Democrats Lose So Much, They Never Recognize Victory
Jun 8, 2006 Political
Leave it to the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. By now everyone knows that al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab Zarqawi was killed by the US. This is a big victory in the war on terror in Iraq. Most Iraqis are rejoicing and people around the world are happy that this terrorist is dead. Leave it to the moonbats to be sour about it:
Some Democrats, breaking ranks from their leadership, today said the death of terrorist leader Abu Musab Zarqawi in Iraq was a stunt to divert attention from an unpopular and hopeless war.
“This is just to cover Bush’s [rear] so he doesn’t have to answer” for Iraqi civilians being killed by the U.S. military and his own sagging poll numbers, said Rep. Pete Stark, California Democrat. “Iraq is still a mess — get out.”
Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio Democrat, said Zarqawi was a small part of “a growing anti-American insurgency” and that it’s time to get out.
OK, so we bombed a house that killed the second most wanted terrorist in the world and that will draw attention away from the war? Only in the land of the moonbats can such a big wartime action draw attention away from the war. Here Stark takes up the Murtha position that our military is guilty of something before the facts are in. What is one to expect from a cut and run (“Iraq is still a mess — get out.”) coward?
Kucinich is interesting. For a long time we have heard the left complain that the US could not get the al-Qaida leaders. Osama bin Laden is the tallest man in Afghanistan, how hard can he be to find. Zarqawi is the leader in Iraq and he makes us look bad. His presence shows how impotent the Bush administration is. Now, Kucinich tells us that Zarqawi was just a small part or the insurgency (terrorism). So how is it that when he was alive and lopping off heads, he was a bad man responsible for all the ills in Iraq but now that he is dead he is a small part?
This just shows that the Democrats have no clue when it comes to national security. They minimize everything because they hate the idea of an American win. They will do everything to help us lose. Remember folks, these are the same people who want you to vote for them because they say they are tough on national security. WMD, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis murdered by Hussein, lying to weapons inspectors, oil-for-food scandal, terrorist training camps, and a murderous regime. These are some of the things we confronted and are winning against and yet, the donks tell us we are there for the wrong reasons. Recently released documents show a tie between Hussein and al-Qaida and yet this is not enough reason to be there?
It is a free country and you can vote for whom you wish but if you vote to put people like these two lunk heads in office you get what you deserve.
Source: Washington Times
Nick Berg Made The Choice
Jun 8, 2006 Uncategorized
The father of Nick Berg, the man whose head was sawed off by a terrorist, most likely the now deceased Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is blaming George Bush for the death of his son. Nick Berg was a civilian who went to Iraq on his own to work and make money. Let us just get it out now, he went to Iraq for the high salaries paid to people working there. There is no Utopian idea of going there for free just to help the poor Iraqis. He went to make money.
George W. Bush did not send Berg to Iraq. George Bush did not hire him or put him on a plane and Bush did not put him in circumstances that led to his capture. Berg’s father however, blames it on the President. Mr. Berg is running for office as a Greenie and he has found a Cindy Sheehan platform on which to run. He blames the President and Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his son’s death. Nick Berg did not have any responsibility for his death because George Bush is to blame.
“I don’t think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq,” Berg said in a combative television interview with the U.S. Fox News network. “I think George Bush is.
“George Bush is the one that invaded this country, George Bush is the one that destabilized it so that Zarqawi could get in, so that Zarqawi had a need to get in, to defend his region of the country from American invaders.”
You see, Greenies suffer from BDS too. George Bush caused all the problems. Bush did not belong in Iraq so Zarqawi (who is not from Iraq) had to come in and fight for the Iraqis. The score in the fight ended up Bush 1 Zarqawi 0.
Nick’s dad has a right to be angry. To level his blame on people who were not there and for a death of a person that George Bush did not send there is just plain ignorant. Berg had a choice, unlike the men and women in uniform who are sent there, Berg made a choice to go. He and only he, is responsible for that decision.
Source: Reuters
Tags: Terrorism
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi DEAD!
Jun 8, 2006 Uncategorized
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq was killed along with seven others when a precision air strike took them out. News reports this morning indicate that the US received several tips pinpointing hi location. Then they dropped some big bombs on him and ended his miserable life.
