The Sugar Epidemic In Politics Is Soon Over
Jan 10, 2017 Commentary, Political
The Lame Stream Media and the Democrat stenographers in the media, those from the media wing of the Democrat Party have had such sweet and sugary things to say about B. Hussein Obama for the last eight years (actually 12 if you go back to his convention appearance) so much so that there is a diabetes epidemic among that crowd. There is a shortage of insulin because of the sugary overload of words stated about Obama by the media puppets who have the amazing ability to speak passionately about their messiah while their mouth is full of his….
To this group of sycophants nothing Obama did was wrong. If he farted it smelled like lilacs and should be bottled for future use. If he misspoke it was overlooked as a passionate man who is eloquent with words and must be listened to.
This link has a large number of direct quotes about B. Hussein by his sock puppet media and reading them is sure to make you wonder if objective journalism has become extinct.
After you read those quotes you will need a dose of insulin to keep from going into sugar shock but have no fear.
You see, the media hate Donald Trump. The very people who talked about Obama as if he would walk on water and not get his feet wet will bash Trump with little or no restraint. Their talk will be bitter, sour and acidic. In other words, you will not die of sugar shock while listening to them talk about the man they hate, the man who made them all eat crow.
The media will be no more objective in its reporting about Trump than it was in its reporting about Obama.
But if you feel the need for a sugar fix just listen to Sean Hannity.
He is to Trump what the linked media were to Obama….
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Bloomberg Sours On Sugary Drinks
May 31, 2012 Political
Looks like Nanny Bloomberg in New York is at it again. The guy just can’t resist butting into people’s lives because for some reason he thinks it is his duty to decide what people need to be healthy. He has already decided that certain things that are bad for folks can’t be used or served in New York restaurants and now he wants to ban drinks with sugar that are larger than 16 ounces.
That’s right, Nanny Bloomberg wants to make it illegal to serve drinks containing sugar that are larger than 16 ounces in most venues in the city.
Bloomberg has not considered that people might just buy two smaller drinks or that they might just start taking sugary drinks to work instead of buying them. His solution though, for any potential loss of sales is to raise the price of the smaller drinks.
Yeah, that typical liberal response to economics is sure to have more folks buying smaller drinks.
People could always take sugar packets with them and buy unsweetened coffee or tea (hot or iced) and add their own sugar. People could take a 32 ounce container and buy two 16 ounce drinks and combine them. People can find all kinds of ways to avoid this stupidity.
That matters not because Bloomberg is convinced this will curb obesity which has evidently not been affected by his ban on trans fats. If this passes (and it will since the people who decide are appointed by him) what will happen when obesity rates do not fall? Will Nanny require everyone to attend morning exercise sessions? Will he ban motor vehicles so people have to walk? One can only guess how oppressive a tyrant will get.
Bloomberg is infringing on the right of the people to engage in commerce as they see fit. He is preventing people from eating and drinking what they want to eat and drink. If they want to eat and drink unhealthy items it is their business and not his.
Bloomberg is not in favor of a free America and the people who put him back in office have only themselves to blame.
I want to know what Nanny Bloomberg will do if people just decide to stop buying drinks in the city. What will he do if people buy packaged drinks at the grocery store and take them with them to work or when they are out and about.
One would think that a place that is losing people to other states because of the anti freedom policies (like what to eat or drink and oppressive taxes) would try not to tick off even more people.
Then again, we are talking about Bloomberg and he is a moron.
In related news the songs Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard and Sugar Sugar by the Archies will no longer be allowed to air in New York and the official song of the once great city will now be No Sugar Tonight by The Guess Who.
I find it ironic that the Statue of LIBERTY is located in New York…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: food ban, freedom, nanny bloomberg, New York, sugar, sugary drinks, trans fats
New York Needs Money, Raise Taxes
May 21, 2009 Political
New York is one of those liberal states that is broke, much like California and Maryland (though Maryland does well because of its proximity to DC). Politicians in New York have been trying to raise taxes to ease their deficit but they have done little to curb spending.
Now New York has a plan to raise 100 million dollars a year. The politicians want to add a one cent tax on each can of non diet soda. Once again the politicians are slipping a tax in on people. But Big Dog, it is only a penny and that means it is less than a quarter for a case of soda. Besides, this will get people to stop drinking sugary drinks and improve their health.
Right. The idea here is that New York needs money so it will add a tax on a product in hopes that people will use less of the product. Let’s suppose that a number of people stop drinking sugary soda, how will that help the deficit? This is like the inane argument that an increase in tobacco tax is needed to fund children’s health care and will make more smokers quit. If they quit, who will fund the children’s health care?
No society ever taxed itself into prosperity and raising taxes during an economic downturn is foolish. People will react with their feet. Those who live near other states will shop in them. I shop in Delaware for some things because there is no state tax there. It only makes sense to stop at the store when I am up there for business and get what I need because I will pay less.
New Yorkers are hosed with taxes in every aspect of their lives just as those in California are and it is obvious that this tactic does not work. Taxing soda or anything else will do nothing to help the situation and will change people’s habits with regard to shopping.
Those habit changes will be detrimental to the state’s budget.
Cut spending and cut taxes. It works every time it is tried.
Daily News
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