Preview Of Government Run Health Care

It has been stated that if you like the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Post Office then you will love Obamacare. The government cannot run anything efficiently and there will be lines and denied claims (Medicare is the biggest denier of claims) so the question is why do some want the government involved in health care?

In Detroit word got out that government was giving away $3000 to people in order to help them make ends meet. This is part of the stimulus (if the stimulus worked these people would not need the money). Chaos ensued, fights broke out and people were mobbing the place.

Imagine what it will be like when they can get free health care.

This is a picture from the Detroit handout. Just think, if Obama gets his way this could be your doctor’s office.

This is the one page “Small Bill” proposed by Republicans. It is much better.

Big Dog

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Obama And His Team Miss The Mark – Again

The Obama team of nincompoops has missed the mark since he took over the helm of state here in the good ole’ US of A. First we had to pass the stimulus right away or the world would end. We were told that with the stimulus unemployment would not go above 8% but that without it the rate would be above 9.5% and maybe higher. They passed the huge bill (one that contains very little to actually stimulate) and unemployment went up to the number it would ONLY reach if we did NOT pass the stimulus.

Now, before some liberal responds and tells me that unemployment is a lagging indicator let me say that I know this and I did not expect unemployment to lower with the stimulus. Obama and his team were the ones who claimed the stimulus would keep unemployment down so they are the ones with whom you have a beef.

I have said all along that we did not need the stimulus and that the recession would clear on its own as all recessions have done in the past. The major recession that turned into a depression took that path because of government interventions very much like what is taking place today. The interference of our government is the reason the rest of the world had a depression and we had a Great Depression.

Right now, countries that did not have huge stimulus packages are well on their way to recovery while we still linger in tough times. I have been told by several liberals that I communicate with that the recession is softening and that we are on our way to recovery. They tell me that this means the stimulus is working. First of all we were told the stimulus would jump start the economy. Then when that did not happen we were told it was not meant to jump start the economy and that it was actually designed to take affect next year. Now that things are “softening” the stimulus is suddenly the reason and is meant to work this soon.

Only about 10-15% of the stimulus money has been allocated so if the economy is getting better with only that relatively small infusion shouldn’t we cancel the other 85-90% that we were going to spend? If we are on our way to recovery without all the stimulus money then let’s save it so we can reduce our debt.

I think we are in for some serious trouble ahead because of the careless and unsound monetary policies of the Obama administration. While things are looking a little better (stress little) now there will be problems next year. Obama is already revising his estimates of unemployment for next year from his unrealistic 7.9% made in May to 10%.

U.S. unemployment will surge to 10 percent this year and the budget deficit will be $1.5 trillion next year, both higher than previous Obama administration forecasts because of a recession that was deeper and longer than expected, White House budget chief Peter Orszag said.


Administration and congressional budget officials expect the unemployment rate, which was 9.4 percent last month, to keep rising. White House officials said the rate likely will rise to 10 percent by the end of 2009, averaging 9.3 percent for the entire year. It will worsen to a 9.8 percent average in 2010 instead of the 7.9 percent estimate in May. Bloomberg

Joe Biden told us before that this is worse than anyone thought and now they are saying it again. It was made worse by the careless spending and haphazard approach to addressing it. They can blame this all on Bush (and he along with the Democratically controlled Congress certainly share in the blame) but it belongs to them. There were plenty of economists who said that the stimulus was the wrong way to go. Couple that with the huge number of items that have nothing to do with stimulating the economy (and everything to do with paying off political supporters) and you have a recipe for disaster.

The Obama team will be hit with a double dip recession. The recession we are recovering from will make a slow improvement into the beginning of next year. Then we will get hit with another recession which will drive us down again. This will be accompanied by inflation the likes of which have not been seen since the Carter administration.

