I Saved 150,000 Jobs
Jun 9, 2009 Political
Today I saved 150,000 jobs. There are now 150,000 people who will continue to work because of me. It was not tough to do because all I did was say I saved them. No one can prove I did not because there is no way to measure a “saved” job.
That does not stop Obama from continuing to make the claim and it does not stop the media branch of the Democratic party from slobbering all over the phony claim.
Obama today stated that he was accelerating the stimulus money distribution. This is an admission that what he has done so far is not working. Remember, he told us that without the stimulus unemployment would be over 9% but with the stimulus it would be around 8%. Well, he passed the stimulus and unemployment is OVER 9%. So he made my argument that if we had done nothing things would eventually improve and it would cost less. It should not surprise anyone that the stimulus did not actually create jobs. Billions of dollars in the plan went to things that will never create a job. The stimulus was a way for government to spend huge sums of money under the cover of an economic “crisis.”
Obama also claimed that by Summer he would create or save 600,000 jobs. If they are created we can measure that but we cannot measure a saved job so this is an empty claim. Later he can say that he saved them and no one will be able to prove he did not.
Of course, he won’t be able to prove that he did either.
So, until the liberals call Obama on this fabrication I will continue to save jobs for America. I figure that I can save 24,900,000 jobs by the end of the year if I continue to save 150,000 each day.
And I will, trust me.
Its pretty easy so feel free to join me. If we all contribute we will have everyone working in no time.
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Tags: Obama, saved jobs, stimulus
Governor Jindal Might Just Say No To Stimulus Bucks
Feb 19, 2009 Political
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has indicated that his state might not take the $4 Billion that it is slated to get under Obama’s Generational Debt Plan. Jindal stated that he would have to review the money and see where it is to go and what strings are attached to accepting it. I imagine he would be more willing to take it if it were designated for infrastructure and not so much if it were designated for welfare.
This is a wise move since the federal government might tie all kinds of conditions to the money or state exactly where it has to be spent. This country was set up with a centralized federal government and (eventually) 50 separate and distinct state governments. The states are supposed to be responsible for a lot of the spending that goes on within their borders. If the feds start handing out money like candy then the states become wards of the federal government which can then attempt to dictate how certain things are done.
It is irresponsible for states to make up their budget deficits off the backs of the taxpayers from other states. People in 49 other states had nothing to do with the failed policies that led to the collapse of California. That state needs to fix its own problems. Forcing us to pay for their problems (or the problems of any other state) does nothing more than enslave taxpayers. A portion of our earnings, the fruits of our labor, is being confiscated from us and given to states that cannot manage a budget.
Bailout money to the states keeps them from being forced to take the tough decisions that need to be made in order to become fiscally sound. Instead of making appropriate cuts in spending and workforce, the states will sit back and give residents more of the same stuff that caused the problem in the first place. Governor O’Malley of Maryland and his Democratic legislature are sitting around salivating at the chance to sink their teeth into the bailout money so they can spend, spend, spend. It is shameful and demonstrates a complete lack of leadership.
While Jindal has indicated that he might not accept the federal money the welfare king Ray Nagin said he will take all the money the state does not want. I guess the hundreds of millions of dollars that were forcefully extracted from taxpayers from other states and sent New Orleans did not quite meet the needs of of Nagin and his cronies. Now he wants 4 billion more to waste on his poverty torn hell hole. It was wrong to send taxpayer money to NO in the first place and it would be a travesty for him to get anything else. However, I would not oppose taking the 4 billion and spending it on construction crews to use bulldozers to fill in NO.
I hope Jindal sticks to his guns and works out his state’s problems without taking the money. It would be refreshing to see a responsible politician for a change, I mean in addition to Sarah Palin.
Palin? That woman that makes the left cringe. The one who they think is dumb? The one who was savagely attacked by the media?
Yep, that is she. Her state of Alaska has enough money squirreled away to weather the economic problems even if they extend for a few years.
There is an interesting thing to see. The governor that the left is so afraid of that they engaged in character assassination has run her state so well that it is in better shape than states run by their wonderful Democrats or the RINO in California. In addition, her state is doing better than New York, Maryland, Kansas, and a number of others who are standing around waiting to put their hands in our pockets.
