Welcome To The New Amerika, Chicago Style

It is well known that the Democrats and the ruling elite in this country desire Socialism and Communism for this great nation. In case you have not figured it out, this is what Obama meant when he talked about “fundamentally transforming” the United States. They are transforming it but they have hit a few bumps along the way.

One would think the Constitution would be a bump for them but it is not. They ignore it when it does not fit their agenda and act like they are the Founding Fathers when they can use it to get what they want. Case in point, Barack Obama said the Constitution was limiting and a set of negative liberties. He did not like the limitations placed on government. However, when he is discussing his pals putting a Mosque in New York he acts like he wrote the thing.

Obama brought Chicago style politics to DC and inspired his followers to intimidate voters as if they were in some third world country. He has even inspired Representative Melissa Bean of Illinois’ 8th Congressional District. We all know what troubles the Democrats had last August when they held Town Hall meetings. This is why they are holding so few of them this year. It is also why they are avoiding discussing Obamacare like the plague (and on direction from the White House). Bean had a huge thug at her latest event and that thug went around the room intimidating people. If people asked questions and were told to wait but continued then the thug was over them snarling and giving them a threatening look.

Here is the video:

It is important to keep in mind that Democrats also had SEIU thugs at last year’s Town Hall events and those thugs assaulted constituents. It is also important to note that the acts of violence at these things have come from the Democrats. No one on the right has started fights though some have defended themselves, and rightly so. I think there would have been a fight if I had been at Bean’s event. I think that 40 people at an event can be inspired to mob a threat and stomp it into goo.

This is what Amerika has become. Just like the Soviet Union of old and its tactics of intimidation, the Obama Socialist Party is determined to control the people by any means necessary.

If any of the Democrats out there actually have the courage to have Town Hall meetings then we can expect there will be more of these goons to control the people.

Don’t be intimidated by these people. If we let them control us we have lost and they know it.

Of course I would not be surprised if more of these thugs are on hand at the polling places in November. Remember, they will not be prosecuted for intimidating you so do what you have to in order to minimize the threat.

If you have to, make them a good Democrat…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Congressman Kratovil And The Big Lie

Frank Kratovil is a Democrat who rode the Obama wave and used left wing funding to win a traditionally Republican seat in Maryland’s First District. Kratovil champions himself a Blue Dog Democrat but he voted for the Cap and Trade bill and he is now pushing Obamacare. In other words, Kratovil is toeing the party line. To be fair, he did vote against some of the spending but on the biggest and most costly items, he is not the Blue Dog he claims to be.

Kratovil was at a town hall meeting where 250 people attended and he was pushing the party agenda for health care overhaul. Contrary to what Pelsoi and Hoyer (and the rest of the Democrats) claim about people who are at these things being un American and starting trouble, te crowd was behaved and allowed Kratovil to speak. The problem is, Kratovil is a liar.

I called his office ( I think it was the Friday that the House went into recess) and spoke to one of his staff. I expressed my dissatisfaction with the health care overhaul and told her that Kratovil should consider supporting less intrusive measures to improve on our system and that I would be happy to discuss them with him. I also informed her that Kratovil won by a very small margin (3000 votes)* and that he would be in trouble in the next election.

She told me that Congressman Kratovil had not made up his mind on the health care issue and that he was keeping an open mind and listening to people. Unfortunately, it appears that this was a brush off line used for those who oppose the plan. You see, Kratovil is now out supporting the plan. The Wall Street Journal article describing the meeting shows that krRATovil was there to support the measure. He did not have an open mind and he while he might have listened to all opinions, he certainly is not paying much attention to them.

While playing the Christian in the lions’ den is nobody’s idea of a good time, Mr. Kratovil took his ordeal in stride. He knew that he didn’t change anyone’s mind about supporting ObamaCare or other items on the agenda in Washington, but he did gain a few grudging admirers merely for facing the onslaught. “Listening to constituents is a big part of my job,” Mr. Kratovil told me. “This is part of the democratic process.”

Kratovil said that he did not change minds. Since many there opposed the plan it is fair to say that he was trying to get them to support it, something his staffer said he had not decided upon. Kratovil has a nice sound bite in saying it is his job to listen to constituents and this is true but he is not supposed to ignore them. He is also not supposed to have his staff lie to them when they call his office.

Kratovil got lucky in the last election. He had the popularity of Obama on his side and RINO Congressman Wayne Hilchrest endorsed him. Gilchrest lost the primary to a much better man in Andy Harris and then displayed sour grapes, and showed why he is a RINO, by endorsing Kratovil. This led to Gilchrest supporters voting for the Democrat.

