The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again

The AP is reporting that a man walked into the Jewish Federation’s offices in Seattle Washington and shot six people killing one of them. The assailant’s name is Naveed Afzal Haq. In case you can not tell from his name and since the MSM hardly ever points it out when Muslims commit crimes or plot terror, let me make it clear that this jackass is a MUSLIM. You know the type? Member of the Religion of Peace, tolerant group that believes in live and let live, blah, blah, blah.

Let us clear a few things up. After 9/11 when Islamic terrorists attacked us there were acts of violence directed against Muslims here in America. Those attacks were wrong and people were punished. We also know about them because the MSM was out in force telling us about all the racist Americans who were harassing those members of the religion of peace. Since that time Muslim after Muslim has been arrested either committing violence or trying to commit violence but the MSM is reluctant to characterize their backgrounds. When a bunch of Mohammads were arrested in Canada, all with obviously Muslim names, the MSM would not call them an Islamic terror cell. This latest attack in Seattle had a man saying he was a Muslim who did not like what Israel was doing. When asked if he was a Muslim the veiled answer was that you could characterize him that way.

CAIR is an Islamic supporter of terror that has one goal and that is Islamic infestation in the world. They want to make the entire world convert to Islam. They have the same tactic as the ACLU. The only difference between the two organizations is the goal of the ACLU is Communism and the goal of CAIR is conversion to Islam. CAIR will never say a bad thing about a Muslim that commits a crime. They have been the first to call for denouncements of PERCEIVED acts of hostility against the Muslim community. Whether it is an allegation against a service member or some complaint about person shooting a Koran, CAIR is there to ask that these be investigated. When Muslims commit atrocities and other crimes they are silent. They said not a word when our two soldiers were murdered in Iraq and I am willing to bet they will say little, if anything at all, about this shooting.

Despite the anti Israeli sentiment throughout the world, Jews are not out killing and plotting terror in the world. They are engaged in battle against people who attacked their homeland but you do not read about a terror cell of Jews plotting to blow up buildings. You do not read about Jews walking into Muslim centers and killing Muslims and we do not read or hear about Jews strapping bombs on their bodies and killing innocent people. Believe me, if it were happening the MSM would have it as front page story. The MSM and the UN would never excuse this behavior from the Jews. They only do that for the Muslims, the followers of that so-called religion of peace.

The world needs to realize that the war on terror is a war in Islam. They are not peaceful. You can not get one of them, including people like the Iraqi PM to denounce terror unless they are “victims” of the terror. Muslims will never agree that Jews have a right to live and should be left alone. The religion of peace is nothing more than a front for the worlds largest terror organization and the quicker we realize that the quicker we can get on with eradicating this vermin.


BTW, If this guy who shot the Jews in Seattle is found guilty he should get the death penalty and be hanged in the middle of the town so every member of the ROP can see what happens to them when they commit crimes. If the liberal weenies in Seattle are unwilling to kill him then he needs to be sentenced to life at Gitmo.

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler | And Rightly So | Michelle Malkin | Right on the Right Stop the ACLU | Webloggin

Any Doubt What Side Annan Is On?

Representatives from around the world are meeting to try and find a solution to the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General, has stated that there must be an immediate cease fire. But then he said:

The U.N. chief said Hezbollah must stop its “deliberate targeting of Israeli population centers” and that Israel must end all bombing, ground operations and blockades of Lebanese ports.

So Israel must stop all bombing, ground operations, and end the port blockade but Hezbollah must only stop deliberately targeting Israeli population centers. I guess to Annan it is OK if Hezbollah shoots but not at Israeli population centers or if it only hits population centers by mistake.

You see, Annan is asking Israel for the same thing that Israel is always asked. Please stop while we let your enemies try to kill you. Every time hostilities break out Israel kicks the snot out of the attackers and then they are asked to stop being mean and let the poor terrorists have their way. Israel has given up land it seized in war and they have complied with UN resolution so that they can live in peace with their neighbors, neighbors who have only one goal and that is the eradication of Israel.

