More Trouble With Government Numbers
Jan 19, 2011 Political

The claim from the left has always been that there are 45 million people in this country who do not have health insurance. This number is an inflated number that counts illegal aliens and those who can afford or are offered health insurance but choose not to buy it. The real number is probably less than 20 million.
We had this health care takeover in order to accommodate these people and there will still be quite a few uninsured while we are spending trillions of dollars on an unsustainable program (refer to UK). But that is a discussion for another time.
The Democrats are not happy the GOP is going to hold a vote on repeal. They have been claiming that this is a waste of time and that the Republicans should be working on the economy and job creation instead. After two years of ignoring jobs and the economy in favor of the progressive socialist agenda, these people are now saying we need to focus on jobs and the economy.
Since the health care takeover is a job killer (yes I wrote killer) then repealing it will help with the job situation. It will also cut unnecessary and wasteful spending.
While Democrats are squawking about focusing on jobs they are also indicating that repealing the takeover will cost us money. Only in their twisted world can cutting a program that spends trillions be adding to the deficit.
The latest ploy is for the Democrats to claim that between 50 and 120 million non-elderly people will be uninsured in a few years due to preexisting conditions if the takeover is repealed. I am having a bit of trouble with this math.
Where did all these people come from? How does the regime know that this many people will have conditions that will cause the denial of health insurance? If we accept the grossly inflated number of uninsured as 45 million (or even 30 million as has been the case in some discussions) how did we get to 50-120 million?
Surely these people are here now and are insured. Since we are not getting 50-120 million people dropped every three years how can we now claim that this will be the case. There is no history to support this and since there are, according to the regime, 30-45 million uninsured, how on Earth do that many more people suddenly end up uninsured?
This is another scare tactic using information from some regime friendly report (that might have been produced by the regime) in order to scare people into opposing the repeal. This is why Democrat friendly media outlets are producing polls that over sample Democrats when asking about the repeal issue. They want to give the appearance that the folks are OK with the takeover.
The people are against this monstrosity and want it repealed. This has been shown time and again in accurate polls and it is part of the reason the Democrats suffered a historic defeat last November.
Now they are working to spin anything they can to keep the vote from taking place.
Though this will not be repealed as long as Democrats control the Senate and the White House the vote is important because the Republicans promised they would do it.
Imagine that, politicians keeping their word.
Unless the repeal is attached to the bill raising the debt ceiling there is little chance of it being repealed but we can make sure it is not funded.
Regardless of how all this takes place there is no way in hell that there will be 50-120 million people dropped from insurance due to preexisting conditions.
The Democrats lied about the takeover bill, lied about what was in it, lied about how things would take place, lied about it funding abortion and lied about death panels.
Now they expect us to believe them when they make an obviously outrageous claim about the number of people who will be uninsured.
Never trust a progressive/Socialist/liberal/Democrat.
They lie whenever they speak and they are only interested in controlling people.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: control, health care, lies, Obama, repeal, takeover, taxes
Obama Goes All In
Mar 16, 2010 Opinion, Political
The health care takeover the Democrats have been working on for over a year is coming down to the final hours and the majority party is pulling out all the stops. They are working on unconstitutional methods to pass the bill, circumventing the normal process and lying about the bill being bipartisan in that they incorporated some Republican ideas.
They have a shell bill which is what they will pass and then when it goes to committee they will remove the items and replace them with the things they really want.
Barack Obama discusses the idea of courage and says that the time for politics is over and Congress should do what is right and put politics aside. Obama does this while playing politics because he is a product of the Chicago thug machine and he does not know what courage is and he is unaware of how to do something without involving politics. Additionally, Obama has allowed politics to get in the way because his desire NOT to fail on this issue has led to his political power play to get it passed. As for courage, if Obama had that trait he would have scrapped the bill and started over in a bipartisan fashion.
Obama delayed his working vacation for a few days to go around the country and …wait for it…engage in a political campaign for the bill. He is out there pushing hard for the bill. In essence, he is now “all in”, a term that describes a card player who throws all his money in the pot.
Obama is now all in on this like he was with the Chicago Olympic bid, the governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey and the Senate race in Massachusetts. His spin doctors worked hard to make each of these look as if they were not Obama failures but they were.
Now that he is all in on health care he has no place to hide. His spin masters will not be able to spin this in any way, shape, or form should the bill not pass.
