SEIU; Economic Terrorists

Listen to the audio of former SEIU leader Steven Lerner as he discusses SEIU plans to take down the economic system in this country. This is nothing more than economic terrorism but I bet Eric Holder and his DOJ will ignore it as will the DHS.

Here are a few comments from the source:

  1. I am a faithful Beck Fan, what that means is that I listen and do my own investigation. I have never found that anything I have heard, seen or read from Glenn Beck to be false. The truth shall set you free. For the Love of God, all Americans should listen to this audio.A top SEIU leader is caught on tape admits that the SEIU is trying to bring down our banks so that Wall Street and the stock market will crash. This is about economic terrorism. After listening to this audio, you would have to finally believe that these big unions are about crashing our country.
  2. To me, this sounds like the ultimate goal of this group is to bring down the government of the United States. We have a word for that. It’s called TREASON and if they are convicted, one possible punishment is the death penalty.
  3. Steven Lerner makes a very interesting statement on this audio tape, I wonder how many people caught it? He talks about, “…putting a boot in the wheel” of the economic system. This is a blatant reference to French laborers who would jam shoes into machinery to stop/destroy equipment and bring a business to a screeching halt.

    In France the word for shoe is “Sabot” and this practice became known as….Sabotage.

    Mr. Lerner is well aware of this connection and he is clearly calling for the sabotage of our system.

    If they don’t control the entire system they will destroy it.

If you have not figured it out, these are the kind of criminals and thugs we are dealing with. There is one difference between those other countries where rioting and collapse caused people to cower and that difference is the patriots here who will not tolerate this kind of nonsense.

They want an economic war but they might get an entirely different kind…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Man Arrested for Possession of Firecrackers

Well, that could very well be the title of this article. But that wouldn’t be nearly as exciting, nor as inflammatory, so it isn’t. Instead, to help sell news and to attempt to divide people more, the article screams, “Man with Explosives” and “Outside Mosque.” That way it sounds really bad and can be used as evidence of hatred towards a protected, special class of people.

In reality, a man had some M-80s. For those who are too young to remember, these are inch and a half-long firecrackers. When they explode, they make a loud noise and flash. About the only way they can really do any serious damage is if you are holding them when they go off. They are just big firecrackers.

And the guy was arrested with some.

Oh, but wait! The guy has “a long history of anti-government activities,” according to the police. In other words, this guy was an enemy of the government, and government wanted him jailed, so they found a reason to jail him.

It is highly unlikely we will ever know why the man was at the Islamic center, as the press and the government isn’t big on telling the truth. But hey, it is Dearborn, Michigan, so I expect he may be charged with violations of Sharia law before this is all over.

Obama Still Blames Bush

The country elected an inexperienced Socialist to the White House and it is evident each and every day that this was a mistake. Obama is unable to accept responsibility for anything and points fingers outward all the time. Ironically, he was the one who criticized the companies involved in the oil spill for pointing fingers.

Obama’s favorite target is George Bush. When something goes wrong Obama is quick to point out that Bush did it and it is all his fault. Obama ignores his own fault and rewrites history every chance he gets. His latest take is that the Republicans were responsible for the economic problems despite the best effort of Democrats to keep the ship right. This smacks in the face of reality since it was Republicans who warned about problems with the financial sector and Democrats who said that things were fundamentally sound and that there were no problems.

Barney Frank is now rewriting history by saying he never called for home ownership for all and just wanted people to be able to rent homes. This is a blatant lie. He called for mortgages to be given to low income families. Mortgages, for the challenged, are what people take out when they buy a home, not rent one.

Obama is working on his plan for the upcoming election and that plan is to blame it all on Bush. Obama will try to pin the problems the country has faced over the last nearly two years on Bush even though he [Obama] had fool proof majorities in the House and Senate and failed to get much done. His party is responsible for the high unemployment and though he will try to spin that, the reality is unemployment is much higher than under Bush and is higher than Obama said it would be when the Democrats passed the now failed stimulus package.

Obama tried to pin things on Bush in Virginia and New Jersey and he lost both governors. He tried this tack with Massachusetts and lost a Senate seat held by Democrats for nearly five decades.

Obama got away with blaming Bush for problems right after he took office but at some point people have to look at things and decide that they are now Obama’s issues. That point has been crossed and people are no longer buying the blame Bush mentality. Well, except for the rabid base that thinks Bush is responsible for all the bad in the world.

The sane among us know differently. When the election rolls around the Democrats will have had control of Congress for nearly four years and the White House for nearly two. The Democrats were in charge when things went south and they took complete control and drove things deeper into the abyss. Their years of pandering to people and redistributive policies have caused problems for the economy and our society as a whole.

But Obama will ignore all of this and blame it all on Bush.

What do you expect from a man who claims that his regime thwarted several terrorist attacks when the reality is the attackers were too inept to detonate their devices. The only thing that saved people was blind luck. That is what happens when the most transparent regime fails to provide intelligence information in accordance with the law.

And luck is not proper mission planning.

