It Did Not Take Long For The Gun Control Nuts

First of all let me state that I am heartbroken that people were murdered in Virginia. My thoughts and prayers go to the families of the reporter and cameraman who were murdered live on the air by a disgruntled former employee of their station.

The coward who did this ended his own life after a police chase. I only wish he had shot himself first.

The shooter was a black man who shot two white people. He was allegedly upset at being fired and claimed it was because of racism. So this moron decided to shoot two people and the liberal anti gun crowd is out blaming the gun once again. Here we have a liberal ideology that has told black people that they are the victims of racism, has allowed them to riot without punishment, has blamed everything on white privilege and then is amazed when one of them resorts to violence over perceived racism.

In any event, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is renewing his push for tougher gun laws. He claims that he ran on imposing tougher gun laws and he has proposed them twice but the VA Legislature will not do it. Terry claims that there are loopholes and people should have background checks blah, blah, blah.

The first thing we need to know is did the guy legally purchase the firearm he had. If he did then he almost certainly had a background check. If that is the case then nothing Terry wants would have stopped this. Did the guy get it illegally? If so, nothing Terry wants would have stopped it.

The incident is a tragedy but it was a premeditated crime by a guy hell bent on doing something bad. No law would have stopped him from hurting people if that is what he wanted to do. Laws against selling drugs or crossing our border ILLEGALLY, or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated do not keep people from doing those things.

People who have no regard for the law will not be affected by any new law. Only a moron would think otherwise.

But Terry is a liberal progressive slug who, as per the playbook, uses a tragedy to push an agenda. He is following B. Hussein Obama and the rest of the progs in order to push through gun control for one reason and one reason only.

To disarm Americans. That is the end game. They need us disarmed so they can control us because gun control is not about guns it is about control.

Please pray for the families affected by this senseless murder. They are what is important here.

People like Terry and the others are vultures who politicize these things while the bodies are still warm. They gleefully dance on the graves of those murdered in order to push for more control.

Keep in mind that they will always be armed or have armed guards. And also keep in mind that no law will keep bad people from doing bad things.

Any fool who believes otherwise is the same kind of moron who thinks a restraining order, a piece of paper, is protection.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


School Shootings Happen Because Of Gun Control

gun controlBefore I get to the main topic of this post let me start off by saying how heartbroken I am that so many people, particularly children, were murdered. It is beyond me how someone can be so evil and have such little regard for life. I will never understand why or how a person could harm children. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends affected by this senseless act of violence.

I knew it would not be long before the left started screaming about more gun control in light of the shootings today in Connecticut. The left does not like to let a crisis go to waste and by watching the reaction today it is easy to see they are in that mode right now. Micheal Moore says we need to take the guns away. Mayor Bloomberg says the same thing and the Baltimore Sun editorial says that maybe this will prompt Obama and the Democrats to get serious about gun control.

The Washington Post says that if roads were crumbling and drivers being killed we would act to repair the roads but with guns we do not fix the problem. The Post’s idea of fixing the problem is to ban guns. Yes, they want to punish everyone who had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting by taking away their guns. But the guns are not the problem. You see, in order to apply the same logic the Post uses to cure guns to its roads analogy we would not repair the roads, we would ban driving.

The absence of guns will not prevent guns from being used to murder nor will it keep people from being injured, even in schools. In China the people are not allowed to own guns and millions are murdered by them each year at the hands of their government, the only people who have the guns. And on this day we are shocked to see 20 children murdered with a gun a person in China went into a school and cut up a bunch of people with a knife.

You see, evil exists in this world and there is no way to prevent evil people from doing evil things. Gun control will not now or ever stop people who desire to obtain and use a gun from doing so. Criminals use guns all the time. look how easily criminals sneak people and drugs into this country and you can see how easy it is to sneak guns in. In fact, our government sneaked a bunch of them into Mexico and over 300 Mexicans were murdered with them. Certain drugs are illegal in this country and yet people use them everyday.

In other words, criminals do not obey the law and as long as there is a market for something it will be provided by enterprising people. Prohibition did not stop people from drinking and it did not stop the criminal element from getting the booze into the country. The fact of the matter is that you simply cannot stop people from doing what they want to do by passing a law.

