Judge Allows Physical Attack To Enforce Court Order
Jun 7, 2009 Political
Judge Sara Sheldon Sperrazza of Niagra County New York ruled that it was OK to Taser a person who refused to comply with a court order in order to execute the order. A man refused to give his DNA in a case. He had given it before but the police sent it to the wrong lab so they could not use it. They got another court order and the man refused to provide his DNA. He said they would have to Taser him to get it, and they did.
The police Tasered Ryan Smith and took his DNA.
It does not matter to me that this guy was probably guilty, what matters is the abuse of him in enforcing a court order and the implications this might have on others. Suppose there was a court order for you to turn over certain paperwork related to a case and you refused. In times past you would be put in jail until you complied with the order. After this ruling the cops might just Taser you and then look through your stuff until they find it. There are many court orders that are disobeyed. There are legal remedies designed to get people to comply but physical abuse is not one of them.
Reporters who refuse to give up a source per a court order are sent to jail until they do. What happens if they are Tasered until they give up the source? Why not just water board them and be done with it?
This judge gave a moronic ruling in this case and it should be overturned.
In third world countries they use physical violence to obtain information. In the US we have laws that prevent this.
Then again, we have laws that punish voter intimidation and the Obama Justice Department ignores them. We have laws preventing ILLEGALS from registering to vote but Obama’s Justice Department ignores them. Hell, we have rules that are supposed to punish people for being here ILLEGALLY but the government ignores those.
In any event, I guess it is not surprising that Smith was physically abused in order to obtain information given that Obama and his peeps want to move us to Socialism and Obama is more aligned with the Communists than the free people.
Welcome to the kind of America the Democrats accused (unjustly) our troops of. The gulags cannot be too far behind.
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