Democrats Rangel With Racial Politics

I have heard, time and again, that people who do not vote for Obama are racists. It does not matter if you are 100% opposed to his political ideologies, if you don’t vote for him you are a racist. Not only are you a racist but you are denying the black community what they deserve. A female reporter named Fatimah Ali even says that it will cause a race war if people do not vote for Obama. I guess she thinks once you go Barack you never go back. She actually made the race war comment in a previous column. This week, after a few redneck crackers sent her emails, she is sure we are already in a race war.

I have little concern for this. I hardly see how 12% of the population could effect damage on 55% of it so a war in the traditional sense is probably not likely but I imagine there will be violence. If Obama wins there will be riots in celebration and if he loses there will be riots of anger. Either way cities will look like the Rodney King verdict all over again. Before you call me racist, I am merely expanding on what Ali wrote.

The Democrats and the black community (I know, redundant) are not afraid to point out any instance of perceived racism. They are so good at it they can listen to every day words and decide that they are racist code words for black people. I know that there will be some people who do not vote for Obama because he is black just as there are some people who will not vote for McCain because of his age. I hesitate to say that the 90% black vote for Obama has racist undertones because any Democrat, regardless of color, gets at least 90% of the vote. But there are definitely racial issues in the black community.

Charlie Rangel has been cooking his personal financial books for many years. His tax evasion and ethical violations have recently come to light and he is facing some serious problems. He was asked by Speaker Pelosi to step down as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (though Pelosi says she did not discuss it with him). Pelosi has a bit of a problem because even if she wanted to remove him she can’t.

The Congressional Black Caucus has put its support 100% behind Rangel and they will not allow him to be removed. This caucus has so much power that one member said “”Nancy won’t challenge us on this, even if she wants to.”

Now, here is a man who has broken any number of laws, infractions that would land us in jail, and the Black Caucus thinks that he should keep his position. These people must feel that it is perfectly OK for a person to break the law so long as he is black (and a Democrat). If Rangel were white or a Republican they would be barking at the moon trying to get him removed. Is it any wonder that people view the black groups with contempt? They expect justice unless one of their own is involved.

I guess we can chalk this up to affirmative action which seems to be playing big on the national spotlight. Obama is the affirmative action candidate and Rangel is the recipient of the benefits of affirmative action.

He won’t be removed from his position and that decision is based solely on his skin color. I have a dream that one day people will be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Looks like Charlie has not had that dream yet. Good thing. If we judged him by the content of his character he would be in jail already.

Way to have that most ethical Congress Madam Speaker.

Also, Rangel was in the process of divorcing his wife of 40 years and she intimate knowledge of their finances. I believe that these disclosures came to light as a result of disclosures related to the divorce. Anyway, Rangel has called off the divorce. I think that might be so that she cannot be compelled to testify against him. This makes it even more apparent that he is guilty and knew what he was doing.

Thank Goodness we have the National Black Republican Association

New York Times | The Crypt

Big Dog

Pelosi’s Ethical Congress

Nancy Pelosi made the same claim that every political leader of Congress makes and that is their version of the mob will be the most ethical in history. They are usually going to be the most open as well. Turns out that Pelosi’s reign is not over an ethical Democratic Congress but one that is full of abusers and law breakers. The past few years have seen the likes of Dodd, and Jefferson and now we have Charlie Rangel.

Rangel has been a criminal fro a long time. He wastes taxpayer money driving around in an expensive leased vehicle that the taxpayers get soaked for. He has more than the number of rent control apartments than he is allowed by law and he now has troubles with his taxes. Rangel owns property in the Dominican Republic and is facing an ethics investigation (as if that will matter) for evasion of taxes (related to income from the property), failure to report income and failure to disclose required items on his financial disclosure statement.

Rangel is chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee which means he has a lot to do with the tax laws in this country. Somehow, he was unable to follow the laws that he helped get passed. His finances are so messed up that he has had to hire a forensics accountant to figure out the problems.

Rangel is not being removed from his position. Why would he be? He is a Democrat so he is allowed to break the law and get away with it. Speaker Pelosi, Ms. more ethical Congress, is not (at least so far) removing him from his position. Republicans have a rule that if they are under investigation they must step down until it is over. The ethical Democrats have no such rule or their would not be enough of them left to run things.

Charlie Rangel has also said that he just had trouble with the language difference (as if he could not find someone in Harlem to interpret it). He is willing to pay what he owes and let’s be done with it.

Not so fast. If one of us had this problem the IRS would be bashing through our doors like a SWAT team and raping us with interest and penalties until we were left bankrupt. We would not be allowed to say we had trouble understanding anything. We would not be able to say “my bad” and just pay the taxes. No, we would get screwed to the wall.

I expect nothing less for the guy who is in charge of the tax rules. He needs to go down in flames. Pelosi needs to remove him from his position and he needs to be thoroughly scrutinized. He also needs to pay back taxes with interest and penalties no matter how much it adds up to.

This should take care of that arrogant jackass and it should remind the rest of them they are not above the law.

Wanna bet Pelosi does not remove him?

FWIW, I know there are Republicans who have problems. I want them in hot water as well.


Big Dog