Al-Queda Using Illegal Wire Taps
Jun 28, 2006 Uncategorized
The terrorists in Iraq are using equipment to intercept the home phone numbers of soldiers serving in Iraq and are then calling those numbers and telling the families that the soldiers had been killed. In some cases, according to the Telegraph UK, the terrorists are making threats to the soldier’s wives. Related items indicate:
The New York Times refused to print the story stating that the wire tapping program was vital to the security of Al-Qaeda. They immediately gave up the names of the people who leaked the information.
The ACLU said it was Bush’s fault for teaching them how to wire tap. They also indicated that they support the terrorists right to intercept phone calls out of their country.
Senator Feingold said that the terrorists had every right to listen to phone calls that were made to foreigners in the interest of the national security of Iraq. He indicated that calls for censure of terrorists who devised the plan were partisan based and foolish.
John Kerry indicated that he voted for terrorist wire tapping before he voted against it.
Hillary Clinton said that she was happy the technology her husband provided to rogue countries made it into the hands of the terrorists so that they might gain Independence.
Ted Kennedy said wire tap schmire tap. Shut up and pour me another drink, and send one to my son at the end of the bar, but only one he’s driving.
Arlen Spector said that we did not even need to look into this or have investigations because the terrorists were well within their rights to protects themselves by calling the soldier’s wives. Chuck Schumer piped in “just think of it as a bad telemarketing call or Dell tech support.” (thanks to George Bush outsourcing all the jobs)
John Murtha called for all soldier’s wives to cut and run indicating that he had been a Marine and seen bad tech support calls which he says can be “scary”.
Vice President Cheney’s wife received a call from a terrorist but when she invited him over to go hunting with her husband the phone went dead.
So there you have it. The terrorists have their own wire tapping program with the support of America’s left.
Tags: Terrorism
Imagine, With No Apologies To John Lennon
Jun 22, 2006 Uncategorized
After I ranted about the disgusting pieces of flesh that have characteristics of human beings but act like animals, I, for some reason, got the tune to Imagine by John Lennon in my head. Lennon wrote that song as part of the leftist commie pinko anti-war movement and released it in 1971 (God that seems like a long time ago and I remember it). Anyway, I changed the words a bit to reflect a more useful reaction to the atrocities, removal of them all. So without further ado, here is my version of Imagine:
Imagine there’s no Muslims
It’s easy if you try
Just drop a bomb upon them
Watch the bastards fry
Imagine all the people
Rejoicing in their pain
Imagine there’s no jihadis
It isn’t hard to do
If we eliminate them
And their religion too
Imagine all the people
living without these fleas
You may say I’m pissed off
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day to be rid of
Mohammad’s terrorist sons
Imagine no more terrorists
An issue really big
All the Allah Akbars
Buried with a pig
Imagine all the virgins
freed from this disease
You may say I’m uncaring
But I say it’s a lot of fun
To rid the world of this vermin
So let’s kill them and be done
This will probably stir more anger in the moonbats than the brutal murders of our soldiers. Screw them.
Tags: Terrorism
Appeasing Terrorists Gets You Nowhere
Jun 14, 2006 Uncategorized
When this whole war on terror started there were countries that refused to join us. France, Germany, and Russia refused mostly because they were up to their eyes in the oil-for-food scandal. They gave us reasons that they did not want to be there including, of course, if we leave the terrorists alone they will leave us alone. Canada, who did not support us in our efforts found out last week that they are not immune from terrorism when a cell of peaceful Islamic terrorists was captured while planning big attacks in the Great White North.
The modern French do not have a good history with war or defending themselves. They allowed their country to be taken over by the Germans and the US had to go in and get it back for them. They just do not know how to do much except surrender. Their attitude is that the terrorists have not bothered them, why should they worry. The terrorists have said they are going to attack the countries that support the US so France should be safe.
Guess again. The French broke up a terror cell that was planning to blow up a bunch of things in Paris including the Eiffel Tower:
A group of Islamist militants who planned an attack on the Eiffel Tower have been jailed by a French court.
Their targets around central Paris also included shops and police stations.
Amazingly, the French were a target even though they left the terrorists alone. Looks like we were right all along. You can not negotiate with a terrorist and we need to capture or kill them before they strike again. If they eventually hit Paris I would hope we would extend the same courtesy to the French that they ex trended to us and mind our own business. They can take care of themselves…
Source: Sky News
Tags: Terrorism
From The Federalist Patriot, Right On
Jun 12, 2006 Uncategorized
“You’re an enlightened world citizen. Your T-shirt says ‘9/11 was an inside job.’ You’re pretty sure we’re living in a fascist state, that President Bush taps the Dixie Chicks’ phones, Christian abortion clinic bombers outnumber jihadis, and the war on ‘terror’ is a distraction from the real threats: carbon emissions and Pat Robertson. Then you learn that 17 people were arrested in a terrorist bomb plot. How do you process the information?… Wait a minute: The ‘terrorists’ were Canadian? You can understand someone blowing up trains in Spain and London. They sent troops to an illegal war cooked up by neocons who want to kill brown people for Exxon and Jesus, or something. You can understand, reluctantly, blowing up teens in an Israeli pizza parlor, because the Jews took the West Bank from the sovereign, ancient nation of Palestine. But Canada? Isn’t Michael Moore from Canada? You can get medical marijuana from married gay doctors in Canada, and no one has guns. You console yourself: Maybe they were really planning to attack the U.S. You realize the suspects were all Muslim, and you dread the inevitable pogroms. Haven’t been any yet, but any day now. You read that a mosque was vandalized in Toronto after the arrest, and you feel a certain grim relief. Finally, racism!… You find yourself almost wishing there was another real attack, so people could see the logical consequences of ‘fighting back’ after 9/11. Yes, it would be bad, but sometimes you have to break an egg to show people the health impact of omelettes. Is it wrong to wish the Canadian terrorists might have succeeded? Shouldn’t you know the answer to that question?” —James Lileks
Tags: Terrorism
The Question Is, Who Cares?
Jun 11, 2006 Uncategorized
An “eye witness” says that he saw US troops beating an injured man who had a beard like Zarqawi. Now there is an eye witness for you. Someone tell me if there are any Muslim terrorists who do not have a beard. In addition, do we really care if troops beat the hell out of him or any other terrorist? We did not want him alive any way, that is why we dropped 1000 pounds of bombs on him. I am glad he was killed and even happier that he lived long enough to see that it was the US that got him.
These Iraqi eye witnesses come out of the wood work when the US is involved in something but when a terrorist walks in and blows something up the survivors never saw anything. Want to know why? The US pays people for injustices and Iraq is based on a tribal system where injustices are compensated with cash or other items of value. America has money and every Iraqi is looking for a way to say he was wronged so he can cash in on the experience.
To the eye witness I say, big freaking deal. I don’t think our guys beat an injured man but if they did, good for them. These terrorists believe they should die in Jihad and go get their virgins so our fellows, if they did it, helped his sorry ass along. Come to think of it, they should be paying our guys for that.
Tags: Terrorism