Democrats Running From Obama And Pelosi
Sep 3, 2010 Political
Democrats are running scared because they have a feeling of impending doom. The November midterm elections are just around the corner and it does not look like anything will go in favor of Democrats in time to save them from defeat. So many Democrats have resorted to insulting the intelligence of their constituents by pretending that they are not like those people in DC.
Joe Donnelly of Indiana is one such Democrat. Donnelly, by most measures, is a moderate Democrat. He is pro life and pro gun but holding those positions does not mean anything if one is willing to walk in lock step with party leadership. Donnelly has an ad out that shows Obama and Pelosi in an “unflattering” manner and his shtick is; I am not one of them, I am one of us.
Right Joe. You campaigned for Barack Obama and you supported his agenda. Certainly you had your moments where you opposed some of what was going on but when push came to shove you voted with the other Democrats to approve the Senate version of Obamacare. About 70% of the population opposes the mandate (the one Obama opposed as a candidate) and almost two-thirds oppose the health care reform as it was presented. You voted against those majorities and with your party.
On March 21, 2010, Joe Donnelly voted in favor of approving the Senate version of the Democrats’ health care reform bill. Wikipedia
You Joe, are not one of your constituents, you are one of the people in DC. Your problem now is that you come from a fairly conservative area and you are trying to convince people that you are the same moderate guy they elected and you are trying to fool people by pretending you oppose the DC leadership.
You are a liar Joe and one would hope your constituents are not stupid enough to fall for your blatant rewriting of history and your blatant attempt to deceive them.
And one other thing about this guy, and I hope you folks in his district are paying attention, he voted for the stimulus package. That’s right, he voted for the package that indebted our children and grandchildren to government.
That is not moderate and those votes come from a person who is not worthy of retention in office.
People of Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District take the opportunity to tell this guy, in the words of Donald Trump. “You’re fired!”
Cave Canem!
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Tags: health care, indiana, joe donnelley, lies, Obama, Pelosi, stimulus
Bush Tax Cuts Were For The Rich
Jul 16, 2010 Political
For a very long time we have heard the Democrats lie about the Bush tax cuts. They always characterize those cuts as tax cuts for the rich. In reality, the middle class and those who pay no taxes made out better than any other group and the rich still pay most of the taxes in this country. That has not stopped Democrats from describing the tax cuts as cuts for Bush’s rich friends.
The Bush tax cuts are set to expire which should not be a problem because the tax cuts were only for the rich. The Democrats have no problem raising taxes, especially on the rich, so allowing the tax cuts to expire and thereby raising the taxes of the rich should be a no brainer for Democrats.
But this is an election year so reality is setting in. The Democrats are now discussing extending the tax cuts for the middle class. In June Steny Hoyer said that tax increases would eventually be necessary in order to get our debt under control but that he expected Congress to temporarily extend the middle class tax cuts:
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Tuesday that tax increases will eventually be necessary to address the nation’s mounting debt, raising a difficult election-year issue as Democrats fight retain control of Congress.
Tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush are scheduled to expire at the end of the year, affecting taxpayers at every income level. President Barack Obama proposes to permanently extend them for individuals making less than $200,000 a year and families making less than $250,000—at a cost of about $2.5 trillion over the next decade. Breitbart
So there you have it, an admission from a Democrat that the Bush tax cuts were not for the rich. The middle class had cuts as well as demonstrated by Hoyer. Certainly the rich had their taxes cut, everyone who pays taxes did (and those who do not got rebates and credits) and since they pay most of the taxes theirs went down as well.
So the next time a Democrat claims the tax cuts were for the rich ask him what he would say if it were an election year.
And while we are busting myths, let us look at the idea that tax cuts do not stimulate the economy. Democrats believe that taxing (especially the rich) is the way to pay the bills and that cutting taxes does not stimulate the economy.
They believe that until there is an election ahead at which time they talk about tax cuts to stimulate the economy. With regard to the middle class tax cut extension:
“What you want to do is stimulate at this point in time, so you certainly do not want to increase taxes on the middle class, middle-income working Americans,” Hoyer told reporters. Reuters
What you want to do is stimulate so you CERTAINLY DO NOT want to raise taxes.
This rests the case. Tax cuts, not tax increases, stimulate the economy.
If they would have practiced this instead of passing a trillion dollar stimulus we would be well on our way to recovery.
Rush Limbaugh laid out that plan and Obama should have listened.
Speaking of Limbaugh, where is the outrage from liberals who get their panties in a wad when conservatives talk about people and death?
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Tags: Bush, election, lies, middle class, Obama, steny hoyer, stimulus, tax cuts
I Bet It Is A Toll Road
Jun 24, 2010 Political
A road in Florida, one paid for with stimulus money, will be named in honor of Barack Obama:
It’s official: An 800-foot stretch of Orlando road is now named “President Barack Obama Parkway.”
The City Council voted Monday to rename a short section of Mission Road between Cason Cove Drive and Conroy Road in Obama’s honor. Orlando Sentinael
I bet there will be a toll every 50 feet on this road. That would be the way to honor him with a road.
The big debate was whether the name of the road should contain the title President because the 911 system cannot handle names of roads more than 18 characters long. Ultimately, the City Council decided to ignore the limitations of their system and use the title.
Perhaps they can just use stimulus money to upgrade the 911 system.
Better yet, they can just refer to the road as “Socialist Express” or “One Term Lane”.
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What Happened To The Stimulus Money?
Jun 13, 2010 Political
And why are teacher’s, firefighter’s and police officer’s salaries a federal concern?
