Ron Paul Triples Support in Iowa!
Nov 21, 2007 General
The latest polls are out for the GOP contest in Iowa and they show Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney in a virtual tie for the top spot. Though touted as a surprise the real surprise is that Ron Paul has tripled his support in that state. Paul polled at 2% in the past and is now up at 6% which ties him with John McCain.
Paul supporters will no doubt be pleased that their candidate’s message is getting out and giving him better numbers as the primary approaches. If Paul keeps this pace he could be the front runner by the time the polls open in January.
Keep it up Ron-bots, your message is being heard.
Washington Post
Tags: front runner, gop, john mccain, mike huckabee, mitt romney, ron paul, supporters
Maybe Ron Paul Really Has Supporters
Nov 7, 2007 Political
The news was out yesterday that Ron Paul raised 4.2 million dollars in one day. For a guy polling at 1% that is pretty good. I guess there must be something to this idea that he has an Internet grass roots thing going on. Perhaps these folks will be sleepers and show up on election day and make him a big winner.
It would be something if this guy won. I could just imagine the look on the faces of the front runners who have spent millions and are polling well ahead of Paul.
I also imagine that either the Ron Paul spammers are rich or he really does have a lot of support on the Internet polls.
Good luck to him, he will need it and congrats to his supporters. This is really amazing.
UPDATE: While the Ron Paul supporters are donating why not click the Project Valout IT link in the graphic and donate $5 to the troops?
Tags: election day, grass roots, million dollars, ron paul, supporters