Not to worry, he can blame that on Bush as well…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Blame The TEA Party For The Van Bomb

The evidence is mounting that the person who left a van with a poorly constructed bomb in Times Square had ties to the Middle East but that has not stopped people from trying to point the finger at TEA Party types who are fed up with big government. Mayor Bloomberg of New York City believes that the person who did this acted alone, one of the McVeigh types Bill Clinton discussed when he was painting the TEA Party movement as violent. In an interview with Perky Katie Couric, Moronic Mayor Bloomberg had this exchange:

Bloomberg later told CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric that the suspect behind the bombing attempt could be a domestic terrorist angry at the government who acted alone.

“If I had to guess 25 cents, this would be exactly that. Homegrown, or maybe a mentally deranged person, or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything,” he said. WCBSTV

Admittedly, he did say it could be anything but he specifically mentioned the types disgruntled with government and conveniently left out the possibility that it could be an act of terror from one of our enemies.

The left always tries to portray the TEA Party movement and the right wing as radical people who are prone to violence despite the fact that none of these people have participated in any violence. All of the violence has come from the left particularly by the thugs at SEIU and other unions.

This weekend the violence came from left wing Communist wanna be morons and those opposed to a crackdown on ILLEGAL immigration (all caps to differentiate from LEGAL immigration). The left wing loons broke windows and attacked the police. Anyone see this on the state run media news programs?

Perhaps we can help Bloomberg and point him in the right direction:

The News learned from sources that forensic evidence found in the Pathfinder points to the possibility that whoever prepared the car bomb has links to foreign terrorists. NY Daily News

An FBI-led terrorism task force has taken over the investigation of the failed car bombing in Times Square because of indications it was connected to international terrorism, a senior law enforcement source said Monday. Washington Post

I think anybody that has the type of material that they had in a car in Times Square, I would say that that was intended to terrorize, absolutely. Breitbart (video of Robert Gibbs who uttered the T word. Did he mean man made disaster?)

Sources tell CBS News the last registered owner of the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder – found in Times Square Saturday night – told authorities he recently sold the vehicle to a “Middle Eastern” or “Hispanic” looking man for $1,300 cash in $100 bills on Craigslist. CBS Evening News

Evidence is mounting that this was an attempt by one of our enemies with ties to the Middle East but that has not stopped the state run media from looking at the “homegrown” TEA Party “terror” group. This is how the left, in true Alinsky style, works to isolate the target.

These are the same morons who could not call Nadal Hasan a terrorist after he shouted Allah Akbar and went on a shooting spree that resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen people at Fort Hood. Obama called that isolated as they did with the underwear bomber.

But find a bomb in New York and the first people they look at are the peaceful patriots in this country.

The members of the TEA Party and those on the right are not going to set up bombs that would end up killing innocent people. This is the group of people who said that this was evil when the Middle Eastern terrorists did it on 9/11 unlike those on the left who tried to find excuses while discussing blow back and blaming America.

If the liberals spent as much time going after the real enemies of this country as they do going after those with whom they disagree politically then we would not have to worry about such attacks.

How is that diplomacy working out for you Barack?

How is that hope and change working for you liberals? Still think they hated us because Bush was president?

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Napolitano Has No Clue At All

There was a terrorist attack on an airline that was headed into Detroit from overseas. The attack did not go off as planned because of a faulty detonator and the result was a burned terrorist. Make no mistake, if the bomb had gone off it would have taken the plane down. Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary is clueless about what all this means:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says there is no indication that the man who attempted to destroy an airliner in Detroit on Christmas Day is part of a larger terrorist plot. Yahoo News

Well, it appears as if the bomber was helped out; “by al Qaeda leaders in Yemen who apparently sewed bomb materials into the suspect’s underwear…” [ABC]

Couple this with a report in the Sun UK that 25 British Muslims are involved in a plot to blow up airplanes and add to that the suspicious incident in an aircraft last month or so and I would say that this might be part of a larger terrorist plot. I would certainly say that there is at least that indication but the Secretary of Homeland Security does not see it that way.

No, this moron is too busy seeing people who served in the armed forces, those who oppose abortion, those who oppose what the government is doing and those who own guns as terrorists and part of a larger terrorist plot to be concerned with actual terrorism.

I am not the Secretary of Homeland Security but it seems to me that if al Qaeda was involved in this then it is part of a “larger terrorist plot.”

Then again, I have a clue and Napolitano is so lost she couldn’t find her rear if her hands were in her back pockets.

Perhaps this story of a “sharp dressed man” helping the terrorist on a plane even though he had no passport is a little more evidence that this was a coordinated effort and part of a larger terrorist plot.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama is on the case. He too is clueless in just about anything as evidenced by him being in Hawaii in a house that is worth millions of dollars on his vacation while the nation struggles with his 10% unemployment rate and his out of control deficit. Obama was notified about three hours after the alleged attack and is now on the case like Sherlock Holmes (maybe more like John Holmes considering what he is doing to the country). reports:

President Barack Obama has ordered a review of U.S. no-fly lists after a botched Christmas Day terror attack and demanded to know how a Nigerian man managed to board a Detroit-bound airliner wearing an explosive device.

Obama demanded to know how a Nigerian man boarded an airliner wearing an explosive device? I don’t know but it seems to me that this would be easier than a Kenyan hijacking the country and occupying the White House.

And yet Obama pulled that off…

Big Dog


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