Men In Barack III, Will Smith And Taxes

Actor Will Smith (Fresh Prince, Men in Black) is a supporter of Barack Obama so much so that Smith believes in Obama’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy (where wealthy is redefined to get money from those of modest means). Smith, in fact, is “very supportive of that idea [raising taxes]”.

“I’m very supportive of that idea,” Smith told The Associated Press in an interview. “America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country growing.” Comcast via the AP

Will Smith has not always felt that way because he, like many liberals, did not pay enough in taxes (he evidently had a problem paying what was needed to keep the country growing). When Smith started making a lot of money he underpaid his taxes. He ended up owing 2.8 MILLION dollars to the IRS and had most of his property confiscated and his wages garnished to pay his tax bill.

I guess when he was making all that money and spending it like there was no tomorrow he was not concerned or “supportive” of taxes. He was nearly bankrupt when the IRS got done with him, or as he said, they took all my stuff.

Smith is now supportive of higher taxes because he will, no doubt, find ways to exempt some of his income by giving it to the Church of Scientology. Smith could pay more if he was truly supportive.

Hey Will, the Treasury will accept money from folks to pay off the debt. Here is a link to the Treasury website where you can read about the program and then make a donation of as much money as you wish. You can even give them the entire 20 million dollars you will make for MIB III, if you are really supportive.

I am willing to bet that Smith will not be writing a check to the Treasury to help with the debt. He is supportive because this is an election year and he wants to help Obama. He was not supportive when he failed to pay his taxes and he will not be supportive by donating to the Treasury.

Will, I am supportive of cutting spending. I am supportive of getting government out of things it has no business in. I am supportive of limited government and people being able to keep the fruits of their labor.

You obviously believe that for yourself despite your support for higher taxes.

Who knows? Maybe Smith used a flashy thing to erase his memory…

Lord knows Obama would like to have one of those to use on the public before election day.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is This Really Good News?

The month of April showed a surplus of money at the federal government for the first time in three years. Big Deal!

April is the month where all our taxes are due for the last year. By April 15th we have to pay what we owe to the federal government. The April Tax Day receipts usually bring more money to the government. The only difference between this year and the last three is that this year the taxes paid resulted in us having more money than we spent.

This is an election year and right now we do not have all the Obama spending plans being pushed through like they were over the last three years. And even with this surplus for the month the nation is set to exceed a trillion dollars in deficit for the year. This trillion dollar a year deficit (really more than a trillion) is an Obama pattern that has not been broken even with the surplus.

Our government spends too much money. It is involved in too many things that it has no business being involved in and it has become the nanny state providing for everyone. We spend more on welfare programs than any other budget items and the government continues to take on things that cost taxpayers heavily.

Our government has been on nanny state overdrive since Obama became our “Dear Leader” and if he is reelected he will continue to spend like there is no tomorrow.

And if Obama is at the helm it is likely there will be no tomorrow.

As an aside, there is a story out of Boston that schools will be banning bake sales. Obesity is a problem and the smarter than you school officials think that selling baked goods (and other fundraiser junk like pizzas and candy) is bad for people. Leave it to government to prevent folks from being self sufficient.

Anyway, the school system brains claim that they are concerned about the health of the children (it is always about the children) and that children deserve a chance at a good, long healthy life (as if gubmint is the only one that can make that possible).

I think what they are really saying is that the debt of the government belongs to our children and grandchildren. We need them to be healthy and live long lives so they can pay the bills our government is racking up.

Next month we will be back on the deficit train though I would not be surprised to see the books cooked here as they are with unemployment.

Democrats need to get their messiah reelected.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Martin O’Moron: Stupid Is As Stupid Does

The famous line from Forrest Gump appropriately fits Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. Not long into his first term he decided that there needed to be a special session of the legislature to increase revenue which is liberal talk for raising taxes. One of the things raised (among a number of taxes) was the state’s sales tax. It increased 20% from 5 cents to 6 cents.

O’Moron told us that the tax increases were needed to close a budget gap, one created by Democrats who spend too much.

Imagine the surprise of the Democrats when the expected revenue did not materialize. They just could not figure out why the tax increases did not generate what they thought they would.

Maryland is a small state and borders other states with either lower sales tax or NO sales tax. Why not just drive to Delaware to make purchases?

The Transportation fund in Maryland is depleted because politicians raided it and used the money for things that were not transportation related. Now that the fund is full of IOUs they need to build it back up to repair roads. O’Moron wants to raise the sales tax another cent to pay for these transportation needs. Keep in mind that the taxpayers in this state funded the transportation fund in the first place. It is not our fault the politicians spent the money but we are the ones they turn to with their hat in hand and hands in our pockets.

This sales tax increase is a last ditch effort to increase taxes. O’Moron wanted to increase the gas tax AND apply the state sales tax to it (as if gas is not costly enough) but that was rejected so now it is on to increasing the sales tax.

The cynic in me thinks that this was the plan all along. O’Moron wanted the gas tax and if it had passed he would have been happy to rape us for the money but I think he knew it would never pass and this increase in the sales tax was his default position. To the uninformed it will look “no so bad” compared to a huge increase on gas. I mean, it is only a cent…

Regardless of what the process is the reality is that Marylanders are taxed enough, or should I say more than enough. Our problem is that we spend too much. Period.

We need to cut spending and cut taxes to increase the revenue to the state. It works every time it is tried.