To be sure, Palin said that her state would take the approximately 1 billion dollars in stimulus money if it were designated for the right things like infrastructure and transportation. She is wary of accepting it for social programs that the state will have to pay for once the money is gone. It is going to be tougher for Palin because the price of oil is down but since the state saved some of the money it made when oil prices were up it is in better shape to ride out the economic storm.
The state currently has $6.6 billion in its constitutional budget reserve fund that it could tap into. A few billion dollars more also is available from other pockets, said Juneau economist Gregg Erickson, a longtime Alaska budget watcher.
Given Alaska’s robust reserves, the state is well-prepared to weather the next two years, Erickson said. As to how long reserves will last after that, there are too many factors involved to say for sure. AP
We will see how well she does in the tough times but she is smarter than liberals give her credit for. She is at least smarter than all the governors who are running in the red.
As an aside, why does California not just spend a bunch of money? It has about 45 billion dollars in debt so it should spend 2 or 3 hundred billion more to get back on sound footing.
After all, that is what Obama is doing to fix the problems in the rest of the country.
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Tags: bailout, irresponsible, jindal, Obama, oil prices, palin, stimulus
Obama’s Bill Slaps Black Americans Back To The Mat
Feb 18, 2009 Political
The bill that Barack Obama signed into law today will cost future generations money they can ill afford. It is a crime that our grandchildren will be saddled with this kind of debt because of the mismanagement of our government. Lest any liberal give that phony cry about George Bush piling up debt while we remained silent, true conservatives have been against the spending that occurred in the last 8 years. I have been against the out of control spending on social programs and I think the money for the war on terror could have been better managed. However, there were way too many non military spending bills that should never have passed.
Those include the bank bailout and the earlier stimulus checks.
Obama railed against deficit spending and demonized Bush for it. Now, with the stroke of a pen, he has spent the largest amount of money ever spent in one bill in our nation’s history. The unfortunate thing is that it will not work and now that he has what he wants for Democratic special projects, he is scaling back expectations. Hell, some of them admit they don’t know if it will work and they voted for it with their fingers crossed.
Couple that last tid bit with the fact that NOT ONE of them read the thing and you have a classic demonstration of failed leadership. Never mind the fact that Obama and the Democrats broke a number of promises with the way this was handled. That is no surprise to those of us who did not drink the Kool Aid. The reality is, they failed to lead. They voted for a bill that they did not read. The action was irresponsible and clearly demonstrates that these people are not leaders.
The nation could not help but pause when Obama was inaugurated. It was a historic moment for this country to see a black man elected to the highest office. It was hailed as a new era for race relations. It was seen as a sign that blacks have the chance to succeed and it was seen as a step up. Unfortunately, Obama signed a bill that will trap many blacks in generational poverty.
Obama’s cruelest slap was on the face of black Americans. Buried in the bowels of that big government spending bill is a poison pill that kills welfare reform. Welfare money will no longer be used for job training, child care or transportation. Instead, the money will now, once again, be just a government handout that keeps black children trapped in generational poverty. Uncle Sam has replaced the father in the homes of poor blacks because you cannot get a welfare check if there is a man in the house. Democrats have been running black communities for the past 40 years. The socialist polices of the Democrats have created a culture of dependency on government handouts and turned black communities into economic and social wastelands. Socialism is a moral and economic cancer that destroys families, communities and nations.
Many of the liberals who visit here will take issue with this quote and will, as is their habit, throw the word racist around. While I happen to agree with the statement I did not write it. The statement is part of a larger item released by the National Black Republican Association (of which I happen to be a member). The quote was in an email sent by Frances Rice, the Chairman of the NBRA who happens to be black which, I think, qualifies her to speak a bit on the subject. But keep that in mind while you formulate your invective comments.
Welfare reform was one of the really good things that came out of bipartisan work between Republicans in Congress and Democrat Bill Clinton. It helped stop an upward trend in single parent (usually mother) black families and it put people back to work. This is not to indicate that blacks are the only people on welfare but the black community suffers from a disproportionately high number of single parent homes. This is one of the biggest reasons for failures in the black community. Regardless of what the feminists say, a child needs a mother and a father in order to have the best chance for success.
