Future Generation Bankruptcy Plan Nears Passage
Feb 12, 2009 Opinion
Barack Obama’s Future Generation Bankruptcy Plan is closer to passage as the Senate and House agreed on a final bill. After some fireworks over who gets to spend more on what, the Democrats agreed to a bill and hope to have it on Obama’s desk by President’s Day. Reports are that no Republicans were involved in the negotiations. This bill belongs entirely to Obama and his Democrats so when it fails the blame belongs entirely to them.
Early word is that the concessions made to get three Republicans in the Senate to support it have been negated as those items previously removed were put back in. The three traitors, Snowe, Specter, and Collins, will see their work undone so they sold their souls for nothing. All of them need to be removed from the GOP and we need to ensure they are defeated in the next election.
As for the plan, it will spend a TRILLION dollars on a plethora of Democratic pet projects but create very few jobs. The economy will not be stimulated and we will pass on TRILLIONS of dollars in debt to people who have not been born yet. We have The Greatest Generation, Generation X, the Baby Boomers and now we will have Generation Broke.
The plan is carefully crafted to show results during next year when these people are pandering for votes but it is unlikely that the results will be very positive. Inflation will rise and the dollar will be worthless. Soon we will need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
This is nothing more than Carter II and Obama will soon have unemployment and inflation that rivals that failed president. The coming misery index will make Carter look like a day at the beach.
It would appear as if America is about to hit rock bottom but that is what we need before we can dispense with these cockeyed schemes that have failed every time they have been tried. We need to have this kind of outcome so that we can, once and for all, put an end to government intervention.
Of course, there could be quite a bit of civil unrest before all is said and done. People in Kentucky are pouring bourbon on the steps of the Capitol to protest a tax increase on the booze. It is not the Boston Tea Party but it has the same purpose.
I wonder how long it will be before we are spilling blood?
If it gets real bad we can always declare open season on liberals. That would be a great stress reliever and loads of fun. Let’s start with Olberdouche just because it would be so satisfying.
Folks, it is going to get bad. When it does just remember that Obama and the Democrats brought you the misery. They will try to blame it on George Bush but this belongs entirely to them.
Write it all down and put it away for when your great great grandchildren are born. They will be Generation Broke and Generation More Broke and they will want to know what we were thinking. The should at least know that not all of us were insane.
They need to know about the failed presidency of Barack Obama because the history books will not discuss it.
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Tags: bankruptcy, lies, Obama, stimulus, taxes
Obama One Step Closer To Disaster
Feb 10, 2009 Political
The Senate passed its version of the future generation bankruptcy plan putting Obama one step closer to bringing us the disaster he keeps predicting. Three Republicans voted for the bill giving the Democrats what they wanted. Once they hash out the details with the House all the deleted items the three idiot Republicans wanted out will be added back in. Then, the Democrats will get their bill passed with a simple majority. I don’t know what the three were promised but they either need to be voted out of office or die and I don’t really care which. They are a burden to us and they need to go.
Obama was on TV last night using the fear he chided Bush about in order to influence people and have them support his plan. Obama told a number of lies and failed to answer some questions when he beat around the bush until he used a lot of words to say nothing. His entire night was about doom and gloom and the popular tactic of saying that all economists agreed or that Republicans were responsible for the problem he is in.
These were absolute lies. It is true that the debt increased under George Bush and the Republicans but it is not the tax cut polices, the ones Obama described as failed, that caused the problems. It is the out of control spending by Congress. The financial meltdown is a direct result of government forcing banks to make bad loans. It was the Community Reinvestment Act and the subsequent pressure from groups like ACORN that allowed people to get loans they could not possibly pay back.
The Democrats pushed that, Barney Frank said that it was in great shape, and the whole system went to hell in a hand basket when people could not pay. That is what caused the problems and no matter how much the liar in chief says otherwise, it will not change the facts. Obama said that Republicans were engaging in revisionist history. No, revisionist history is when you say that if we do not act now we might get is such bad shape we might never recover by day and then claim you did not say it by night.
Barack Obama is interested in making sure he uses this “crisis” to his advantage. The unemployment benefits are extended until the end of this year. This will cause more people to go on it and increase jobless numbers. When it runs out and numbers stop dropping he can claim that things are improving just in time for the next election. It is all about power and he, as Rahm Emanuel stated, will not let a crisis go to waste. He will use it to bring Socialism to this country.
He stated not two weeks ago that the recovery would require investment from the private sector as well as government and last night he said that only government could fix this. His bill has stealth items that will allow government to decide if your health care treatment is too expensive or not beneficial. Then the government will deny you what is needed. The government will make decisions that you and your doctor should make. There are plenty of items in there that will drive us closer to Socialism and a complete takeover by the government. God help any bureaucrat who denies any member of my family treatment that is needed.