Numbers are looking up a little but they are deceptive. Businesses posted “profits” last quarter but many cut workers from their workforce and pared down about as far as they could go. This time we have cash for clunkers which numbers wise was a success and will be a good thing for dealers (if they get paid). It will be a failure in the long run because of what it did. It allowed people who had functioning vehicles that were, in most instances, paid for to trade them in and get up to $4500 of TAXPAYER money to buy a new one. Now they have a new bill to contend with. If we have this double dip recession as I suspect (and as some economists are predicting) will these people fall in the same boat as those who bought houses they ended up being unable to afford?

The clunkers program probably took people who would have bought cars in a few months and enticed them to buy now. This means sales numbers will decrease in the coming months. The real issue is the program itself. Pay attention closely. This program was conceived only a short time ago and it is already over. In that period of time the paperwork required of dealers became a substantial burden, the computer network set up to accept the forms was inadequate and crashed a number of times. The deadline for submitting the paperwork has been extended a few times and dealers are not getting paid in a timely fashion.

Two things strike me about that. If dealers are kept waiting for six or eight weeks for reimbursement some of them will go bankrupt and be forced out of business. Also, if the government cannot effectively manage a 3 billion dollar program for a few weeks what makes anyone think it will be able to handle a health care system involving trillions of dollars. If a clunker took a mountain of paperwork and reimbursement is slow what will a doctor have to go through to get paid and what will a patient have to go through to get treated?

Keep this in mind when they tell you they can run health care. They could not run cash for clunkers without making it an administrative nightmare full of delays. Imagine how it will be when it is health care.

The Obama team has been inept at figuring out what the economy is doing and they continually admit they did not have a clue. Their fall back position is to blame the Bush administration (without mentioning the majority Democrat Congress in place when this happened) and say that they inherited a mess.

They got a mess but they made it really bad and now it ALL belongs to them. So they need to stop whining and start getting things right.

They can start by recalling the stimulus and not spending any more money and by also ending the overhaul of health care.

Let’s face it folks, the last think we need to hear after Obamacare passes is “we underestimated how much this would cost and we were really wrong about rationing/wait times/death panels…”

By then it will be too late…

Big Dog

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Obama Lied, The Economy Died

Fresh off Blake’s post about Obama lying and your family dying because of rationed health care, I have decided to post about Barack Obama and his lies that have killed the economy.

After he took the oath of office, Barack Obama set out to tackle the economy or at least that is what he wants you to think. In reality he gave the Democrats in Congress free reign to write the stimulus package. He ignored Republican input and told America that we needed to pass this right now or we would go into a spiral that we might not come out of. The final bill, which was opposed by every Republican in the House, was loaded with pork (more than the 380 TONS of pork the bill actually bought) and it was loaded with the Democrat’s pet projects, the ones they have been dreaming of. One thing not in the bill was anything that stimulated the economy.

Obama told us that within 14 days of the bill there would be shovels hitting the ground. Then when that did not happen he said it was to be expected because there were a lot of things that needed to be planned before the shovels could actually begin hitting the ground.

Obama told us that unemployment would peak at 8% and then back off if we passed the bill but not passing it would cause unemployment to hit 10%. We passed it and unemployment is nearly 10%. Joe Biden recently admitted that they underestimated the crisis. Then he and Obama told us that the stimulus was working exactly as planned and that they never intended for there to be immediate results. No, the stimulus will produce results about 16 months down the road and all we have to do is trust them because we are on track.

Unfortunately, Obama told us that we would see immediate results. He said that this would create or save (you cannot measure a saved job) 3 million jobs. Since that time we have lost 3 million jobs which is a 6 million swing. In other words, we are 6 million away from where Obama said we would be.

Obama lied to us. He fabricated all of these things to force through the bill full of pork (another thing he promised to get rid of) and pet projects that had little, if anything, to do with stimulating the economy. This was a power grab that was passed because Obama lied.

There is no doubt. Barack Obama lied to us to get his stimulus passed. He ignored many experts and he ignored Republicans who gave him alternate ideas (he ignored them after he said he would listen to all ideas – another lie) and he ignored historical evidence that increasing spending in an economic downturn was the wrong thing to do. He ignored the examples of Ronald Reagan and John Kennedy, both of whom lowered taxes to get out of their recessions. He told us one thing but his goal was quite another.