Perhaps Israel should tell Annan, “No Kofi, Hezbollah must immediately disarm and leave the south or we will wipe them out of existence. Perhaps Kofi, you should actually enforce UN Resolution 1559 instead of asking our country to sit idly by while the terrorists kill off our people. BTW Kofi, why don’t you take a little trip up to the UN observation post and have a look around.”

Israel needs to rid the world of Hezbollah because it, unlike the UN and most of the countries in the world, know what terrorism is and they know how to stop it.

Yahoo News

How Smart Is Lou Dobbs?

Lou Dobbs has a piece where he asks how smart we are here in America because of our policies in the Middle East. From the piece, I gather that Dobbs does not think it was wise to establish the Israeli state in 1948. One of the things that Dobbs bases his question on is the amount of money America spends in aid to Israel compared to places like Lebanon.

While the United States provides about $2.5 billion in military and economic aid to Israel each year, U.S. aid to Lebanon amounts to no more than $40 million. This despite the fact that the per capita GDP of Israel is among the highest in the world at $24,600, nearly four times as high as Lebanon’s GDP per capita of $6,200.

While it is true that Lebanon is a fledging democracy and we are supportive of its efforts to become a thriving nation, one needs to remember that very few countries in the Middle East have been our allies. Israel has maintained a steadfast alliance with us even through the Clinton years where he courted terrorists as if they were legitimate leaders.

I agree with Dobbs in one area and that is the area of questioning our intelligence. How smart can we be to continually provide any support to nations that turn on us and have half-hearted allegiance? We continually send taxpayer money all around the world (not just the Middle East) and what do we get for our money, nothing but heartaches from the people we help. This is particularly true in the Middle East where the Arab world will stick us in the back any time it gets the chance. Israel has not stabbed us in the back and there is no other country in the region that can make that claim.

Dobbs seems to think that America is the world’s great welfare provider and that we should be giving our money away at will. This does not wash with me at home so you know it is never going to wash with me outside our borders. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and God knows how many other countries sponsor and support terrorism that is directed against the US and its assets around the world. Some of these countries openly talk about fighting terrorism but their lack of action shows support for the animals who commit the terrible crimes in the name of Allah.

There are many wealthy countries in the Middle East. I know a lot of people live in poverty but that is not my problem. They live in poverty because their wealthy leaders take all the money and build gold palaces while people starve. If the problem is the be addressed then it should be done so from within. Here is an idea for Dobbs, how about you ask Saudi Arabia to give billions of dollars to Lebanon and the other less fortunate countries. Have Iran give away some of its wealth. These countries are oil rich and make billions of dollars off our oil use. Tell them to spend that money on their neighbors because those neighbors will ultimately side with them in any conflict.

I am aware that a few of the Arab nations have not gotten involved in the current conflict between Israel and its two neighbors. That does not mean they do not want the “Zionist” regime to be toppled. They would be very happy if Hezbollah and Hamas were able to crush Israel and they would all be marching in the streets shooting off rifles if Israel were to be defeated. That will not happen and most of the Arab world knows this because none of them are a match for Israel. They also know that if they get involved with Israel they would suffer at our hands. No one in that area welcomes the idea of US warplanes flying overhead. That is why the cowards in Iran and Syria are denying any involvement in the current conflict even though their fingerprints are all over the place. It does not take a crack team from CSI to see that they are both heavily involved. These two miscalculated and are now trying to put some distance between them and their underhanded work.

Dobbs should look at this from a realistic view instead of the view that American money is disproportionately spent. If we gave more money to terrorist sponsoring countries that would just give them more money to spend fighting against us. So, how smart is Lou Dobbs?


Iranian President Mixed Up

The Iranian President A-man-named-jihad said this about Israel:

“The Zionists think that they are victims of Hitler, but they act like Hitler and behave worse than Genghis Khan,”

President Jihad said that Hitler never killed a bunch of Jews. So, if Hitler was not a mass murderer, what exactly is meant by his statement. If he was trying to say that Jews kill a lot of innocent people like Hitler did then he is admitting that Hitler killed the Jews. If he still believes that Hitler was not a mass murderer then he is saying the Jews are not as well.