But O’Moron is a tax and spend Democrat as are his Democrats in Annapolis. Plus, O’Moron has national ambitions. He wants to be president someday and if he ever accomplishes that he will be no better than the current occupant of the White House.

O’Moron is working on his national Dem creds so he will appeal to liberals across the country. He needs to be seen as a left wing lunatic with increased taxes, abortion on demand, illegals on the dole, and gay marriage under his belt so he will be part of the “in crowd” in the Democrat national scene.

It matters not to him that an increase in taxes will hurt the little people he and his party claim to protect (those with money will shop in other states). It matters not that his plans will result in lower revenue just as it did the last time.

All he cares about is positioning himself for the national scene.

We are taxed enough already Marty so how about you man up and cut the spending?


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Background Checks On NLRB Appointees

It is bad enough that Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he made what he calls recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess but two of the appointments he made never made it through the vetting process and the Senate never had a chance to advise and consent. As such, Sharon Block and Richard Griffin were sent up after the Senate had adjourned (but did not go into official recess) and they do not appear on the list of Obama nominations.

These two did not have background checks, security checks and were not checked to ensure they paid their income taxes (a common problem among Obama appointees). None of this mattered to the Dictator of Amerika, King Barack Hussein, who appointed them anyway.

It is tragic that he violated the Constitution though it is not surprising. It is just as bad that he never gave the Senate time to even put these nominees through the proper vetting process.

King Hussein said he appointed folks because he knew Republicans would obstruct. It was, preemptive. So he has now embraced the Bush doctrine of preemptive strikes.

The Senate was not in recess and has had a pro forma session every three days. That appears to be consistent with Senate rules (and the Constitution says the Senate makes its own rules for how it is run) so Obama usurped the authority of Congress.

None of these appointments came up while the Senate was in recess and only one has been submitted for proper review. The Senate has not yet acted on these nominations so Obama decided he would take matters into his own hands, violate the Constitution, tick off a lot of people and do what he wants, rules be damned.

I hope he does not expect much cooperation when things ramp back up. He wants a trillion more added to the debt ceiling and he will want to make more nominations.

Republicans need to step up to the plate. Take Obama to court over this and get a ruling. If it goes in our favor then great. If not then you guys need to filibuster every motion to adjourn or motion to recess from now on. Keep everyone in DC and Obama will not be able to do an end run.

Until we take the King off his throne we need to use all the tricks.

We can start by not providing for a salary to anyone who gets a recess appointment and then proceed to not providing funds for their agencies.

The power of the purse will derail a dictator every time.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


In Search Of Unicorns

The problem with Democrats is that they don’t understand how things work in the world of business. They are too engaged in class warfare to actually tell the truth or to do things that are good for the country. Democrats believe that they should tax the living hell out of the so called rich and while they claim it is because the rich need to pay their fair share the reality is that the Democrats want to create envy among the have nots. Make the middle class believe that the rich are getting over and gain Democrat voters.

The absolute fact that the rich pay most of the income taxes in this country is lost on those who play the class warfare game. The bottom 47% of wage earners pay absolutely NO federal income taxes and many of them actually get money back. They owe no taxes and get a refund while the wealthy foot the bill for the cost of government in this country. The top 53% of wage earners pay the money that runs the country.

Democrats want to tax the people who create jobs. Remember folks, government does not create jobs. It can only create an environment favorable to job creation or one that hinders job creation.

Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader and world class moonbat Democrat has stated that millionaires (the latest group targeted for a tax increase) who produce jobs are like unicorns, they do not exist. He then narrowed it down to some small fraction (two opposing views, either they do NOT exist or they are present in a small percentage).

Both statements are incorrect. Wealthy people create plenty of jobs. In fact, we can shoot down the do not exist argument in one shot. Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs, and the founders of Google are all extremely wealthy and they all create thousands of jobs. Not only are they creating jobs at their companies but their products create jobs down the line in companies that produce computers and those who install software. These millionaires (plus) have created plenty of jobs so the argument that they do not exist is gone.

But are the millionaires who create jobs a small fraction of the total number of millionaires or are they, as Reid claims, hedge fund managers and rich lawyers (like a lot of members of Congress)?

Paul Roderick Gregory of Forbes puts the Reid claim to the test and it looks like Reid told a whopper.

The number of millionaires who create jobs is significant and way above what Reid claimed. One would think that Reid would have some fact checkers doing some work to ensure he did not make such outrageous claims but that would assume that Reid did not want to make the mistake. He did not care. The truth was not his goal.

His goal was to create another myth and to perpetuate the class warfare that Democrats are known for. He wanted people to believe him.

It is like the myth that Warren Buffett pays less in taxes (as a percentage) than his secretary does and that he wants Congress to fix that because it isn’t right. The man avoids taxes (even while calling for higher rates) and the comparison he makes is invalid.

The whole story is bogus but people, supposedly intelligent people, keep using it to justify taxing the very people who pay the most in taxes (top 10% of earners pay 77% of the taxes).

That was Reid’s goal, spread a lie and have it multiply geometrically so he can continue to whip up class envy.

It is what Democrats do and this will never be different.

It is up to intelligent people to cut through the BS and come up with the truth.

We will never find unicorns but we can easily find millionaires who create jobs.

Reid lied. A truthful Democrat is like a unicorn…

ADDENDUM: While Reid is playing class warfare the wealth of members of Congress has tripled in the last 25 years while the wealth of the average American has decreased. Imagine that, their wealth has increased and they do not create ANY jobs and I don’t doubt they avoid paying higher taxes as well…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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