the budget balanced for twenty years because we have dug ourselves a deep hole. The article quotes Hoyer as saying we went from a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus into a 5 trillion dollar hole. The article inserted the appropriate word after surplus, “projected”.

The alleged budget surplus never existed. It was a projection based on a number of gimmicks and based upon Congress doing certain things and taking certain actions, none of which they did. Even in the years where it is claimed that we had a budget surplus we had billions in debt so we were not out of any hole. To be clear, there was no Bill Clinton budget surplus but if you want to believe there was a surplus please be sure to credit it to the Republican Congress because they were in the majority.

Regardless, Hoyer has never met a spending bill that he did not like (or a tax he did not hike). He has been in office for a very long time and he has voted for all the spending that contributed to the problems we have but he is just now realizing that a problem exists.

It is amazing how Democrats become budget hawks when they are not in power but spend and spend and spend when they are in control. In any event, we can balance the budget in fewer than twenty years (or even ten) if the people in Congress will sit down and CUT the unnecessary spending and the waste. They also need to reform Social Security and Medicare which, along with unemployment insurance account for 35% of what we spend.

Younger people need to be allowed to invest their own money and gradually stop paying into Social Security and people who are closer to retirement need to be able to choose to either stay in it or get their money back and invest on their own (or some combination of these). Social Security needs to eventually go away and be replaced by a system where people have their money go to accounts that belong to them, cannot EVER be touched by government and can be passed on to their heirs when they die.

There are plenty of cuts that can be made and plenty of programs (many of which exist in multiples) that can be downsized, combined or eliminated to get our fiscal house in order.

If Hoyer is concerned about the hole that Congress (and that means people of all parties) have dug then he needs to get on board with the Republicans and push for the cuts so that we can get back to sanity.

We cannot spend our way to prosperity. If spending made us solvent we would be having high times because government has done nothing but spend.

The people in Hoyer’s District should have elected Charles Lollar. They were too busy suckling at the teat…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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How Much More Sacrifice Does Hoyer Want From The Military?

A large portion of our military lives below the poverty line (there are a lot more lower ranking soldiers than higher ranking leaders) and whether they are currently in combat operations or not, most have served at least one tour and more likely, many. Barack Obama has taken on the Republican call for freezing the pay of federal workers, a plan with which I agree. The plan exempts members of the military.

Steny Hoyer, the second ranking Democrat in the House, wants to include the military in the freeze. He has some strange belief that this will allow them to help shoulder the burden of the debt crisis caused by Congress. His plan would exclude those in combat.

Have not our military members shouldered a larger burden for this country than anyone else? While Hoyer gets his $200,000 or so salary (leaders get paid more) the average soldier makes a fraction of that amount. Their lives are completely disrupted and many receive food stamps. What more does Hoyer want from them, blood? Oh wait, they have provided that to preserve the freedom in this country.

I have not heard Hoyer talk about freezing welfare or unemployment “benefits.” I have not heard him propose any plan that would require the people who sponge off the government to shoulder some of the debt burden.

But Big Dog, the military gets housing and health care provided. Yep, that is part of the deal for enlisting and receiving pay that sucks and those benefits do not make much of a difference in the disparity in pay.

I have an idea though, those who have a problem with it or feel they deserve the same can walk to a recruiting station and sign up. Here is some information to get you started.

As for Steny Hoyer, this loser needs to leave the military alone and worry about doing something constructive for a change.

If you are not sure about joining the military, here is a little something to motivate you.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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