Unions Sour On Obamacare

The Democrat supporters in the labor unions supported Obamacare and helped Obama and his minions get it passed. The law is a disaster and costs a heck of a lot more than advertised. Nancy Pelosi said it had to be passed to see what was in it and now that it has passed what we see is horrible. It will not work, it will cost a lot of money, it will not cover everyone as advertised and it will cause the rest of us to pay a lot more for insurance (and that was not supposed to happen either).

It will also cost people who thought they were getting free health care.

Many unions and other Democrat supporters were granted waivers. Friends of Barry were able to get an exemption from Obamacare. But a lot of supporters did not get waivers and are now getting bitten by the law they supported.

[note]AARP did not like it and they were big supporters. They applied for, and got, a waiver. I recommend people ditch the AARP and join the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC).[/note]

It looks like a bunch of labor unions that supported Obamacare, support they do not regret because it helped Obama, are unhappy about how it affects them and their members. One labor union wants the law repealed (or completely overhauled) while others just want changes that will benefit them.

I say screw them all. They supported it and they must either live under the law or work hard to get it repealed. NO SPECIAL EXEMTIONS OR CHANGES. They do not deserve special treatment from the law they supported. They must live by it like all of us or get it completely repealed.

No more of this good enough for you but not for me stuff.

You unions don’t like the way this affects you? Well neither do we and we don’t want to be forced to comply while you get special treatment.

Time to completely repeal this monstrosity or bend over and grab your ankles.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberals and Dependence

Liberals are raised to depend on government. This is how they think and feel about everything. Labor unions, government workers, college students, and any number of other groups have liberals in them who think that everything should be provided by the government. While temporary measures to help people are a worthy goal, the liberals among us start to become dependent and demand that things be made permanent.

They want the nanny state to take care of them.

This is often hidden in demands for their “rights” that are not actually rights. They will tell you they have a right to a job, a living wage, no cost health care, endless unemployment, public housing, big pensions, and any other item they can get the government to take from the producers in society and give to them. It is almost always couched as a right.

The government is willing to oblige and creates programs for all people because the government wants people to depend on it. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and welfare are government programs that were established to enslave people. The government requires people to participate (in some of them) and then uses the programs to threaten and scare people. Vote for me or the other guy will take your [fill in the blank]. You old people will be eating cat food if you vote for so and so because he will take your Social Security.

These programs have created groups of people who have become dependent on the government and now cannot live on their own. They will live and die at the whim of government.

The problem is that these programs have become so ingrained and have been touted as rights for so long that people fight hard to keep them and oppose any change. They do this even when faced with the reality that these programs cannot be sustained. They do it because they have become dependent.

This mentality is evident in the Occupy crowd currently infesting cities around the country.

In Southern California several street cart vendors found this out the hard way. A coffee cart vendor and a hot dog vendor are both located at the same place as the San Diego Occupiers, Civic Center Plaza.

They started out by giving coffee and hot dogs to the Occupiers at no cost. Then they stopped that practice and the Occupiers turned on them. The Occupiers threw body fluids (blood and urine) on the vendor’s carts.

Those carts will need to be cleaned or replaced because of the attack by the Occupiers. The vendors have also received death threats.

This is what happens when someone does something out of the goodness of their hearts. The liberals believe that the gesture is an entitlement and attacks when that “right” is taken away. These parasites have no more claim to the coffee and hot dogs that belong to the vendors than they do to the money that belongs to the taxpayers.

No one in the TEA Party has done anything like this and yet, Democrats and liberals around the country stand with the Occupiers and support what they are doing.

Why not? Hell, liberals think that they are entitled to your stuff and those in elected office are no different.

It is time to evict the Occupiers.

As for you vendor types who think you are doing a good thing by giving your stuff to them, I have a piece of advice that comes from the zoo.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Weekend Wrap Up

Oil Waivers Still Flowing

The Obama regime issued a waiver for the oil rig that exploded and spilled thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf. The government had a plan in place to handle it but did not have the equipment needed to carry out the plan even though it has been in place since 1994. Not to worry, the regime has issued 27 additional waivers for oil companies in the Gulf.

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded on April 20, the Obama administration has granted oil and gas companies at least 27 exemptions from doing in-depth environmental studies of oil exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. McClatchy

Maybe these waivers have something to do with all the money Obama has gotten from companies like BP…

Obama Rode In On A High Horse But Is Now On A Pony

Looks like Obama rode into Colorado during the Democratic Convention looking like a Greek ruler who could take the world and now will lose seats in that state because of his policies:

Republicans are now well positioned for a statewide resurgence, threatening several Democratic seats in the midterm elections and raising questions about whether the opening chapter of the Obama administration has eroded gains that Democrats had been making here for the previous six years. New York Times

Seems that a lot of people are waking from the contact buzz they had with Mr. Hope and Change and are beginning to realize he is just another hack politician who cannot do what he said but is pushing us toward Socialism. The November elections will be key to stopping him.

More Bad Election News And News Of Diminishing Support For Democrats

Obama might lose the seat Murtha held as people become even more disgruntled with Democrats. If the May 18th special election is close, even if the Democrat wins, it will be a statement because the district is 2:1 Democrats over Republicans. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia could be in trouble as well. He has been around for quite a while but might be unemployed come November.

To top it off, Obama has lost half the support he had among Jewish voters. He went from 78% to about 40%. Looks like this traditionally Democrat voting block is seeing the light and is now realizing that Obama does not really care too much about Israel. He is more concerned about the Muslim countries than he is about our only ally there in the Middle East.

Obama Derides Modern Electronics And Access To Information

Barack Obama lamented the modern electronic devices that provide 24 hour news coverage and tons of information. Obama said these things were distractions and made people focus on minute things rather than the important ones.