Chairman Rice is absolutely correct in her assessment. It should not surprise anyone that the Democrats are once again suppressing blacks. Their party’s history is replete with racism and discrimination against blacks.
However, one would have thought that having a black president would have changed things. For all the talk of change, things seem to be the same.
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Tags: Bush, debt, financial collapse, frances rice, generational theft, Obama, stimulus
Obama Will Finish What Osama Started
Feb 15, 2009 Political
Osama bin Laden is not a stupid man and his plan to attack America was brilliant from a tactical standpoint. He could never hope to beat this country in a head to head fight so he used airliners to kill nearly 3000 of our countrymen. He became emboldened when Bill Clinton withdrew from Somalia after the Blackhawk Down incident. Osama believed that America was a paper tiger. He never expected the response that we gave him.
He attacked us on 9/11 but that was the opening salvo in a protracted war. Bin Laden’s real goal is to bankrupt America. His belief is that he engaged the Soviets in Afghanistan for 10 years and they went broke fighting. He believes that he can do the same thing to America. The big difference is that the major part of his plan will not play out on the battlefield. No, bin Laden banked on us spending a fortune to keep our country safe and he was right. We have not been attacked since 9/11 but we have spent a fortune keeping safe. Many times when we needed to spend money 9/11 played into the thinking and the amount of debt we incurred was great.
Bin Laden was banking on us spending and spending while he sat back and watched us go bankrupt. Despite tax cuts and increased revenues we continued to spend more than we took in. The deficit rose and, as Pastor Wright would say, our financial chickens came home to roost. Years of policies like the Community Reinvestment Act came back to bite us in our hind parts.
As a result we have been in a recession, not the worst of all time and not the worst since the Great Depression despite what the Sainted One has said. He and his minions have their talking points and part of their job is to scare people into submission. Terence P. Jeffrey at the Washington Times has a great piece describing this rhetoric. He lays out the numbers which refute the claims made by those hell bent on our economic collapse.
Claims Mr. Obama, “We have inherited an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression.”
But the historical figures for the gross domestic product (GDP), calculated by the U.S. Bureau Economic Analysis, say something else. After growing by 0.9 percent and 2.8 percent in the first two quarters of 2008, GDP declined by 0.5 percent and 3.5 percent in the third and fourth quarters of the year. Is that “an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression”?
Well, 1949 was far worse. GDP declined by 5.8 percent in the first quarter of that year and 1.2 percent in the second. It rebounded by 4.6 percent in the third, but then dropped 4 percent in the fourth. America did not start an irreversible decline that year. In 1950, the economy grew by an amazing 17.4 percent in the first quarter, 12.5 percent in the second, 16.6 percent in the third and 7.5 percent in the fourth.
In 1953-54, there was also a downturn worse than the one Mr. Obama “inherited.” GDP declined by 2.4 percent in the third quarter of 1953, by 6.2 percent in the fourth quarter and by 2 percent in the first quarter of 1954.
The rhetoric about catastrophe is nothing more than the politics of fear that Obama railed against during the campaign. He is ignoring history and sound policy in order to advance an agenda designed to funnel taxpayer money to his special interests. Many have claimed that Obama made a mistake by letting Pelosi and Reid write his plan but I believe his decision was calculated in order to give him plausible deniability. He stayed above the fray while the large number of Democrats in Congress were able to absorb the blow. They are already unpopular so why tarnish the Messiah?
We cannot spend our way out of the problem. Obama and his sock puppets keep saying that the stimulus plan is a spending bill because that is the point. If spending is stimulus then we should not have a problem because George Bush and Congress spent a lot of money. Using Obama’s logic we should have an unemployment rate of 0%. He blames George Bush for doubling the debt and causing the economic collapse (that did not cause it) but then says that the way to solve the problem is to spend more and go deeper into debt. If what Bush did caused it, how is doing more of what Bush did going to fix it?