If this bill does not pass then Obama will be seen as having failed, especially by his own party. It will look, and rightly so, as if he gave it all he had and could not get it done even with super majorities.
He will be a failure and he knows it.
Right now the votes are not there but that does not mean it will fail to pass. There are plenty of backroom deals being made and offers are flying about the halls of the Capitol to give members anything they want for a yes vote. Pelosi is twisting arms two at a time and doing everything to force people to fall in line and vote yes.
And yet she does not have the votes.
If they happen to pass this then America will be outraged with those who sold their votes, and that is the only way they change, just as they were with Ben Nelson. That anger will show on election day and despite what the pseudo intellectual pundits say, Democrats will lose big. The Democrats know this and it is a major reason that many are hesitant to vote yes.
This is a lose lose situation for the Democrats because they will lose if this fails and lose bigger if it passes.
Obama has put them between Barack and a hard place and now he too, is all in.
But he does not have to worry about being reelected this year.
He has three years to recover. His Democrats in the House do not have that luxury and they know they are being hung out to dry.
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Tags: Congress, election, health care, lies, takeover
They Will Say And Do Anything To Takeover Health Care
Mar 7, 2010 Political
Barack Obama and the Democrats are so entrenched in their desire to takeover our health care they will do anything to pass something, anything, and get it signed before the November elections. The Democrats believe that they know what is best for us and that once anything is passed we will learn to like it. They have gone so far as to consider parliamentary maneuvers in order to pass legislation that will takeover one-sixth of the US economy.
They have abandoned their past beliefs in order to push this albatross through. Barack Obama, a proud proponent of the public option, has abandoned that issue in order to get any bill passed. The abortion issue is causing distress among Democrats in the House and the general distrust the House has for the Senate is causing angst in the House as members are apprehensive about voting for a Senate bill that could then be signed into law without major differences being addressed. Part of this is because the Democrats are circumventing the system. If they did it correctly, the way in which it was intended, then they would not have to worry about being screwed.
There are also concerns about the Constitutionality of the bill. The bill requires everyone to purchase insurance. This is simply unconstitutional as our government has no right to force us to purchase a product. In fact, Obama was against the mandates when he was trying to beat Hillary Clinton for the nomination:
“The reason she thinks that there are more people covered under her plan than mine, is because of a mandate. It is not a mandate for the government to provide coverage to everybody. It is a mandate that every individual purchase health care. And the mailing that we put out accurately indicates that the main difference between Senator Clinton’s plan and mine is the fact that she would force, in some fashion, individuals to purchase health care ….” YouTube
Mandates were not good when Hillary was in favor of them. Now Obama is in favor of them. The Democrats will do and say anything and will change their positions just to get something passed. They wrongly believe that if they do not get this passed it will be bad for them.
The truth is the November elections will be bad for them no matter what but a majority of people are opposed to this plan and are opposed to the way the Democrats are pushing it through, despite what the Democrats say about it. It would have been better for Obama and the Democrats to take Republicans up on the offer to start over with a blank piece of paper and write a bill on which both sides could agree. This would have shown a true willingness to have bipartisan input and would have given Democrats a leg to stand on with the public.
Instead, they are pushing through something that most do not like and have added a few sprinklings of Republican ideas in order to give the appearance of bipartisanship.
Democrats could save seats that might otherwise be lost by cooperating with the minority party. Instead, they continue to give Republicans ammunition to use during the campaign season. Whether this passes or not, Republicans have ammo. If it passes they can claim that the Democrats rammed through unpopular legislation in order to push an agenda. If it does not pass, Republicans can claim they stopped the unpopular legislation from being rammed through.
If the Democrats had started over and Republicans continued to block the legislation then the Democrats could claim the moral high ground and say it does not matter how hard they try, the Republicans obstruct. If the negotiations went through the next election Democrats could claim they are making progress and need their majority to keep the process from being derailed.
Instead, they have painted themselves into a corner and will pay dearly in November.
Voters can see that Democrats are willing to do and say anything to ram through legislation that is opposed by a majority of people, albeit for different reasons.
November will be a bloodbath for Democrats and many from districts and states that are not blue will pay a heavy price for supporting legislation pushed by leaders in safe seats who have no worries about losing their jobs.
The leaders do not care because they will do anything to get this passed. They must in order to continue with their takeover of our lives.
