Haji Girl

I have been looking for this video for a while. Someone was kind enough to post it on You Tube. Since our Independence Day is coming I thought I would dedicate this to the Islamic Terrorists at CAIR so they can condemn me and declare jihad. To CAIR, this is for you from our two soldiers your families butchered.

As always, your comments are welcome.

Bin Laden Is A Coward

Yesterday, Osama bin Laden released his fifth audio tape of the year and his pleas to members of al-Qaeda sounded like the last acts of a man desperate to hold on to an organization that is falling apart, or dying off as it were. Bin Laden is a coward who hides in caves and orders others to strap on bombs and blow themselves up. Would OBL strap on a bomb and detonate it? One can only hope. He hides in caves, he uses audio tapes so as to avoid anyone knowing his location and he uses the Muslim airwaves to send orders to his terrorist buddies.

George Bush is on TV all the time. He travels to hot spots around the world even where threats have been made on his life. Sure, he was pretty secretive about going to Iraq but that is a matter of OPSEC. If bin Laden were to sneak into a place and then go on TV and say “I am here” he would appear to have a set but as it stands, he slithers around like a snake trying to run a war from the position of a coward.

Perhaps OBL is a bit cowardly after seeing what the US did to his last al-Qaeda leader Zarqawi. To top it off, he has to be uneasy about reports that Zarqawi’s own people gave him up. Bin Laden talks a good game about dying for Islam and killing all the infidels but he sure does not act in a manner that reflects what he demands of his followers. He is no more of a hero than the other coward, Hussein, who was found hiding in a hole in the ground. We should have just thrown a grenade in that hole and scraped the pieces off the walls.

Bin Laden’s time is coming to an end. We will find and kill him and he will die a coward’s death because he deserves it.

More Of What We Are Fighting

We are in a war against radical Islam and their goal is to take over the world. The Islamic religion and its followers remind me of a creature on Star Trek The Next Generation known as the Borg. The Borg were a collective unit that went about the universe assimilating all life forms into their collective. Radical Islam is no different in that their desire is to assimilate everyone or kill them. This is from page 362 of the 911 Commission Report (the Committee designed to cover Clinton’s failures):

Bin Ladin and Islamist terrorists mean exactly what they say: to them America is the font of all evil, the “head of the snake,” and it must be converted or destroyed.

Terrorists killing

Converted or destroyed. To radical Islamic terrorists there is no distinction between government and religion and they look at what they are doing as a noble cause. Where we have regard for human life and would never strap bombs to our children and make them blow themselves up, the radical Islamic terrorists see this as an appropriate method to kill or convert everyone. bin Laden is not the only Islamic terrorist to say these things. The head of Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map. I believe that is because the Jews are God’s chosen people and the Islamic terrorists see that as a threat to their quest for world domination.

Bin Laden and other Islamic terrorists see only two options, convert or be destroyed. I see a third and that is (for them) be defeated. We can not and will not lose the war against terrorism, which is a war against Islam. It does not matter how many different ways the politicians sugar coat it and try to insulate some in the Muslim world, the fact is their religion of peace is only peaceful to other Muslims who follow the Islamic law. Why do you think CAIR has not spoken out against any of the atrocities that the Muslims have committed? To them, the acts were perpetrated against non-Islamic terrorists, or infidels, so it is perfectly OK. Let a Muslim have underwear put on his head and they go berserk.

We are in a war that will last a long time. We must engage and destroy them. Make no mistake, my position is entirely different than theirs in that I do not want to force Christianity (or any other religion) on them and would be happy to pack up and go home if they would extend the same courtesy. The simple truth is, they will not stop until we have been assimilated or destroyed. I say we do not stop until we have reduced them to an ineffective force.

Those on the left who continually argue that our acts in Iraq have encouraged more Muslims to become terrorists are completely wrong. The Muslims would recruit their people to commit terrorist acts regardless of whether we are in Iraq or not. We were not in Iraq when they bombed the Cole, attacked the WTC the first time or the second time. They recruited people to kill us simply to cut the head off the snake. I think it is wonderful that we are bringing people who would be terrorists anyway to Iraq. Our war there has drawn them out of their holes and given them a place to focus their efforts. Instead of having to fight them all over the world, we gave them an arena to come to so that we may send them all to hell.