Obama lied and the economy died.

Let us not forget that for 7 years the left accused George Bush of lying about WMD. They accused him of fabricating evidence, manipulating reports and making the case for an invasion that was full of lies. The left told us that George Bush lied to us and that he did it because he wanted to go to war in Iraq.

I submit that Barack Obama lied to us about the economy and he fabricated stories about impending disaster in order to quickly pass a bill full of pay offs to his special interest groups. He allowed tons of pork while lying about what the bill would really do and how quickly it would be done.

Obama is a liar. He lied about the stimulus to get it passed.

Obama lied, the economy died.

Big Dog

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The Stimulus Had A Lot Of Pork In It

Now we know why they call it the Porkulus… (from the front page of Drudge)


There sure is a lot of pork in that bill…

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released a statement indicating that the quantities of pork purchased were much higher. He said the pork came in 2 pound packages and they bought 760,000 pounds of it and that is why it cost so much. He said it was about $1.50 a pound.

Food lion has pork for 0.79 a pound. Seems to me if they are going to buy 380 tons of pork they could get a better price than Food Lion.

These might be legitimate costs (if they are telling the truth) but there are plenty that are not. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace a (one) door and a (one) dumbwaiter as well as install a traffic light. I saw many items where the available money equaled the bid, how convenient!

Perhaps, if they want to keep from creating confusion, they could actually put a quantity purchased on the bills so we know what was bought and can assess if the money was spent wisely.

I also want to know how buying all this food (which includes tons of cheese) is creating jobs. Sure, farmers have to produce more but how many people are being put to work?

Big Dog

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As Obama’s Numbers Fall, Democrats Revolt

Looks like the Won is finally coming down to Earth. His approval rating country wide is the lowest it has been at 56%. His supporters will say that this is a good number, and it is, but it has continued to trend downward and poll numbers for individual states are lower with Ohio at 49% and Virginia at 48%. George H.W. Bush had approval numbers in the 70s following the Gulf War and they rapidly disappeared (within a year). Obama had a wave of excitement because he screamed Hope and Change and because he is the nation’s first half black leader. Some of the shine is starting to wear off. His approval is up but his approval index is -5.

Obama said we had to act now with the stimulus or we would be doomed. They acted “now” without even reading it and we are still doomed. The unemployment number, the one he promised would peak at 8% with the stimulus, has reached 9.5% and will likely hit 10% by the end of Summer. He has spent trillions we do not have and he continues to push for more spending that is unwise and reckless. People are beginning to see he is out of his league and that he is taking us the wrong way. While Germany, which said no to stimulus, is rebounding from its recession, we are heading deeper into ours and Obama’s solution is to have another stimulus. He wants to do more of what did not work. These very acts are the ones FDR took when HE drove us into a depression.

The Democrats of his majority are bucking him. A large number oppose the health care plan because it is too expensive and would add to the massive debt they are creating. The cap and tax bill has met stiff resistance in the Senate where Robert Byrd has been extremely vocal about not supporting it. Others have reservations as well. Even the liberal Brookings Institute says it will cost too much and be damaging to us financially.

Universal health care and cap and trade will have a tough time passing even though the Democrats can do that without any Republican support. This economy and all the things going on belong to Obama and his party and the consequences are theirs as well. The Democrats in Congress are aware of this and they are thinking about their next campaigns to be reelected.

Obama’s numbers will continue to fall unless, by some miracle, his policies start to make things better. However, since history shows that we will suffer high inflation (a position many economists predict) things will not get better any time soon.

While Obama works on another stimulus to spend even more money we do not have, Germany is seeing the outcome of acting responsibly. Contrary to what some of his advisers think, a second stimulus will not help any more than the first one did.

If he continues on this path 2010 will be a good year for Republicans (if they can get good candidates to run).

We will have to wait to see if we still have a country in 2012 to make predictions.

As an aside, Congressman Hoyer says health care bill would not get votes if members had to read it. [Big Dog Salute to Stop the ACLU]

Big Dog

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