Remember, America will only remain the land of the free so long as it remains the home of the brave.
And it will take a few brave Democrats to push back against this monstrosity.
Big Dog Salute to William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection.
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Tags: Clinton, flip flop, health care, Obama, Pelosi, takeover
Obama: Ask Doctors For Health Care Reform Prescription
Sep 17, 2009 Political
Barack Obama was at the University of Maryland today giving a campaign speech about his health care takeover plan. During the speech someone yelled “You Lie.” That person was removed by the police once again showing that America’s institutions of higher learning are only tolerant of all opinions if the people expressing them agree with the liberal philosophies of the school or are yelling at conservatives.
Obama was hawking the plan and his plan was to tell everyone that the people who oppose his plan are liars (ironic, isn’t it?) and that they should listen to the people who know more about it than any others:
See, I just want to point out, I think it’s telling, some of the people who are most enthusiastic about health care reform are the very medical professionals who have firsthand knowledge about how badly the system needs to change. (Applause.) So don’t — stop paying attention to the folks who are spreading false charges, crazy rumors about our plan. Pay attention to the health care experts — the doctors and the nurses who know our system best. (Applause.) WBAL Radio [emphasis mine]
So Barack Obama wants us to know that people who oppose his takeover plan are liars (from the speech; “Too many engage in scare tactics instead of honest debates.”) and using fear to keep the people from getting the health care insurance they deserve. He also wants us to know that we should listen to those who know the system best.
To me, this means that I should not be listening to Obama and the people in his party who are telling me to buy into this plan because it is the best thing since sliced bread. I should not be listening to the media wing of the Democratic party when it shills for Obama and tells me to accept this. I should not listen to those who say to ram it down my throat and make me accept it because I am too stupid to know what is best for me. I need to listen to the doctors and nurses who know the system best.
According to Obama doctors and nurses know this better than he does and they know it better than anyone else (if they know it best they must know it better than anyone else). Fair enough. I am a Registered Nurse and I do not like the plan. My wife is a Registered Nurse and she is not in favor of it. I have yet to meet any nurse or doctor who is in favor of it.
Admittedly, my sphere is small compared to the entire country. So let’s take a look at the bigger picture:
Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.
Major findings included:
• Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration’s claims that doctors are part of an “unprecedented coalition” supporting a medical overhaul.
It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a “majority of physicians want public and private insurance options,” and clashes with media reports such as Tuesday’s front-page story in the Los Angeles Times with the headline “Doctors Go For Obama’s Reform.”
Nowhere in the Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA — the “association representing the nation’s physicians” and what “many still regard as the country’s premier lobbying force” — is “lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama’s sweeping plan.”
The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA’s support of Democrats’ proposed health care overhaul.
• Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they “would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement” if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.
More than 800,000 doctors were practicing in 2006, the government says. Projecting the poll’s finding onto that population, 360,000 doctors would consider quitting. Investor’s Business Daily
So it appears that Obama is lying when he says that he has the backing of the doctors. He has an endorsement from the AMA which, as this story points out, accounts for 18% of physicians and has lost membership since the endorsement. The AMA is a lobbying organization.
Obama said to listen to the doctors and nurses. Well in this case the doctors have spoken out and two-thirds of them do not approve. Additionally, 45% of them would consider leaving practice or retiring early if this thing passes.
Ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama told us that we should listen to the people who know the health system best which means better than he or his followers. Those people, he told us, are the doctors and nurses.
The doctors are pretty clear on this issue. They do not want it and many would quit being a doctor if it passes.
The issue is clearer than ever for those of you who did not know what to do on this. All you have to do is follow the advice of Obama and listen to the doctors.
The doctors do not want this thing so we owe it to Obama (and to the doctors) to make sure they do not get it.
Gateway Pundit
Michelle Malkin
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Tags: doctors, health care reform, lies, Obama, takeover
The First One Hundred Days
Apr 25, 2009 Political
April 29 will mark Barama’s first one hundred days in office. Gee, it seems like yesterday- we were full of hope, gleaming, fresh- washed faces turned towards the Sainted One, seeking his blessings—– oh wait- wrong delusion, that was the liberal version: Let’s try again.
It seems like yesterday, when people ran screaming into the streets, yelling the socialists are coming, the socialists are coming! Oh crud, it’s no nightmare, they really are here, and they are busy embedding themselves like a lyme- diseased tick into the backside of America, sucking the life out of free enterprise.