It is interesting to see that Jihad learned from John Kerry “ a manner reminiscent of Jenjis[sic] Khan.” Kerry still helping out the enemy. What a guy.

The Jerusalem Post

Israel Continues War On Terror

Israel has spent years as a target. They have been attacked by many Arab countries determined to finish what Hitler started. The Arab world does not recognize Jewish people as humans and believes that it is their destiny to wipe Israel off the map. Two terror groups committed acts of war against Israel in the past few weeks and the response from Israel was swift and deadly.

Israel, much to the surprise of Hamas and Hezbollah, responded with the full might of its military and they are prepared to reduce Lebanon and Palestine to rubble if they do not get their kidnapped soldiers back. In the event the Muslim terrorists kill those soldiers I would bet Israel will eliminate those responsible from the face of the Earth. Israel is fighting the war on terror. Those who say otherwise are misinformed of uneducated. Both Hamas and Hezbollah are terror organizations who have continually attacked Israel while the rest of the world asked Israel to exercise restraint.

The time for restraint is over and Israel is now in the process of eliminating the threat of terror in the region. One thing that the violence has done is reveal interesting information. We have learned that Hezbollah has much more sophisticated weaponry (though no where near modern) than as thought ans this caught Israel by surprise when a warship was struck by a radar guided missile. We also now have confirmation that Iran has been providing these weapons along with the money they spend to support the terrorists.

This is all part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s plan. He wants all out war with Israel and is supporting those who committed the crimes that led to the escalation. Even though Iran denies any involvement their fingerprints are all over the place. Ahmadinejad is taunting Israel and the US with antagonizing rhetoric. He has indicated that Israel can not hurt Iran (an obvious dare) and he says that the Zionists and the West will pay a heavy price, especially if Israel attacks Syria.

Though Ahmadinejad has stated that any such attack would result in an all out war with the entire Arab nations, there are those who have not condemned Israel and who have refused to get involved. Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia have, so far, remained on the sideline. I believe that this is, in part, because of the swift and deadly response by first the US and now Israel, to terrorism. Many Arab nations do not want to experience the wrath of either nation.

As for Ahmadinejad and Iran, perhaps we should fly about 500 warplanes over their country to send them a clear message. We could fully arm enough warplanes to make the sky look cloud covered and just fly over Iran. We can tell them that if they get out of line the next time we fly over we will reduce them to powder. This might seem provocative and it could result in our planes being fired upon. That act would guarantee the destruction of Iran. If Iran wants to engage in threats than we need to show them what a threat looks like. They do not have a military capable of competing with us.

Of course, we are a bit engaged in Iraq and there are those who say that we can not fight both countries. Perhaps if we base those aircraft in Iraq and just continue an air assault on Iran they will be reduced to rubble. Any of their troops who try to enter Iraq and the war can be eliminated by our helicopter gunships. If we indeed engage Iran we need to forget all this worry about civilian damage. We should first take out all their infrastructure and nuclear facilities. If thy still insist on engaging then we need to carpet bomb them into the 18th century. I have long believed that in order for the threat of force to have any effect in the world of Islam it needs to be swift, brutal, and lethal to everything that moves. The world of Islam has no regard for human life and will use their civilians as human bombs and as shields. We need to consider them in the same regard as their leaders. Their religion tells them it is OK to give your life to kill the enemy so we should assist them in half of that endeavour.

Israel has the right idea though they are trying to limit collateral damage. The threat of force must come with the willingness to use that force or it is meaningless. This is why the Islamic world has become emboldened. Clinton talked a good game but would not back up his tough talk with tough action.

The world is on the brink of WWIII but we can reduce that possibility by reducing those who would escalate it to entities that are unable to function effectively. When they are living in caves or eliminated, we will be safe once again.

I pray Israel eliminates the terrorist threats in the region so that they will never be a problem again.

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