Obama’s future generation bankruptcy plan will increase inflation and unemployment while doing little to stimulate the economy. During the times discussed by Jeffrey, the country was able to rebound fairly well after each of the past problems and none of them involved spending a TRILLION dollars. Passing a small, targeted stimulus or letting this play out is not in the cards because doing so would deny the Democrats the opportunity to take advantage of this crisis and get what they want. There is no doubt that this is what they did just as Rahm Emanuel said they would.
The unfortunate thing is that Obama and the Democrats are aiding and abetting the enemy. Osama bin Laden said he wanted to bankrupt us and he certainly got us to spend a lot of money.
Barack Obama is hell bent on finishing the job bin Laden started by saddling future generations with monumental debt.
If Obama takes control of health care he will probably force everyone to take one of these. He will need to in order to get reelected because this plan will bring nothing but bad memories.
Wall Street Journal (very good at debunking Obama)
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Why The Rush To Vote On Spending Bill?
Feb 14, 2009 Political
Barack Obama said it was dire and we would have a catastrophe if it was not completed. The Democrats said it had to be done. They were so hasty, looking out for you of course, that they broke their promises to post it on the web (5 days from Obama and 48 hours from Congress) for review. It had to be done right fricking now. So the bill was delivered near midnight on Thursday and voted on Friday.
Not one member of Congress read it. No one had the time to read it even if they wanted to.
The votes were cast by people who have no idea of what the complete bill contains. The Democrats said it had to be done quickly and so they broke their promises and voted. The reason it had to be done quickly is so that Nancy Pelosi could board a jet and travel to Europe. She will get a little business done while sightseeing at taxpayer expense. It also had to be done quickly to keep the public from seeing too much of what was in it.
Obama expressed his satisfaction and gratitude at the hard work done to get the bill passed. We have catastrophes to avert you know. Surely he was waiting at the White House for the bill to be delivered so that he could sign it into law. Time is of the essence as he told us so he must have been eager to get his BO tacked to the signature line.
Nope. The bill that had to be completed at warp speed will not be signed until Tuesday and the Sainted One will sign it in Denver, the site of his imperial acceptance speech.
So can anyone tell me why there was such an urgency for the bill to be voted upon on Friday? I understand that the members of Congress wanted to get their week long holiday in but we pay them to work in DC for as long as they are needed there. Why is it that they could not have scheduled the vote for Monday and taken the weekend to read the damned thing? I know Pelosi needed to catch a plane but the House had enough votes without her so she could have left. I know the true leaders would stay but no one in Congress is a true leader or they would not have been worrying more about getting home than getting this right.
Imagine how much better informed they would have been if they could have had Friday and the weekend to read 400 or so pages a day and digest all that is involved. It would have given them time to see what waste is in the bill and the opportunity to inform their constituents. It could have been posted on the web so citizens could read it as well.
But therein lies the problem. The Democrats do not want people to closely scrutinize what is in the bill. That might cause even greater uproar and discontent. It might lead to some actually having to defend the position taken when it comes time for reelection. No, can’t have the people or their elected officials actually knowing what is in there.
Most of these people are lawyers. How many of them would tell a client to sign a document without reading it? This is exactly what they did when they voted for the bill. They put their signatures to legislation that they did not read. That is irresponsible and it is definitely not leadership.
Now reasonable people can debate whether some of the items in the bill are important. The issue is, did they belong in THIS bill? The bill is supposed to be a stimulus bill so there are many items that should have been left out and introduced through the normal legislative process.
If Nancy Pelosi thinks it is important to have rodent habitats or prevention of STD programs then those items should have been introduced as part of the normal process and debated on their individual merits. The members of Congress used the economic emergency to push through things that are not stimulative in order to get what they wanted without having to follow normal procedures.
They used the crisis to get what they wanted just like Rahm Emanuel said they would.
Anyone who feels comfortable with this bill or thinks that all the items in it are necessary should not be allowed in public without a head guard and a chaperone.
The Democrats and their president abused the legislative process in order to push an agenda and they did it with little or no regard for the American taxpayer. They saddled out descendants with debt in order to get what they wanted without having to do it the right way.
Shame on them and shame on any moron who thinks this is appropriate.
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Tags: catastrophe, Democrats, dereliction, fraud, Obama, rush, stimulus, theft