It is theft of not just money, which is criminal, a la Jack Murtha and his little airport, but hope, since people who want to start a small business will be told how much money they will be permitted to make before onerous taxes kick in, and these small business people have to pay for the socialistic programs Barry proposes. Those in government will be exempt from these petty things, of course- those rules are for the little people.
The fact that the banks who want to give back the TARP funds are not being allowed to do so is an unbelievable interference by government in our free enterprise system. It’s breathtakingly Mafia- like in its stench of extortion.
I was talking to one of the bankers I do business with- after all, I keep what little money I still have there, I might as well see if my bank took the TARP.
She told me that yes, they were “asked” in a very blunt way that they would take the money, even though they did not need the money.
Since then, especially since the rules changed, and the govt. had changed their “Preferred”, or non- voting stock to “common”, or voting stock, this bank had been trying to give the money back, but the government had refused to take it, saying that they had voting power, and they intended to use it.
This is unwarranted and illegal interference in free enterprise and the commerce of the United States, but the Barama administration believes that if they control the banks, they will control the nation.
They need to watch out- overreaching, extending tyrannical claws into this much of American life, could very well backfire.
Remember the Czars? Not the wimps that Barry appoints, the real deal, from Russia. It seems these people thought they could control the people also. The Czars, or as it should be spelled, the Tsars, thought that if they kept a lid on their people, kept them under strict control, they would stay in power.
Well, they were overthrown- seems the people wanted change they could believe in- instead they got totalitarian control under a different name, Communism. And this is coming again, just slower. No bloody corpses, just CEOs thrown out of their jobs, with the “people’s” government sitting in their seats. A bloodless usurping of power.
Same basic result, just a kinder, gentler coup.
Now, not many Presidents like to be judged on their first one hundred days- JFK even inserted words in his inaugural speech, to the effect that results might not be seen in his administration’ s term- and he was right, but unfortunately not for the reasons he thought.
The reason that the hundred days thing came about is that it is catchy, in a newsbite sense, but also because the public begins to get a sense of the direction the President wants the country to go. The direction THIS one wants the country to go, is so so wrong for this country- it turns on its ear the way that virtually everything in this country has worked in the last two hundred and thirty two years. Now, that’s a life style change that is fairly entrenched, and one that will be hard to change. You need to ask yourself- is this business model a good thing to change? After all, it worked fine until the Democrats began to alter the rules, just to try for more votes.
The Democrats were too dumb to know that there are rules for a reason,and it’s not the “class warfare” they talk about every time there is an election. These rules are there to protect BOTH SIDES in a transaction, and these rules are not arbitrary, they have been thought out over time.
The Democrats couldn’t have done better if they had meant to, except that while they are not smart enough to have done this intentionally, they WERE quick to take advantage of the opening they created, jumping into this chasm of uncontrolled greed and loose rules.
” Oh, WE will regulate this mess (that we created, but ssshhhhh-), don’t you worry. Plus, if you vote in the next five minutes, (because we can’t do this all day), we will throw in FREE, a faux tax rebate (which we will take back by charging more in hidden taxes) that will be yours. Just pay for shipping, handling and we will be glad to scrape off all those troublesome liberties and freedoms that hang around, and take control of your life, because we are the only people smart enough to know what is good for you. We will regulate what you eat, how cool or warm you can be in your own house, what medical care you need (because WE know just how much pain you can stand), we will tell you what your ideal weight should be, and how much beer you can drink, keep you from smoking cigarettes, cause you to drive less ( don’t EVEN think about seeing the USA in a Chevrolet), and make you eat your broccoli.
Sounds ridiculous, huh? Unfortunately it is not that far off of the mark- some of what I wrote is already in the works- the cigarette tax is designed not only to bring in money, but punish those who choose to smoke. Many of these people are poor, but Barry doesn’t care. He gets his cigarettes free. He doesn’t have to pay for the thousands of gallons of fuel he spews everywhere when he gets the urge for a photo op.
Make fast food prohibitive in cost with a sin tax, and a restrictive business environment. This is how they roll- they want to force change in people’s habits, because they truly believe that they know better than we the people just what we the people need.
What absolute arrogance, and all in the first one hundred days.
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Tags: 100 days, banks, communism, Murtha, Obama, socialism, takeover