The left can tell us as many times as they want to that Islam is a peaceful religion but that does not make it so. We need to recognize it for what it is and understand that it is a an ideology that has no room for the thoughts or views of others. We must also realize that the only way to keep from being assimilated or destroyed is to fight and kill. Any political party that is unable to see this and unwilling to take this action is not fit to lead this country. Cutting and running will give the enemy another foot in the door.

Picture from Blogs of War

This Is What We Are Ultimately Fighting

The idea that Islam is the religion of peace is a favorite saying of the left. The fact is they are only half right. Islam is a peaceful religion if you are Islamic and toe the line of the rules of Islam. If you happen to be a person who is not Islamic then there is no peace toward you. They are brutal to followers of Islam who break a rule or stray and they hate anyone who is not of the religion of Islam. This is just a plain simple fact and the idea that they do not want to take over the world is stupid, to put i kindly. In the most recent audio tape from Osama bin Laden, this information was discussed with regard to Somalia:

He also called on all Somalis to support the Islamic Courts, which he said were building an Islamic state in the Horn of Africa.

“You have no other means for salvation unless you commit to Islam, put your hands in the hands of the Islamic Courts to build an Islamic state in Somalia,” he said.

The Islamic Courts group took over most of Somalia in June.

You have no means of salvation unless you follow the religion of the people who took over most of your country. This is a veiled threat to the Somali people. Now I have no love lost for the people of Somalia after the Blackhawk down incident and if I had my way, and we did not have a cowardly President, we would have leveled the place. If we had, OBL would bot have been emboldened to attack us. The left, with all its talk of cut and run, does not seem to grasp that the last time we cut and ran (under Bill Clinton), OBL saw the light and decided to attack. Our perceived weakness made us vulnerable. If we cut and run, they will attack with greater frequency in an attempt to make the US another country where, like Somalia, they can demand conversion to Islam.

Fortunately, the US has 86 million gun owners who have no intention of letting a bunch of religious fanatics take over our country. And since the citizens are not under the control of politicians with regard to use of force in an emergency, as compared to the military, we will be free to kill whatever threat is posed to our country. Those of you who do not believe in Second Amendment rights, stay inside because it will get ugly.

Source: Access North GA

Advice To Marine From CAIR

The young Marine who recorded a song about an Iraqi girl who leads him into an ambush will not face any discipline because the Marines have determined that he did nothing wrong. The Marine, Joshua Belile, said he is pretty non-political and likes to write and sing music. He said the song was a joke but that he is releasing a professionally recorded version soon.

As anyone with half a brain can expect, the Council for American-Islamic Relations is opposed to the release of the song that they brought to everyone’s attention:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which brought Belile’s video to the attention of the Pentagon, cautioned against a release, spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said Wednesday.

“It’s a free country, but I don’t know that it’s the wisest choice. I would hope he would seek the advice of levelheaded friends and family and just put this sordid episode to a rest,” Hooper said.

Let me interject for this idiot at CAIR. Listen up Habib, this is America and you are damned right that it is a free country and it is free because of Marines like Belile who have to go and fight your terrorist relatives. This also happens to be our free country and we don’t need a bunch of Islamic Fascists telling us what we may and may not do. Screw you and CAIR if you do not like it. How dare you, Hadji, tell Belile to put this sordid episode to rest. Here is a question, why don’t you people condemn the actions of the terrorists who butcher soldiers that they capture. Why do you ignore what the barbaric terrorist relatives of yours do but focus on what any American does that you do not like?

You and CAIR can take a frigging hike because we do not CARE what you think or what bothers you. Until you stop excusing the actions of your family members back in that huge litter box you call a country then you have no standing on any issue. And if you do not like what I have said, too bad. Send an attack squad so I send a few of you fellas to meet some virgins.

Note to Marine leaders. Stop all this touchy feely BS because some Marine sings a song that Habib does not like. You are Marines for God sakes, act like it.

Source: Breitbart