What Intrusion On Our Rights Will This Cause?
Dec 15, 2010 Political
Iraqi authorities have captured some insurgents and they were interrogated, a process that revealed some interesting information. The insurgents claim that suicide bombings are planned against Europe and the United States. Christmas, a Christian holiday, seems to be the time of the year that Muslim terrorists want to kill people in the west.
The Iraqis have reported the information to the affected governments.
This is eerily similar to last year. Obama was in Hawaii on one of his many vacations when some Muslim tried to blow up a plane with explosives in his underwear. Obama is scheduled to go to Hawaii again this Christmas and we are again being threatened with bomb wielding terrorists. This has me quite concerned.
Not because of the potential for a terrorist attack. I am more likely to be killed in my car than killed by a terrorist. Don’t get me wrong, we need to have security to deter such things but if some terrorist is determined to do something bad, he will do it.
My concern is for our rights. Every time one of these jackass terrorists makes the government look bad more of our rights are infringed upon.
When the shoe bomber tried to blow up a plane with explosives in his shoes we had to start taking our shoes off at the airport. When terrorists tried to get liquid bomb ingredients into planes in bottles we were limited in the sizes and amounts of liquids we could carry on the plane and we are forced to get it out for inspection. When the aforementioned underwear bomber caused all that ruckus we ended up with the machines that scan our body and show us naked and/or intrusive pat downs that are sexual assaults.
The erosion of our rights is ongoing. The full body scans and groping are a violation of the Fourth Amendment but we are continually harassed because some terrorist made the government look bad.
This Christmas we are faced with another threat from the Muslim terrorists. What rights will be trampled on because of it?
I don’t know but I am praying that whatever they do it does not involve putting bombs in their rectums in order to sneak them in.
Can you imagine the checks we would have to go through at the airport if that were the case?
It would be bad because we have learned that the government refuses to use sensible methods to screen people and that they are concerned with violating our rights rather than actually doing something that would protect us.
Israel has the right idea. We should do what they do in order to prevent terrorist attacks.
Otherwise, our system will end up being a pain in the…
Well, you get the point.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: bombings, Christmas, muslim, nazis, terrorist, threats, tsa
Typical For The Left
Oct 1, 2010 Political
The propagandists of the left will use fear and threats to get what it wants. This video is an example of how they operate, do it our way or else (in this case you get blown up). No different than Obama saying we must act now to avoid this or that and we can’t wait or it will be real bad. No different, of course, except they blow people (including CHILDREN) up in the video.
This should not be surprising considering the threats made to those who do not buy into the whole global warming scam. They want to round us up and shoot us, tax us to death, and take away our stuff because they will use force to get what they want.
As an aside, I still have that challenge with James Cameron. He wants to meet the global warming deniers in the street and have a shoot out with them. I will be happy to oblige him and the offer remains open. I think he might get to eat a little more than his words…
How do you think it would be received if the video was of Congress and each time one of the members went against the wishes of the public he was blown up?
Then again…
And yes, I know it is a UK film but the climate change Nazis are all the same.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: environmental wackos, global warming, lies, propaganda, threats
The Politics Of Race And Deceit
Mar 27, 2010 Political
This past weekend thousands of Americans descended on Capitol Hill to oppose the health care takeover. They were peaceful and conducted themselves properly. There were, however, accusations of racial and homophobic slurs directed at certain players in the health care game.
Several black members locked arms and walked to the Capitol. It appeared as if they were trying to give the impression that this was like the Civil Rights fight where blacks walked arm in arm through a sea of white people on the way to the promised land. That is a false impression and the people there were not there because of anything that had to do with race.
Several of the black members then claimed to have been spit upon and called the N word. As Andrew Breitbart points out, no video and audio evidence of this has been presented and no one in the area turned their heads in the direction of the alleged slurs. One would think that shouting the N word would get some reaction.
It would appear as if the situation was fabricated. What? Honest politicians (an oxymoron) telling lies about what was said. Yes. The Democrats will say, do and allege anything in order to marginalize the TEA Party movement and others opposed to the health care takeover. Until some type of real evidence appears, this is a fabricated story.
