GOP Should Not Cave In On Taxes
Dec 12, 2012 Commentary
Barack Obama is certain that the GOP will cave and raise tax rates on the wealthy, defined as those who make more than 250k a year. He might be right because the GOP has a history of caving in. For some reason the party has not figured out it will get blamed no matter what and it continues to try to appease and give up in hope that people will like them and not blame them.
Who gives a rip how people perceive you? If you don’t cave and things get better Obama will get credit and the GOP will be seen as obstructionists. If they cave and Obama gets what he wants and things do not improve the GOP will be blamed. We know this is how it has been throughout history and we also know that Obama is not capable of taking responsibility. He blames everyone but himself for any problem (but he takes all credit for anything good).
Let’s make it clear right now. Barack Obama does not care one iota about doing what is best for the country. His focus is on destroying the GOP. He wants to make political moves that will paint the GOP into a corner so he can score points and he cares not how it affects the nation.
If the GOP caves and raises tax rates on the wealthy then Obama will portray it as an admission from the right that the lower tax rates enacted under George Bush (but only the ones on the rich) were the reason for the fiscal problems. He will say that the Republicans are admitting to it and that is why they had to raise the tax rates. This is already the narrative as Obama claims things were wonderful under Bill Clinton when tax rates were higher. He does not realize that the Clinton years were sleight of hand. He also fails to see that everyone had higher tax rates and that spending was much lower. We still spent too much and we still had deficits but they were nowhere near as bad as they are now.
The Obama plan will net maybe about 100 billion a year over ten years. We are over budget by more than a TRILLION dollars a year (and have been each year of Obama’s occupation). The math does not add up. Obama wants a ten year tax increase equal to the amount he is over budget in a single year.
The problem is not the amount of money coming in; it is the amount going out that is the problem.
We could raise revenue by lowering tax rates on corporations and making a more favorable environment for them to hire employees. If we get millions of people working again then there will be millions more people paying taxes. If we revised the tax code to institute a flat tax then everyone would pay a fair share for the country and everyone would have, to quote Barack Obama, skin in the game.
Half of wage earners pay no federal taxes and the top half pay for the nation. Yes, those in the bottom pay state taxes (in some states) and they pay Social Security and Medicare. Those are called taxes but the reason these programs were started was as a way for people to save for their own retirement. They have morphed into social programs that are nothing more than Ponzi schemes. In any event, these taxes are levied on people for their own retirement. An 11% tax on all earnings from all wage earners could pay the bills and eliminate the need to collect a separate SS and Medicare tax.
The GOP should not cave on this issue. Who cares about the fiscal cliff? The people in Congress along with Barack Obama decided two years ago that they would strike a deal that would force the sides to come together and work something out or draconian cuts would take place and taxes would increase on everyone. Well, they played games, worried about the election and ignored the issue for two years. Now the table is set and the conditions they ALL agreed to are about to come to fruition.
Let them. No deal is better than a bad deal, period.
Let the taxes on everyone go up. Let the SS tax go back to where it was. Cut Defense and let budget cuts across the government take place. Everyone will be affected and those who voted for Obama can feel the pain along with everyone else.
While we are at it we can turn off all the Obamaphones to save some money.
The GOP is worried about how it will be perceived by people not in its base if it does not cave in and let Obama raise the tax rates of the wealthy.
It better worry about how the base will react if the tax rates go up. Tick off the base and you will never win again no matter how many Democrats you make happy.
Ask John McCain how pleasing Democrats works out…
The low information entitlement Obama voters will never support Republicans. That would require work, thought and the ability to learn.
Keep in mind that Romney lost because he said that his plan would put people to work. 51% of the voters said the hell with that and voted to ride the gravy train of welfare.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Don’t be Fooled By Talk Of Raising Revenue
Nov 14, 2012 Political
Democrats will talk about the fiscal cliff as if they actually care about it and then say we need to raise taxes to increase revenue. The term revenue is misleading for several reasons. First of all, revenue is income derived from business activities, usually the sale of goods to customers.
The federal government (or any level of government for that matter) does not sell goods and it does not produce anything. Therefore, government cannot gain revenue. Government extorts money from people who actually earn it and then uses that money to function. If the government used the money for only the items the Constitution authorizes then there would be few, if any, problems.
Unfortunately, government has elected itself as a big nanny over the rest of us and extorts money to pay for the nanny state. It is intent on providing cradle to grave care for people so that the elite ruling class can gain and keep power.
If the government wanted to increase “revenue” then it would lower taxes and decrease the stifling regulations that encumber business. When tax rates are lowered the amount of money that flows into the Treasury increases. This has happened each and every time tax rates have been lowered. The problems arise when all the money gained, AND THEN SOME, is spent by Congress. Like the Democrat voting process, spending is always greater than 100% of available income.