The bill is junk and it is full of pork, another thing Obama lied about. He and Schumer need to discuss things before they speak publicly. This plan will cause the same problems that FDR caused and we will see problems like we saw when Jimmy Carter screwed up the country. This is not the worst economic problem since the Great Depression but if he says it long enough he hopes you will believe it.
Obama has had a rocky start and in a few short weeks he has broken his campaign promises, staffed his administration with Clinton retreads (some change), has made exceptions to his own ethics rules and has found a number of Democratic tax cheats to offer jobs. To top it off, he has begun lying about everything in order to get what he wants and drive us into a depression.
But if he lies about things enough, people will believe him.
Like they believe that Clinton had a surplus…
I hate liberals and I really hate Obama.
Buy guns and ammo.
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Obama Makes Appeal For His Stimulus Plan
Feb 7, 2009 Political
Barack Obama used his weekly radio address to push his stimulus plan. Obama and the Democrats are pushing to spend nearly a TRILLION dollars, very little of which will stimulate the economy. The bill is laden with payoffs to special interest groups that supported Democrats in November.
Obama and his minions are spending money we don’t have, money that will be repaid by taxpayers, on paying back those who supported him. They are pushing for this to go through at a record pace. It seems reckless to spend this much money this quickly. Perhaps the Democrats believe that the money Bush infused in the last part of last year will start to hit the streets and ease things around mid year. They need to have their plan passed and signed so it looks like Obama and the Democrats fixed things. If there is any recovery this Summer, regardless of the Obama bill, it will be because of what was done last year. Not even the messiah Obama can make things work that quickly. He just wants it to appear that way for the morons who vote for him…
Unfortunately, three weak kneed Republicans in the Senate have crossed over to the dark side and might provide the votes needed to get the bill passed. They say they have negotiated to reduce some of the unnecessary spending but since the bill is 7 billion dollars more than the one received from the House, they obviously don’t understand the meaning of the word CUT. Besides, any items removed will be added back in next week when they work on the compromise. Three Republicans will take their 30 pieces of silver and slither back into the fold while the bill they helped pass destroys America.
Remember Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Spector when it comes time to vote again. None of these jackasses should be reelected. In addition, any other Republican or Blue Dog Democrat who supports the bill should be shown the door. The three appeasers were called patriots by Obama. That means he believes that those who do not support it are not patriots. Remember when dissent was patriotic (the Democrats reminded us of this)? That was before we got this half baked dope addict in the White House. Now patriotism is when you do what he wants, when he wants.
The opposition has been good so far but there is only so much that can be done because the Democrats are in the majority. They believe that their victory was a mandate to do this and they are trying to spend even more of the money from future generations. Funny, when Bush was elected and then reelected they did not see his election as a mandate for anything he wanted and they opposed him every step of the way. Now we get to be the opposition and I don’t really care if it gives the liberals heartburn or not.
Obama, the guy who was going to end the partisan ways of DC and bring hope and change has done no such thing and he is working on changing government to ensure Democrats continue to win. He has moved the Census from Commerce and put it under the White House (Rahm Emanuel). This will make the apportioning of Congressional seats a partisan effort and ensure that Democratic states get more electoral votes. Obama is working to undo this country and turn it into a third world mecca that his overseas family would be proud to live in.
As for his approach, he reminded Republicans for the third time that his side won:
Still, the popular president – six in 10 voters approve of his performance so far – scolded Republicans with a pointed reminder that Democrats, not Republicans, were victorious in November. My Way News
Obama has not figured this out yet but we don’t care if they won. We will not roll over and let him and his thugs have their way with us. We don’t have to bow down to them or what they want. We have the right and the obligation to oppose the things that they do with which we do not agree. If Obama does not like that then he can take an aeronautical intercourse at a revolving pastry. He can take his Demotwits along with him.
When Obama was in the Senate he did not vote for things President Bush wanted. He opposed many things and he voted straight party line. Never did he get in front of the Senate and tell his colleagues that the Republicans won so they [the Democrats] should go along with them. Now he thinks that because he was elected that everything should change and people should fall in line.
To hell with that. 46% of the people who voted DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM. A greater portion of the population did not vote for him because a lot of people did not vote. There is no overwhelming consensus that we all need to hold hands and get along.
I do not believe we should be engaged in anything bipartisan if it will be harmful to the country. This stimulus will be harmful and a great deal of Republicans oppose it. Any Republican in Congress who supports it will be going against the wishes of the majority of the party. They should do so at their own risk.