There is no doubt that this man was a ruthless killer. He beheaded people and orchestrated bloody attacks throughout Iraq. The news of his death is welcomed and I hope he rots in hell. The only bad thing is that he probably did not suffer much.
His followers indicate they will press on with their campaign but one has to wonder how much longer they can function. The head was removed from the snake and it is not likely to be replaced. Zarqawi’s death is a very severe blow to al-Qaida who has been losing many of its top people as the US hones in on their locations, assisted by the locals who are no doubt tired of all the killing.
Let us thank God that this ruthless killer has been removed from the face of the Earth.
Source: My Way News
Tags: Terrorism
Canada Finds Terrorism At Home
Jun 4, 2006 Uncategorized
The news this weekend involved two busted terrorist plots. The police in the UK broke up a ring and shot a terrorist during the raid. Unfortunately, the terrorist lived. Now police in the UK are searching for a vest that could be used to deliver a nerve agent and kill a number of people. The other, more interesting story, involves the terrorist ring busted in Canada. This group from the religion of peace, had acquired three tons of explosive material and had plans to blow up several large structures in Toronto. One might understand the UK terrorist plot. After all, they supported the US in the war on terror. But Canada was against the war so why were they a target.
Initial reports indicate the would be bombers might not happy with the way Muslims around the world are treated so they wanted to show their displeasure. In any event, the usual suspects, namely the Imams and fellow Muslims, are out telling us what a great bunch of guys they are. Of course we have to hear how Muslims are being targeted just for being Muslims. It has nothing to do with the plan to kill people.
Canada finds itself in an interesting dilemma. They opposed the war and they, along with most every moonbat in the US, have told us time and again that the war on terror in Iraq has spawned new terrorists and that if we just left them alone there would be no problems. It is convenient for these people to forget that we were not bothering them during the past 20 years or so when they continually attacked US targets and killed our citizens. Canada now finds itself in a scary position. A plot was discovered in time to save them and yet they opposed the war. Why would the religion of peace target them? Perhaps they are beginning to understand that the Islamofascists want to control the world by converting everyone or killing them. This is their way of life and until the free world stands together and fights them they are going to continue to plan attacks, even on people who sympathize with their cause.
I wonder if Canada realizes that if it were not for the United States and our war on terror that plot might not have been discovered. If we had been complacent after 9/11 like we have in the past under stellar leaders like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, instead of coming within a pubic follicle of being hurt, the Canadians might have experienced their own version of 9/11.
People keep saying that the terrorists are planning to do something on the anniversary of the July bombings in London. I believe that they are less predictable and realize that the world will be on a heightened state of alert (like on every 9/11). The terrorists like to be symbolic and what more of a symbol that 6/6/06 (or 666) to attack. This would allow them to be the great Satan.
Tags: Terrorism
Three Piece Suit, Chemical Vest Included
Jun 3, 2006 Uncategorized
The police int he United Kingdom are searching for a vest that might contain chemical agent and could be used as an explosive device to disperse the agent. This search comes after the police raided a house where suspected terrorists are believed to have been making bombs and planning attacks, perhaps during the World Cup soccer matches next week. Given that police believe that this vest exists it is unsettling that it has not been found. A vest with chemical agents could caused a lot of injures in addition to those caused by the blast.
When I watch the Baltimore news at night and they report on some city teen getting shot (either by the police or by another teen) they always interview the neighbors of the dead guy. Without fail, the interviews paint a picture of a kid who had a perfect GPA, went to school every day, and helped little old ladies across the street. I don’t know how many times I heard “He was a good boy.” Then, of course, the police discuss the dead guy’s criminal record. It is usually thicker than War and Peace and explains why a “good boy” was out at 2 in the morning in a stolen car with drugs.
I relate that little story because every time we hear about some terrorist getting caught we invariably hear how good the person was. He was a pillar of the community, went to Mosque, worked hard, etc. Case in point, the terror suspect who was shot in the police raid in the UK was described as “friendly and very religious.” Those guys captured in Canada were also described as good people.
Folks, good people do not plan and execute schemes that are designed to kill a great number of people. Good people who are very religious do not spend their waking moments thinking about ways to do harm to others, unless of course those who tell us Islam is the religion of peace are now willing to dispense with that charade. Like the young kid gunned down in Baltimore, these people are criminals who do not know how to live in a society governed by morals and value for life.
Source: Reuters
Tags: Terrorism