If the United States had a balanced budget and tax rates were lower the amount of money into the Treasury would increase and we could pay our bills and lower the debt which is currently at a staggering 16 TRILLION dollars.
Instead, our government will work to increase taxes. The claim is that the increases will be on the wealthy (and the definition of wealthy changes day by day) but this will not be enough to make a difference. Then, the taxes will be increased on others until everyone is taxed more and government is receiving less.
We have all seen this movie before. At no time in history have tax increases solved fiscal problems. As it is often stated, no nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.
It is true that if you want more of something you subsidize it and if you want less of something you tax it. We subsidize the non productive and we are getting more of them. We tax the productive and we are getting fewer of them. If the government raises taxes on the alleged wealthy then those folks will work fewer hours and find other ways to keep from paying more in taxes.
This is the plan of the Democrats and the Obama regime. They want to collapse the system we have, blame it on capitalism and then impose Socialist methods on the population.
Socialism is a government design in which people are controlled. They are not free under this kind of government and they will never be free under it. Nations that have tried this form of rule have failed to thrive.
The Democrats do not want us to thrive. They want more and more people dependent on government so they can control them. One only needs to look at the elderly and the poor to see this. The elderly are continually threatened with the removal of Social Security and Medicare as a way to control them and the way they vote. The poor are continually threatened with the removal of welfare programs if they vote the wrong way. These methods are all designed to keep people enslaved to government.
And government wants more slaves.
People who truly need help should get it but those who depend on government (read the productive in society) for a living are irresponsible parasites that lack integrity and personal responsibility.
The best way to resolve this is to lower taxes, reduce regulatory burdens and let the private market take care of things. Put people to work and force people who live off others to go out and earn a living. That builds self esteem and pride.
Two things sorely lacking from those in the dependent class.
Baby Troll Blog
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
More Redistribution Of Wealth
Aug 27, 2012 Political
If you can afford broadband access then you can also pay for others to have broadband access. The FCC feels this way since it is considering a new tax on people who have broadband access in order to fund the Connect America Fund, an offshoot of the universal Access Fund which was created a long time ago to ensure everyone had access to landline phones. The fund is drying up as fewer and fewer people have landlines and fewer long distance calls are being placed as people opt to send email instead (that will be the next thing they tax).
The Original fund applied a fee to a customer’s phone bill in order to pay for service in parts of the country where service might not be readily available. In other words, instead of allowing phone companies to decide based on business where to put lines the government imposed a fee to ensure it happened. That fee, of course, was passed on to customers.
That is what will happen with the Connect America Fund. The companies will be assessed a fee (this is a tax) and that will be passed on to customers. The ability to pass this on is why many companies support it. If they were not allowed to pass it on they would be lined up opposing it.
The Connect America Fund is designed to subsidize building broadband networks where none currently exist.
Since people who have broadband will be paying for this it is another example of making those who have something pay for those who do not. If they want broadband then perhaps they should buy broadband wireless cards to get access. Most folks who will eventually be able to pay for the broadband we paid for would certainly be able to pay for the monthly air cards.
Personally, I don’t care if they can afford it or not. If they want broadband they should move to a place where it exists or lobby broadband companies to build the infrastructure.
No matter what happens the rest of us should NOT be required to pay for broadband networks to be built so they can have access.
There is one other consideration here. Only Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. Where does the FCC get off imposing a tax on people?
Right now this is open for public discussion but that is a mere formality. The FCC Chair has made expanding broadband access his priority so it is a matter of time before this is imposed.
Congress is too busy doing important stuff like running for reelection to notice this taking place. Someone from that body needs to make it clear that the FCC is not a taxing authority and that the rest of us are tired of paying everyone else’s bill.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: connect america fund, fcc, lies, redistribution of wealth, taxes, universal access fund
Pulling Back the Curtains
Aug 15, 2012 Political
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain goes a famous line from the Wizard of Oz. This is the point where the weary group sees that the Wizard is just a man who promises a lot of things on which he really can’t deliver. The Democrats have a lot of people behind curtains and what goes on there is certainly hypocritical and usually criminal.
Take Barack Obama. He and his team are running around claiming that Paul Ryan will end Medicare, he will gut it, and he will hurt seniors, blah, blah. The reality is that there is only one candidate who has gutted Medicare and hurt seniors and that is Barack Obama. Obama cut over 700 BILLION dollars from Medicare in order to fund Obamacare. Yes, Obama took nearly three quarters of a TRILLION dollars from the medical program that benefits seniors and moved it to a Socialist program to enslave everyone to government.
Team Obama denies this and is making the claim that Obama did not cut Medicare but he did. Here is a link to a 2009 interview with Jake Tapper where Obama admits that one third of the funding of Obamacare comes from cuts to Medicare. Obama then goes on to say he will veto any bill that tries to undo those cuts. Not only did Obama admit to robbing seniors of the money paid into Medicare but he then doubled down and told them he would veto anything that tried to put the money back.