Doug Ross has a post up asking you to contact the GOP and let them know how you feel. I agree, they need to know what will happen if this bill passes. I will not be donating anything to them as long as this Obamination is looming and if they send any money to the three idiots who crossed over then they can take me off the mailing list. As they say, money talks…
As for Obama, you don’t need a lot of Republican support for this. It passed in the House without one Republican vote and a couple in the Senate will give you what you want. I know you would like more Republican votes to give you cover for when this fails but you are not going to get it. You are on your own and this belongs totally to you. WHEN it fails you will be the one responsible and your legacy will make Jimmy Carter look like he was actually worth something.
Quit bullying people with the I won BS and start acting like a leader.
Oh, that’s right. You have never led before so this is on the job training for you.
And to be clear, I hope you fail as well. I do not want you to succeed in turning us into a Socialist country.
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Tags: Democrats, i won, liars, Obama, obamination, RINO, stimulus
Barack Obama And The Politics Of Fear
Feb 6, 2009 Political
During the 2004 election Democrats accused George Bush and Republicans of using fear to get the country to vote for them. Bush was reelected and the cries of fear mongering from the left continued. Barack Obama accused Bush of being a fear monger as well. The Democrats made snide comments when the threat level was raised or when elections approached. As the 2004 and 2006 elections drew near Democrats were asking when he threat level would be raised. The insinuation, of course, is that Bush would do that to scare people into voting Republican. During the campaign Obama said:
“They’re trying to fool you. They’re trying to scare you and they’re not telling the truth,” a fired-up Obama declared while campaigning in South Dakota. “But it’s not going to work.”
“Both Bush and McCain represent the failed foreign policy and fear mongering of the past,” Obama said. “I believe the American people are ready to reject this approach and to choose the future.” NY Daily News [emphasis mine]
This was not the only time that fear mongering was raised as an issue. Bush as a fear monger has been part of their overall message for years and the results of the last election confirm that it was effective. The results also show we have a lot of morons who vote (that and the videos showing people who knew absolutely nothing about the election – see the videos bottom sidebar).
One could certainly accept Obama’s words on this as how he truly felt (or feels) if he acted in a way that supported the conclusion. But, Obama has resorted to the politics of fear to get something accomplished. Barack Obama is fear mongering about the stimulus bill and the economy in order to garner support for it from the public.
President Barack Obama warned on Thursday that failure to act on an economic recovery package could plunge the nation into a long-lasting recession that might prove irreversible, a fresh call to a recalcitrant Congress to move quickly. Yahoo News
“A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession, a less robust recovery, and a more uncertain future,” Obama said in his prepared remarks. Breitbart
Barack Obama is using fear, or fear mongering, in order to scare people into supporting the crap sandwich he and the Democrats are trying to feed us. The bill contains almost nothing for stimulus and a lot of liberal projects that have nothing to do with the economy. The liberals who think it will work are delusional. Those who think that the majority of the items in the bill will stimulate the economy are devoid of brain cells and rational thought.
But make no mistake, Barack Obama, who said that fear mongering was part of a failed policy, is using fear to promote a failed attempt at a stimulus plan. This is a direct contradiction of his stated opposition to the past administration and it directly conflicts with what he said he would do when he told us people were ready to reject this approach and to choose the future. It should come as no surprise that Obama changed his tune. He has been in office for a little more than two weeks and he has changed (broken) many of his promises.
He promised transparency but he has chosen not to post some items to the White House website like he said he would. He is so transparent that his Birth Certificate is locked up tighter than Fort Knox so that people cannot verufy his status. He said that bills were run through Congress too fast and that he would post them on the WH website for five days before he signed them so the American public could review them. He has already signed at least one bill into law that was not posted and he is begging Congress to run the stimulus bill through Congress as quickly as possible.
Obama promised he would have the most ethical administration and we have seen four of his nominees plagued with tax problems. He said he would have no lobbyists and the last list I saw showed a dozen of them. It seems that every day he is granting a waiver of his ethical orders in order to get people on board.
Barack Obama is not keeping his word or as the Democrats use to say about Bush, he is lying. He has had a rough start and each day shows more and more his lack of leadership skills. He is a rookie and he is getting his head handed to him.
Obama will likely not get to his aggressive agenda anytime soon and that will tick off the moonbats who support him. He is going to be tied up with a bill that has fierce opposition and is not going to pass as quickly as he would have liked, if at all. It looks like this might have to be a do over if it is to have any chance of getting to his desk.