Breitbart is offering $10,000 for such evidence. Since some folks in the group of black politicians walking arm in arm were filming, the evidence should be readily available.
After the vote took place and Obama signed the bill into law, some lawmakers received voice mails and emails laced with profanity. Only a few were what could be classified as threats. Most were people cussing out their elected officials. Given the pass potty mouth Joe Biden was given, no one should get in trouble if their only “offense” was using bad language. Those who communicated threats should be dealt with appropriately.
The funny thing, which Evan Coyne Maloney points out, is that the Democrats were the ones using such methods and openly called for them. It was the left that organized a bus trip to the homes of AIG employees to harass and threaten them for receiving bonuses. It was Obama who claimed to be the only one between them and pitchforks.
In the past, it was Obama who told his followers to get in “their faces” and that if they brought a knife he would bring a gun.
The left has used intimidation and threats to get its way and Obama has led the way in this effort. It is the Chicago way and Obama is a thug politician from Chicago.
Now these poor Democrats are crying because they have been cussed out.
Make no mistake. This is all part of a plan to marginalize the people opposed to the radical agenda of the left. This is pure Saul Alinsky and it is designed to ensure the left can continue to run roughshod over the country.
So here is some advice to the left. Buck up and put on a cup. Grow a set and man up a bit. So some people cussed at you, big deal. So people are threatening to run you out of office on a rail, big deal. Unless you have a real threat then crawl back under your rocks because we do not want to hear you whine about your employers exercising their First Amendment rights.
Folks, it is time to take the fight to them. Ignore their whining and ignore their games. They are trying to marginalize the opposition and they are trying to provoke us to violence so they can come down hard on us.
Don’t let the junior Alinskys have their way.
Fight back and fight back hard. Work to get them out of office.
Make the bastards pay.
Oops, was that a threat? Screw them if it was.
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: breitbart, lies, Obama, pitchforks, race baiting, threats
Al-Reuters Fails To Mention Iran’s Threats
Apr 15, 2009 Political
I will say one thing for Iran, the country has a lot of nerve. Iran complained to the UN about the threats from Israel and stated that these threats violated the UN Charter. The country wants action taken against the violent Zionist regime. Israel earlier indicated that it would attack Iran’s nuclear facilities if something was not done about them. Al-Reuters reported on the offended nation and its complaint.
In the entire al-Reuters article not one mention was made of all the threats that Iran has made against Israel. The whiny leaders of Iran are running around crying about threats from Israel when Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Al-Reuters did not see fit to mention this threat or any of the others made by the terrorist nation of Iran.
This should not surprise anyone because al-Reuters is an anti Semitic organization and their “news” always slants to favor anyone but Israel. So let me clear it up.
Shut up Iran. You have been threatening Israel for a very long time and your surrogates have been waging war against that country practically non stop. You are already attacking them by proxy. Just because al-Reuters does not see fit to mention your constant threats does not mean they never happened.
If I were Israel I would wipe you off the map and be done with it.
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Tags: cry babies, Iran, Israel, threats, un
Defense Cuts Will Lead To Disaster
Apr 1, 2009 Political
A Senate Democrat is warning of painful cuts in the Defense budget which should come as no surprise because Democrats love to cut Defense in order to funnel more money to social programs. We are fighting a war on two fronts (even if Democrats call it something else) and we are being threatened by scoundrels from around the world so now is definitely NOT the time to cut the Defense budget but cut they will.
This comes at a time when news reports indicate that China has developed a missile that is capable of destroying US Aircraft Carriers. The Chinese have not wasted time ramping up their military capabilities and they are certainly more of a threat now than they were in the past.
Now is not the time to cut Defense. There are wolves at the door and the guardians of freedom come from the people who depend on the Defense budget. In all reality, who else will defend us from the threats we face?
If you expect it to be Obama and his minions you are out of your mind.
It also won’t be those who benefit from increased spending on social programs. Unless, of course, we could make them serve in the military. That would allow them to earn money and actually give something back to this country.
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Tags: aircraft carrier, china, defense, missiles, threats