“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. AFP

First of all, this is amazing since this regime is full of people who know how to throw a lot of BS around in order to keep people from getting too far in the weeds on the important stuff. Second of all, Obama claims that he does not know how to use any of this stuff but I find it hard to believe. One thing is for sure though, he knows how to use his Blackberry, which he is addicted to.

And let us not forget that Obama advertised in video games during the last presidential election.

Looks like things are getting pretty dicey for the Democrats. People are waking up. Also looks like Obama is learning what it is to have a real job with real pressures. I wonder how long he will keep blaming Bush?

Michelle: Barack honey, I’m pregnant.

Barack: BUSH DID IT!!!!!!

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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I Wonder If They Will Be Labeled Racists

Barack Obama had it all going for him in the last election. The economic collapse could not have come at a better time for him as John McCain was tied or leading in the polls. Then the collapse hit. McCain, who had a lackluster campaign (which would have been dead if not for Sarah Palin), did some strange things that gave little confidence in his leadership or decision making abilities.

Obama went on to win the election with 41% of the white male vote. Obama needed that demographic to win the election. Despite the claims of a racist country, Obama could not have won without millions upon millions of whites voting for him. He particularly needed the white male vote.

Now it appears as if he has lost that segment of the population.

Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they’ll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994. Times Union

Polling indicates that the reason for the huge support in 2008 was not because of Obama but because of the financial meltdown (how convenient for it to occur then). White males are affected the most by the loss of jobs accounting for 70% of the losses. This block of voters does not see things getting better and has been disillusioned by the way Obama is handling things.

The percentage of support for Democrats among whites (both sexes) is three points lower than it was in 1994 so things could be really ugly for Democrats in November. Back then Democrats tried to marginalize this demographic by calling them angry white men. This backfired on them and one would think they have learned but I still have to wonder if the Democrats will call them racists for not continuing to support Obama or the Democrats.

Calling people racist is the buzz word for Democrats though it seems to be losing its effect as more and more people are seeing that race is not involved and that good people are being painted with the racism brush in the name of politics.

We have to keep the pressure on them. We cannot let them spin things and fool another block of voters.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama In No Rush To Support The Troops

Barack Obama made it clear that the war in Afghanistan was a war of necessity and that the war in Iraq was a war of choice. He said, time and again, that he would fight the war in Afghanistan and that it was necessary. Obama’s hand picked commander has submitted a request for the support he needs to fight and that request includes more troops. All of the sudden the war of necessity is not so much so. The request was sent to the White House nearly 80 days ago and no decision has been taken.

Obama is pondering what to do and has stated that he wants to see how the recent Afghan election pans out with either a run-off or co-governance before he decides on sending troops. He is deliberating and giving it thoughtful consideration. At least that is what the White House wants us to believe.

The only thing that Obama has taken his time on since taking office is selecting a family pet. It took him six months to select a dog. He gave it careful consideration.

The stimulus had to be passed immediately, the health care take over must be done now (even though the only thing that will take effect before 2013 is the taxing part of it), the cap and trade bill must be done now as, it would seem, must every other item on the Obama hit list. He wants all the things done by the end of the year and this is an extension of earlier deadlines. The simulus was rocketed through Congress because Obama said now and the Democrats did it now. Then it sat on his desk for four days while he went on a date with his wife.

He is pushing for his agenda items to get through at the speed of light but he is stifled by some Democrats who are worried about their jobs.

The support of the troops in Afghanistan is quite another thing though. Obama received the request nearly 80 days ago and has been stonewalling his commander and the troops. Secretary Gates says we need to act now and not later but Obama is quite busy wetting his finger and sticking it out the window to see which way the wind is blowing. His assertions about the war of necessity and his repeated assertions that this was a war we needed to win have hamstrung him because he would dearly like to appease (he did win a Nobel for that quality) his base and withdraw in defeat. That is what Democrats do.

But he does not want to be seen as a person who trumpeted the war in Afghanistan and vowed to support the troops only to let them down. He does not care about letting them down, he just does not want it to appear that way. So instead of being the Commander in Chief (a job he has no experience to do) he is waffling and stonewalling. He is looking for any reason not to honor the request of General Stanley McChrystal, the man he hand picked to run the war. Obama would love nothing more than to find some reason, any reason, to dishonor our troops so he can appease his leftist loser base.

Obama would not look so bad if he had taken the same stance on Afghanistan that he took on Iraq but he went the other way. He told us it was the war of necessity.

What he needs to do is act like a man instead of the weaselly, limp wristed, metrosexual that he truly is. He needs to man up and honor his commitment to the troops and to the war. He needs to stick to his word and win the war of necessity not only because supporting the troops is the right thing to do but because he told us he would. He needs, for once, to keep his word.

But then again, all Obama promises come with an expiration date.

I loved my 24 years of service to this country but I would not serve in the military under this so called man. He is fortunate that he is wrecking the economy because that has driven enlistments up. People join the military when times are tough because it is a job and it pays. If he had not wrecked the economy and caused such high unemployment then the services would have trouble recruiting.

Who would want to serve under this wishy-washy man? I can’t imagine any of our service members staying in with this guy abandoning them. And it is a certainty that the liberals who support him will not join to protect this country (they will wait for Obama bucks to make ends meet). They live under the blanket of protection provided by better people than they and they like it that way. If Obama does not act like a leader and do it soon then he is going to harm the military worse than Jimmy Carter did.

It might take decades to get the nation’s military strong again.

Obama, man up and take a decision. Do the right thing and support the men and women who were sent to war by the US government. You (the government) sent them there, now support them.


UPDATE: What has Obama done since the request for troops was submitted.

Big Dog

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