The election of 2008 is behind us and now Kratovil has to deal with 2010 on his own. The people of Maryland’s First District know they were sold a bill of goods and that Kratovil is not a Blue Dog but a lap dog for Obama and the Democrat’s policies of failure.

I worked very hard to see Gilchrest defeated. If he had won I would have voted for Kratovil because if we were going to have a liberal in office we might as have a real one. Kratovil will be ripe for the picking in 2010 because the District is a conservative one and it knows it was had by a con artist.

I predict that Kratovil will be a one term member of Congress. I think Andy Harris will run again and if he does I believe he will thrash Kratovil in the general election. I could be wrong, (I was in the last election) but I don’t think so.

Right about now, most any Republican would

Mr. Kratovil, if you want to talk common sense about health care reform you can contact me via my contact form and I will help you out. But rest assured, the path you are taking will be your undoing.

That and the fact that your staffer lied to me about your position.

*I inadvertantly left a zero off the number. Kratovil won by 3000 votes.

Big Dog

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Out Of Control Town Hall Participants

The town hall meetings are getting out of control with people standing up, pointing fingers, shouting and accusing others of being insincere or part of a concerted effort to derail the process. This is not a description of the participants, those the liberals call AstroTurf mobs or swastika carrying bigots, not this is a description of a member of Congress.

Representative David Scott, a Georgia Democrat, singled out a person who asked a question about the health care bill at a town hall meeting and dressed the guy down. The politician claimed the person was an Astro Turf political operative and said that he represented the people of his district.

The problem is, the guy asking the question is a doctor who happens to live in Congressman Scott’s district.

The meeting was held to discuss a road project and was opened for questions at the end. Dr. Brian Hill stood to speak. After his question the stuff hit the fan:

Dr. Hill asked Mr. Scott why he was going to vote for a health care plan similar to that implemented in Massachusetts “that is shown not to work” and if he supported a government-provided health care insurance option.

The congressman replied by accusing the doctor of “hijacking” his event.

“I’m listening to my constituents, OK?” Scott said, “These are people who live in the 13th Congressional district, who vote in this district. That’s who I’ve got to respond to … So what you’ve got to understand, those of you who are here, who have taken and came and hijacked this event we dealing with here, this is not a health care event.”

“You chose to come and to do it on your own,” he yelled. “Not a single one of you had the decency to call my office and set up for a meeting.” He went on, in a threatening voice, “You want a meeting with me on health care, I’ll give it to you!” Washington Times

Dr. Hill was interviewed and said that he called the Congressman’s office on several occasions and asked if there were going to be any meetings to discuss health care. Dr. Hill was told that there would be no such meetings so he decided to go to the meeting that was taking place and ask his question.

Congressman Scott became irate and shouted at Dr. Hill and suggested that he was not a constituent. Scott claimed that Hill was an operative sent to disrupt the meeting. Scott then said that all people had to do was give the courtesy of a phone call and they would get an audience with him.

Dr. Hill gave Mr. Scott the courtesy of several phone calls. Mr. Scott did not extend the courtesy of an audience to discuss health care so in addition to making a jackass of himself, Scott outed himself as a liar. If he actually gave an audience to those who requested, Dr. Hill would not have found it necessary to ask his question in a forum dealing with a different matter.

The other issue is that Mr. Scott is an elected official who works FOR the people. His constituents do not work for him, he works for them. If one of them has a question, regardless of the forum, the Congressman is supposed to answer it or use civility in saying why he cannot. A much more appropriate answer would have been; “We are here to discuss a roads project. I understand the health care issue is an important one so I will have one of my staffers here get your contact information and my office will call you in a few days to arrange a meeting.”

Then again, Scott already made it clear he has no intention of answering health care questions. If he did his office would have responded appropriately to Dr. Hill when he called.

I bet Dr. Hill is one vote Scott will not get in 2010. Perhaps Hill can discuss this with the patients he sees and let them know their Congressman is not interested in how they feel or about their concerns.

Mr. Scott is an example of what is wrong with Congress. He needs to lose his job next year.

The Democratic game plan is to accuse those of asking about health care of being part of an organized mob sent by well financed groups with the sole purpose of derailing the process. The thought has not crossed their minds that people might actually be concerned about the issue.

Democrats are not use to having their tactics used against them (though they are not usually peaceful). The silent majority is silent no more.

Let’s vote them all out next year and start fresh.

Big Dog

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