The stimulus bill signed into law last February was a 787 billion dollar boondoggle. The total package, with interest on borrowed money, will put the thing over 1 TRILLION dollars. The unfortunate thing is that we got very little for our money and the things it was spent on are NOT things that will stimulate the economy and a lot of them are things states are responsible for.
Obama is pleading with Democrats to pass another 50 BILLION dollars of “emergency” funds to prevent teachers, firefighters and police officers from being laid off.
President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers Saturday to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid “massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters” and to support the still-fragile economic recovery. Washington Post
The first thing we should realize is that the federal government is not responsible for teachers, firefighters or police officers unless they work for the federal government. The states AND ONLY THE STATES are responsible for the people in these professions who work in the individual states. It is not the responsibility of taxpayers from Maryland to pay for the teachers, firefighters or police officers in Michigan or any other state. Each state is responsible and using federal tax dollars to pay for these things taxes Americans twice for the same thing.
People are taxed by their states to pay for these services and then their federal tax dollars are used to pay for the same services, often because of mismanagement at the state level.
It is up to the states to decide if they can afford to pay for the same level of services or if they will have to be scaled back. The states need to decide whether or not to raise taxes to pay for these things. It is not the responsibility of the federal government and our tax dollars should not be paying it.
This is Obama pushing our tax dollars to the people in the unions. Obama has the support of the teachers and many of the law enforcement and firefighting unions (whether the individual members support him or not) and he wants to ensure he has their votes so he will pay for them with OUR money.
Obama already signed one stimulus into law and that stimulus provided for teachers and for law enforcement.
- $4 billion for state and local law enforcement agencies
- $44.5 billion in aid to local school districts to prevent layoffs and cutbacks, with flexibility to use the funds for school modernization and repair (State Equalization Fund)
Read the Wiki article and see how much money the stimulus funneled to things that will not, in any way shape or form, stimulate the economy. The total education package was over 90 BILLION dollars.
Obama spent 48.5 BILLION dollars for teachers and law enforcement and now he wants 50 BILLION dollars more. If the stimulus worked as sold then these entities would not need additional money, if we were to accept that the federal government should be paying for them at all.
The stimulus is not stimulating and it is a failure. Obama wants more money to throw at his supporters in the unions at the expense of the taxpayers and our national sovereignty. How much more debt will we accrue before we are totally owned by another country?
It is not the job of the federal government to pay for the salaries of people working for the individual states. The states are solely responsible for these salaries and if they cannot afford them then they need to make the same tough decisions that plenty of private companies have made and lay off employees.
Obama is trying to use OUR money to pay off the unions and to pander for their votes. We should not be paying for these things and it is criminal that we paid for them with the first stimulus.
Let us not keep making the same mistakes by continuing to throw good money after bad on an economic folly.
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Tags: failure, firefighter, mini stimulus, Obama, payoffs, police, stimulus, teacher, unions, vote buying
Proof Stimulus Is A Failure
Jun 11, 2010 Political
Barack Obama is putting pressure on Congress to pass a 30 BILLION dollar package designed to jump start job creation. Obama’s administration has lost millions of jobs (net) despite the bogus “saved job” category used to deceive people into thinking that taxpayer money has saved jobs and without it unemployment would be higher.
President Obama Friday repeated his call for Congress to pass a $30 billion package to foster hiring and help tackle painfully high levels of unemployment.
“I’m hopeful the House will pass these measures next week and that the Senate will follow as soon as possible—with support from both Democrats and Republicans,” Obama said in remarks delivered in the White House Rose Garden. CNBC
[note]The article points out that Obama said fewer than 20% of the jobs would be government jobs. Greater than 20% of the jobs “created” so far have been government jobs. About 90% of the jobs in the last jobs report were temporary census workers (read government) jobs. But Obama praised the numbers.[/note]
Obama passed a 787 BILLION dollar stimulus package that was supposed to keep unemployment below 8% and was supposed to jump start job creation. Obama said the number one goal of his economic plan was to create 3 million jobs in the next two years (MSNBC 16 Jan 2009).
The stimulus was touted as a job creator and was needed to keep unemployment from rising. Unemployment has been stagnate at just under 10% for most of the time since the stimulus was passed.
When things kept going bad the regime told us that things were worse than they thought or that no one knew how bad it was. We were then told that this was a slow process and that the stimulus needed time to work. But we are not on the track that was spelled out in his economic report. We are well behind what they predicted.
When this has been pointed out the Obama apologists tell us that the stimulus will take time and was never intended to work quickly (despite the initial claims and the report). The Obama regime told us that it would take at least until the end of 2010 before we saw improving jobs results.
Well which is it?
In either case, Obama’s request for more money to stimulate jobs is an indication that the stimulus is a failure.
If it was supposed to work more quickly, as was initially reported, then the 30 billion dollar request is an admission that it did not work as sold.
If it was anticipated that the job growth would be slower and that we would not see results until the end of 2010 at the earliest then why ask for more money now? Let’s wait to see if it works as stated when the time frame was revamped before we throw more money into the black hole.
The fact that Obama is asking for more money now is an indication that he does not believe that his stimulus will work. He knows that things will not get better as a result of his plans and he wants to appear as if he is doing all that he can because it is an election year and he knows that his party stands to get trounced.
The request for this money to stimulate jobs is an admission by Obama that his stimulus did not work as planned and that he does not expect it to work as planned.
It is a political move to throw good money (if the US actually has any good money) after bad during an election year.
The stimulus is a very expensive failure.
How many times will Obama go to the well before people begin to see this?
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Tags: failure, jobs, Obama, stimulus, unemployment