Obama is expending a lot of time and effort on defending the bill when he knows that it is losing support and contains too much pork. A leader would call the parties together and say that they were starting from scratch and then they would work out a compromise. A true leader would ensure the bill contained only items that would have an effect on the economy and would ensure the nonsense is cut from it.
Instead Obama, who promised no Washington politics as usual, is allowing his Democrats to play politics as usual and allowing himself to be played by them. That and he still supports it as the be all end all of stimulus packages. He believes that it will work and that it should be passed and he will scare you into believing it as well.
Bush was accused of fear mongering but what he did was in response to threats to this country. No attacks since 9/11 though many have been attempted.
Obama is using fear to get a bill passed quickly so that he can look like he is in charge.
The more people see, the less confidence they have in the bill. We need to keep the bright, white hot spotlight on them to keep them disorganized and at each other. We need to defeat this bill.
So far we are succeeding. If we fail our grandchildren and their children will be paying for this.
Now that is something that should scare you to death.
Wizbang Blue
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Tags: broken promises, Democrats, fear mongering, lies, Obama, scare tactics, stimulus
Democrats Cut Defense But Want Billions In Pork
Jan 31, 2009 Political
The Democrats led by Barack Obama are pushing a so called stimulus package in order to help the ailing economy. The stated purpose of the package is to create jobs and get the economy moving but nearly half of the money being spent will not create jobs and it will not stimulate the economy. It amounts to nothing more than a 314 BILLION dollar payoff to constituencies.
While the Democrats are paying back their friends and supporters with money that we must borrow and that will not fix the problem, they are telling the Pentagon to cut its budget by 11%. The Pentagon is being directed to cut its budget by 55 BILLION dollars while Congress is trying to spend nearly six times that amount on social welfare and other non stimulating items. Democrats are cutting the defense budget while the country is at war and at the same time spending money to combat sexually transmitted diseases all in the name of the economy and job creation. Here is what the Democrats will spend money on while cutting defense:
- $83 billion in welfare payments (the earned income credit for people who don’t pay income tax)
- $81 billion for Medicaid
- $66 billion on “education”, more than the entire Department of Education required just ten years ago
- $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
- $20 billion for food stamps
- $8 billion on “renewable energy” projects, which have a low or negative return
- $7 billion for “modernizing federal buildings and facilities”
- $6 billion on urban transit systems, dominated by unions and which, almost universally, lose money
- $2.4 billion for “carbon-capture demonstration projects”
- $2 billion for child-care subsidies
- $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that’s run in the red for 40 years
- $650 million for “digital TV conversion coupons” (on top of billions already spent)
- $600 million on new cars for government (added to the $3 billion already spent each year)
- $400 million for “global-warming research”
- $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
Notice that many of these items will not create jobs and they will certainly not stimulate the economy. These items are getting money at a time when the Pentagon is being told to cut its budget.
We have seen what happens when the Pentagon is forced to make drastic cuts. We had Carter and Clinton who wrecked the military and decreased spending. Now we have Obama who is hell bent on destroying the military and our country right along with it.
We also have word that they will be cutting new weapon systems. Carl Levin had this to say about the situation:
“We don’t want to reduce personnel; we don’t want to shortchange personnel” amid a war, he said. “So we’ve got to look to the future and make savings there. There’s the fact of life.”
Levin declined to name specific weapons that are likely to be on the chopping block. Prairie Pundit
They don’t want to cut the people, just the new equipment that the people use to win wars and stay alive. They don’t want to shortchange personnel they just want to shortchange what the personnel have to do their jobs.
I don’t know why anyone would stay in the service in this environment.
I do know that there will be losses of personnel and there will be more deaths and future attacks on our country because the slobbering idiots in the Democratic party would rather cut defense than any precious welfare program. They want to spend 83 BILLION dollars on welfare while cutting 55 BILLION from defense.
Here is an idea. Take the people on welfare and put them in the military and ship them off to war. Then take the money you save and put it in the defense budget.
Isn’t it amazing that Obama will cut the military and weaken the defense of this country in order to save money and to keep from having to cut welfare? He will also cut the new weapon systems our troops need to protect themselves.
He did not spare any expense in having that nice new Caddy built with all the gee whiz protection.
Barack Obama has also sent 20 MILLION dollars to Hamas as so called “emergency relief.” Anyone with a brain knows that the money will never make it to the people. Hamas will keep it to buy weapons and to ensure the leadership is taken care of. This dimwit we have as a president will send 20 million dollars to a terror group while cutting the defense budget.
Who would be a friend to the terrorists and an enemy to his troops?
First Carter and then Clinton.
Et tu Barack?
Doug Ross
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