And yet the media and the followers of Obama continue to claim Ryan will gut Medicare. Paul Ryan has a plan that will save Medicare for those currently on it and improve upon the system for those who will enter it later on. It would be wise to pay attention because Democrats love to lie and they love to rewrite history.
Obama lied, seniors died.
Harry Reid is another POS on the left who loves to demand the curtain be pulled back for everyone else but refuses to step from behind his fortress of lies. Harry Reid is demanding that Mitt Romany release his tax returns for the past decade and has publicly stated that Romney did not pay taxes for all those years. Harry Reid said that Romney paid no taxes and by extension implied that it was because he did something wrong (there is no indication that Romney did not pay taxes). If you have nothing to hide why not release those returns, right?
Harry Reid was raised in poverty, had a few low paying jobs and has been in public service (and I use that word loosely) for nearly his entire adult life. He started with meager means and is now a millionaire. This article presents a pretty good timeline on how Reid made the money and there is no doubt that it was through underhanded and illegal means. I am firmly convinced that Harry Reid broke the law on more than one occasion in order to get wealthy. In a just world he would be in prison.
Reid will not release his tax returns so there is no way of knowing the exact source of his income or if he even paid his taxes. He has no problem attacking Romney but he is not in favor of people seeing how he became very wealthy by misusing his position.
Democrats hate when they are exposed but seem to love to expose everything about their opponents. They also like to expose our Nation’s secrets. The Obama White House has more leaks than a screen door and that does not sit well with those in the business of secrets.
Once again, the curtain is pulled back exposing our secrets thus making our nation less secure.
If Obama kept our Nation’s secrets as well as he hides his personal records (birth records, college transcripts, passport information, etc) then we would not have to worry about leaks and our nation would be more secure.
It is also true that if Obama worked as hard to create jobs for us as he is to keep his own we would not have the worst economy and jobs picture in eighty years.
Democrats are bad for this nation. They do not care for the country and our way of life (if you cared you would not want to fundamentally transform it) so they will do anything to destroy us.
Don’t be a sheep. Vote this November to save this great nation.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: crime, lies, medicare, Obama, Reid, romney, ryan plan, taxes
Martin O’Malley; Obama Lite
Jul 10, 2012 Political
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is a tax and spend liberal in the same mold as Barack Obama. O’Moron (as I not so affectionately call him), believes that the rich don’t pay enough and that the money people make belongs to him. Yes, like Obama, O’Moron thinks of taxpayers as ATMs that have unlimited supplies of money to dispense for harebrained, and often unconstitutional, schemes.
O’Moron has aspirations of becoming president one day. He would like to continue Obama’s destructive policies (as he has in Maryland) in order to completely destroy this great nation.
Mark Levin recently called out O’Moron. I must say, Levin was spot on in his analysis of O’Moron:
While O’Moron thinks rich people don’t pay enough in taxes the rich have a different opinion. They are leaving Maryland in droves and it would appear as if they are moving to places like Florida where there are no state income taxes.
Yes, the article claims that the opposition says there is a net wash on inflow* (probably illegals or low wage earners looking for gubmint handouts) and outflow and that other things influence these kinds of decisions (like weather) but the reality is rich people are moving out. Surely those other factors affect people who are not rich so why are they not as mobile? [* it is possible that many of the inflow are from the people who moved here because of BRAC]
Perhaps because far too many pay no income taxes and live off the largess of those who actually pay taxes (through confiscation and redistribution by the government). O’Moron has certainly created an environment where those who do not pay taxes are comfortable living off those who do. He has further created an environment where people who have money do not want to stick around.
O’Moron has enacted tax after tax after tax so much so that the Welcome to Maryland signs are snidely referred to as having the tagline; “What’s in your wallet?”
This man is not a leader (and it is a stretch to call him a man) and he does not deserve to be in a position to take decisions that affect the lives of others. He could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so he should not be in charge of anything.
The people of Maryland have the government they deserve because far too many people in this state continue to vote for the same politicians each and every election. The state is a mini Communist regime with big brother dictating every aspect of our lives and taking money from the producers in order to pay for moronic programs.
It is probably too late for Maryland to address the situation because too many people here are on the liberal handout plantation and can’t leave their masters.
One can only hope that the country will be fed up enough after Obama that O’Moron NEVER gets the chance to lead the country.
One nanny state, liberal, Socialist, Commie, redistributionist, class warfare, sock puppet is bad enough.
We cannot afford to have another…
Interesting article:
Brad Pitt’s mother discovers liberal tolerance Ever notice the right never threatened her son for his liberal views?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Democrats, liberals, lies, martin o'malley, Maryland, Obama, socialism, taxes