In fact, gun control was in full effect at the school. It is a violation of federal law to have a gun at a school:

Title 18 U.S.C. §922(q) known as “The Federal Gun Free School Zones Act” is a federal law, currently in effect, which makes it illegal for an armed citizen to be within a “school zone” as defined by Title 18 U.S.C. §921(25). These “school zones” include, but are not limited to any public parks, fairgrounds, sidewalks, roads, and highways which are within 1000 feet of the property line of any public or private elementary, middle, or high school in our nation. Source

So tell me, if gun control works (laws banning guns) and guns are banned at schools, how did this guy walk into a school with a gun and shoot people? Clearly the point I made about criminals not obeying the law was demonstrated. This guy did not obey the law and even if the ban was for the entire country and all guns were banned he would still find a way to get one or he would have murdered people by some other means.

Laws and signs do not stop people from committing crimes. We have speed limits and people drive too fast. We have laws against drinking and driving and people drink and drive. We have laws against abusing children or having sex with minors and yet people still do that. If people obeyed the law then all we would have to do is pass laws. We would not need the police to enforce the laws or judges to preside over cases involving alleged lawbreaking because people would be obeying the law. The reality is that bad people do not obey the law and with regard to guns these bad people prey on those who are not allowed to have guns.

[note]The theater in Colorado where people were murdered had signs that made it clear firearms were NOT allowed on the premises. How come the shooter took a gun in when he was not allowed?[/note]

Does anyone think a criminal really cares if it is illegal for him to carry or use a gun? Obviously the guy who committed the murders today did not care because he entered a gun free school zone with a gun.

In Israel the teachers are armed in order to protect the students. How many would be criminals would think twice before attacking a school if it was well known that teachers (or others) were armed. Gun free school zones are open invitations to evil people. It is an advertisement that says “hey, there are no guns here so if you want to cause mayhem come on in.”

If guns are so dangerous how come there are never mass shootings at gun shows? In fact, does anyone think a criminal would try to rob a gun show or commit mass murder at one? Why do you suppose that is?

I suspect there will be renewed calls for more gun control despite the fact that these murders took place in an area governed by federal gun control. The left will not let the crisis go to waste.

Loss of life is tragic and the loss of the lives of children is particularly so but the sad truth is that evil exists and punishing every gun owner for something they did not do will not stop these kinds of things.

We do not allow guns in schools so criminals bring guns in.

More importantly, we do not allow God in schools so evil walks in to fill the void.

May God bless the souls of those children who were murdered and may he comfort the families of those who lost loved ones and of those left behind, forever scarred by senseless violence.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will This Be Another Trayvon Case?

The facts are not completely established in the Trayvon Martin shooting but the ones that have been produced clearly show that the uproar and race baiting that has taken place was unwarranted. It appears as if George Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. Was Zimmerman partly responsible for what happened? Possibly so and that is why the legal system needs to be left alone to investigate and establish. What is not needed is a lot of hype, a lot of threats, and instigation, all of which have taken place from the race hustlers on the left and the militant, racist New Black Pansy Party.

In Birmingham a young black boy (13 years old) was shot and killed last Friday. The boy, Ja’Quares Cortez Walker (known as Little Tez), had his shirt wrapped around his head like a bandana and had a loaded and cocked firearm. He approached a car and ordered the driver to get out. The driver pulled a gun and shot and killed Little Tez.

Will this shooting result in the race hustlers amassing in Birmingham and calling for justice? Will this result in calls for more gun control and will the anti gun crowd call for an end to stand your ground policies?

A lot of this will depend on the race of the shooter as the hustlers only react when they can gain traction out of making things a race issue.

Other questions we need to ask are will members of Congress wrap their shirts around their heads like bandanas? Will members of the Congressional Black Caucus stand on the floor of the House and wear their shirts in this fashion? Will the race hustlers start wearing their shirts in this fashion like they did with the Trayvon hoodies?

The death of this young fellow is tragic. One wonders what kind of life he was living in order to commit an armed robbery at the age of 13. Who was he trying to impress and what was he trying to accomplish? Where were the positive adult influences in his life (or did any exist)?

While it is tragic that he was killed it would have been even more tragic had he murdered someone while committing his criminal act.

It is too late for him to learn because this lesson cost him his life. I can only hope that others will see this and decide that crime is not the way to go. Perhaps it will cause parents to look at their children and guide them in the right direction.

But that can’t happen if the race hustlers blame everyone else but the criminal and ramp up their manufactured race issues.

In other words, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NBPP, stay the hell home.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
